void Grego::dayToFields(double day, int32_t& year, int32_t& month,
                        int32_t& dom, int32_t& dow, int32_t& doy) {

    // Convert from 1970 CE epoch to 1 CE epoch (Gregorian calendar)
    day += JULIAN_1970_CE - JULIAN_1_CE;

    // Convert from the day number to the multiple radix
    // representation.  We use 400-year, 100-year, and 4-year cycles.
    // For example, the 4-year cycle has 4 years + 1 leap day; giving
    // 1461 == 365*4 + 1 days.
    int32_t n400 = ClockMath::floorDivide(day, 146097, doy); // 400-year cycle length
    int32_t n100 = ClockMath::floorDivide(doy, 36524, doy); // 100-year cycle length
    int32_t n4   = ClockMath::floorDivide(doy, 1461, doy); // 4-year cycle length
    int32_t n1   = ClockMath::floorDivide(doy, 365, doy);
    year = 400*n400 + 100*n100 + 4*n4 + n1;
    if (n100 == 4 || n1 == 4) {
        doy = 365; // Dec 31 at end of 4- or 400-year cycle
    } else {
    UBool isLeap = isLeapYear(year);
    // Gregorian day zero is a Monday.
    dow = (int32_t) uprv_fmod(day + 1, 7);
    dow += (dow < 0) ? (UCAL_SUNDAY + 7) : UCAL_SUNDAY;

    // Common Julian/Gregorian calculation
    int32_t correction = 0;
    int32_t march1 = isLeap ? 60 : 59; // zero-based DOY for March 1
    if (doy >= march1) {
        correction = isLeap ? 1 : 2;
    month = (12 * (doy + correction) + 6) / 367; // zero-based month
    dom = doy - DAYS_BEFORE[month + (isLeap ? 12 : 0)] + 1; // one-based DOM
    doy++; // one-based doy
Exemple #2
static void TestPUtilAPI(void){

    double  n1=0.0, y1=0.0, expn1, expy1;
    double  value1 = 0.021;
    char *str=0;
    UBool isTrue=FALSE;

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_modf()\n");
    y1 = uprv_modf(value1, &n1);
    if(y1 != expy1   || n1 != expn1){
        log_err("Error in uprv_modf.  Expected IntegralValue=%f, Got=%f, \n Expected FractionalValue=%f, Got=%f\n",
             expn1, n1, expy1, y1);
        log_verbose("[float]  x = %f  n = %f y = %f\n", value1, n1, y1);
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmod()\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00);
    doAssert(expn1, 0.5, "uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_ceil()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 1, "uprv_ceil(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_floor()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0, "uprv_floor(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fabs()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0.675, "uprv_fabs(2.02-1.345) failed.");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2), 2.4, "uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2), 1.2, "uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_max()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_max(4, 2), 4, "uprv_max(4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_min()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_min(-4, 2), -4, "uprv_min(-4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_trunc()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.3456), 12, "uprv_trunc(12.3456) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.234E2), 1223, "uprv_trunc(12.234E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()), uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()) failed. with parameter=NaN");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()), uprv_getInfinity(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()) failed. with parameter=Infinity");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_pow10()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_pow10(4), 10000, "uprv_pow10(4) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isNegativeInfinity()\n");
    isTrue=uprv_isNegativeInfinity(uprv_getInfinity() * -1);
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isNegativeInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isPositiveInfinity()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isPositiveInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isInfinite()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isInfinite failed.\n");

#if 0
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_digitsAfterDecimal()....\n");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(value1), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal() failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2), 6, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-1.2345E-20), 24, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321), 9, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_ZERO_ERROR") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_ZERO_ERROR Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName().. with BOGUS ERRORCODE...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "[BOGUS UErrorCode]") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: [BOGUS UErrorCode] Got=%s\n",  str);

        const char* dataDirectory;
        int32_t dataDirectoryLen;
        UChar *udataDir=0;
        UChar temp[100];
        char *charvalue=0;
        log_verbose("Testing chars to UChars\n");
         /* This cannot really work on a japanese system. u_uastrcpy will have different results than */
        /* u_charsToUChars when there is a backslash in the string! */

        dataDirectory="directory1";  /*no backslashes*/
        udataDir=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (dataDirectoryLen + 1));
        u_charsToUChars(dataDirectory, udataDir, (dataDirectoryLen + 1));
        u_uastrcpy(temp, dataDirectory);
        if(u_strcmp(temp, udataDir) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_charsToUChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", austrdup(temp), austrdup(udataDir));
        log_verbose("Testing UChars to chars\n");
        charvalue=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (u_strlen(udataDir) + 1));

