int rr (
   int type ,         // Type of study (SCREEN_RR_? in CONST.H): continuous, tails, discrete)
   int npred ,        // Number of predictors
   int *preds ,       // Their indices are here
   int targetvar ,    // Index of target variable
   int nbins_pred ,   // Number of predictor bins
   int nbins_target , // Number of target bins, 0 for 2 sign-based bins
   double tail_frac , // Tail fraction
   int mcpt_type ,    // 1=complete, 2=cyclic
   int mcpt_reps ,    // Number of MCPT replications, <=1 for no MCPT
   int max_pred       // Max number of predictors in optimal subset
   int i, j, k, n, ret_val, ivar, irep, varnum, max_threads, bins_dim ;
   int *index, *stepwise_mcpt_count, *solo_mcpt_count, *stepwise_ivar, *original_stepwise_ivar ;
   int *pred_bin, *redun_pred_bin, *target_bin, *bin_counts ;
   int *work_bin, nkept, best_ivar, *which_preds, *tail_n, *target_bin_ptr ;
   double *casework, *sorted, *mutual, *pred_thresholds, *target_thresholds, *target, *work_target ;
   double *crit, *relevance, *original_relevance, *current_crits, *sorted_crits, best_crit, dtemp ;
   double *pred_bounds, *target_bounds, *pred_marginal, *redun_pred_marginal, *target_marginal ;
   double *stepwise_crit, *original_stepwise_crit ;
   double sum_relevance, *original_sum_relevance, *sum_redundancy ;
   char msg[4096], msg2[4096] ;

   casework = NULL ;
   mutual = NULL ;
   index = NULL ;
   pred_thresholds = NULL ;
   target_thresholds = NULL ;
   pred_bin = NULL ;
   redun_pred_bin = NULL ;
   redun_pred_marginal = NULL ;
   work_bin = NULL ;
   target_bin = NULL ;
   bin_counts = NULL ;
   target = NULL ;
   tail_n = NULL ;

   if (max_pred > npred)   // Watch out for careless user
      max_pred = npred ;

   ret_val = 0 ;

   max_threads = MAX_THREADS ;

   Print header

   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "******************************************************************************" ) ;
   audit ( "*                                                                            *" ) ;
   audit ( "* Computing relevance minus redundancy for optimal predictor subset          *" ) ;
   if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS)
      audit ( "*      Predictors and target are continuous                                  *" ) ;
   else if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5.3lf predictor tails used                                             *", tail_frac ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*      %2d target bins                                                        *", nbins_target ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   else if (type == SCREEN_RR_DISCRETE) {
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*      %2d predictor bins                                                     *", nbins_pred ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*      %2d target bins                                                        *", nbins_target ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5d predictor candidates                                               *", npred ) ;
   audit ( msg ) ;
   sprintf_s ( msg, "* %7d best predictors will be printed                                    *", max_pred ) ;
   audit ( msg ) ;
   if (mcpt_reps > 1) {
      if (mcpt_type == 1)
         sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5d replications of complete Monte-Carlo Permutation Test              *", mcpt_reps ) ;
      else if (mcpt_type == 2)
         sprintf_s ( msg, "*   %5d replications of cyclic Monte-Carlo Permutation Test                *", mcpt_reps ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   else {
      sprintf_s ( msg, "*         No Monte-Carlo Permutation Test                                    *" ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;
   audit ( "*                                                                            *" ) ;
   audit ( "******************************************************************************" ) ;

