static int haiku_handle_transfer_completion(struct usbi_transfer * itransfer) { USBTransfer* transfer=*((USBTransfer**)usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer)); usbi_mutex_lock(&itransfer->lock); if(transfer->IsCancelled()) { delete transfer; *((USBTransfer**)usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer))=NULL; usbi_mutex_unlock(&itransfer->lock); if (itransfer->transferred < 0) itransfer->transferred = 0; return usbi_handle_transfer_cancellation(itransfer); } libusb_transfer_status status = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED; if(itransfer->transferred < 0) { usbi_err(ITRANSFER_CTX(itransfer), "error in transfer"); status = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR; itransfer->transferred=0; } delete transfer; *((USBTransfer**)usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(itransfer))=NULL; usbi_mutex_unlock(&itransfer->lock); return usbi_handle_transfer_completion(itransfer, status); }
void API_EXPORTED libusb_unref_device(libusb_device *dev) { int refcnt; if (!dev) return; usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); refcnt = --dev->refcnt; usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); if (refcnt == 0) { usbi_dbg("destroy device %d.%d", dev->bus_number, dev->device_address); if (usbi_backend->destroy_device) usbi_backend->destroy_device(dev); usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->ctx->usb_devs_lock); list_del(&dev->list); usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->ctx->usb_devs_lock); usbi_mutex_destroy(&dev->lock); free(dev); } }
void usbi_hotplug_match(struct libusb_device *dev, libusb_hotplug_event event) { struct libusb_hotplug_callback *hotplug_cb, *next; struct libusb_context *ctx = dev->ctx; int ret; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(hotplug_cb, next, &ctx->hotplug_cbs, list, struct libusb_hotplug_callback) { usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); ret = usbi_hotplug_match_cb (dev, event, hotplug_cb); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); if (ret) { list_del(&hotplug_cb->list); free(hotplug_cb); } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); /* loop through and disconnect all open handles for this device */ if (LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_LEFT == event) { struct libusb_device_handle *handle; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); list_for_each_entry(handle, &ctx->open_devs, list, struct libusb_device_handle) { if (dev == handle->dev) { usbi_handle_disconnect (handle); } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); } }
static int wince_handle_events( struct libusb_context *ctx, struct pollfd *fds, POLL_NFDS_TYPE nfds, int num_ready) { struct wince_transfer_priv* transfer_priv = NULL; POLL_NFDS_TYPE i = 0; BOOL found = FALSE; struct usbi_transfer *transfer; DWORD io_size, io_result; int r = LIBUSB_SUCCESS; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); for (i = 0; i < nfds && num_ready > 0; i++) { usbi_dbg("checking fd %d with revents = %04x", fds[i].fd, fds[i].revents); if (!fds[i].revents) continue; num_ready--; // Because a Windows OVERLAPPED is used for poll emulation, // a pollable fd is created and stored with each transfer usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->flying_transfers_lock); list_for_each_entry(transfer, &ctx->flying_transfers, list, struct usbi_transfer) { transfer_priv = usbi_transfer_get_os_priv(transfer); if (transfer_priv->pollable_fd.fd == fds[i].fd) { found = TRUE; break; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->flying_transfers_lock); if (found && HasOverlappedIoCompleted(transfer_priv->pollable_fd.overlapped)) { io_result = (DWORD)transfer_priv->pollable_fd.overlapped->Internal; io_size = (DWORD)transfer_priv->pollable_fd.overlapped->InternalHigh; usbi_remove_pollfd(ctx, transfer_priv->pollable_fd.fd); // let handle_callback free the event using the transfer wfd // If you don't use the transfer wfd, you run a risk of trying to free a // newly allocated wfd that took the place of the one from the transfer. wince_handle_callback(transfer, io_result, io_size); } else if (found) { usbi_err(ctx, "matching transfer for fd %d has not completed", fds[i]); r = LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER; break; } else { usbi_err(ctx, "could not find a matching transfer for fd %d", fds[i]); r = LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; break; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); return r; }
