void server_loop(int fd) { struct timeval snaptime = { 0 }; struct pollfd p; p.fd = fd; p.events = p.revents = POLLIN; sprintf(info_source, "%d.%lu sampling_interval=%d time_const=%d", getpid(), (unsigned long)random(), scan_interval/1000, time_constant/1000); load_info(); for (;;) { int status; int tdiff; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); tdiff = T_DIFF(now, snaptime); if (tdiff >= scan_interval) { update_db(tdiff); snaptime = now; tdiff = 0; } if (poll(&p, 1, tdiff + scan_interval) > 0 && (p.revents&POLLIN)) { int clnt = accept(fd, NULL, NULL); if (clnt >= 0) { pid_t pid; if (children >= 5) { close(clnt); } else if ((pid = fork()) != 0) { if (pid>0) children++; close(clnt); } else { FILE *fp = fdopen(clnt, "w"); if (fp) { if (tdiff > 0) update_db(tdiff); dump_raw_db(fp, 0); } exit(0); } } } while (children && waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG) > 0) children--; } }
/** * Main entry. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { autofree(GError) *error = NULL; autofree(GOptionContext) *context = NULL; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; LIBXML_TEST_VERSION context = g_option_context_new(" - cve update"); g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, _entries, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error)) { g_printerr("Invalid options: %s\n", error->message); goto end; } if (_show_version) { show_version(); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; } if (update_db(_quiet)) { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to update database\n"); } end: xmlCleanupParser(); return ret; }
/* * 用于将编译运行后的结果反馈到数据库中,注意从相应文件中读取反馈时, * 文件内容中不能有单引号 */ void update_ret_to_db() { char *buf; char sql[LONG_SQL_LEN] = {0}; int ret, fz; buf = readfile(CE_OUT, &fz); if (fz) { snprintf(sql,LONG_SQL_LEN, "update code set ce_result='%s' \ where code_id='%s'", buf, code_id); free(buf); update_db(sql); } else {
int update_tree(int index,struct yyy *d,int st) { int i,j,start; if(index>no*no) { printf("Invalid Index\n"); return 0; } v=root; i=0; while(v->index[i]<index) { if(i==no) break; // printf("%d %d\n",v->index[i],i); i++; // sleep(1); } if(v->index[i]!=index) { i--; } v=v->ad[i]; if(v->data[index%no]->st==1) { v->data[index%no]=malloc(sizeof(struct data)); //Data assignment............ v->data[index%no]->roll=d->roll; v->data[index%no]->st=st; strcpy(v->data[index%no]->name,d->name); strcpy(v->data[index%no]->branch,d->branch); strcpy(v->data[index%no]->mobno,d->mobno); v->data[index%no]->st=1; printf("NOT IN DB\n"); } else { strcpy(v->data[index%no]->name,d->name); strcpy(v->data[index%no]->branch,d->branch); strcpy(v->data[index%no]->mobno,d->mobno); v->data[index%no]->st=0; update_db(d->name,d->roll,d->branch,d->mobno); printf(" IN DB\n"); } }
int do_update_merchants(int param) { int c; MERCHANTS merchants; char tmp[INFO_MAXINPUT + 1]; LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "执行修改商户信息功能..."); memset(&merchants, 0, sizeof(merchants)); INPUT_MID: printf("请输入[修改]商户编号:"); scanf("%s", tmp); while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);//清空缓存 if (strlen(tmp) != MID_SIZE || !isdigits(tmp, strlen(tmp))) { printf("输入数据必须是%d个数字!\n", MID_SIZE); goto INPUT_MID; } memcpy(merchants.mid, tmp, strlen(tmp)); INPUT_TID: printf("请输入终端编号:"); scanf("%s", tmp); while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);//清空缓存 if (strlen(tmp) != TID_SIZE || !isdigits(tmp, strlen(tmp))) { printf("输入数据必须是%d个数字!\n", TID_SIZE); goto INPUT_TID; } memcpy(merchants.tid, tmp, strlen(tmp)); INPUT_MNAME: printf("请输入商户名称:"); scanf("%s", tmp); while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);//清空缓存 if (strlen(tmp) > MNAME_MAXSIZE) { printf("输入数据不能超过%d个字节!\n", MNAME_MAXSIZE); goto INPUT_MNAME; } memcpy(merchants.mname, tmp, strlen(tmp)); INPUT_MMENU: printf("请输入商户菜单:"); scanf("%s", tmp); while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);//清空缓存 if (strlen(tmp) > MMENU_MAXSIZE) { printf("输入数据不能超过%d个字节!\n", MMENU_MAXSIZE); goto INPUT_MMENU; } memcpy(merchants.mmenu, tmp, strlen(tmp)); if (!update_db(IT_MERCHANTS, merchants.mid, MEMBERS_COUNT, merchants.mid, merchants.tid, merchants.mname, merchants.mmenu)) { printf("修改商户:%s失败!\n", merchants.mid); return -1; } else { printf("修改商户:%s成功。\n", merchants.mid); return 0; } }
/* * Create a symlink called compat_link that points to target. * If it already exists correctly don't do anything. If it * exists but is incorrect, delete the link and make it. If * it doesn't exist just make it. */ static void make_link( char *compat_link, char *target, struct symlink *compat_slp, int link_type) { if (compat_slp->target != NULL) { if (strcmp(target, compat_slp->target) == 0) { if (debug) (void) printf("already %s -> %s\n", compat_link, compat_slp->target); update_db(compat_link, target, link_type); return; } else { if (debug) (void) printf("remove %s, link wrong (%s)\n", compat_link, compat_slp->target); else { if (unlink(compat_link) == -1) xperror(compat_link); else (void) di_devlink_rm_link(link_handle, compat_link); } compat_slp->target = target; } } else compat_slp->target = target; if (debug) (void) printf("link %s -> %s\n", compat_link, target); else { if (symlink(target, compat_link) == -1) xperror(compat_link); else update_db(compat_link, target, link_type); } }
