void DebugFormClass::update(Genie &genie){ //BMS if (channelsBuffer.isValueUpdated(CanID::BMS_STATUS)){ updateString(genie, BMS_STATUS_STRING, channelsBuffer.getValueAsString(CanID::BMS_STATUS)); } else{ updateString(genie, BMS_STATUS_STRING, F("---")); } updateWidget(genie, GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, BATTERY_V_DIGITS, channelsBuffer.getValueAs<float>(CanID::PACK_VOLTAGE, 0) * 100.0); byte cell; for (int i = 0; i < CELLS_BARS_NUM; i++){ cell = channelsBuffer.getValueAs<float>(CanID::BATTERY_CELL_0 + i, 0) / CELLS_MAX_VOLT * 100.0; updateWidget(genie, GENIE_OBJ_SPECTRUM, CELLS_BARS, ((i << 8) | cell)); } //Driver byte map = channelsBuffer.getValueAs<byte>(CanID::MOTOR_MAP, INVALID_MAP); if (map != INVALID_MAP){ updateWidget(genie, GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, DRIVER_MAP_DIGIT, map); } else{ Log.e(MAPSEL_TAG) << F("Current map is invalid") << Endl; } }
WordCounts::WordCounts(QWidget* parent) : QScrollArea(parent), m_show_max(false) { setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Mid); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); QWidget* contents = new QWidget(this); setWidget(contents); setWidgetResizable(true); QLabel* label = new QLabel(QString("<small><b>%1<br>%2</b></small>").arg(tr("Letters:"), tr("Found:")), contents); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(contents); layout->setSpacing(12); layout->addWidget(label); for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { Group group; group.length = i; group.count = 0; group.max = 0; group.label = new QLabel(contents); group.label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); group.label->setVisible(false); layout->addWidget(group.label); m_groups.append(group); } layout->addStretch(); updateString(); setMinimumHeight(contents->sizeHint().height() + horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()); }
// time label GameTimeLabel::GameTimeLabel(int _min, int _sec) { switch(Settings::getInstance()->theme) { case SettingsThemeHacker: fontName = std::string("FontCourierNew16"); font = IGResourceManager::getInstance()->getFont(fontName); set(IGPoint(240,15), IGRect(180,30)); setColor(107,247,100,255); break; case SettingsThemeDetective: fontName = std::string("FontCourierNew14"); font = IGResourceManager::getInstance()->getFont(fontName); set(IGPoint(400,15), IGRect(100,30)); setColor(0,0,0,196); break; case SettingsThemeEspionage: fontName = std::string("FontCourierNew18"); font = IGResourceManager::getInstance()->getFont(fontName); set(IGPoint(290,18), IGRect(120,24)); setColor(72,72,72,196); break; } z = 2; tag = SceneGameTagTimeLabel; // time min = _min; sec = _sec; updateString(); // start start = s3eTimerGetMs(); stop = false; }
void WordCounts::findWord(const QString& word) { Q_ASSERT(word.length() < 26); Group& group = m_groups[word.length()]; group.count++; updateString(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Size FormattedListboxTextItem::getPixelSize(void) const { if (!d_owner) return Size(0, 0); updateString(); return Size(d_formattedRenderedString->getHorizontalExtent(), d_formattedRenderedString->getVerticalExtent()); }
void VectorProperty::updateFromChildren() { if( !ignore_child_updates_ ) { vector_.x = x_->getValue().toFloat(); vector_.y = y_->getValue().toFloat(); vector_.z = z_->getValue().toFloat(); updateString(); Q_EMIT changed(); } }
void UIRichTextArea::update(const std::string& name,const std::string& content) { for (CONTENTS_ITER iter = _contents.begin(); iter != _contents.end();++iter) { if (iter->name == name) { iter->content = content; } } updateString(true); }
void QuaternionProperty::updateFromChildren() { if( !ignore_child_updates_ ) { quaternion_.x = x_->getValue().toFloat(); quaternion_.y = y_->getValue().toFloat(); quaternion_.z = z_->getValue().toFloat(); quaternion_.w = w_->getValue().toFloat(); updateString(); Q_EMIT changed(); } }
void GameTimeLabel::update() { if(stop) return; if(s3eTimerGetMs() - start >= 1000) { start = s3eTimerGetMs(); sec++; if(sec == 60) { sec = 0; min++; } updateString(); } }
ParameterGroupDataPrivate::~ParameterGroupDataPrivate( ) { for ( ParameterGroupSpec::iterator it = getParameterGroupSpec()->beginParameterSpecs() ; it != getParameterGroupSpec()->endParameterSpecs() ; ++it ) { if ( isParameterPointer( it->first ) ) { size_t arraySize = std::max( 1u, it->first.getArraySize() ); for ( size_t index = 0; index < arraySize; ++index ) { updateString( it, index, nullptr ); } } } }
void WordCounts::setWords(const QStringList& words) { for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { Group& group = m_groups[i]; group.count = 0; group.max = 0; } for (const QString& word : words) { Q_ASSERT(word.length() < 26); Group& group = m_groups[word.length()]; group.max++; } updateString(); }
