void handle_new_size(MFDB *original, GEM_WINDOW *gwnd) { VXIMAGE *vimage ; int xe, ye, wxe, whe ; int xo, yo, wo, ho ; int ww, wh, dummy ; if ( gwnd == NULL) return ; vimage = (VXIMAGE *) gwnd->Extension ; if ( ( original->fd_w == vimage->raster.fd_w ) && ( original->fd_h == vimage->raster.fd_h ) ) return ; wind_calc( WC_WORK, gwnd->window_kind, xopen, yopen, wdesk-(xopen-xdesk), hdesk-(yopen-ydesk), &xe, &ye, &wxe, &whe ) ; if ( wxe >= vimage->raster.fd_w ) wxe = vimage->raster.fd_w-1 ; if ( whe >= vimage->raster.fd_h ) whe = vimage->raster.fd_h-1 ; wind_calc( WC_BORDER, gwnd->window_kind, xe, ye, wxe, whe, &xo, &yo, &wo, &ho ) ; if ( gwnd->is_icon ) GWOnUnIconify( gwnd, gwnd->xywh_bicon ) ; else GWSetCurrXYWH( gwnd, xo, yo, wo, ho ) ; gwnd->GetWorkXYWH( gwnd, &dummy, &dummy, &wo, &ho ) ; ww = (int) ( 1000.0*(double)wo / (double)vimage->raster.fd_w ) ; wh = (int) ( 1000.0*(double)ho / (double)vimage->raster.fd_h ) ; GWSetHSlider( gwnd, 1 ) ; GWSetVSlider( gwnd, 1 ) ; GWSetHSliderSize( gwnd, ww ) ; GWSetVSliderSize( gwnd, wh ) ; set_modif( gwnd ) ; update_view( gwnd ) ; update_zview( gwnd ) ; GWRePaint( gwnd ) ; }
void CPaused::Loop(float time_step) { CControl *ctrl = g_game.player->ctrl; int width = Winsys.resolution.width; int height = Winsys.resolution.height; ClearRenderContext(); Env.SetupFog(); update_view(ctrl, 0); SetupViewFrustum(ctrl); if (sky) Env.DrawSkybox(ctrl->viewpos); if (fog) Env.DrawFog(); Env.SetupLight(); if (terr) RenderCourse(); DrawTrackmarks(); if (trees) DrawTrees(); DrawSnow(ctrl); if (param.perf_level > 2) draw_particles(ctrl); g_game.character->shape->Draw(); DrawHud(ctrl); Reshape(width, height); Winsys.SwapBuffers(); }
void ViewBase::set_viewport_dims(ushort2 dims, float scale) { view.dims.x = (unsigned short) (dims.x * scale); view.dims.y = (unsigned short) (dims.y * scale); pixel_ratio_rotation = 180.0f / (MINIMUM(dims.x, dims.y)); pixel_ratio_translation = (distance_limits.y - distance_limits.x) / (dims.y / 2); update_view(); }
bool UITaskListWndItem::init_task( CGameTask* task, UITaskListWnd* parent ) { VERIFY( task ); if ( !task ) { return false; } m_task = task; SetMessageTarget( parent ); CUIXml xml; xml.Load( CONFIG_PATH, UI_PATH, PDA_TASK_XML ); CUIXmlInit::InitWindow( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item", 0, this ); m_name = UIHelper::Create3tButton( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:name", this ); // m_bt_view = UIHelper::CreateCheck( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:btn_view", this ); m_st_story = UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:st_story", this ); m_bt_focus = UIHelper::Create3tButton( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:btn_focus", this ); m_color_states[stt_activ ] = CUIXmlInit::GetColor( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:activ", 0, (u32)(-1) ); m_color_states[stt_unread] = CUIXmlInit::GetColor( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:unread", 0, (u32)(-1) ); m_color_states[stt_read ] = CUIXmlInit::GetColor( xml, "second_task_wnd:task_item:read", 0, (u32)(-1) ); update_view(); return true; }
Camera:: Camera(const float fov, const float aspectRatio, const float near, const float far, const GLKVector3 &position, const GLKVector3 &focus, const GLKVector3 &up, const GLKVector3 &lightDir, const GLKVector4 &lightColor ) : fov_(fov), aspectRatio_(aspectRatio), near_(near), far_(far), position_(position), focus_(focus), up_(up), lightDirection_(lightDir), lightColor_(lightColor), viewMatrix_(GLKMatrix4Identity), projectionMatrix_(GLKMatrix4Identity) { update_view(); update_projection(); }
void inventory_manager::update () { update_container (); sort (); update_view (); }
static void on_prev(GtkButton *button, Editor *e) { update_record(e); if (e->record > 0) { e->record--; update_view(e); return; } e->shelf--; if (e->shelf == -1) e->shelf = library_shelves_count(e->library) - 1; e->record = current_shelf(e)->count - 1; update_view(e); }