static int windows_handle_events(struct libusb_context *ctx, struct pollfd *fds, POLL_NFDS_TYPE nfds, int num_ready) { struct windows_context_priv *priv = _context_priv(ctx); struct usbi_transfer *itransfer; DWORD io_size, io_result; POLL_NFDS_TYPE i; bool found; int transfer_fd; int r = LIBUSB_SUCCESS; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); for (i = 0; i < nfds && num_ready > 0; i++) { usbi_dbg("checking fd %d with revents = %04x", fds[i].fd, fds[i].revents); if (!fds[i].revents) continue; num_ready--; // Because a Windows OVERLAPPED is used for poll emulation, // a pollable fd is created and stored with each transfer found = false; transfer_fd = -1; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->flying_transfers_lock); list_for_each_entry(itransfer, &ctx->flying_transfers, list, struct usbi_transfer) { transfer_fd = priv->backend->get_transfer_fd(itransfer); if (transfer_fd == fds[i].fd) { found = true; break; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->flying_transfers_lock); if (found) { priv->backend->get_overlapped_result(itransfer, &io_result, &io_size); usbi_remove_pollfd(ctx, transfer_fd); // let handle_callback free the event using the transfer wfd // If you don't use the transfer wfd, you run a risk of trying to free a // newly allocated wfd that took the place of the one from the transfer. windows_handle_callback(priv->backend, itransfer, io_result, io_size); } else { usbi_err(ctx, "could not find a matching transfer for fd %d", fds[i].fd); r = LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; break; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); return r; }
static void do_close(struct libusb_context *ctx, struct libusb_device_handle *dev_handle) { struct usbi_transfer *itransfer; struct usbi_transfer *tmp; libusb_lock_events(ctx); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->flying_transfers_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(itransfer, tmp, &ctx->flying_transfers, list, struct usbi_transfer) { struct libusb_transfer *transfer = USBI_TRANSFER_TO_LIBUSB_TRANSFER(itransfer); if (transfer->dev_handle != dev_handle) continue; if (!(itransfer->flags & USBI_TRANSFER_DEVICE_DISAPPEARED)) { usbi_err(ctx, "Device handle closed while transfer was still being processed, but the device is still connected as far as we know"); if (itransfer->flags & USBI_TRANSFER_CANCELLING) usbi_warn(ctx, "A cancellation for an in-flight transfer hasn't completed but closing the device handle"); else usbi_err(ctx, "A cancellation hasn't even been scheduled on the transfer for which the device is closing"); } usbi_mutex_lock(&itransfer->lock); list_del(&itransfer->list); transfer->dev_handle = NULL; usbi_mutex_unlock(&itransfer->lock); usbi_dbg("Removed transfer %p from the in-flight list because device handle %p closed", transfer, dev_handle); } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->flying_transfers_lock); libusb_unlock_events(ctx); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); list_del(&dev_handle->list); usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); usbi_backend->close(dev_handle); libusb_unref_device(dev_handle->dev); usbi_mutex_destroy(&dev_handle->lock); free(dev_handle); }
void API_EXPORTED libusb_close(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle) { struct libusb_context *ctx; unsigned char dummy = 1; ssize_t r; if (!dev_handle) return; usbi_dbg(""); ctx = HANDLE_CTX(dev_handle); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); ctx->pollfd_modify++; usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); r = usbi_write(ctx->ctrl_pipe[1], &dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if (r <= 0) { usbi_warn(ctx, "internal signalling write failed, closing anyway"); do_close(ctx, dev_handle); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); ctx->pollfd_modify--; usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); return; } libusb_lock_events(ctx); r = usbi_read(ctx->ctrl_pipe[0], &dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if (r <= 0) usbi_warn(ctx, "internal signalling read failed, closing anyway"); do_close(ctx, dev_handle); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); ctx->pollfd_modify--; usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); libusb_unlock_events(ctx); }
struct libusb_device *usbi_alloc_device(struct libusb_context *ctx, unsigned long session_id) { size_t priv_size = usbi_backend->device_priv_size; struct libusb_device *dev = calloc(1, sizeof(*dev) + priv_size); int r; if (!dev) return NULL; r = usbi_mutex_init(&dev->lock, NULL); if (r) { free(dev); return NULL; } dev->ctx = ctx; dev->refcnt = 1; dev->session_data = session_id; dev->speed = LIBUSB_SPEED_UNKNOWN; memset(&dev->os_priv, 0, priv_size); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); list_add(&dev->list, &ctx->usb_devs); usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); return dev; }