   Allocate memory needed for all types (CONTINUOUS, TAILS, DISCRETE)

   casework = (double *) malloc ( 2 * n_cases * sizeof(double) ) ;  // Pred, sorted
   sorted = casework + n_cases ;

   mutual = (double *) malloc ( 10 * npred * sizeof(double) ) ;
   crit = mutual + npred ;
   current_crits = crit + npred ;
   sorted_crits = current_crits + npred ;
   stepwise_crit = sorted_crits + npred ;
   original_stepwise_crit = stepwise_crit + npred ;
   relevance = original_stepwise_crit + npred ;
   original_relevance = relevance + npred ;
   sum_redundancy = original_relevance + npred ;
   original_sum_relevance = sum_redundancy + npred ;

   index = (int *) malloc ( 6 * npred * sizeof(int) ) ;
   stepwise_mcpt_count = index + npred ;
   solo_mcpt_count = stepwise_mcpt_count + npred ;
   which_preds = solo_mcpt_count + npred ;
   stepwise_ivar = which_preds + npred ;
   original_stepwise_ivar = stepwise_ivar + npred ;

   if (casework == NULL  ||  mutual == NULL  ||  index == NULL) {
      audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for Relevance minus Redundancy" ) ;
      goto FINISH ;

   For CONTINUOUS, allocate and save target

   if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
      target = (double *) malloc ( 2 * n_cases * sizeof(double) ) ;
      work_target = target + n_cases ;
      if (target == NULL) {
         audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for Relevance minus Redundancy" ) ;
         ret_val = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
         goto FINISH ;
      for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)             // Extract target from database
         target[i] = database[i*n_vars+targetvar] ;

   For binning types (TAILS, DISCRETE), allocate that memory and compute all bin information

   else if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS  ||  type == SCREEN_RR_DISCRETE) {
      pred_thresholds = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nbins_pred * npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // pred_thresholds, pred_marginal
      pred_marginal = pred_thresholds + npred * nbins_pred ; // Not needed for computation but nice to print for user
      pred_bin = (int *) malloc ( npred * n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ;
      work_bin = (int *) malloc ( n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ;

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
         assert ( nbins_pred == 2 ) ;
         k = 3 ;  // We go trinary for redundancy
         k = nbins_pred ;

      if (k >= nbins_target)
         bins_dim = k * k ;
         bins_dim = k * nbins_target ;
      bin_counts = (int *) malloc ( max_threads * bins_dim * sizeof(int) ) ;

      tail_n = (int *) malloc ( npred * sizeof(int) ) ;  // We use tail_n[0] if DISCRETE, so we need it for eitherz

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
         target_thresholds = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nbins_target * npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // target_thresholds, target_marginal
         target_marginal = target_thresholds + nbins_target * npred ;
         target_bin = (int *) malloc ( npred * n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ; // Target bin separate for each predictor
         redun_pred_bin = (int *) malloc ( npred * n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ; // Trinary for redundancy calculation
         redun_pred_marginal = (double *) malloc ( 3 * npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // Trinary
      else if (type == SCREEN_RR_DISCRETE) {
         target_thresholds = (double *) malloc ( 2 * nbins_target * sizeof(double) ) ; // target_thresholds, target_marginal
         target_marginal = target_thresholds + nbins_target ;
         target_bin = (int *) malloc ( n_cases * sizeof(int) ) ; // Target bin the same for all predictors

      if (pred_thresholds == NULL  ||  target_thresholds == NULL  ||
          pred_bin == NULL  ||  work_bin == NULL  ||  target_bin == NULL  ||  bin_counts == NULL) {
         audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for Relevance minus Redundancy" ) ;
         ret_val = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
         goto FINISH ;

   Make an initial pass through the data to find predictor thresholds and
   permanently save bin indices for predictors and target.
   If tails-only, we must save the associated target subset indices, separately for each predictor.
   If not tails only, do target when ivar=-1.

      for (ivar=-1 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         if (ivar == -1) {                   // If this is target pass
            if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) // But user specified tails only
               continue ;                    // then we process the targets separately for each predictor's subset
            varnum = preds[ivar] ;

         if (user_pressed_escape()) {
            audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
            ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;
            goto FINISH ;

         // At this point, one of three things holds:
         //   Case 1: ivar=-1 (which implies not TAILS): This is the target
         //   Case 2: ivar>=0, not TAILS: This is a predictor
         //   Case 3: ivar>=0, TAILS: This is a predictor AND we must save the corresponding target

