void Kleo::UserIDKeyListViewItem::paintCell( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ) { const KeyListView::DisplayStrategy * ds = listView() ? listView()->displayStrategy() : 0 ; if ( !ds ) { QListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, alignment ); return; } const QColor fg = ds->useridForeground( userID(), cg.text() ); const QColor bg = ds->useridBackground( userID(), cg.base() ); const QFont f = ds->useridFont( userID(), p->font() ); QColorGroup _cg = cg; p->setFont( f ); _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, fg ); _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, bg ); QListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, alignment ); }
void MetadataDialog::accept() { UserDirectory userDir(metadataPath(), userID()); if(!userDir.updateSignatures()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Erreur"), tr("Impossible de mettre à jour les signatures.\n") + userDir.errorString()); } else { QDialog::accept(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QLoginDialog::accept() { auto app = QBarApplication::instance(); QString user_name = ui->lineEditUser->text(); int user_id = app->userID(user_name); QPoint pos = QCursor::pos(); QString pass = app->userPassword(user_id); if(ui->lineEditPassword->text() == pass && !pass.isEmpty()) { app->setCurrentUser(user_id); auto app = QBarApplication::instance(); bool is_checked = ui->checkBoxSave->isChecked(); app->settings().setValue("login/save_password", is_checked); if(!is_checked) { pass = ""; user_name = ""; } app->settings().setValue("login/last_password", pass); app->settings().setValue("login/last_user", user_name); QString new_pwd = ui->lineEditNewPassword->text(); QString new_pwd_copy = ui->lineEditNewPasswordCopy->text(); if(!new_pwd.isEmpty()) { if(new_pwd != new_pwd_copy) { std::wstring str = L"Новый пароль не верный"; QToolTip::showText(pos, QString::fromUtf16(str.c_str()), 0, QRect(), 500); return; } else { if(false == app->changePassword(pass, new_pwd)) { std::wstring str = L"Пароль должен быть длиной от 4-х до 15-ти символов и содержать латинские буквы и цифри"; QToolTip::showText(pos, QString::fromUtf16(str.c_str()), 0, QRect(), 500); return; } } } QDialog::accept(); } else { std::wstring str = L"Неправильный логин/пароль"; QToolTip::showText(pos, QString::fromUtf16(str.c_str()), 0, QRect(), 500); } }
/** * This slot is connected to user stream object. * Called when new tweet arrives in the user stream */ void MentionsQmlListModel::onStatusesStream(const QTweetStatus &status) { QList<QTweetEntityUserMentions> entityUserMentions = status.userMentionsEntities(); for (int i = 0; i < entityUserMentions.count(); ++i) { if (entityUserMentions.at(i).userid() == userID()) { //check if is mention QSqlQuery query; QString text; query.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO status " "(id, text, screenName, profileImageUrl, userId, mention, created, replyToStatusId) " "VALUES " "(:id, :text, :screenName, :profileImageUrl, :userId, :mention, :created, :replyToStatusId);"); query.bindValue(":id", status.id()); query.bindValue(":userId", status.user().id()); query.bindValue(":screenName", status.user().screenName()); query.bindValue(":profileImageUrl", status.user().profileImageUrl()); query.bindValue(":mention", 1); query.bindValue(":created", status.createdAt()); query.bindValue(":replyToStatusId", status.inReplyToStatusId()); if (status.isRetweet()) { QString retweetedText = status.retweetedStatus().text(); text = "RT @" + status.retweetedStatus().user().screenName() + ": " + retweetedText; } else { text = status.text(); } query.bindValue(":text", text); query.exec(); m_newStatuses.prepend(status); m_numNewTweets = m_newStatuses.count(); emit numNewTweetsChanged(); break; } } }
const QPixmap * Kleo::UserIDKeyListViewItem::pixmap( int col ) const { return listView() && listView()->columnStrategy() ? listView()->columnStrategy()->userIDPixmap( userID(), col ) : 0 ; }
QString Kleo::UserIDKeyListViewItem::toolTip( int col ) const { return listView() && listView()->columnStrategy() ? listView()->columnStrategy()->userIDToolTip( userID(), col ) : QString::null ; }