int FloatBinding::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = DataBinding::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: updateInt((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: updateString((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: intChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: stringChanged((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 4; } return _id; }
bool QuaternionProperty::setQuaternion( const Ogre::Quaternion& new_quaternion ) { if( new_quaternion != quaternion_ ) { Q_EMIT aboutToChange(); quaternion_ = new_quaternion; ignore_child_updates_ = true; x_->setValue( quaternion_.x ); y_->setValue( quaternion_.y ); z_->setValue( quaternion_.z ); w_->setValue( quaternion_.w ); ignore_child_updates_ = false; updateString(); Q_EMIT changed(); return true; } return false; }
void Ut_MInputContext::testUpdatePreedit() { WidgetStub widget(0); QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; QInputMethodEvent event; QString updateString("preedit string"); //test preedit with traditional style m_subject->setFocusWidget(&widget); gFocusedWidget = &widget; QList<MInputMethod::PreeditTextFormat> preeditFormats; MInputMethod::PreeditTextFormat preeditFormat(0, updateString.length(), MInputMethod::PreeditDefault); preeditFormats << preeditFormat; m_subject->updatePreedit(updateString, preeditFormats, -1); waitAndProcessEvents(0); QCOMPARE(widget.inputMethodEventCount(), 1); event = widget.lastInputMethodEvent(); QVERIFY(event.preeditString() == updateString); QVERIFY(event.commitString() == ""); attributes = event.attributes(); QVERIFY(attributes.count() > 0); //test preedit with alternate style preeditFormats.clear(); preeditFormat.start = 0; preeditFormat.length = updateString.length(); preeditFormat.preeditFace = MInputMethod::PreeditNoCandidates; preeditFormats << preeditFormat; m_subject->updatePreedit(updateString, preeditFormats, -1); waitAndProcessEvents(50); QCOMPARE(widget.inputMethodEventCount(), 2); event = widget.lastInputMethodEvent(); QVERIFY(event.preeditString() == updateString); QVERIFY(event.commitString() == ""); attributes = event.attributes(); QVERIFY(attributes.count() > 0); gFocusedWidget = 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// void FormattedListboxTextItem::draw(GeometryBuffer& buffer, const Rect& targetRect, float alpha, const Rect* clipper) const { updateString(); // draw selection imagery if (d_selected && d_selectBrush != 0) d_selectBrush->draw(buffer, targetRect, clipper, getModulateAlphaColourRect(d_selectCols, alpha)); // factor the window alpha into our colours. const ColourRect final_colours( getModulateAlphaColourRect(ColourRect(0xFFFFFFFF), alpha)); // draw the formatted text d_formattedRenderedString->draw(buffer, targetRect.getPosition(), &final_colours, clipper); }
void ParameterGroupDataPrivate::setParameter( dp::fx::ParameterGroupSpec::iterator it, const void * value ) { DP_ASSERT( it != m_parameterGroupSpec->endParameterSpecs() ); if ( isParameterPointer( it->first ) ) { DP_ASSERT( it->first.getArraySize() == 0 ); updateString( it, 0, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value) ); } else { unsigned int elementSize = it->first.getElementSizeInBytes(); const char * charValue = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(value); unsigned int count = std::max( dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(it->first.getArraySize()), (unsigned int)(1) ); for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<count ; i++ ) { updateValue( it, i, charValue ); charValue += elementSize; } } }
QuaternionProperty::QuaternionProperty( const QString& name, const Ogre::Quaternion& default_value, const QString& description, Property* parent, const char *changed_slot, QObject* receiver ) : Property( name, QVariant(), description, parent, changed_slot, receiver ) , quaternion_( default_value ) , ignore_child_updates_( false ) { x_ = new Property( "X", quaternion_.x, "X coordinate", this ); y_ = new Property( "Y", quaternion_.y, "Y coordinate", this ); z_ = new Property( "Z", quaternion_.z, "Z coordinate", this ); w_ = new Property( "W", quaternion_.w, "W coordinate", this ); updateString(); connect( x_, SIGNAL( aboutToChange() ), this, SLOT( emitAboutToChange() )); connect( y_, SIGNAL( aboutToChange() ), this, SLOT( emitAboutToChange() )); connect( z_, SIGNAL( aboutToChange() ), this, SLOT( emitAboutToChange() )); connect( w_, SIGNAL( aboutToChange() ), this, SLOT( emitAboutToChange() )); connect( x_, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( updateFromChildren() )); connect( y_, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( updateFromChildren() )); connect( z_, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( updateFromChildren() )); connect( w_, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( updateFromChildren() )); }