         // ------> Case 1: ivar=-1 (which implies not TAILS): This is the target

         if (ivar == -1) {
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)               // Extract target from database
               casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+targetvar] ;
            target_bounds = target_thresholds ;
            k = nbins_target ;
            partition ( n_cases , casework , &k , target_bounds , target_bin ) ;
            if (k <nbins_target) {
               sprintf_s ( msg, "ERROR: Numerous ties reduced target bins to %d", k ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
               ret_val = ERROR_SYNTAX ;
               goto FINISH ;
            assert ( k == nbins_target ) ;
            tail_n[0] = n_cases ;       // Later code is simplified if we save this as if TAILS

         // ------> Case 2: ivar>=0, not TAILS: This is a predictor

         else if (ivar >= 0  &&  type != SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)               // Extract predictor from database
               casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+varnum] ;
            pred_bounds = pred_thresholds + ivar * nbins_pred ;
            k = nbins_pred ;
            partition ( n_cases , casework , &k , pred_bounds , pred_bin+ivar*n_cases ) ;
            if (k <nbins_pred) {
               sprintf_s ( msg, "ERROR: Numerous ties reduced predictor %s bins to %d", var_names[preds[ivar]], k ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
               ret_val = ERROR_SYNTAX ;
               goto FINISH ;
            assert ( k == nbins_pred ) ;

         // ------> Case 3: ivar>=0, TAILS: This is a predictor AND we must save the corresponding target

         else if (ivar >= 0  &&  type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            // Compute predictor bounds per tail fraction
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)               // Extract predictor from database
               casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+varnum] ;
            qsortd ( 0 , n_cases-1 , casework ) ;
            pred_bounds = pred_thresholds + ivar * nbins_pred ;
            k = (int) (tail_frac * (n_cases+1)) - 1 ;
            if (k < 0)
               k = 0 ;
            pred_bounds[0] = casework[k] ;
            pred_bounds[1] = casework[n_cases-1-k] ;
            // Compute and save predictor bin indices; Also save target for soon computing its bounds and indices
            n = 0 ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++) {
               if (database[i*n_vars+varnum] <= pred_bounds[0]) {
                  pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+n] = 0 ;
                  redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i] = 0 ;  // Need this for intra-predictor redundancy
               else if (database[i*n_vars+varnum] >= pred_bounds[1]) {
                  pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+n] = 1 ;
                  redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i] = 1 ;
               else {
                  redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i] = 2 ;
                  continue ;
               casework[n] = database[i*n_vars+targetvar] ;
               ++n ;
            tail_n[ivar] = n ;

            // Compute the target bounds based on this 'predictor tail' subset of the entire dataset
            target_bounds = target_thresholds + ivar * nbins_target ;
            k = nbins_target ;
            partition ( n , casework , &k , target_bounds , target_bin+ivar*n_cases ) ;
            if (k <nbins_target) {
               sprintf_s ( msg, "ERROR: Numerous ties reduced target bins to %d", k ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
               ret_val = ERROR_SYNTAX ;
               goto FINISH ;

            assert ( 1 == 0 ) ;

         } // For ivar (reading each variable)

   All thresholds (predictor and target) are computed and saved.
   The predictor and target bin indices are also saved.
   If not TAILS, the saved target bin indices are based on the entire dataset,
   and the saved target thresholds are similarly for the entire dataset.
   But if TAILS, each predictor candidate will have its own target subset
   and thresholds corresponding to that subset.