int get_input(int prompt_position, struct key *key, bool modifiers) { struct view *view; int i, key_value, cursor_y, cursor_x; if (prompt_position) input_mode = TRUE; memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); while (TRUE) { int delay = -1; if (opt_refresh_mode == REFRESH_MODE_PERIODIC) { delay = watch_periodic(opt_refresh_interval); foreach_displayed_view (view, i) { if (view_can_refresh(view) && watch_dirty(&view->watch)) refresh_view(view); } } foreach_view (view, i) { update_view(view); if (view_is_displayed(view) && view->has_scrolled && use_scroll_redrawwin) redrawwin(view->win); view->has_scrolled = FALSE; if (view->pipe) delay = 0; }
bool render_editor() { cursor c = cursor_get(); map_view v = view_get(); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); update_view(v.x, v.y, v.zoom); /*update_cursor_data(&selected_map, &selected_tile_x, &selected_tile_y);*/ bool can_place = cursor_in_bounds(c.selected_tile_x, c.selected_tile_y); mat4 t = ident; mat4 cursor_pos = ident; uint16_t tile_w = (TILE_WIDTH * v.zoom); uint16_t tile_h = (TILE_HEIGHT * v.zoom); if(tile_w == 0) tile_w = 1; if(tile_h == 0) tile_h = 1; mat4_translate(&cursor_pos, c.selected_tile_x * TILE_WIDTH + (c.selected_map % 3 * TILEMAP_DIMS * TILE_WIDTH), c.selected_tile_y * TILE_HEIGHT + (c.selected_map / 3 * TILEMAP_DIMS * TILE_HEIGHT), 0); draw_maps(t); if(can_place) { draw_single_tile(get_tileset_texture(), c.set_id, c.current_id, cursor_pos); } for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { mat4_translate(&t, TILEMAP_DIMS * TILE_WIDTH * i, TILEMAP_DIMS * TILE_HEIGHT * j, 0); draw_grid(t); } glFlush(); return true; }
void GameOver::loop(float timeStep) { int width, height; width = getparam_x_resolution(); height = getparam_y_resolution(); /* Check joystick */ if ( is_joystick_active() ) { update_joystick(); if ( is_joystick_continue_button_down() ) { if ( gameMgr->gametype != GameMgr::PRACTICING ) { set_game_mode( EVENT_RACE_SELECT ); }else{ set_game_mode( RACE_SELECT ); } winsys_post_redisplay(); return; } } fpsCounter.update(); update_audio(); clear_rendering_context(); fogPlane.setup(); update_player_pos( players[0], 0 ); update_view( players[0], 0 ); setup_view_frustum( players[0], NEAR_CLIP_DIST, getparam_forward_clip_distance() ); draw_sky(players[0].view.pos); draw_fog_plane(); set_course_clipping( true ); set_course_eye_point( players[0].view.pos ); setup_course_lighting(); render_course(); draw_trees(); if ( getparam_draw_particles() ) { draw_particles( players[0] ); } ModelHndl->draw_tux(); draw_tux_shadow(); set_gl_options( GUI ); UIMgr.setupDisplay(); UIMgr.draw(); HUD1.draw(players[0]); reshape( width, height ); winsys_swap_buffers(); }
void Browser::update(void) { next(); update_view(); // ToDo double buffering (next) or triple buffering (next/previous) // use an other webView }
static void on_next(GtkButton *button, Editor *e) { Shelf *s = current_shelf(e); update_record(e); if (e->record < s->count - 1) { e->record++; update_view(e); return; } e->record = 0; e->shelf++; if (e->shelf >= library_shelves_count(e->library)) e->shelf = 0; update_view(e); }
void PIDConfigurator::stop_transaction() { model[type] = values; if (type == pid_combo->currentIndex()) update_view( type ); transaction = false; }
Status::Status(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::Status) { ui->setupUi(this); db=DBlib::getInstance(); update_view(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; /* c must be int not char, because the value of KEY_RESIZE is 632. */ char buf[BUFSIZ]; enum request request; request = REQ_VIEW_MAIN; struct view *view; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s <dir/filename> <keyword>\n", argv[0]); return; } signal(SIGINT, quit); if (argc == 3) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), FIND_CMDD, argv[1], argv[2]); string_copy(fmt_cmd, buf); }else{ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), FIND_CMD, argv[1]); string_copy(fmt_cmd, buf); } init(); while (view_driver(display[current_view], request)) { int i; foreach_view (view, i) update_view(view); c = wgetch(status_win); request = get_request(c); if ( request == REQ_SCREEN_RESIZE) { int height, width; getmaxyx(stdscr, height, width); wresize(status_win, 1, width); mvwin(status_win, height - 1, 0); wrefresh(status_win); } } quit(0); return 0; }