void process_trans (void) { struct trans *tp; int idx; char buf[1000]; SHA_CTX ctx; char *outp; trans_arr = xcalloc (ntrans, sizeof *trans_arr); for (tp = trans_list, idx = 0; tp; tp = tp->next, idx++) trans_arr[idx] = tp; for (tp = trans_list; tp; tp = tp->next) { SHA1_Init (&ctx); SHA1_Update (&ctx, tp->ref, strlen (tp->ref)); SHA1_Update (&ctx, tp->posted, strlen (tp->posted)); SHA1_Update (&ctx, tp->name, strlen (tp->name)); SHA1_Update (&ctx, tp->memo, strlen (tp->memo)); sprintf (buf, "%.2f", tp->amount); SHA1_Update (&ctx, buf, strlen (buf)); SHA1_Final (tp->hash, &ctx); } qsort (trans_arr, ntrans, sizeof *trans_arr, hash_cmp); for (idx = 0; idx < ntrans - 1; idx++) { if (memcmp (trans_arr[idx]->hash, trans_arr[idx+1]->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0) { trans_arr[idx+1]->dayseq = trans_arr[idx]->dayseq + 1; } } for (tp = trans_list; tp; tp = tp->next) { outp = buf; for (idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { sprintf (outp, "%02x", tp->hash[idx]); outp += 2; } sprintf (outp, "-%02d", tp->dayseq); tp->trans_id = xstrdup (buf); } for (tp = trans_list; tp; tp = tp->next) print_trans (stdout, tp); for (tp = trans_list; tp; tp = tp->next) update_db (tp); }
static void add_file(char *dbname, char *name, int fresh) { char fullname[256]; char temp_db_file[256]; FILE *db_fp = NULL; FILE *temp_db_fp = NULL; FILE *ht_fp = NULL; char addname[100]; /*char *HTPATH;*/ /*char *trace;*/ /*char *spad;*/ /** First thing I should do is find the proper file and open it **/ ht_fp = ht_file_open(fullname, addname, name); /* * Now I should try to open the two database files. The one to work with, * and the temporary one; Send it a 1 so it checks for write access */ if (fresh) { if ((db_fp = fopen(dbname, "a")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: %s file for appending\n", dbname); exit(-1); } } else { if ((db_fp = fopen(dbname, "r")) == NULL) { } } if (!fresh) temp_db_fp = temp_file_open(temp_db_file); /** Now actually update the file by adding the changes ***/ update_db(db_fp, temp_db_fp, ht_fp, addname, fullname, fresh); if (!fresh) fclose(temp_db_fp); fclose(ht_fp); if (db_fp != NULL) fclose(db_fp); if (!fresh) { copy_file(temp_db_file, dbname); unlink(temp_db_file); } }
int check_user_token(char *user, char *token, sqlite3 *db) { char *request; sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; entry_st entry; yubikey_token_st tok; int id, rc; request = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT id FROM tokens WHERE user=%Q;", user); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, request, -1, &ppStmt, NULL); sqlite3_free(request); if(check_error("Error in preparing SELECT", rc, db)) return CHK_FAIL; rc = sqlite3_step(ppStmt); if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); return CHK_UNKNOWN; } if (strlen(token) != 32) { sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); return CHK_FAIL; } while (rc == SQLITE_ROW) { id = sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 0); get_entry_from_id(id, &entry, db); yubikey_parse ((uint8_t *) token, entry.aes_bin, &tok); rc = check_token(&tok, entry.uid, entry.counter, entry.session); if (rc == CHK_OK) { rc = update_db(db, id, &tok); sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); return rc; } rc = sqlite3_step(ppStmt); } sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); return CHK_FAIL; }
static void budgie_media_view_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { BudgieMediaView *self; self = BUDGIE_MEDIA_VIEW(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DATABASE: self->db = g_value_get_pointer((GValue*)value); update_db(self); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } }
/* Update the disclose database, adding when rm is zero, removing otherwise. * Documented in detail in poolback.h */ int update_disclose (struct pulleyback_tlspool *self, uint8_t **data, int rm) { dercursor lid; dercursor rid; lid.derlen = rid.derlen = 1030; // Sane upper margin (errors beyond) lid.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_LOCALID , data); rid.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_REMOTEID, data); assert (lid.derptr != NULL); assert (rid.derptr != NULL); if (der_enter (&lid) || der_enter (&rid)) { // Perhaps length is too small, or DER formatting error return 0; } printf ("Updating disclose.db (%s): %.*s -> %.*s\n", rm ? "DEL" : "ADD", (int)rid.derlen, rid.derptr, (int)lid.derlen, lid.derptr ); return update_db (self, &rid, &lid, -1, NULL, rm); }
