void alf_uw_begin () /* Initializes this module. Dummy procedure. */ { int i; upfor (i, 0, 3) rho[i] = hidden[i] = 0; }
/* * alf_w_end () -- Closes the module by freeing partial result * storage. */ void alf_w_end () { int a, b; /* Free up memory */ upfor (a, 0, 4) upfor (b, 0, 4) FREE(results[a][b]); FREE(d0); FREE(d1); FREE(d2); FREE(d3); FREE(d4); FREE(m123); if (math_test) basic_fclose (check_file); }
/* * alf_w_begin () -- Initializes the module by allocating partial result * storage. */ void alf_w_begin () { int a, b; upfor (a, 0, 3) size[a] = hidden[a] = 0; upfor (a, 0, 4) upfor (b, 0, 4) results[a][b] = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); d0 = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); d1 = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); d2 = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); d3 = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); d4 = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); m123 = MALLOC (Lia, lia_get_maximum()); if (math_test) check_file = basic_fopen (basic_cb_frmt ("mkalf.math"), "w"); }