   Print the thresholds for the user's edification

      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "The bounds that define bins are now shown" ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
         audit ( "Target bounds are shown (after :) separately for each predictor candidate" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable  Predictor bounds... : Target bounds" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      else {
         audit ( "Target bounds are based on the entire dataset..." ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg , "%12.5lf", target_thresholds[0] ) ;
         for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target-1 ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_thresholds[i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;

         audit ( msg ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable  Bounds..." ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         pred_bounds = pred_thresholds + ivar * nbins_pred ;
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s  %12.5lf", var_names[preds[ivar]], pred_bounds[0] ) ;
         k = (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) ? 2 : nbins_pred-1 ;
         for (i=1 ; i<k ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", pred_bounds[i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
         if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            target_bounds = target_thresholds + ivar * nbins_target ;
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  :  %12.5lf", target_bounds[0] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target-1 ; i++) {
               sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_bounds[i] ) ;
               strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            } // If TAILS
         audit ( msg ) ;
         } // For all predictors

   Compute marginals

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {

         for (i=0 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++)
            pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] = 0.0 ;

         if (ivar==0  ||  type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_target ; i++)
               target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+i] = 0.0 ;

         for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++) {
            ++pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i]] ;
            if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
               ++target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+target_bin[ivar*n_cases+i]] ;
               if (i == tail_n[ivar]-1)
                  break ;
            else if (ivar == 0)                           // Do target just once
               ++target_marginal[target_bin[i]] ;
            } // For all cases

         if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS) {  // Trinary
            for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
               redun_pred_marginal[ivar*3+i] = 0.0 ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
               ++redun_pred_marginal[ivar*3+redun_pred_bin[ivar*n_cases+i]] ;

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {  // Divide counts by number of cases to get marginal

         if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
            assert ( nbins_pred == 2 ) ;
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++)
               pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] /= tail_n[ivar] ;
            for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
               redun_pred_marginal[ivar*3+i] /= n_cases ;
         else {
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++)
               pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] /= n_cases ;

         if (ivar==0  ||  type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
            for (i=0 ; i<nbins_target ; i++)
               target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+i] /= tail_n[ivar] ;

   Print the marginals for the user's edification

      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;
      audit ( "The marginal distributions are now shown." ) ;
      audit ( "If the data is continuous, the marginals will be nearly equal." ) ;
      audit ( "Widely unequal marginals indicate potentially problematic ties." ) ;
      audit ( "" ) ;

      if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
         audit ( "Target marginals are shown (after :) separately for each predictor candidate" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable  Predictor marginals... : Target marginals" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      else {
         audit ( "Target marginals are based on the entire dataset..." ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg , "%12.5lf", target_marginal[0] ) ;
         for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_marginal[i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;

         audit ( msg ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable    Marginal..." ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s  %12.5lf", var_names[preds[ivar]], pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+0] ) ;
         for (i=1 ; i<nbins_pred ; i++) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", pred_marginal[ivar*nbins_pred+i] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
         if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {
            sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  :  %12.5lf", target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+0] ) ;
            strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            for (i=1 ; i<nbins_target ; i++) {
               sprintf_s ( msg2 , "  %12.5lf", target_marginal[ivar*nbins_target+i] ) ;
               strcat_s ( msg , msg2 ) ;
            } // If TAILS
         audit ( msg ) ;
         } // For all predictors

      disallow_menu = 0 ;
      mouse_cursor_arrow () ;
      end_progbar () ;
      } // If binning type (TAILS, DISCRETE)


   Outer-most loop does MCPT replications


   if (mcpt_reps < 1)
      mcpt_reps = 1 ;

   for (irep=0 ; irep<mcpt_reps ; irep++) {

   Shuffle target if in permutation run (irep>0)