int data_one_from_db (char *dataname) { struct weblink * link; init_sqlite(dataname); link = get_a_record(); if (link == NULL) { db_close (); return 0; } use_domain = link->domain; use_page = link->page; data_from_web (link->domain,link->page); update_db(link->id,2); free(link->page); db_close (); return 1; }
*/ void update_ret_to_db() { char *buf; char sql[LONG_SQL_LEN] = {0}; int ret, fz; buf = readfile(CE_OUT, &fz); if (fz) { snprintf(sql,LONG_SQL_LEN, "update code set ce_result='%s' \ where code_id='%s'", buf, code_id); free(buf); update_db(sql); } else { snprintf(sql,LONG_SQL_LEN, "update code set ce_result='%s' \ where code_id='%s'", "", code_id); update_db(sql); } buf = readfile(RE_OUT, &fz); if (fz) { snprintf(sql,LONG_SQL_LEN, "update code set re_result='%s' \ where code_id='%s'", buf, code_id); free(buf); update_db(sql); } else { snprintf(sql,LONG_SQL_LEN, "update code set re_result='%s' \ where code_id='%s'", "", code_id); update_db(sql); } buf = readfile(DATA_OUT, &fz);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct group *gr; struct stat st; int ask, ch, cnt, fflag, hflag, pflag, sflag, quietlog, rootlogin, rval; uid_t uid, saved_uid; gid_t saved_gid, saved_gids[NGROUPS_MAX]; int nsaved_gids; #ifdef notdef char *domain; #endif char *p, *ttyn; const char *pwprompt; char tbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 2], tname[sizeof(_PATH_TTY) + 10]; char localhost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; int need_chpass, require_chpass; int login_retries = DEFAULT_RETRIES, login_backoff = DEFAULT_BACKOFF; time_t pw_warntime = _PASSWORD_WARNDAYS * SECSPERDAY; char *loginname = NULL; #ifdef KERBEROS5 int Fflag; krb5_error_code kerror; #endif #if defined(KERBEROS5) int got_tickets = 0; #endif #ifdef LOGIN_CAP char *shell = NULL; login_cap_t *lc = NULL; #endif tbuf[0] = '\0'; rval = 0; pwprompt = NULL; nested = NULL; need_chpass = require_chpass = 0; (void)signal(SIGALRM, timedout); (void)alarm(timeout); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); (void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); (void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0); openlog("login", 0, LOG_AUTH); /* * -p is used by getty to tell login not to destroy the environment * -f is used to skip a second login authentication * -h is used by other servers to pass the name of the remote host to * login so that it may be placed in utmp/utmpx and wtmp/wtmpx * -a in addition to -h, a server may supply -a to pass the actual * server address. * -s is used to force use of S/Key or equivalent. */ if (gethostname(localhost, sizeof(localhost)) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "couldn't get local hostname: %m"); strcpy(hostname, "amnesiac"); } #ifdef notdef domain = strchr(localhost, '.'); #endif localhost[sizeof(localhost) - 1] = '\0'; fflag = hflag = pflag = sflag = 0; have_ss = 0; #ifdef KERBEROS5 Fflag = 0; have_forward = 0; #endif uid = getuid(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "a:Ffh:ps")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'a': if (uid) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "-a option: %s", strerror(EPERM)); decode_ss(optarg); #ifdef notdef (void)sockaddr_snprintf(optarg, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage), "%a", (void *)&ss); #endif break; case 'F': #ifdef KERBEROS5 Fflag = 1; #endif /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'f': fflag = 1; break; case 'h': if (uid) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "-h option: %s", strerror(EPERM)); hflag = 1; #ifdef notdef if (domain && (p = strchr(optarg, '.')) != NULL && strcasecmp(p, domain) == 0) *p = '\0'; #endif hostname = optarg; break; case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 's': sflag = 1; break; default: case '?': usage(); break; } setproctitle(NULL); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (*argv) { username = loginname = *argv; ask = 0; } else ask = 1; #ifdef F_CLOSEM (void)fcntl(3, F_CLOSEM, 0); #else for (cnt = getdtablesize(); cnt > 2; cnt--) (void)close(cnt); #endif ttyn = ttyname(STDIN_FILENO); if (ttyn == NULL || *ttyn == '\0') { (void)snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "%s??", _PATH_TTY); ttyn = tname; } if ((tty = strstr(ttyn, "/pts/")) != NULL) ++tty; else if ((tty = strrchr(ttyn, '/')) != NULL) ++tty; else tty = ttyn; if (issetugid()) { nested = strdup(user_from_uid(getuid(), 0)); if (nested == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "strdup: %m"); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #ifdef LOGIN_CAP /* Get "login-retries" and "login-backoff" from default class */ if ((lc = login_getclass(NULL)) != NULL) { login_retries = (int)login_getcapnum(lc, "login-retries", DEFAULT_RETRIES, DEFAULT_RETRIES); login_backoff = (int)login_getcapnum(lc, "login-backoff", DEFAULT_BACKOFF, DEFAULT_BACKOFF); login_close(lc); lc = NULL; } #endif #ifdef KERBEROS5 kerror = krb5_init_context(&kcontext); if (kerror) { /* * If Kerberos is not configured, that is, we are * not using Kerberos, do not log the error message. * However, if Kerberos is configured, and the * context init fails for some other reason, we need * to issue a no tickets warning to the user when the * login succeeds. */ if (kerror != ENXIO) { /* XXX NetBSD-local Heimdal hack */ syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s when initializing Kerberos context", error_message(kerror)); krb5_configured = 1; } login_krb5_get_tickets = 0; } #endif /* KERBEROS5 */ for (cnt = 0;; ask = 1) { #if defined(KERBEROS5) if (login_krb5_get_tickets) k5destroy(); #endif if (ask) { fflag = 0; loginname = getloginname(); } rootlogin = 0; #ifdef KERBEROS5 if ((instance = strchr(loginname, '/')) != NULL) *instance++ = '\0'; else instance = __UNCONST(""); #endif username = trimloginname(loginname); /* * Note if trying multiple user names; log failures for * previous user name, but don't bother logging one failure * for nonexistent name (mistyped username). */ if (failures && strcmp(tbuf, username)) { if (failures > (pwd ? 0 : 1)) badlogin(tbuf); failures = 0; } (void)strlcpy(tbuf, username, sizeof(tbuf)); pwd = getpwnam(username); #ifdef LOGIN_CAP /* * Establish the class now, before we might goto * within the next block. pwd can be NULL since it * falls back to the "default" class if it is. */ lc = login_getclass(pwd ? pwd->pw_class : NULL); #endif /* * if we have a valid account name, and it doesn't have a * password, or the -f option was specified and the caller * is root or the caller isn't changing their uid, don't * authenticate. */ if (pwd) { if (pwd->pw_uid == 0) rootlogin = 1; if (fflag && (uid == 0 || uid == pwd->pw_uid)) { /* already authenticated */ #ifdef KERBEROS5 if (login_krb5_get_tickets && Fflag) k5_read_creds(username); #endif break; } else if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0') { /* pretend password okay */ rval = 0; goto ttycheck; } } fflag = 0; (void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -4); #ifdef SKEY if (skey_haskey(username) == 0) { static char skprompt[80]; const char *skinfo = skey_keyinfo(username); (void)snprintf(skprompt, sizeof(skprompt), "Password [ %s ]:", skinfo ? skinfo : "error getting challenge"); pwprompt = skprompt; } else #endif pwprompt = "Password:"******"Login incorrect or refused on this " "terminal.\n"); if (hostname) syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "LOGIN %s REFUSED FROM %s ON TTY %s", pwd->pw_name, hostname, tty); else syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "LOGIN %s REFUSED ON TTY %s", pwd->pw_name, tty); continue; } if (pwd && !rval) break; (void)printf("Login incorrect or refused on this " "terminal.\n"); failures++; cnt++; /* * We allow login_retries tries, but after login_backoff * we start backing off. These default to 10 and 3 * respectively. */ if (cnt > login_backoff) { if (cnt >= login_retries) { badlogin(username); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sleep((u_int)((cnt - login_backoff) * 5)); } } /* committed to login -- turn off timeout */ (void)alarm((u_int)0); endpwent(); /* if user not super-user, check for disabled logins */ #ifdef LOGIN_CAP if (!login_getcapbool(lc, "ignorenologin", rootlogin)) checknologin(login_getcapstr(lc, "nologin", NULL, NULL)); #else if (!rootlogin) checknologin(NULL); #endif #ifdef LOGIN_CAP quietlog = login_getcapbool(lc, "hushlogin", 0); #else quietlog = 0; #endif /* Temporarily give up special privileges so we can change */ /* into NFS-mounted homes that are exported for non-root */ /* access and have mode 7x0 */ saved_uid = geteuid(); saved_gid = getegid(); nsaved_gids = getgroups(NGROUPS_MAX, saved_gids); (void)setegid(pwd->pw_gid); initgroups(username, pwd->pw_gid); (void)seteuid(pwd->pw_uid); if (chdir(pwd->pw_dir) < 0) { #ifdef LOGIN_CAP if (login_getcapbool(lc, "requirehome", 0)) { (void)printf("Home directory %s required\n", pwd->pw_dir); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif (void)printf("No home directory %s!\n", pwd->pw_dir); if (chdir("/") == -1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); pwd->pw_dir = __UNCONST("/"); (void)printf("Logging in with home = \"/\".\n"); } if (!quietlog) quietlog = access(_PATH_HUSHLOGIN, F_OK) == 0; /* regain special privileges */ (void)seteuid(saved_uid); setgroups(nsaved_gids, saved_gids); (void)setegid(saved_gid); #ifdef LOGIN_CAP pw_warntime = login_getcaptime(lc, "password-warn", _PASSWORD_WARNDAYS * SECSPERDAY, _PASSWORD_WARNDAYS * SECSPERDAY); #endif (void)gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (pwd->pw_expire) { if (now.tv_sec >= pwd->pw_expire) { (void)printf("Sorry -- your account has expired.