libusb_device * LIBUSB_CALL libusb_ref_device(libusb_device *dev) { usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); dev->refcnt++; usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); return dev; }
ssize_t API_EXPORTED libusb_get_device_list(libusb_context *ctx, libusb_device ***list) { struct discovered_devs *discdevs = discovered_devs_alloc(); struct libusb_device **ret; int r = 0; ssize_t i, len; USBI_GET_CONTEXT(ctx); usbi_dbg(""); if (!discdevs) return LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM; if (libusb_has_capability(LIBUSB_CAP_HAS_HOTPLUG)) { struct libusb_device *dev; if (usbi_backend->hotplug_poll) usbi_backend->hotplug_poll(); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); list_for_each_entry(dev, &ctx->usb_devs, list, struct libusb_device) { discdevs = discovered_devs_append(discdevs, dev); if (!discdevs) { r = LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM; break; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); } else {
void API_EXPORTED libusb_hotplug_deregister_callback (struct libusb_context *ctx, libusb_hotplug_callback_handle handle) { struct libusb_hotplug_callback *hotplug_cb; libusb_hotplug_message message; ssize_t ret; /* check for hotplug support */ if (!libusb_has_capability(LIBUSB_CAP_HAS_HOTPLUG)) { return; } USBI_GET_CONTEXT(ctx); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); list_for_each_entry(hotplug_cb, &ctx->hotplug_cbs, list, struct libusb_hotplug_callback) { if (handle == hotplug_cb->handle) { /* Mark this callback for deregistration */ hotplug_cb->needs_free = 1; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); /* wakeup handle_events to do the actual free */ memset(&message, 0, sizeof(message)); ret = usbi_write(ctx->hotplug_pipe[1], &message, sizeof(message)); if (sizeof(message) != ret) { usbi_err(ctx, "error writing hotplug message"); } }
int API_EXPORTED libusb_set_interface_alt_setting(libusb_device_handle *dev, int interface_number, int alternate_setting) { usbi_dbg("interface %d altsetting %d", interface_number, alternate_setting); if (interface_number >= USB_MAXINTERFACES) return LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); if (!(dev->claimed_interfaces & (1 << interface_number))) { usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); return LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); return usbi_backend->set_interface_altsetting(dev, interface_number, alternate_setting); }
void usbi_hotplug_deregister_all(struct libusb_context *ctx) { struct libusb_hotplug_callback *hotplug_cb, *next; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(hotplug_cb, next, &ctx->hotplug_cbs, list, struct libusb_hotplug_callback) { list_del(&hotplug_cb->list); free(hotplug_cb); } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); }
void usbi_fd_notification(struct libusb_context *ctx) { unsigned char dummy = 1; ssize_t r; if (ctx == NULL) return; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); ctx->pollfd_modify++; usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); r = usbi_write(ctx->ctrl_pipe[1], &dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if (r <= 0) { usbi_warn(ctx, "internal signalling write failed"); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); ctx->pollfd_modify--; usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); return; } libusb_lock_events(ctx); r = usbi_read(ctx->ctrl_pipe[0], &dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if (r <= 0) usbi_warn(ctx, "internal signalling read failed"); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); ctx->pollfd_modify--; usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfd_modify_lock); libusb_unlock_events(ctx); }
void usbi_hotplug_match(struct libusb_context *ctx, struct libusb_device *dev, libusb_hotplug_event event) { struct libusb_hotplug_callback *hotplug_cb, *next; int ret; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); list_for_each_entry_safe(hotplug_cb, next, &ctx->hotplug_cbs, list, struct libusb_hotplug_callback) { usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); ret = usbi_hotplug_match_cb (ctx, dev, event, hotplug_cb); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); if (ret) { list_del(&hotplug_cb->list); free(hotplug_cb); } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); /* the backend is expected to call the callback for each active transfer */ }