      if (irep) {                  // If doing permuted runs, shuffle

         if (mcpt_type == 1) {      // Complete
            if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_CONTINUOUS) {
               i = n_cases ;        // Number remaining to be shuffled
               while (i > 1) {      // While at least 2 left to shuffle
                  j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * i) ;
                  if (j >= i)
                     j = i - 1 ;
                  dtemp = target[--i] ;
                  target[i] = target[j] ;
                  target[j] = dtemp ;
               } // If not using bins
            else if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {   // Each predictor has its own target subset
               for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
                  target_bin_ptr = target_bin + ivar * n_cases ;
                  i = tail_n[ivar] ;           // Number remaining to be shuffled
                  while (i > 1) {              // While at least 2 left to shuffle
                     j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * i) ;
                     if (j >= i)
                        j = i - 1 ;
                     k = target_bin_ptr[--i] ;
                     target_bin_ptr[i] = target_bin_ptr[j] ;
                     target_bin_ptr[j] = k ;
               } // Else if TAILS
            else {
               i = n_cases ;          // Number remaining to be shuffled
               while (i > 1) {        // While at least 2 left to shuffle
                  j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * i) ;
                  if (j >= i)
                     j = i - 1 ;
                  k = target_bin[--i] ;
                  target_bin[i] = target_bin[j] ;
                  target_bin[j] = k ;
               } // Else discrete using entire dataset
            } // Type 1, Complete
         else if (mcpt_type == 2) { // Cyclic
            if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_CONTINUOUS) {
               j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * n_cases) ;
               if (j >= n_cases)
                  j = n_cases - 1 ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  casework[i] = target[(i+j)%n_cases] ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  target[i] = casework[i]  ;

               } // If continuous
            else if (type == SCREEN_UNIVAR_TAILS) {   // Each predictor has its own target subset
               for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
                  target_bin_ptr = target_bin + ivar * n_cases ;
                  k = tail_n[ivar] ;
                  j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * k) ;
                  if (j >= k)
                     j = k - 1 ;
                  for (i=0 ; i<k ; i++)
                     work_bin[i] = target_bin_ptr[(i+j)%k] ;
                  for (i=0 ; i<k ; i++)
                     target_bin_ptr[i] = work_bin[i]  ;
               } // Else if TAILS
            else {
               j = (int) (unifrand_fast () * n_cases) ;
               if (j >= n_cases)
                  j = n_cases - 1 ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  work_bin[i] = target_bin[(i+j)%n_cases] ;
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  target_bin[i] = work_bin[i]  ;
               } // Else discrete using entire dataset
            } // Type 2, Cyclic

         } // If in permutation run (irep > 0)


   First step: Compute and save criterion for all individual candidates


      for (i=0 ; i<npred ; i++)   // We'll test all candidates
         which_preds[i] = i ;

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS)
         ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , NULL ,
                                 mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , tail_n , npred , which_preds ,
                                 nbins_pred , pred_bin , pred_marginal ,
                                 nbins_target , target_bin , target_marginal ,
                                 crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;
         ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , target ,
                                 mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , NULL , npred , which_preds ,
                                 nbins_pred , pred_bin , pred_marginal ,
                                 nbins_target , target_bin , target_marginal ,
                                 crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;

      if (user_pressed_escape()  &&  ret_val == 0)
         ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;

      if (ret_val) {
         audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
         goto FINISH ;

   The individual mutual information for each predictor has been computed and saved in crit.
   Update 'best' information for this replication.
   Print a sorted table if this is the first replication.  Else update MCPT count.

      for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
         relevance[ivar] = crit[ivar] ;   // Will need this for Step 2, addition of more predictors
         if (ivar == 0  ||  crit[ivar] > best_crit) {
            best_crit = crit[ivar] ;
            best_ivar = ivar ;

      stepwise_crit[0] = best_crit ;  // Criterion for first var is largest MI
      stepwise_ivar[0] = best_ivar ;  // It's this candidate
      sum_relevance = best_crit ;

      if (irep == 0) {            // Original, unpermuted data

         original_stepwise_crit[0] = best_crit ;  // Criterion for first var is largest MI
         original_stepwise_ivar[0] = best_ivar ;  // It's this candidate
         original_sum_relevance[0] = sum_relevance ;
         stepwise_mcpt_count[0] = 1 ;             // Initialize cumulative MCPT