\n"); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (pwd->pw_expire - now.tv_sec < pw_warntime && !quietlog) (void)printf("Warning: your account expires on %s", ctime(&pwd->pw_expire)); } if (pwd->pw_change) { if (pwd->pw_change == _PASSWORD_CHGNOW) need_chpass = 1; else if (now.tv_sec >= pwd->pw_change) { (void)printf("Sorry -- your password has expired.\n"); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (pwd->pw_change - now.tv_sec < pw_warntime && !quietlog) (void)printf("Warning: your password expires on %s", ctime(&pwd->pw_change)); } /* Nothing else left to fail -- really log in. */ update_db(quietlog, rootlogin, fflag); (void)chown(ttyn, pwd->pw_uid, (gr = getgrnam(TTYGRPNAME)) ? gr->gr_gid : pwd->pw_gid); if (ttyaction(ttyn, "login", pwd->pw_name)) (void)printf("Warning: ttyaction failed.\n"); #if defined(KERBEROS5) /* Fork so that we can call kdestroy */ if (! login_krb5_retain_ccache && has_ccache) dofork(); #endif /* Destroy environment unless user has requested its preservation. */ if (!pflag) environ = envinit; #ifdef LOGIN_CAP if (nested == NULL && setusercontext(lc, pwd, pwd->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETLOGIN) != 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "setusercontext failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (setusercontext(lc, pwd, pwd->pw_uid, (LOGIN_SETALL & ~(LOGIN_SETPATH|LOGIN_SETLOGIN))) != 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "setusercontext failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #else (void)setgid(pwd->pw_gid); initgroups(username, pwd->pw_gid); if (nested == NULL && setlogin(pwd->pw_name) < 0) syslog(LOG_ERR, "setlogin() failure: %m"); /* Discard permissions last so can't get killed and drop core. */ if (rootlogin) (void)setuid(0); else (void)setuid(pwd->pw_uid); #endif if (*pwd->pw_shell == '\0') pwd->pw_shell = __UNCONST(_PATH_BSHELL); #ifdef LOGIN_CAP if ((shell = login_getcapstr(lc, "shell", NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { if ((shell = strdup(shell)) == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot alloc mem"); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pwd->pw_shell = shell; } #endif (void)setenv("HOME", pwd->pw_dir, 1); (void)setenv("SHELL", pwd->pw_shell, 1); if (term[0] == '\0') { const char *tt = stypeof(tty); #ifdef LOGIN_CAP if (tt == NULL) tt = login_getcapstr(lc, "term", NULL, NULL); #endif /* unknown term -> "su" */ (void)strlcpy(term, tt != NULL ? tt : "su", sizeof(term)); } (void)setenv("TERM", term, 0); (void)setenv("LOGNAME", pwd->pw_name, 1); (void)setenv("USER", pwd->pw_name, 1); #ifdef LOGIN_CAP setusercontext(lc, pwd, pwd->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETPATH); #else (void)setenv("PATH", _PATH_DEFPATH, 0); #endif #ifdef KERBEROS5 if (krb5tkfile_env) (void)setenv("KRB5CCNAME", krb5tkfile_env, 1); #endif /* If fflag is on, assume caller/authenticator has logged root login. */ if (rootlogin && fflag == 0) { if (hostname) syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ROOT LOGIN (%s) ON %s FROM %s", username, tty, hostname); else syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ROOT LOGIN (%s) ON %s", username, tty); } #if defined(KERBEROS5) if (KERBEROS_CONFIGURED && !quietlog && notickets == 1) (void)printf("Warning: no Kerberos tickets issued.\n"); #endif if (!quietlog) { const char *fname; #ifdef LOGIN_CAP fname = login_getcapstr(lc, "copyright", NULL, NULL); if (fname != NULL && access(fname, F_OK) == 0) motd(fname); else #endif (void)printf("%s", copyrightstr); #ifdef LOGIN_CAP fname = login_getcapstr(lc, "welcome", NULL, NULL); if (fname == NULL || access(fname, F_OK) != 0) #endif fname = _PATH_MOTDFILE; motd(fname); (void)snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%s/%s", _PATH_MAILDIR, pwd->pw_name); if (stat(tbuf, &st) == 0 && st.st_size != 0) (void)printf("You have %smail.\n", (st.st_mtime > st.st_atime) ? "new " : ""); } #ifdef LOGIN_CAP login_close(lc); #endif (void)signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); (void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); (void)signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); tbuf[0] = '-'; (void)strlcpy(tbuf + 1, (p = strrchr(pwd->pw_shell, '/')) ? p + 1 : pwd->pw_shell, sizeof(tbuf) - 1); /* Wait to change password until we're unprivileged */ if (need_chpass) { if (!require_chpass) (void)printf( "Warning: your password has expired. Please change it as soon as possible.\n"); else { int status; (void)printf( "Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.\n"); switch (fork()) { case -1: warn("fork"); sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); case 0: execl(_PATH_BINPASSWD, "passwd", NULL); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: if (wait(&status) == -1 || WEXITSTATUS(status)) sleepexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } #ifdef KERBEROS5 if (login_krb5_get_tickets) k5_write_creds(); #endif execlp(pwd->pw_shell, tbuf, NULL); err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", pwd->pw_shell); }