        u_UCharsToChars(udataDir, charvalue, (u_strlen(udataDir)+1));
        if(strcmp(charvalue, dataDirectory) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_UCharsToChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", charvalue, dataDirectory);
    log_verbose("Testing uprv_timezone()....\n");
        int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone();
        log_verbose("Value returned from uprv_timezone = %d\n",  tzoffset);
        if (tzoffset != 28800) {
            log_verbose("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, t_timezone should return 28800! *****");
        if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) {
            log_info("Note: t_timezone offset of %ld (for %s : %s) is not a multiple of 30min.", tzoffset, uprv_tzname(0), uprv_tzname(1));

GregorianCalendar::roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status)
    if((amount == 0) || U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // J81 processing. (gregorian cutover)
    UBool inCutoverMonth = FALSE;
    int32_t cMonthLen=0; // 'c' for cutover; in days
    int32_t cDayOfMonth=0; // no discontinuity: [0, cMonthLen)
    double cMonthStart=0.0; // in ms

    // Common code - see if we're in the cutover month of the cutover year
    if(get(UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR, status) == fGregorianCutoverYear) {
        switch (field) {
        case UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH:
        case UCAL_WEEK_OF_MONTH:
                int32_t max = monthLength(internalGet(UCAL_MONTH));
                UDate t = internalGetTime();
                // We subtract 1 from the DAY_OF_MONTH to make it zero-based, and an
                // additional 10 if we are after the cutover. Thus the monthStart
                // value will be correct iff we actually are in the cutover month.
                cDayOfMonth = internalGet(UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH) - ((t >= fGregorianCutover) ? 10 : 0);
                cMonthStart = t - ((cDayOfMonth - 1) * kOneDay);
                // A month containing the cutover is 10 days shorter.
                if ((cMonthStart < fGregorianCutover) &&
                    (cMonthStart + (cMonthLen=(max-10))*kOneDay >= fGregorianCutover)) {
                        inCutoverMonth = TRUE;

    switch (field) {
    case UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR: {
        // Unlike WEEK_OF_MONTH, WEEK_OF_YEAR never shifts the day of the
        // week.  Also, rolling the week of the year can have seemingly
        // strange effects simply because the year of the week of year
        // may be different from the calendar year.  For example, the
        // date Dec 28, 1997 is the first day of week 1 of 1998 (if
        // weeks start on Sunday and the minimal days in first week is
        // <= 3).
        int32_t woy = get(UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR, status);
        // Get the ISO year, which matches the week of year.  This
        // may be one year before or after the calendar year.
        int32_t isoYear = get(UCAL_YEAR_WOY, status);
        int32_t isoDoy = internalGet(UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR);
        if (internalGet(UCAL_MONTH) == UCAL_JANUARY) {
            if (woy >= 52) {
                isoDoy += handleGetYearLength(isoYear);
        } else {
            if (woy == 1) {
                isoDoy -= handleGetYearLength(isoYear - 1);
        woy += amount;
        // Do fast checks to avoid unnecessary computation:
        if (woy < 1 || woy > 52) {
            // Determine the last week of the ISO year.
            // We do this using the standard formula we use
            // everywhere in this file.  If we can see that the
            // days at the end of the year are going to fall into
            // week 1 of the next year, we drop the last week by
            // subtracting 7 from the last day of the year.
            int32_t lastDoy = handleGetYearLength(isoYear);
            int32_t lastRelDow = (lastDoy - isoDoy + internalGet(UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK) -
                getFirstDayOfWeek()) % 7;
            if (lastRelDow < 0) lastRelDow += 7;
            if ((6 - lastRelDow) >= getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()) lastDoy -= 7;
            int32_t lastWoy = weekNumber(lastDoy, lastRelDow + 1);
            woy = ((woy + lastWoy - 1) % lastWoy) + 1;
        set(UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR, woy);

        if( !inCutoverMonth ) { 
            Calendar::roll(field, amount, status);
        } else {
            // [j81] 1582 special case for DOM
            // The default computation works except when the current month
            // contains the Gregorian cutover.  We handle this special case
            // here.  [j81 - aliu]
            double monthLen = cMonthLen * kOneDay;
            double msIntoMonth = uprv_fmod(internalGetTime() - cMonthStart +
                amount * kOneDay, monthLen);
            if (msIntoMonth < 0) {
                msIntoMonth += monthLen;
#if defined (U_DEBUG_CAL)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: roll DOM %d  -> %.0lf ms  \n", 
                __FILE__, __LINE__,amount, cMonthLen, cMonthStart+msIntoMonth);
            setTimeInMillis(cMonthStart + msIntoMonth, status);

        if( !inCutoverMonth ) { 
            Calendar::roll(field, amount, status);
        } else {
#if defined (U_DEBUG_CAL)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: roll WOM %d ??????????????????? \n", 
                __FILE__, __LINE__,amount);
            // NOTE: following copied from  the old
            //     GregorianCalendar::roll( WEEK_OF_MONTH )  code 