static int data_size_proc(struct menu_item *item, enum menu_callback_reason reason, void *data) { if (reason == MENU_CALLBACK_DEACTIVATE) { int v = (1 << menu_option_get(item)); if (view_data_size != v) { view_data_size = v; make_cells(item->owner); update_view(); } } return 0; }
int Browser::gotopage(int new_page) { if (new_page<url_list.count() && new_page>=0) { page=new_page; update_view(); return 0; // ok } else { // + return to first page //page=0; //update_view(); // + nothing is done return 1; // erreur page inexistante } }
void UITaskListWndItem::Update() { inherited::Update(); update_view(); if ( m_task && m_name->CursorOverWindow() && show_hint_can ) { if ( Device.dwTimeGlobal > ( m_name->FocusReceiveTime() + 700 ) ) { show_hint = true; GetMessageTarget()->SendMessage( this, PDA_TASK_SHOW_HINT, (void*)m_task ); return; } } }
void update_all(int gno) { update_set_lists(gno); update_world(gno); update_view(gno); update_status(gno, cur_statusitem, -1); update_ticks(gno); update_autos(gno); updatelegends(gno); updatesymbols(gno, -1); update_label_proc(); update_locator_items(gno); update_draw(); update_frame_items(gno); update_graph_items(); update_hotlinks(); }
void racing_loop (double time_step){ CControl *ctrl = Players.GetCtrl (g_game.player_id); double ycoord = Course.FindYCoord (ctrl->cpos.x, ctrl->cpos.z); bool airborne = (bool) (ctrl->cpos.y > (ycoord + JUMP_MAX_START_HEIGHT)); check_gl_error(); ClearRenderContext (); Env.SetupFog (); Music.Update (); CalcTrickControls (ctrl, time_step, airborne); if (!g_game.finish) CalcSteeringControls (ctrl, time_step); else CalcFinishControls (ctrl, time_step, airborne); PlayTerrainSound (ctrl, airborne); // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ctrl->UpdatePlayerPos (time_step); // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (g_game.finish) IncCameraDistance (time_step); update_view (ctrl, time_step); UpdateTrackmarks (ctrl); SetupViewFrustum (ctrl); if (sky) Env.DrawSkybox (ctrl->viewpos); if (fog) Env.DrawFog (); void SetupLight (); if (terr) RenderCourse (); DrawTrackmarks (); if (trees) DrawTrees (); if (param.perf_level > 2) { update_particles (time_step); draw_particles (ctrl); } Char.Draw (g_game.char_id); UpdateWind (time_step, ctrl); UpdateSnow (time_step, ctrl); DrawSnow (ctrl); DrawHud (ctrl); Reshape (param.x_resolution, param.y_resolution); Winsys.SwapBuffers (); if (g_game.finish == false) g_game.time += time_step; }
static int address_proc(struct menu_item *item, enum menu_callback_reason reason, void *data) { if (reason == MENU_CALLBACK_CHANGED) { uint32_t address = menu_intinput_get(item); for (int i = 0; i < domains.size; ++i) { struct mem_domain *d = vector_at(&domains, i); if (address >= d->start && address < d->start + d->size) { view_domain_index = i; d->view_offset = address - d->start; break; } } update_view(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Editor e; GtkWidget *win; gtk_init(&argc, &argv); if (argc <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-r] <library>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-r")) { e.path = argv[2]; e.library = library_open_recreating(e.path); } else { e.path = argv[1]; e.library = library_open(e.path); library_read_prototypes(e.library); } e.shelf = 0; e.record = 0; if (!library_shelves_count(e.library)) { fprintf(stderr, "the library %s is empty!\n", e.path); exit(1); } create_library_editor(&e); update_view(&e); win = e.window; gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(win), e.path); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK(on_key), &e); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win), "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(on_quit), &e); gtk_widget_show_all(win); gtk_main(); return 0; }
void BasicGrid::resize_grid( UI::index_type new_col_count, UI::index_type new_row_count ) { m_sel.resize(new_row_count); set_row_count(new_row_count); set_col_count(new_col_count); set_cursor(0, 0); update_view( 0, view().fit_count, 0, col_count(), false ); queue_header_render(); queue_cell_render(0, row_count()); enqueue_actions( UI::UpdateActions::render ); }