/* Update the localid database, adding when rm is zero, removing otherwise. * Documented in detail in poolback.h */ int update_localid (struct pulleyback_tlspool *self, der_t *data, int rm) { dercursor lid; dercursor crd; dercursor p11; dercursor vex; uint32_t flags = 0; // // Collect DER data for localid and PKCS #11 URI lid.derlen = p11.derlen = vex.derlen = 1030; // sane upper margin ~1kB crd.derlen = 8200; // sane upper margin ~8kB lid.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_LOCALID, data); crd.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_CRED, data); p11.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_PKCS11, data); vex.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_VALEXP, data); assert (lid.derptr != NULL); // // Enter the DER data to obtain contents and length if (crd.derptr == NULL) { crd.derlen = 0; } else { if (der_enter (&crd)) { return 0; } } if (der_enter (&lid)) { return 0; } if ((p11.derptr != NULL) && der_enter (&p11)) { return 0; } if ((vex.derptr != NULL) && der_enter (&vex)) { return 0; } // // Collect the flags if (p11.derptr == NULL) { flags |= LID_NO_PKCS11; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_CLIENT, MXG_ROLE)) { flags |= LID_ROLE_CLIENT; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_SERVER, MXG_ROLE)) { flags |= LID_ROLE_SERVER; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_PEER, MXG_ROLE)) { flags |= LID_ROLE_CLIENT | LID_ROLE_SERVER; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_X509, MXG_CREDTYPE)) { flags |= LID_TYPE_X509; } else if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_PGP, MXG_CREDTYPE)) { flags |= LID_TYPE_PGP; } else if (vex.derptr != NULL) { // Valexp is a case in localid, as an entry LID_TYPE_VALEXP flags |= LID_TYPE_VALEXP; flags &= ~LID_NO_PKCS11; } //TODO// MXG_SRP -> LID_TYPE_SRP //TODO// MXG_KRB5 -> LID_TYPE_KRB5 else { return 0; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_CHAINED, MXG_NONE)) { flags |= LID_CHAINED; } // // Handle PKCS #11 URI and/or validation expression if (p11.derptr == NULL) { // Put the validation expression in the PKCS #11 URI hole p11 = vex; } else { assert (vex.derptr == NULL); } if (p11.derptr == NULL) { p11.derlen = 0; } // // Collect the value for this entry dercursor value; value.derlen = 4 + p11.derlen + ((p11.derptr != NULL)?1:0) + crd.derlen; uint8_t entry [value.derlen]; value.derptr = entry; * (uint32_t *) entry = htonl (flags); if (p11.derptr != NULL) { memcpy (entry + 4, p11.derptr, p11.derlen); entry [4 + p11.derlen] = '\0'; } if (crd.derptr != NULL) { memcpy (entry + 4 + p11.derlen + 1, crd.derptr, crd.derlen); } // // Submit the information to the database static const uint8_t flag4 [] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; return update_db (self, &lid, &value, 4, flag4, rm); }
static void server_loop(int fd) { struct timeval snaptime; struct pollfd p; memset(&snaptime, 0, sizeof(snaptime)); p.fd = fd; p.events = p.revents = POLLIN; load_info(); for (;;) { int status; int tdiff; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); tdiff = T_DIFF(now, snaptime); // if (tdiff >= 0) { update_db(tdiff); snaptime = now; tdiff = 0; // } if (poll(&p, 1, conf.scan_interval-tdiff) > 0 && (p.revents&POLLIN)) { int clnt = accept(fd, NULL, NULL); if (clnt >= 0) { pid_t pid; /* We assume forking will be ok so update database here not have races with forked process */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); tdiff = T_DIFF(now, snaptime); // if (tdiff >= min_interval) { update_db(tdiff); snaptime = now; tdiff = 0; // } poll_client(clnt); sprintf(info_source, "pid=%d sampling_interval=%d " "time_const=%d", getpid(), conf.scan_interval/1000, conf.time_constant/1000); if (children >= 5) { close(clnt); } else if ((pid = fork()) != 0) { if (pid>0) children++; close(clnt); } else { FILE *fp = fdopen(clnt, "w"); if (fp) { /* Write on clients socket */ dump_raw_db(fp); } exit(0); } } } while (children && waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG) > 0) children--; } }
