Exemple #1
AndConstraint::updateRepeatLimit(int32_t maxLimit) {

    if ( op == MOD ) {
        return uprv_max(opNum, maxLimit);
    else {
        if ( rangeHigh == -1 ) {
            return uprv_max(rangeLow, maxLimit);
            return uprv_max(rangeHigh, maxLimit);
Exemple #2
NumberFormat::setMinimumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue)
    fMinFractionDigits = uprv_max(0, uprv_min(newValue, fgMinIntegerDigits));
    if (fMaxFractionDigits < fMinFractionDigits)
        fMaxFractionDigits = fMinFractionDigits;
Exemple #3
NumberFormat::setMaximumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue)
    fMaxIntegerDigits = uprv_max(0, uprv_min(newValue, fgMaxIntegerDigits));
    if(fMinIntegerDigits > fMaxIntegerDigits)
        fMinIntegerDigits = fMaxIntegerDigits;
GregorianCalendar::aggregateStamp(int32_t stamp_a, int32_t stamp_b) 
    return (((stamp_a != kUnset && stamp_b != kUnset) 
        ? uprv_max(stamp_a, stamp_b)
        : (int32_t)kUnset));
Exemple #5
 * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
void AnyTransliterator::handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text, UTransPosition& pos,
                                            UBool isIncremental) const {
    int32_t allStart = pos.start;
    int32_t allLimit = pos.limit;

    ScriptRunIterator it(text, pos.contextStart, pos.contextLimit);

    while (it.next()) {
        // Ignore runs in the ante context
        if (it.limit <= allStart) continue;

        // Try to instantiate transliterator from it.scriptCode to
        // our target or target/variant
        Transliterator* t = getTransliterator(it.scriptCode);
        if (t == NULL) {
            // We have no transliterator.  Do nothing, but keep
            // pos.start up to date.
            pos.start = it.limit;

        // If the run end is before the transliteration limit, do
        // a non-incremental transliteration.  Otherwise do an
        // incremental one.
        UBool incremental = isIncremental && (it.limit >= allLimit);
        pos.start = uprv_max(allStart, it.start);
        pos.limit = uprv_min(allLimit, it.limit);
        int32_t limit = pos.limit;
        t->filteredTransliterate(text, pos, incremental);
        int32_t delta = pos.limit - limit;
        allLimit += delta;

        // We're done if we enter the post context
        if (it.limit >= allLimit) break;

    // Restore limit.  pos.start is fine where the last transliterator
    // left it, or at the end of the last run.
    pos.limit = allLimit;
Exemple #6
 * Attempt a match and replacement at the given position.  Return
 * the degree of match between this rule and the given text.  The
 * degree of match may be mismatch, a partial match, or a full
 * match.  A mismatch means at least one character of the text
 * does not match the context or key.  A partial match means some
 * context and key characters match, but the text is not long
 * enough to match all of them.  A full match means all context
 * and key characters match.
 * If a full match is obtained, perform a replacement, update pos,
 * and return U_MATCH.  Otherwise both text and pos are unchanged.
 * @param text the text
 * @param pos the position indices
 * @param incremental if TRUE, test for partial matches that may
 * be completed by additional text inserted at pos.limit.
 * @return one of <code>U_MISMATCH</code>,
 * <code>U_PARTIAL_MATCH</code>, or <code>U_MATCH</code>.  If
 * incremental is FALSE then U_PARTIAL_MATCH will not be returned.
UMatchDegree TransliterationRule::matchAndReplace(Replaceable& text,
                                                  UTransPosition& pos,
                                                  UBool incremental) const {
    // Matching and replacing are done in one method because the
    // replacement operation needs information obtained during the
    // match.  Another way to do this is to have the match method
    // create a match result struct with relevant offsets, and to pass
    // this into the replace method.