void usbi_disconnect_device(struct libusb_device *dev) { libusb_hotplug_message message; struct libusb_context *ctx = dev->ctx; ssize_t ret; memset(&message, 0, sizeof(message)); message.event = LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_LEFT; message.device = dev; usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); dev->attached = 0; usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); list_del(&dev->list); usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); if (libusb_has_capability(LIBUSB_CAP_HAS_HOTPLUG) && dev->ctx->hotplug_pipe[1] > 0) { ret = usbi_write(dev->ctx->hotplug_pipe[1], &message, sizeof(message)); if (sizeof(message) != ret) { usbi_err(DEVICE_CTX(dev), "error writing hotplug message"); } } }
struct libusb_device *usbi_get_device_by_session_id(struct libusb_context *ctx, unsigned long session_id) { struct libusb_device *dev; struct libusb_device *ret = NULL; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); list_for_each_entry(dev, &ctx->usb_devs, list, struct libusb_device) if (dev->session_data == session_id) { ret = dev; break; } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->usb_devs_lock); return ret; }
int API_EXPORTED libusb_open(libusb_device *dev, libusb_device_handle **handle) { struct libusb_context *ctx = DEVICE_CTX(dev); struct libusb_device_handle *_handle; size_t priv_size = usbi_backend->device_handle_priv_size; int r; usbi_dbg("open %d.%d", dev->bus_number, dev->device_address); _handle = malloc(sizeof(*_handle) + priv_size); if (!_handle) return LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM; r = usbi_mutex_init(&_handle->lock, NULL); if (r) { free(_handle); return LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER; } _handle->dev = libusb_ref_device(dev); _handle->claimed_interfaces = 0; memset(&_handle->os_priv, 0, priv_size); r = usbi_backend->open(_handle); if (r < 0) { usbi_dbg("open %d.%d returns %d", dev->bus_number, dev->device_address, r); libusb_unref_device(dev); usbi_mutex_destroy(&_handle->lock); free(_handle); return r; } usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); list_add(&_handle->list, &ctx->open_devs); usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->open_devs_lock); *handle = _handle; usbi_fd_notification(ctx); return 0; }
__inline static int usbi_cond_intwait(usbi_cond_t *cond, usbi_mutex_t *mutex, DWORD timeout_ms) { struct usbi_cond_perthread *pos; int found = 0, r; DWORD r2,tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); if(!cond || !mutex) return ((errno=EINVAL)); list_for_each_entry(pos, &cond->not_waiting, list, struct usbi_cond_perthread) { if(tid == pos->tid) { found = 1; break; } } if(!found) { pos = (struct usbi_cond_perthread*) calloc(1, sizeof(struct usbi_cond_perthread)); if(!pos) return ((errno=ENOMEM)); // This errno is not POSIX-allowed. pos->tid = tid; pos->event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // auto-reset. if(!pos->event) { free(pos); return ((errno=ENOMEM)); } list_add(&pos->list, &cond->not_waiting); } list_del(&pos->list); // remove from not_waiting list. list_add(&pos->list, &cond->waiters); r = usbi_mutex_unlock(mutex); if(r) return r; r2 = WaitForSingleObject(pos->event, timeout_ms); r = usbi_mutex_lock(mutex); if(r) return r; list_del(&pos->list); list_add(&pos->list, &cond->not_waiting); if(r2 == WAIT_TIMEOUT) return ((errno=ETIMEDOUT)); return 0; }
int API_EXPORTED libusb_claim_interface(libusb_device_handle *dev, int interface_number) { int r = 0; usbi_dbg("interface %d", interface_number); if (interface_number >= USB_MAXINTERFACES) return LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); if (dev->claimed_interfaces & (1 << interface_number)) goto out; r = usbi_backend->claim_interface(dev, interface_number); if (r == 0) dev->claimed_interfaces |= 1 << interface_number; out: usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); return r; }
void API_EXPORTED libusb_hotplug_deregister_callback (struct libusb_context *ctx, libusb_hotplug_callback_handle handle) { struct libusb_hotplug_callback *hotplug_cb; /* check for hotplug support */ if (!libusb_has_capability(LIBUSB_CAP_HAS_HOTPLUG)) { return; } USBI_GET_CONTEXT(ctx); usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); list_for_each_entry(hotplug_cb, &ctx->hotplug_cbs, list, struct libusb_hotplug_callback) { if (handle == hotplug_cb->handle) { /* Mark this callback for deregistration */ hotplug_cb->needs_free = 1; } } usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); }