void UserData::reconnect() { p->db.open(); init_buffer(); update_db(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint8_t updb_all; uint8_t do_inst = DO_INST; /* by default, do install packages */ int ch, rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; struct stat sb; const char *chrootpath = NULL; setprogname(argv[0]); if (argc < 2 || *argv[1] == 'h') usage(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dhyfFPvVl:nc:t:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'f': force_update = 1; break; case 'F': force_reinstall = 1; break; case 'y': yesflag = 1; noflag = 0; break; case 'n': yesflag = 0; noflag = 1; break; case 'v': printf("%s %s (using %s)\n", getprogname(), PKGIN_VERSION, pdb_version()); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* NOTREACHED */ case 'h': usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ case 'l': lslimit = optarg[0]; break; case 'd': do_inst = DONT_INST; /* download only */ break; case 'c': chrootpath = optarg; break; case 'V': verbosity = 1; break; case 'P': package_version = 1; break; case 't': if ((tracefp = fopen(optarg, "w")) == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, MSG_CANT_OPEN_WRITE, optarg); break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc < 1) { fprintf(stderr, MSG_MISSING_CMD); usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* initializations */ /* enter chroot if -c specified */ if (chrootpath != NULL) { if (chroot(chrootpath) == -1) errx(-1, MSG_CHROOT_FAILED); if (chdir("/") == -1) errx(-1, MSG_CHDIR_FAILED); } /* check for pkg_install */ if (stat(PKG_ADD, &sb) < 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, MSG_PKG_INSTALL_NOT_PRESENT); /* for pkg_install */ unsetenv("PKG_PATH"); /* create base directories */ if (stat(pkgin_cache, &sb) < 0) create_dirs(); pkgindb_init(); /* check if current database fits our needs */ updb_all = upgrade_database(); /* update local db if pkgdb mtime has changed */ (void)update_db(LOCAL_SUMMARY, NULL); /* split PKG_REPOS env variable and record them */ split_repos(); /* * upgrade remote database if pkgin version changed and not compatible * or if empty database */ if (updb_all) (void)update_db(REMOTE_SUMMARY, NULL); /* find command index */ ch = find_cmd(argv[0]); /* we need packages lists for almost everything */ if (ch != PKG_UPDT_CMD) /* already loaded by update_db() */ init_global_pkglists(); /* fill pkgtools flags */ if (verbosity) strncpy(pkgtools_flags, "-fv", 3); else strncpy(pkgtools_flags, "-f", 2); switch (ch) { case PKG_UPDT_CMD: /* update packages db */ if (update_db(REMOTE_SUMMARY, NULL) == EXIT_FAILURE) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, MSG_DONT_HAVE_RIGHTS); break; case PKG_SHDDP_CMD: /* show direct depends */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); rc = show_direct_depends(argv[1]); break; case PKG_SHFDP_CMD: /* show full dependency tree */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); rc = show_full_dep_tree(argv[1], DIRECT_DEPS, MSG_FULLDEPTREE); break; case PKG_SHRDP_CMD: /* show full reverse dependency tree */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); rc = show_full_dep_tree(argv[1], LOCAL_REVERSE_DEPS, MSG_REVDEPTREE); break; case PKG_LLIST_CMD: /* list local packages */ list_pkgs(LOCAL_PKGS_QUERY_DESC, PKG_LLIST_CMD); break; case PKG_RLIST_CMD: /* list available packages */ list_pkgs(REMOTE_PKGS_QUERY_DESC, PKG_RLIST_CMD); break; case PKG_INST_CMD: /* install a package and its dependencies */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_PKG_ARGS_INST); pkgin_install(&argv[1], do_inst); break; case PKG_UPGRD_CMD: /* upgrade keep-packages */ pkgin_upgrade(UPGRADE_KEEP); break; case PKG_FUPGRD_CMD: /* upgrade everything installed */ pkgin_upgrade(UPGRADE_ALL); break; case PKG_REMV_CMD: /* remove packages and reverse dependencies */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_PKG_ARGS_RM); pkgin_remove(&argv[1]); break; case PKG_AUTORM_CMD: /* autoremove orphan packages */ pkgin_autoremove(); break; case PKG_KEEP_CMD: /* mark a package as "keep" (not automatic) */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_PKG_ARGS_KEEP); pkg_keep(KEEP, &argv[1]); break; case PKG_UNKEEP_CMD: /* mark a package as "unkeep" (automatic) */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_PKG_ARGS_UNKEEP); pkg_keep(UNKEEP, &argv[1]); break; case PKG_SHKP_CMD: /* show keep packages */ show_pkg_keep(); break; case PKG_SRCH_CMD: /* search for package */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_SRCH); search_pkg(argv[1]); break; case PKG_CLEAN_CMD: /* clean pkgin's packages cache */ clean_cache(); break; case PKG_EXPORT_CMD: /* export PKGPATH for keep packages */ export_keep(); break; case PKG_IMPORT_CMD: /* import for keep packages and install them */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_FILENAME); import_keep(do_inst, argv[1]); break; case PKG_SHPROV_CMD: /* show what a package provides */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); show_prov_req(GET_PROVIDES_QUERY, argv[1]); break; case PKG_SHREQ_CMD: /* show what a package requires */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); show_prov_req(GET_REQUIRES_QUERY, argv[1]); break; case PKG_SHPKGCONT_CMD: /* show remote package content */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); show_pkg_info('L', argv[1]); /* pkg_info flag */ break; case PKG_SHPKGDESC_CMD: /* show remote package DESCR */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); show_pkg_info('d', argv[1]); /* pkg_info flag */ break; case PKG_SHPKGBDEFS_CMD: /* show remote package build definitions */ missing_param(argc, 2, MSG_MISSING_PKGNAME); show_pkg_info('B', argv[1]); /* pkg_info flag */ break; case PKG_GINTO_CMD: /* Miod's request */ ginto(); break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } free_global_pkglists(); pkgindb_close(); if (tracefp != NULL) fclose(tracefp); XFREE(env_repos); XFREE(pkg_repos); return rc; }