    // ============================ MATCH ===========================

    // Reset segment match data
    if (segments != NULL) {
        for (int32_t i=0; i<segmentsCount; ++i) {
            ((StringMatcher*) segments[i])->resetMatch();

//    int32_t lenDelta, keyLimit;
    int32_t keyLimit;

    // ------------------------ Ante Context ------------------------

    // A mismatch in the ante context, or with the start anchor,
    // is an outright U_MISMATCH regardless of whether we are
    // incremental or not.
    int32_t oText; // offset into 'text'
//    int32_t newStart = 0;
    int32_t minOText;

    // Note (1): We process text in 16-bit code units, rather than
    // 32-bit code points.  This works because stand-ins are
    // always in the BMP and because we are doing a literal match
    // operation, which can be done 16-bits at a time.
    int32_t anteLimit = posBefore(text, pos.contextStart);

    UMatchDegree match;

    // Start reverse match at char before pos.start
    oText = posBefore(text, pos.start);

    if (anteContext != NULL) {
        match = anteContext->matches(text, oText, anteLimit, FALSE);
        if (match != U_MATCH) {
            return U_MISMATCH;

    minOText = posAfter(text, oText);

    // ------------------------ Start Anchor ------------------------
    if (((flags & ANCHOR_START) != 0) && oText != anteLimit) {
        return U_MISMATCH;

    // -------------------- Key and Post Context --------------------
    oText = pos.start;

    if (key != NULL) {
        match = key->matches(text, oText, pos.limit, incremental);
        if (match != U_MATCH) {
            return match;

    keyLimit = oText;

    if (postContext != NULL) {
        if (incremental && keyLimit == pos.limit) {
            // The key matches just before pos.limit, and there is
            // a postContext.  Since we are in incremental mode,
            // we must assume more characters may be inserted at
            // pos.limit -- this is a partial match.
            return U_PARTIAL_MATCH;

        match = postContext->matches(text, oText, pos.contextLimit, incremental);
        if (match != U_MATCH) {
            return match;
    // ------------------------- Stop Anchor ------------------------
    if (((flags & ANCHOR_END)) != 0) {
        if (oText != pos.contextLimit) {
            return U_MISMATCH;
        if (incremental) {
            return U_PARTIAL_MATCH;
    // =========================== REPLACE ==========================

    // We have a full match.  The key is between pos.start and
    // keyLimit.

    int32_t newStart;
    int32_t newLength = output->toReplacer()->replace(text, pos.start, keyLimit, newStart);
    int32_t lenDelta = newLength - (keyLimit - pos.start);

    oText += lenDelta;
    pos.limit += lenDelta;
    pos.contextLimit += lenDelta;
    // Restrict new value of start to [minOText, min(oText, pos.limit)].
    pos.start = uprv_max(minOText, uprv_min(uprv_min(oText, pos.limit), newStart));
    return U_MATCH;
Exemple #7
static void TestPUtilAPI(void){

    double  n1=0.0, y1=0.0, expn1, expy1;
    double  value1 = 0.021;
    char *str=0;
    UBool isTrue=FALSE;

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_modf()\n");
    y1 = uprv_modf(value1, &n1);
    if(y1 != expy1   || n1 != expn1){
        log_err("Error in uprv_modf.  Expected IntegralValue=%f, Got=%f, \n Expected FractionalValue=%f, Got=%f\n",
             expn1, n1, expy1, y1);
        log_verbose("[float]  x = %f  n = %f y = %f\n", value1, n1, y1);
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmod()\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00);
    doAssert(expn1, 0.5, "uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_ceil()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 1, "uprv_ceil(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_floor()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0, "uprv_floor(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fabs()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0.675, "uprv_fabs(2.02-1.345) failed.");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2), 2.4, "uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2), 1.2, "uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_max()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_max(4, 2), 4, "uprv_max(4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_min()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_min(-4, 2), -4, "uprv_min(-4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_trunc()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.3456), 12, "uprv_trunc(12.3456) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.234E2), 1223, "uprv_trunc(12.234E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()), uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()) failed. with parameter=NaN");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()), uprv_getInfinity(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()) failed. with parameter=Infinity");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_pow10()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_pow10(4), 10000, "uprv_pow10(4) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isNegativeInfinity()\n");
    isTrue=uprv_isNegativeInfinity(uprv_getInfinity() * -1);
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isNegativeInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isPositiveInfinity()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isPositiveInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isInfinite()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isInfinite failed.\n");