void usbi_hotplug_notification(struct libusb_context *ctx, struct libusb_device *dev, libusb_hotplug_event event) { int pending_events; libusb_hotplug_message *message = calloc(1, sizeof(*message)); if (!message) { usbi_err(ctx, "error allocating hotplug message"); return; } message->event = event; message->device = dev; /* Take the event data lock and add this message to the list. * Only signal an event if there are no prior pending events. */ usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->event_data_lock); pending_events = usbi_pending_events(ctx); list_add_tail(&message->list, &ctx->hotplug_msgs); if (!pending_events) usbi_signal_event(ctx); usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->event_data_lock); }
int API_EXPORTED libusb_release_interface(libusb_device_handle *dev, int interface_number) { int r; usbi_dbg("interface %d", interface_number); if (interface_number >= USB_MAXINTERFACES) return LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; usbi_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); if (!(dev->claimed_interfaces & (1 << interface_number))) { r = LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; goto out; } r = usbi_backend->release_interface(dev, interface_number); if (r == 0) dev->claimed_interfaces &= ~(1 << interface_number); out: usbi_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); return r; }
int API_EXPORTED libusb_hotplug_register_callback(libusb_context *ctx, libusb_hotplug_event events, libusb_hotplug_flag flags, int vendor_id, int product_id, int dev_class, libusb_hotplug_callback_fn cb_fn, void *user_data, libusb_hotplug_callback_handle *handle) { libusb_hotplug_callback *new_callback; static int handle_id = 1; /* check for hotplug support */ if (!libusb_has_capability(LIBUSB_CAP_HAS_HOTPLUG)) { return LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* check for sane values */ if ((LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_MATCH_ANY != vendor_id && (~0xffff & vendor_id)) || (LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_MATCH_ANY != product_id && (~0xffff & product_id)) || (LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_MATCH_ANY != dev_class && (~0xff & dev_class)) || !cb_fn) { return LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } USBI_GET_CONTEXT(ctx); new_callback = (libusb_hotplug_callback *)calloc(1, sizeof (*new_callback)); if (!new_callback) { return LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM; } new_callback->ctx = ctx; new_callback->vendor_id = vendor_id; new_callback->product_id = product_id; new_callback->dev_class = dev_class; new_callback->flags = flags; new_callback->events = events; new_callback->cb = cb_fn; new_callback->user_data = user_data; new_callback->needs_free = 0; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); /* protect the handle by the context hotplug lock. it doesn't matter if the same handle * is used for different contexts only that the handle is unique for this context */ new_callback->handle = handle_id++; list_add(&new_callback->list, &ctx->hotplug_cbs); usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->hotplug_cbs_lock); if (flags & LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_ENUMERATE) { int i, len; struct libusb_device **devs; len = (int) libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); if (len < 0) { libusb_hotplug_deregister_callback(ctx, new_callback->handle); return len; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { usbi_hotplug_match_cb(ctx, devs[i], LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_ARRIVED, new_callback); } libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); } if (handle) { *handle = new_callback->handle; } return LIBUSB_SUCCESS; }
WatchedEntry::WatchedEntry(BMessenger *messenger, entry_ref *ref) : fMessenger(messenger), fIsDirectory(false), fDevice(NULL), fEntries(NULL), fLink(NULL), fInitCheck(false) { BEntry entry(ref); entry.GetNodeRef(&fNode); BDirectory directory; if (entry.IsDirectory() && directory.SetTo(ref) >= B_OK) { fIsDirectory = true; while (directory.GetNextEntry(&entry) >= B_OK) { if (entry.GetRef(ref) < B_OK) continue; WatchedEntry *child = new(std::nothrow) WatchedEntry(fMessenger, ref); if (child == NULL) continue; if (child->InitCheck() == false) { delete child; continue; } child->fLink = fEntries; fEntries = child; } watch_node(&fNode, B_WATCH_DIRECTORY, *fMessenger); } else { if (strncmp(ref->name, "raw", 3) == 0) return; BPath path, parent_path; entry.GetPath(&path); fDevice = new(std::nothrow) USBDevice(path.Path()); if (fDevice != NULL && fDevice->InitCheck() == true) { // Add this new device to each active context's device list struct libusb_context *ctx; unsigned long session_id = (unsigned long)&fDevice; usbi_mutex_lock(&active_contexts_lock); list_for_each_entry(ctx, &active_contexts_list, list, struct libusb_context) { struct libusb_device *dev = usbi_get_device_by_session_id(ctx, session_id); if (dev) { usbi_dbg("using previously allocated device with location %lu", session_id); libusb_unref_device(dev); continue; } usbi_dbg("allocating new device with location %lu", session_id); dev = usbi_alloc_device(ctx, session_id); if (!dev) { usbi_dbg("device allocation failed"); continue; } *((USBDevice **)dev->os_priv) = fDevice; // Calculate pseudo-device-address int addr, tmp; if (strcmp(path.Leaf(), "hub") == 0) tmp = 100; //Random Number else sscanf(path.Leaf(), "%d", &tmp); addr = tmp + 1; path.GetParent(&parent_path); while (strcmp(parent_path.Leaf(), "usb") != 0) { sscanf(parent_path.Leaf(), "%d", &tmp); addr += tmp + 1; parent_path.GetParent(&parent_path); } sscanf(path.Path(), "/dev/bus/usb/%d", &dev->bus_number); dev->device_address = addr - (dev->bus_number + 1); if (usbi_sanitize_device(dev) < 0) { usbi_dbg("device sanitization failed"); libusb_unref_device(dev); continue; } usbi_connect_device(dev); } usbi_mutex_unlock(&active_contexts_lock); } else if (fDevice) { delete fDevice; fDevice = NULL; return; } }
/* This is the search function. It uses double hashing with open addressing. We use a trick to speed up the lookup. The table is created with one more element available. This enables us to use the index zero special. This index will never be used because we store the first hash index in the field used where zero means not used. Every other value means used. The used field can be used as a first fast comparison for equality of the stored and the parameter value. This helps to prevent unnecessary expensive calls of strcmp. */ unsigned long htab_hash(const char *str) { unsigned long hval, hval2; unsigned long idx; unsigned long r = 5381; int c; const char *sz = str; if (str == NULL) return 0; // Compute main hash value (algorithm suggested by Nokia) while ((c = *sz++) != 0) r = ((r << 5) + r) + c; if (r == 0) ++r; // compute table hash: simply take the modulus hval = r % HTAB_SIZE; if (hval == 0) ++hval; // Try the first index idx = hval; // Mutually exclusive access (R/W lock would be better) usbi_mutex_lock(&htab_mutex); if (htab_table[idx].used) { if ((htab_table[idx].used == hval) && (strcmp(str, htab_table[idx].str) == 0)) goto out_unlock; // existing hash usbi_dbg("hash collision ('%s' vs '%s')", str, htab_table[idx].str); // Second hash function, as suggested in [Knuth] hval2 = 1 + hval % (HTAB_SIZE - 2); do { // Because size is prime this guarantees to step through all available indexes if (idx <= hval2) idx = HTAB_SIZE + idx - hval2; else idx -= hval2; // If we visited all entries leave the loop unsuccessfully if (idx == hval) break; // If entry is found use it. if ((htab_table[idx].used == hval) && (strcmp(str, htab_table[idx].str) == 0)) goto out_unlock; } while (htab_table[idx].used); } // Not found => New entry // If the table is full return an error if (htab_filled >= HTAB_SIZE) { usbi_err(NULL, "hash table is full (%lu entries)", HTAB_SIZE); idx = 0; goto out_unlock; } htab_table[idx].str = _strdup(str); if (htab_table[idx].str == NULL) { usbi_err(NULL, "could not duplicate string for hash table"); idx = 0; goto out_unlock; } htab_table[idx].used = hval; ++htab_filled; out_unlock: usbi_mutex_unlock(&htab_mutex); return idx; }
/* This is the search function. It uses double hashing with open addressing. We use a trick to speed up the lookup. The table is created with one more element available. This enables us to use the index zero special. This index will never be used because we store the first hash index in the field used where zero means not used. Every other value means used. The used field can be used as a first fast comparison for equality of the stored and the parameter value. This helps to prevent unnecessary expensive calls of strcmp. */ unsigned long htab_hash(const char *str) { unsigned long hval, hval2; unsigned long idx; unsigned long r = 5381; int c; const char *sz = str; if (str == NULL) return 0; // Compute main hash value (algorithm suggested by Nokia) while ((c = *sz++) != 0) r = ((r << 5) + r) + c; if (r == 0) ++r; // compute table hash: simply take the modulus hval = r % htab_size; if (hval == 0) ++hval; // Try