/* Update the trust database, adding when rm is zero, removing otherwise. * Documented in detail in poolback.h */ int update_trust (struct pulleyback_tlspool *self, der_t *data, int rm) { dercursor crd; dercursor vex; uint32_t flags = 0; // // Collect DER data for validation expression and optional credential vex.derlen = 1030; // sane upper margin ~1kB crd.derlen = 8200; // sane upper margin ~8kB crd.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_CRED, data); vex.derptr = (uint8_t *) fetch_value (self, MXG_VALEXP, data); assert (vex.derptr != NULL); // // Enter the DER data to obtain contents and length if (der_enter (&vex)) { return 0; } if (crd.derptr == NULL) { crd.derlen = 0; } else { if (der_enter (&crd)) { return 0; } } // // Collect the flags if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_CLIENT, MXG_ROLE)) { flags |= TAD_ROLE_CLIENT; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_SERVER, MXG_ROLE)) { flags |= TAD_ROLE_SERVER; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_PEER, MXG_ROLE)) { flags |= TAD_ROLE_CLIENT | TAD_ROLE_SERVER; } if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_X509, MXG_CREDTYPE)) { flags |= TAD_TYPE_X509; } else if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_PGP, MXG_CREDTYPE)) { flags |= TAD_TYPE_PGP; } //TODO// MXG_SRP -> LID_TYPE_SRP //TODO// MXG_KRB5 -> LID_TYPE_KRB5 else { return 0; } //TODO// if (check_flag (self, data, MXG_NOTROOT, MXG_NONE)) { //TODO// flags |= TAD_NOTROOT; //TODO// } // // Collect the value for this entry dercursor value; value.derlen = 4 + vex.derlen + 1 + crd.derlen; uint8_t entry [value.derlen]; value.derptr = entry; * (uint32_t *) entry = htonl (flags); memcpy (entry + 4, vex.derptr, vex.derlen); entry [4 + vex.derlen] = '\0'; if (crd.derlen > 0) { memcpy (entry + 4 + vex.derlen + 1, crd.derptr, crd.derlen); } // //TODO// Determine the key for this entry uint8_t keybytes_TODO [] = { 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff }; dercursor key; key.derptr = keybytes_TODO; key.derlen = sizeof (keybytes_TODO); // // Submit the information to the database static const uint8_t flag4 [] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; return update_db (self, &key, &value, 4, flag4, rm); }
/** * Attaches a registry database to the registry object. Prior to calling this, * the registry object is not actually connected to the registry. This function * attaches it so it can be queried and manipulated. * * @param [in] reg the registry to attach to * @param [in] path path to the registry db on disk * @param [out] errPtr on error, a description of the error that occurred * @return true if success; false if failure */ int reg_attach(reg_registry* reg, const char* path, reg_error* errPtr) { struct stat sb; int initialized = 1; /* registry already exists */ int can_write = 1; /* can write to this location */ int result = 0; if (reg->status & reg_attached) { reg_throw(errPtr, REG_MISUSE, "a database is already attached to this " "registry"); return 0; } if (stat(path, &sb) != 0) { initialized = 0; if (errno == ENOENT) { char *dirc, *dname; dirc = strdup(path); dname = dirname(dirc); if (stat(dname, &sb) != 0) { can_write = 0; } free(dirc); } else { can_write = 0; } } /* can_write is still true if one of the stat calls succeeded */ if (initialized || can_write) { sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; char* query = sqlite3_mprintf("ATTACH DATABASE '%q' AS registry", path); int r; do { r = sqlite3_prepare_v2(reg->db, query, -1, &stmt, NULL); } while (r == SQLITE_BUSY); if (r == SQLITE_OK) { /* XXX: Busy waiting, consider using sqlite3_busy_handler/timeout */ do { sqlite3_step(stmt); r = sqlite3_reset(stmt); switch (r) { case SQLITE_OK: if (initialized || (create_tables(reg->db, errPtr))) { Tcl_InitHashTable(®->open_entries, sizeof(sqlite_int64)/sizeof(int)); Tcl_InitHashTable(®->open_files, TCL_STRING_KEYS); Tcl_InitHashTable(®->open_portgroups, sizeof(sqlite_int64)/sizeof(int)); reg->status |= reg_attached; result = 1; } break; case SQLITE_BUSY: break; default: reg_sqlite_error(reg->db, errPtr, query); } } while (r == SQLITE_BUSY); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); stmt = NULL; if (result) { result &= update_db(reg->db, errPtr); } } else { reg_sqlite_error(reg->db, errPtr, query); } if (stmt) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } sqlite3_free(query); } else { reg_throw(errPtr, REG_CANNOT_INIT, "port registry doesn't exist at " "\"%q\" and couldn't write to this location", path); } return result; }