void PropertyManager::updateGrid(wxPropertyGridManager *pg, nau::AttribSet &attribs, AttributeValues *attribVal) { std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Attribute>> & attributes = attribs.getAttributes(); pg->ClearSelection(); for (auto &attrib : attributes) { std::unique_ptr<Attribute> &a = attrib.second; switch (a->getType()) { case Enums::ENUM: updateEnum(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPrope((AttributeValues::EnumProperty)a->getId())); break; case Enums::BOOL: updateBool(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropb((AttributeValues::BoolProperty)a->getId())); break; case Enums::BVEC4: updateBVec4(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropb4((AttributeValues::Bool4Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::INT: updateInt(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropi((AttributeValues::IntProperty)a->getId())); break; case Enums::IVEC3: updateIVec3(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropi3((AttributeValues::Int3Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::UINT: updateInt(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropui((AttributeValues::UIntProperty)a->getId())); break; case Enums::UIVEC2: updateUIVec2(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropui2((AttributeValues::UInt2Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::UIVEC3: updateUIVec3(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropui3((AttributeValues::UInt3Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::FLOAT: updateFloat(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropf((AttributeValues::FloatProperty)a->getId())); break; case Enums::VEC2: updateVec2(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropf2((AttributeValues::Float2Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::VEC3: updateVec3(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropf3((AttributeValues::Float3Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::VEC4: if (a->getSemantics() == Attribute::Semantics::COLOR) updateVec4Color(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropf4((AttributeValues::Float4Property)a->getId())); else updateVec4(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropf4((AttributeValues::Float4Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::MAT3: updateMat3(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropm3((AttributeValues::Mat3Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::MAT4: updateMat4(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getPropm4((AttributeValues::Mat4Property)a->getId())); break; case Enums::STRING: updateString(pg, a->getName(), attribVal->getProps((AttributeValues::StringProperty)a->getId())); break; default: assert(false && "Missing datatype in property manager"); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf(" \n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" \n"); int i = 0; printf("initial value = %d\n", i); update(&i); printf("final value = %d\n", i); printf(" \n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" \n"); PAIR pair = { 0, 0 }; printf("initial pair value = { %d, %d }\n", pair.x, pair.y); updatePair(&pair); printf("final pair value = { %d, %d }\n", pair.x, pair.y); printf(" \n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" \n"); int aInt[5]; memset(&aInt, 0, sizeof(aInt)); printf("initial 1st element of array = %d\n", aInt[0]); printf("initial 5th element of array = %d\n", aInt[4]); updateArray(aInt); // aInt is of type int *, therefore I should pass aInt itself, not the reference printf("final 1st element of array = %d\n", aInt[0]); printf("final 5th element of array = %d\n", aInt[4]); printf(" \n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" \n"); char *str = "initial string"; printf("initial str = %s\n", str); updateString(&str); printf("final str = %s\n", str); printf(" \n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" \n"); int nbrPairs = 5; PAIR aPairs[nbrPairs]; memset(&aPairs, 0, sizeof(aPairs)); printf("aPairs[1].x = %d\n", aPairs[1].x); updateArrOfStructs(aPairs); printf("aPairs[1].x = %d\n", aPairs[1].x); printf(" \n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" \n"); int *aEntries, numEntries = 0; updateDynamicArray(&aEntries, &numEntries); if (numEntries != 0) { printf("got %d entries\n", numEntries); int j; for (j = 0; j < numEntries; j++) printf("aEntries[%d] = %d\n", j, aEntries[j]); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void WordCounts::setMaximumsVisible(bool visible) { m_show_max = visible; updateString(); }