#if 0
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_digitsAfterDecimal()....\n");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(value1), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal() failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2), 6, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-1.2345E-20), 24, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321), 9, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_ZERO_ERROR") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_ZERO_ERROR Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName().. with BOGUS ERRORCODE...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "[BOGUS UErrorCode]") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: [BOGUS UErrorCode] Got=%s\n",  str);

        const char* dataDirectory;
        int32_t dataDirectoryLen;
        UChar *udataDir=0;
        UChar temp[100];
        char *charvalue=0;
        log_verbose("Testing chars to UChars\n");
         /* This cannot really work on a japanese system. u_uastrcpy will have different results than */
        /* u_charsToUChars when there is a backslash in the string! */

        dataDirectory="directory1";  /*no backslashes*/
        udataDir=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (dataDirectoryLen + 1));
        u_charsToUChars(dataDirectory, udataDir, (dataDirectoryLen + 1));
        u_uastrcpy(temp, dataDirectory);
        if(u_strcmp(temp, udataDir) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_charsToUChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", austrdup(temp), austrdup(udataDir));
        log_verbose("Testing UChars to chars\n");
        charvalue=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (u_strlen(udataDir) + 1));

        u_UCharsToChars(udataDir, charvalue, (u_strlen(udataDir)+1));
        if(strcmp(charvalue, dataDirectory) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_UCharsToChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", charvalue, dataDirectory);
    log_verbose("Testing uprv_timezone()....\n");
        int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone();
        log_verbose("Value returned from uprv_timezone = %d\n",  tzoffset);
        if (tzoffset != 28800) {
            log_verbose("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, t_timezone should return 28800! *****");
        if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) {
            log_info("Note: t_timezone offset of %ld (for %s : %s) is not a multiple of 30min.", tzoffset, uprv_tzname(0), uprv_tzname(1));

Exemple #8
static void TestPUtilAPI(void){

    double  n1=0.0, y1=0.0, expn1, expy1;
    double  value1 = 0.021;
    UVersionInfo versionArray = {0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02};
    char versionString[17]; /* xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\0 */
    char *str=0;
    UBool isTrue=FALSE;

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_modf()\n");
    y1 = uprv_modf(value1, &n1);
    if(y1 != expy1   || n1 != expn1){
        log_err("Error in uprv_modf.  Expected IntegralValue=%f, Got=%f, \n Expected FractionalValue=%f, Got=%f\n",
             expn1, n1, expy1, y1);
        log_verbose("[float]  x = %f  n = %f y = %f\n", value1, n1, y1);
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmod()\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00);
    doAssert(expn1, 0.5, "uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_ceil()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 1, "uprv_ceil(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_floor()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0, "uprv_floor(0.021) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fabs()\n");
    doAssert(expn1, 0.675, "uprv_fabs(2.02-1.345) failed.");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2), 2.4, "uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2), 1.2, "uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin() with x value= NaN\n");
    expn1=uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2);
    doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_max()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_max(4, 2), 4, "uprv_max(4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_min()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_min(-4, 2), -4, "uprv_min(-4, 2) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_trunc()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.3456), 12, "uprv_trunc(12.3456) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.234E2), 1223, "uprv_trunc(12.234E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()), uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()) failed. with parameter=NaN");
    doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()), uprv_getInfinity(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()) failed. with parameter=Infinity");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_pow10()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_pow10(4), 10000, "uprv_pow10(4) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_log10()\n");
    doAssert(uprv_log10(3456), 3, "uprv_log10(3456) failed.");
#ifdef OS390
    doAssert(uprv_log10(1.0e55), 55, "uprv_log10(1.0e55) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_log10(1.0e300), 300, "uprv_log10(1.0e300) failed.");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isNegativeInfinity()\n");
    isTrue=uprv_isNegativeInfinity(uprv_getInfinity() * -1);
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isNegativeInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isPositiveInfinity()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isPositiveInfinity failed.\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isInfinite()\n");
    if(isTrue != TRUE){
        log_err("ERROR: uprv_isInfinite failed.\n");

#if 0
    log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_digitsAfterDecimal()....\n");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(value1), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal() failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2), 6, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-1.2345E-20), 24, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0) failed.");
    doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321), 9, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321) failed.");

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionArray=NULL\n");
    u_versionToString(NULL, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. with versionArray=NULL. It should just return\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionArray=NULL\n");
    u_versionToString(NULL, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed . It should just return\n");
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionString=NULL\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, NULL);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. with versionArray=NULL  It should just return\n");
    versionArray[0] = 0x0a;
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    versionArray[0] = 0xa0;
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    versionArray[0] = 0xa0;
    versionArray[1] = 0xa0;
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);
    versionArray[0] = 0x01;
    versionArray[1] = 0x0a;
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString);