         // We need original_relevance for printing final table.  Other crits are just for this table.
         for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
            index[ivar] = ivar ;
            original_relevance[ivar] = sorted_crits[ivar] = current_crits[ivar] = crit[ivar] ;
            solo_mcpt_count[ivar] = 1 ;           // Initialize solo MCPT
         qsortdsi ( 0 , npred-1 , sorted_crits , index ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg, "Initial candidates, in order of decreasing mutual information with %s", var_names[targetvar] ) ;
         audit ( msg ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         audit ( "       Variable         MI" ) ;
         audit ( "" ) ;
         for (i=npred-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
            k = index[i] ;
            sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf",
                      var_names[preds[k]], current_crits[k] ) ;
            audit ( msg ) ;
         } // If irep=0 (original, unpermuted run)

      else {                                     // Count for MCPT
         if (sum_relevance >= original_sum_relevance[0])
            ++stepwise_mcpt_count[0] ;
         for (ivar=0 ; ivar<npred ; ivar++) {
            if (relevance[ivar] >= original_relevance[ivar])
               ++solo_mcpt_count[ivar] ;
         } // Permuted


   Second step: Iterate to add more candidates

   Note that redundancy of a candidate can change as predictors are added.
   This is because the kept set is increasing, so sum_redundancy changes.


      for (i=0 ; i<npred ; i++)
         sum_redundancy[i] = 0.0 ; // sum_redundancy[i] is the total redundancy of candidate i with kept set

      for (nkept=1 ; nkept<max_pred ; nkept++) {  // Main outermost loop

   Print candidates kept so far (if in unpermuted rep)

         if (irep == 0) {        // Original, unpermuted
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "Predictors so far   Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++) {
               k = stepwise_ivar[i] ;
               // Cannot print sum_redundancy/nkept here because sum froze but nkept keeps increasing
               sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf",
                         var_names[preds[k]], relevance[k], relevance[k] - stepwise_crit[i], stepwise_crit[i] ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;

   Build in which_preds the candidates not yet selected

         k = 0 ;                           // Candidate vector is all except those already kept
         for (i=0 ; i<npred ; i++) {
            for (j=0 ; j<nkept ; j++) {
               if (stepwise_ivar[j] == i)
                  break ;
            if (j == nkept)
               which_preds[k++] = i ;
         assert ( k == npred - nkept ) ;

   Compute the MI of the most recently added predictor with each remaining candidate

         if (user_pressed_escape()) {
            ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;
            audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape or other serious error during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
            goto FINISH ;

         k = stepwise_ivar[nkept-1] ;   // Index in preds of most recently added candidate
         if (type == SCREEN_RR_TAILS)  // redun_pred_? is trinary
            ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , NULL ,
                                    mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , NULL , npred-nkept , which_preds ,
                                    3 , redun_pred_bin , redun_pred_marginal ,
                                    3 , redun_pred_bin+k*n_cases , redun_pred_marginal+k*3 ,
                                    crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;
         else {
            if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
               for (i=0 ; i<n_cases ; i++)
                  casework[i] = database[i*n_vars+preds[k]] ;
            ret_val = rr_threaded ( type , database , n_vars , preds , casework ,
                                    mcpt_reps , max_threads , n_cases , NULL , npred-nkept , which_preds ,
                                    nbins_pred , pred_bin , pred_marginal ,
                                    nbins_pred , pred_bin+k*n_cases , pred_marginal+k*nbins_pred ,
                                    crit , bins_dim , bin_counts ) ;

         if (user_pressed_escape()  &&  ret_val == 0)
            ret_val = ERROR_ESCAPE ;

         if (ret_val) {
            audit ( "ERROR: User pressed ESCape or other serious error during RELEVANCE MINUS REDUNDANCY" ) ;
            goto FINISH ;
   The redundancy of each remaining candidate with the most recently added predictor is now in crit.
   Cumulate the sum of redundancy.
   Then compute the criteria, sorting and printing if this is the unpermuted replication.