InputStrList::InputStrList( const QString & label, QWidget *parent, QStrList &sl, ListMode lm) : QWidget(parent), strList(sl) { QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this, 2, 2, 5 ); lab = new QLabel( label, this ); lab->setMinimumSize( lab->sizeHint() ); layout->addWidget( lab,0,0 ); QWidget *dw = new QWidget(this); /* dummy widget used for layouting */ QHBoxLayout *boxlayout = new QHBoxLayout( dw, 0, 5 ); le = new QLineEdit( dw ); le->setMinimumSize( le->sizeHint() ); boxlayout->addWidget( le, 1 ); add = new QPushButton( dw ); //add->setPixmap( QPixmap( add_xpm )); add->setText( "+" ); add->setMinimumSize( add->sizeHint() ); QToolTip::add(add,"Add item"); boxlayout->addWidget( add ); del = new QPushButton( dw ); //del->setPixmap( QPixmap( del_xpm )); del->setText( "-" ); del->setMinimumSize( del->sizeHint() ); QToolTip::add(del,"Delete selected item"); boxlayout->addWidget( del ); upd = new QPushButton( dw ); //upd->setPixmap( QPixmap( update_xpm )); upd->setText( "*" ); upd->setMinimumSize( upd->sizeHint() ); QToolTip::add(upd,"Update selected item"); boxlayout->addWidget( upd ); lb = new QListBox( this ); lb->setMinimumSize(400,100); init(); lb->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); lb->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); brFile=0; brDir=0; if (lm!=ListString) { if (lm&ListFile) { brFile = new QPushButton(dw); //brFile->setPixmap( QPixmap(file_xpm) ); brFile->setText("Select..."); brFile->setMinimumSize(brFile->sizeHint()); QToolTip::add(brFile,"Browse to a file"); boxlayout->addWidget( brFile ); } if (lm&ListDir) { brDir = new QPushButton(dw); //brDir->setPixmap( QPixmap(folder_xpm) ); brDir->setText("Select..."); brDir->setMinimumSize(brDir->sizeHint()); QToolTip::add(brDir,"Browse to a folder"); boxlayout->addWidget( brDir ); } } layout->addWidget( dw, 0,1 ); layout->addWidget( lb,1,1 ); layout->activate(); setMinimumSize( sizeHint() ); connect(le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(addString()) ); connect(add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addString()) ); connect(del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(delString()) ); connect(upd, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateString()) ); if (brFile) { connect(brFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browseFiles())); } if (brDir) { connect(brDir, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browseDir())); } connect(lb, SIGNAL(selected(const QString &)), this, SLOT(selectText(const QString &))); }
InputStrList::InputStrList( QGridLayout *layout,int &row, const QString & id, const QStringList &sl, ListMode lm, const QString & docs) : m_default(sl), m_strList(sl), m_docs(docs), m_id(id) { m_lab = new HelpLabel( id ); m_le = new QLineEdit; m_le->clear(); QToolBar *toolBar = new QToolBar; toolBar->setIconSize(QSize(24,24)); m_add = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/add.png")),QString(), this,SLOT(addString())); m_add->setToolTip(tr("Add item")); m_del = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/del.png")),QString(), this,SLOT(delString())); m_del->setToolTip(tr("Delete selected item")); m_upd = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/refresh.png")),QString(), this,SLOT(updateString())); m_upd->setToolTip(tr("Update selected item")); m_lb = new QListWidget; //m_lb->setMinimumSize(400,100); foreach (QString s, m_strList) m_lb->addItem(s); m_brFile=0; m_brDir=0; if (lm!=ListString) { if (lm&ListFile) { m_brFile = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/file.png")),QString(), this,SLOT(browseFiles())); m_brFile->setToolTip(tr("Browse to a file")); } if (lm&ListDir) { m_brDir = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/folder.png")),QString(), this,SLOT(browseDir())); m_brDir->setToolTip(tr("Browse to a folder")); } } QHBoxLayout *rowLayout = new QHBoxLayout; rowLayout->addWidget( m_le ); rowLayout->addWidget( toolBar ); layout->addWidget( m_lab, row,0 ); layout->addLayout( rowLayout, row,1,1,2 ); layout->addWidget( m_lb, row+1,1,1,2 ); row+=2; m_value = m_strList; connect(m_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(addString()) ); connect(m_lb, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(selectText(const QString &))); connect( m_lab, SIGNAL(enter()), SLOT(help()) ); connect( m_lab, SIGNAL(reset()), SLOT(reset()) ); }