void GTKGeomWindow::spinbutton( GtkSpinButton *spinbutton ) { //std::cout << "Spinbutton\n"; //g_signal_stop_emission_by_name( G_OBJECT(_spinbutton), "value-changed" ); int level = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(_spinbutton) ); std::stringstream ss; std::locale mylocale(""); ss.imbue( mylocale ); switch( _geomplot.get_view() ) { case VIEW_XY: ss << "z = "<< _geom.origo(2)+level*_geom.h() << " m"; break; case VIEW_XZ: ss << "y = "<< _geom.origo(1)+level*_geom.h() << " m"; break; case VIEW_YZ: ss << "x = "<< _geom.origo(0)+level*_geom.h() << " m"; break; case VIEW_ZX: ss << "y = "<< _geom.origo(1)+level*_geom.h() << " m"; break; case VIEW_ZY: ss << "x = "<< _geom.origo(0)+level*_geom.h() << " m"; break; case VIEW_YX: ss << "z = "<< _geom.origo(2)+level*_geom.h() << " m"; break; default: throw( ErrorUnimplemented( ERROR_LOCATION ) ); break; } gtk_statusbar_pop( GTK_STATUSBAR(_statusbar), 0 ); gtk_statusbar_push( GTK_STATUSBAR(_statusbar), 0, ss.str().c_str() ); // Update view _geomplot.set_view( _geomplot.get_view(), level ); update_view(); draw_and_expose(); }
extern gboolean refresh_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { struct view_s* v = data; v->invalid = true; long size = md_calc_size(DIMS, v->dims); double max = 0.; for (long j = 0; j < size; j++) if (max < cabsf(v->data[j])) max = cabsf(v->data[j]); if (0. == max) max = 1.; v->max = max; update_view(v); return FALSE; }
void GameOverLoop (double time_step) { CControl *ctrl = Players.GetCtrl (g_game.player_id); int width, height; width = param.x_resolution; height = param.y_resolution; check_gl_error(); Music.Update (); ClearRenderContext (); Env.SetupFog (); update_view (ctrl, 0); if (final_frame != NULL) final_frame->Update (time_step, ctrl); SetupViewFrustum (ctrl); Env.DrawSkybox (ctrl->viewpos); Env.DrawFog (); Env.SetupLight (); RenderCourse (); DrawTrackmarks (); DrawTrees (); UpdateWind (time_step, ctrl); UpdateSnow (time_step, ctrl); DrawSnow (ctrl); Char.Draw (g_game.char_id); set_gl_options (GUI); SetupGuiDisplay (); if (final_frame != NULL) { if (!final_frame->active) GameOverMessage (ctrl); } else GameOverMessage (ctrl); DrawHud (ctrl); Reshape (width, height); Winsys.SwapBuffers (); }
static void * layout_thread(void * data) { vx_gtk_buffer_manager_t * man = data; man->running = 1; while (man->running) { // wait for signal to redraw. pthread_mutex_lock(&man->mutex); while (!man->layout_update_required && man->running) pthread_cond_wait(&man->cond, &man->mutex); man->layout_update_required = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&man->mutex); update_view(man); } return NULL; }
int get_input(int prompt_position, struct key *key) { struct view *view; int i, key_value, cursor_y, cursor_x; if (prompt_position > 0) input_mode = true; memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); while (true) { int delay = -1; if (opt_refresh_mode == REFRESH_MODE_PERIODIC) { delay = watch_periodic(opt_refresh_interval); bool refs_refreshed = false; foreach_displayed_view (view, i) { if (view_can_refresh(view) && watch_dirty(&view->watch)) { if (!refs_refreshed) { load_refs(true); refs_refreshed = true; } refresh_view(view); } } } foreach_view (view, i) { update_view(view); if (view_is_displayed(view) && view->has_scrolled && use_scroll_redrawwin) redrawwin(view->win); view->has_scrolled = false; if (view->pipe) delay = 0; }
void BasicGrid::adjust_view() noexcept { auto const& view = this->view(); if ( view.row_range.x > m_cursor.row || view.row_range.y <= m_cursor.row || view.col_range.x > m_cursor.col || view.col_range.y <= m_cursor.col ) { auto row_begin = m_cursor.row; if (view.row_range.y <= m_cursor.row) { row_begin -= view.fit_count - 1; } update_view( row_begin, row_begin + view.fit_count, 0, col_count(), true ); enqueue_actions(UI::UpdateActions::render); } }
extern gboolean window_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { struct view_s* v = data; v->mode = gtk_combo_box_get_active(v->gtk_mode); v->winlow = gtk_adjustment_get_value(v->gtk_winlow); v->winhigh = gtk_adjustment_get_value(v->gtk_winhigh); for (struct view_s* v2 = v->next; v2 != v; v2 = v2->next) { if (v->sync && v2->sync) { gtk_adjustment_set_value(v2->gtk_winlow, v->winlow); gtk_adjustment_set_value(v2->gtk_winhigh, v->winhigh); gtk_combo_box_set_active(v2->gtk_mode, v->mode); } } v->rgb_invalid = true; update_view(v); return FALSE; }