            // This is tricky, because during the roll we may have to shift
            // to a different day of the week.  For example:

            //    s  m  t  w  r  f  s
            //          1  2  3  4  5
            //    6  7  8  9 10 11 12

            // When rolling from the 6th or 7th back one week, we go to the
            // 1st (assuming that the first partial week counts).  The same
            // thing happens at the end of the month.

            // The other tricky thing is that we have to figure out whether
            // the first partial week actually counts or not, based on the
            // minimal first days in the week.  And we have to use the
            // correct first day of the week to delineate the week
            // boundaries.

            // Here's our algorithm.  First, we find the real boundaries of
            // the month.  Then we discard the first partial week if it
            // doesn't count in this locale.  Then we fill in the ends with
            // phantom days, so that the first partial week and the last
            // partial week are full weeks.  We then have a nice square
            // block of weeks.  We do the usual rolling within this block,
            // as is done elsewhere in this method.  If we wind up on one of
            // the phantom days that we added, we recognize this and pin to
            // the first or the last day of the month.  Easy, eh?

            // Another wrinkle: To fix jitterbug 81, we have to make all this
            // work in the oddball month containing the Gregorian cutover.
            // This month is 10 days shorter than usual, and also contains
            // a discontinuity in the days; e.g., the default cutover month
            // is Oct 1582, and goes from day of month 4 to day of month 15.

            // Normalize the DAY_OF_WEEK so that 0 is the first day of the week
            // in this locale.  We have dow in 0..6.
            int32_t dow = internalGet(UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK) - getFirstDayOfWeek();
            if (dow < 0) 
                dow += 7;

            // Find the day of month, compensating for cutover discontinuity.
            int32_t dom = cDayOfMonth;

            // Find the day of the week (normalized for locale) for the first
            // of the month.
            int32_t fdm = (dow - dom + 1) % 7;
            if (fdm < 0) 
                fdm += 7;

            // Get the first day of the first full week of the month,
            // including phantom days, if any.  Figure out if the first week
            // counts or not; if it counts, then fill in phantom days.  If
            // not, advance to the first real full week (skip the partial week).
            int32_t start;
            if ((7 - fdm) < getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek())
                start = 8 - fdm; // Skip the first partial week
                start = 1 - fdm; // This may be zero or negative

            // Get the day of the week (normalized for locale) for the last
            // day of the month.
            int32_t monthLen = cMonthLen;
            int32_t ldm = (monthLen - dom + dow) % 7;
            // We know monthLen >= DAY_OF_MONTH so we skip the += 7 step here.

            // Get the limit day for the blocked-off rectangular month; that
            // is, the day which is one past the last day of the month,
            // after the month has already been filled in with phantom days
            // to fill out the last week.  This day has a normalized DOW of 0.
            int32_t limit = monthLen + 7 - ldm;

            // Now roll between start and (limit - 1).
            int32_t gap = limit - start;
            int32_t newDom = (dom + amount*7 - start) % gap;
            if (newDom < 0) 
                newDom += gap;
            newDom += start;

            // Finally, pin to the real start and end of the month.
            if (newDom < 1) 
                newDom = 1;
            if (newDom > monthLen) 
                newDom = monthLen;

            // Set the DAY_OF_MONTH.  We rely on the fact that this field
            // takes precedence over everything else (since all other fields
            // are also set at this point).  If this fact changes (if the
            // disambiguation algorithm changes) then we will have to unset
            // the appropriate fields here so that DAY_OF_MONTH is attended
            // to.