LRESULT StringEditorWindow::Command(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch ( HIWORD(wParam) ) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: if ( LOWORD(wParam) == LB_STRINGS ) // Change selection, update info boxes and so fourth { if ( currSelString != 0 ) updateString(currSelString); currSelString = 0; listUsage.ClearItems(); int lbIndex; if ( listStrings.GetCurSel(lbIndex) ) { ChkdString str; if ( listStrings.GetItemData(lbIndex, currSelString) && chkd.maps.curr != nullptr && chkd.maps.curr->GetString(str, currSelString) && str.length() > 0 ) { editString.SetText(str.c_str()); u32 locs, trigs, briefs, props, forces, wavs, units, switches; chkd.maps.curr->getStringUse(currSelString, locs, trigs, briefs, props, forces, wavs, units, switches); addUseItem("Locations", locs); addUseItem("Triggers", trigs); addUseItem("Briefing Triggers", briefs); addUseItem("Map Properties", props); addUseItem("Forces", forces); addUseItem("WAVs", wavs); addUseItem("Units", units); addUseItem("Switches", switches); chkd.mapSettingsWindow.SetTitle((std::string("Map Settings - [String #") + std::to_string(currSelString) + ']').c_str()); } else chkd.mapSettingsWindow.SetTitle("Map Settings"); return 0; } else chkd.mapSettingsWindow.SetTitle("Map Settings"); editString.SetText(""); } break; case LBN_KILLFOCUS: // String list box item may have lost focus, check if string should be updated if ( LOWORD(wParam) == LB_STRINGS && currSelString != 0 && updateString(currSelString) ) chkd.maps.curr->refreshScenario(); break; case EN_KILLFOCUS: // String edit box may have lost focus, check if string should be updated if ( LOWORD(wParam) == EDIT_STRING && currSelString != 0 && updateString(currSelString) ) chkd.maps.curr->refreshScenario(); break; case BN_CLICKED: if ( LOWORD(wParam) == DELETE_STRING && MessageBox(hWnd, "Forcefully deleting a string could cause problems, continue?", "Warning", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES && chkd.maps.curr != nullptr && currSelString != 0 && chkd.maps.curr->stringExists(currSelString) ) { chkd.maps.curr->forceDeleteString(currSelString); chkd.maps.curr->refreshScenario(); } else if ( LOWORD(wParam) == SAVE_TO && chkd.maps.curr != nullptr ) saveStrings(); break; } return 0; }
LRESULT StringEditorWindow::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_SHOWWINDOW: if ( wParam == TRUE ) RefreshWindow(); else if ( wParam == FALSE ) updateString(currSelString); break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: listStrings.SetTopIndex(listStrings.GetTopIndex()-(int((s16(HIWORD(wParam)))/WHEEL_DELTA))); break; case WM_PREMEASUREITEMS: // Measuring is time sensative, load necessary items for measuring all strings once stringListDC = listStrings.getDC(); break; case WM_MEASUREITEM: { MEASUREITEMSTRUCT* mis = (MEASUREITEMSTRUCT*)lParam; RawString str; if ( chkd.maps.curr->GetString(str, mis->itemData) && str.size() > 0 && GetStringDrawSize(stringListDC, mis->itemWidth, mis->itemHeight, str) ) { mis->itemWidth += 5; mis->itemHeight += 2; } return TRUE; } break; case WM_POSTMEASUREITEMS: // Release items loaded for measurement listStrings.ReleaseDC(stringListDC); stringListDC = NULL; break; case WM_PREDRAWITEMS: break; case WM_DRAWITEM: { PDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis = (PDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; bool isSelected = ((pdis->itemState&ODS_SELECTED) == ODS_SELECTED), drawSelection = ((pdis->itemAction&ODA_SELECT) == ODA_SELECT), drawEntire = ((pdis->itemAction&ODA_DRAWENTIRE) == ODA_DRAWENTIRE); if ( pdis->itemID != -1 && ( drawSelection || drawEntire ) ) { RawString str; if ( chkd.maps.curr != nullptr && chkd.maps.curr->GetString(str, pdis->itemData) && str.size() > 0 ) { HBRUSH hBackground = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 0)); // Same color as in WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX if ( hBackground != NULL ) { FillRect(pdis->hDC, &pdis->rcItem, hBackground); // Draw far background DeleteObject(hBackground); hBackground = NULL; } SetBkMode(pdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT); DrawString(pdis->hDC, pdis->rcItem.left+3, pdis->rcItem.top+1, pdis->rcItem.right-pdis->rcItem.left, RGB(16, 252, 24), str); } if ( isSelected ) DrawFocusRect(pdis->hDC, &pdis->rcItem); } return TRUE; } break; case WM_POSTDRAWITEMS: break; default: return ClassWindow::WndProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } return 0; }
void textInputRenderComponent::recieveMessage(msgType code) { if(code.compare("UPDATEPROMPT") == 0){ updateString("> "); } }
int updateText(const char* context, const char* key, const char* value=NULL, time_t expiration=0, int version=0) { return updateString(context, key, value, expiration, version); }