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionFromString() ....\n");
    u_versionFromString(versionArray, "");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n",  versionString);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionFromString() where versionArray=NULL....\n");
    u_versionFromString(NULL, "");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n",  versionString);

    log_verbose("Testing the API u_getVersion().....\n");
    u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString);
    if(strcmp(versionString, U_ICU_VERSION) != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Got=%s, expected %s\n",  versionString, U_ICU_VERSION);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_ZERO_ERROR") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_ZERO_ERROR Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING Got=%s\n",  str);
    log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName().. with BOGUS ERRORCODE...\n");
    if(strcmp(str, "[BOGUS UErrorCode]") != 0){
        log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: [BOGUS UErrorCode] Got=%s\n",  str);

        const char* dataDirectory;
        UChar *udataDir=0;
        UChar temp[100];
        char *charvalue=0;
        log_verbose("Testing chars to UChars\n");
         /* This cannot really work on a japanese system. u_uastrcpy will have different results than */
        /* u_charsToUChars when there is a backslash in the string! */

        dataDirectory="directory1";  /*no backslashes*/
        udataDir=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(dataDirectory) + 1));
        u_charsToUChars(dataDirectory, udataDir, (strlen(dataDirectory)+1));
        u_uastrcpy(temp, dataDirectory);
        if(u_strcmp(temp, udataDir) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_charsToUChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", austrdup(temp), austrdup(udataDir));
        log_verbose("Testing UChars to chars\n");
        charvalue=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (u_strlen(udataDir) + 1));

        u_UCharsToChars(udataDir, charvalue, (u_strlen(udataDir)+1));
        if(strcmp(charvalue, dataDirectory) != 0){
            log_err("ERROR: u_UCharsToChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", charvalue, dataDirectory);
    log_verbose("Testing uprv_timezone()....\n");
        int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone();
        log_verbose("Value returned from uprv_timezone = %d\n",  tzoffset);
        if (tzoffset != 28800) {
            log_verbose("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, t_timezone should return 28800! *****");
        if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) {
            log_err("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not a multiple of 30min.");

void Transliterator::_transliterate(Replaceable& text,
                                    UTransPosition& index,
                                    const UnicodeString* insertion,
                                    UErrorCode &status) const {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    if (!positionIsValid(index, text.length())) {
        status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

//    int32_t originalStart = index.contextStart;
    if (insertion != 0) {
        text.handleReplaceBetween(index.limit, index.limit, *insertion);
        index.limit += insertion->length();
        index.contextLimit += insertion->length();

    if (index.limit > 0 &&
        UTF_IS_LEAD(text.charAt(index.limit - 1))) {
        // Oops, there is a dangling lead surrogate in the buffer.
        // This will break most transliterators, since they will
        // assume it is part of a pair.  Don't transliterate until
        // more text comes in.

    filteredTransliterate(text, index, TRUE, TRUE);

#if 0
    // TODO
    // I CAN'T DO what I'm attempting below now that the Kleene star
    // operator is supported.  For example, in the rule

    //   ([:Lu:]+) { x } > $1;

    // what is the maximum context length?  getMaximumContextLength()
    // will return 1, but this is just the length of the ante context
    // part of the pattern string -- 1 character, which is a standin
    // for a Quantifier, which contains a StringMatcher, which
    // contains a UnicodeSet.

    // There is a complicated way to make this work again, and that's
    // to add a "maximum left context" protocol into the
    // UnicodeMatcher hierarchy.  At present I'm not convinced this is
    // worth it.

    // ---

    // The purpose of the code below is to keep the context small
    // while doing incremental transliteration.  When part of the left
    // context (between contextStart and start) is no longer needed,
    // we try to advance contextStart past that portion.  We use the
    // maximum context length to do so.
    int32_t newCS = index.start;
    int32_t n = getMaximumContextLength();
    while (newCS > originalStart && n-- > 0) {
        newCS -= UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(text.char32At(newCS)) - 1;
    index.contextStart = uprv_max(newCS, originalStart);