the first index idx = hval; if (htab_table[idx].used) { if ((htab_table[idx].used == hval) && (safe_strcmp(str, htab_table[idx].str) == 0)) return idx; // existing hash usbi_dbg("hash collision ('%s' vs '%s')", str, htab_table[idx].str); // Second hash function, as suggested in [Knuth] hval2 = 1 + hval % (htab_size - 2); do { // Because size is prime this guarantees to step through all available indexes if (idx <= hval2) idx = htab_size + idx - hval2; else idx -= hval2; // If we visited all entries leave the loop unsuccessfully if (idx == hval) break; // If entry is found use it. if ((htab_table[idx].used == hval) && (safe_strcmp(str, htab_table[idx].str) == 0)) return idx; } while (htab_table[idx].used); } // Not found => New entry // If the table is full return an error if (htab_filled >= htab_size) { usbi_err(NULL, "hash table is full (%d entries)", htab_size); return 0; } // Concurrent threads might be storing the same entry at the same time // (eg. "simultaneous" enums from different threads) => use a mutex usbi_mutex_lock(&htab_write_mutex); // Just free any previously allocated string (which should be the same as // new one). The possibility of concurrent threads storing a collision // string (same hash, different string) at the same time is extremely low safe_free(htab_table[idx].str); htab_table[idx].used = hval; htab_table[idx].str = _strdup(str); if (htab_table[idx].str == NULL) { usbi_err(NULL, "could not duplicate string for hash table"); usbi_mutex_unlock(&htab_write_mutex); return 0; } ++htab_filled; usbi_mutex_unlock(&htab_write_mutex); return idx; }
/* Get a list of HANDLE */ void API_EXPORTED libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on(struct libusb_context *ctx, HANDLE **handles_to_wait_on_ret, int *nb_handles_to_wait_on) { int _index; HANDLE *handles_to_wait_on = 0; struct usbi_pollfd *ipollfd; POLL_NFDS_TYPE nfds = 0; CHECK_INIT_POLLING; *nb_handles_to_wait_on = 0; usbi_mutex_lock(&ctx->pollfds_lock); list_for_each_entry(ipollfd, &ctx->pollfds, list, struct usbi_pollfd) nfds++; if (nfds != 0) { handles_to_wait_on = (HANDLE*) calloc(nfds+1, sizeof(HANDLE)); // +1 for fd_update if (handles_to_wait_on == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; goto libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit; } } else { goto libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit; } list_for_each_entry(ipollfd, &ctx->pollfds, list, struct usbi_pollfd) { struct libusb_pollfd *pollfd_current = &ipollfd->pollfd; // Only one of POLLIN or POLLOUT can be selected with this version of poll (not both) if ((pollfd_current->events & ~POLLIN) && (!(pollfd_current->events & POLLOUT))) { errno = EACCES; usbi_warn(NULL, "unsupported set of events"); *nb_handles_to_wait_on = -1; goto libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit; } _index = _fd_to_index_and_lock(pollfd_current->fd); poll_dbg("fd=%d: (overlapped=%p) got events %04X", poll_fd[_index].fd, poll_fd[_index].overlapped, pollfd_current->events); if ( (_index < 0) || (poll_fd[_index].handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (poll_fd[_index].handle == 0) || (poll_fd[_index].overlapped == NULL)) { errno = EBADF; if (_index >= 0) { LeaveCriticalSection(&_poll_fd[_index].mutex); } usbi_warn(NULL, "invalid fd"); *nb_handles_to_wait_on = -1; goto libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit; } // IN or OUT must match our fd direction if ((pollfd_current->events & POLLIN) && (poll_fd[_index].rw != RW_READ)) { errno = EBADF; usbi_warn(NULL, "attempted POLLIN on fd without READ access"); LeaveCriticalSection(&_poll_fd[_index].mutex); *nb_handles_to_wait_on = -1; goto libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit; } if ((pollfd_current->events & POLLOUT) && (poll_fd[_index].rw != RW_WRITE)) { errno = EBADF; usbi_warn(NULL, "attempted POLLOUT on fd without WRITE access"); LeaveCriticalSection(&_poll_fd[_index].mutex); *nb_handles_to_wait_on = -1; goto libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit; } // The following macro only works if overlapped I/O was reported pending if ( (HasOverlappedIoCompleted(poll_fd[_index].overlapped)) || (HasOverlappedIoCompletedSync(poll_fd[_index].overlapped)) ) { poll_dbg(" completed"); // checks above should ensure this works: } else { handles_to_wait_on[*nb_handles_to_wait_on] = poll_fd[_index].overlapped->hEvent; (*nb_handles_to_wait_on)++; } LeaveCriticalSection(&_poll_fd[_index].mutex); } libusb_get_handles_to_wait_on_exit: usbi_mutex_unlock(&ctx->pollfds_lock); *handles_to_wait_on_ret = handles_to_wait_on; }