            // If we are in the cutover month, manipulate ms directly.  Don't do
            // this in general because it doesn't work across DST boundaries
            // (details, details).  This takes care of the discontinuity.
            setTimeInMillis(cMonthStart + (newDom-1)*kOneDay, status);                

        Calendar::roll(field, amount, status);
 virtual double composeRuleValue(double newRuleValue, double oldRuleValue) const {
     return oldRuleValue - uprv_fmod(oldRuleValue, divisor) + newRuleValue;
 virtual double transformNumber(double number) const { return uprv_fmod(number, divisor); }
Exemple #6
static void TestPUtilAPI(void){

    double  n1=0.0, y1=0.0, expn1, expy1;
    double  value1 = 0.021;
    UVersionInfo versionArray = {0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02};
    char versionString[17]; /* xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\0 */
    char *str=0;
    UBool isTrue=FALSE;

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_modf()\n");
    y1 = uprv_modf(value1, &n1);
    if(y1 != expy1   || n1 != expn1){
        log_err("Error in uprv_modf.  Expected IntegralValue=%f, Got=%f, \n Expected FractionalValue=%f, Got=%f\n",
             expn1, n1, expy1, y1);
        log_verbose("[float]  x = %f  n = %f y = %f\n", value1, n1, y1);
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmod()\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00);
    doAssert(expn1, 0.5, "uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_ceil()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 1, "uprv_ceil(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_floor()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0, "uprv_floor(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fabs()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0.675, "uprv_fabs(2.02-1.345) failed.");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2), 2.4, "uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2), 1.2, "uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_max()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_max(4, 2), 4, "uprv_max(4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_min()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_min(-4, 2), -4, "uprv_min(-4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_trunc()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.3456), 12, "uprv_trunc(12.3456) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.234E2), 1223, "uprv_trunc(12.234E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()), uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()) failed. with parameter=NaN");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()), uprv_getInfinity(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()) failed. with parameter=Infinity");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_pow10()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_pow10(4), 10000, "uprv_pow10(4) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_log10()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_log10(3456), 3, "uprv_log10(3456) failed.");
#ifdef OS390
    doAssert(uprv_log10(1.0e55), 55, "uprv_log10(1.0e55) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_log10(1.0e300), 300, "uprv_log10(1.0e300) failed.");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isNegativeInfinity()\n");
    isTrue=uprv_isNegativeInfinity(uprv_getInfinity() * -1);
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isNegativeInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isPositiveInfinity()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isPositiveInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isInfinite()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isInfinite failed.\n");

#if 0
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_digitsAfterDecimal()....\n");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(value1), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal() failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2), 6, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-1.2345E-20), 24, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321), 9, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionArray=NULL\n");
    u_versionToString(NULL, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. with versionArray=NULL. It should just return\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionArray=NULL\n");
    u_versionToString(NULL, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed . It should just return\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionString=NULL\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, NULL);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. with versionArray=NULL  It should just return\n");
    versionArray[0] = 0x0a;
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    versionArray[0] = 0xa0;
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    versionArray[0] = 0xa0;
    versionArray[1] = 0xa0;
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    versionArray[0] = 0x01;
    versionArray[1] = 0x0a;
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionFromString() ....\n");
    u_versionFromString(versionArray, "");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n",  versionString);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionFromString() where versionArray=NULL....\n");
    u_versionFromString(NULL, "");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n",  versionString);

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_getVersion().....\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, U_ICU_VERSION) != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Got=%s, expected %s\n",  versionString, U_ICU_VERSION);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_ZERO_ERROR") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_ZERO_ERROR Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName().. with BOGUS ERRORCODE...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "[BOGUS UErrorCode]") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: [BOGUS UErrorCode] Got=%s\n",  str);

        const char* dataDirectory;
        UChar *udataDir=0;
        UChar temp[100];
        char *charvalue=0;
        log_verbose("Testing chars to UChars\n");
         /* This cannot really work on a japanese system. u_uastrcpy will have different results than */
        /* u_charsToUChars when there is a backslash in the string! */

        dataDirectory="directory1";  /*no backslashes*/
        udataDir=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(dataDirectory) + 1));
        u_charsToUChars(dataDirectory, udataDir, (strlen(dataDirectory)+1));
        u_uastrcpy(temp, dataDirectory);
        if(u_strcmp(temp, udataDir) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_charsToUChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", austrdup(temp), austrdup(udataDir));
        log_verbose("Testing UChars to chars\n");
        charvalue=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (u_strlen(udataDir) + 1));

        u_UCharsToChars(udataDir, charvalue, (u_strlen(udataDir)+1));
        if(strcmp(charvalue, dataDirectory) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_UCharsToChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", charvalue, dataDirectory);
    log_verbose("Testing uprv_timezone()....\n");
        int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone();
        log_verbose("Value returned from uprv_timezone = %d\n",  tzoffset);
        if (tzoffset != 28800) {
            log_verbose("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, t_timezone should return 28800! *****");
        if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) {
            log_err("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not a multiple of 30min.");