         for (i=0 ; i<npred-nkept ; i++) {
            k = which_preds[i] ;   // Index in preds of this candidate
            sum_redundancy[k] += crit[i] ;
            index[i] = k ;
            sorted_crits[i] = current_crits[i] = relevance[k] - sum_redundancy[k] / nkept ;
            if (i == 0  ||  current_crits[i] > best_crit) {
               best_crit = current_crits[i] ;
               best_ivar = k ;

         stepwise_crit[nkept] = best_crit ;
         stepwise_ivar[nkept] = best_ivar ;
         sum_relevance += relevance[best_ivar] ;

         if (irep == 0) {        // Original, unpermuted
            original_stepwise_crit[nkept] = best_crit ;
            original_stepwise_ivar[nkept] = best_ivar ;
            original_sum_relevance[nkept] = sum_relevance ;
            stepwise_mcpt_count[nkept] = 1 ;

            qsortdsi ( 0 , npred-nkept-1 , sorted_crits , index ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "Additional candidates, in order of decreasing relevance minus redundancy" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            audit ( "       Variable     Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion" ) ;
            audit ( "" ) ;
            for (i=npred-nkept-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
               k = index[i] ;
               sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf",
                         var_names[preds[k]], relevance[k], sum_redundancy[k] / nkept,
                         relevance[k] - sum_redundancy[k] / nkept ) ;
               audit ( msg ) ;
            } // If irep=0 (original, unpermuted run)

         else {                                     // Count for MCPT
            if (sum_relevance >= original_sum_relevance[nkept])
               ++stepwise_mcpt_count[nkept] ;
            } // Permuted

         } // Second step (for nkept): Iterate to add predictors to kept set

      } // For all MCPT replications


   All computation is finished.  Print.


   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;

   Print final list of candidates and p-values

   audit ( "" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   sprintf_s ( msg, "----------> Final results predicting %s <----------", var_names[targetvar] ) ;
   audit ( msg ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   if (mcpt_reps > 1)
      audit ( "Final predictors    Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion    Solo pval  Group pval" ) ;
      audit ( "Final predictors    Relevance   Redundancy   Criterion" ) ;
   audit ( "" ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nkept ; i++) {
      // Cannot print sum_redundancy/nkept here because sum froze but nkept keeps increasing
      k = original_stepwise_ivar[i] ;
      if (mcpt_reps > 1)
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf    %8.3lf    %8.3lf",
                   var_names[preds[k]], original_relevance[k], original_relevance[k] - original_stepwise_crit[i], original_stepwise_crit[i],
                   (double) solo_mcpt_count[k] / (double) mcpt_reps,
                   (double) stepwise_mcpt_count[i] / (double) mcpt_reps ) ;
         sprintf_s ( msg, "%15s %12.4lf %12.4lf %12.4lf",
                   var_names[preds[k]], original_relevance[k], original_relevance[k] - original_stepwise_crit[i], original_stepwise_crit[i] ) ;
      audit ( msg ) ;

   Finished.  Clean up and exit.


   if (casework != NULL)
      free ( casework ) ;
   if (mutual != NULL)
      free ( mutual ) ;
   if (index != NULL)
      free ( index ) ;
   if (pred_thresholds != NULL)
      free ( pred_thresholds ) ;
   if (target_thresholds != NULL)
      free ( target_thresholds ) ;
   if (pred_bin != NULL)
      free ( pred_bin ) ;
   if (redun_pred_bin != NULL)
      free ( redun_pred_bin ) ;
   if (redun_pred_marginal != NULL)
      free ( redun_pred_marginal ) ;
   if (work_bin != NULL)
      free ( work_bin ) ;
   if (target_bin != NULL)
      free ( target_bin ) ;
   if (bin_counts != NULL)
      free ( bin_counts ) ;
   if (target != NULL)
      free ( target ) ;
   if (tail_n != NULL)
      free ( tail_n ) ;
   return ret_val ;
Exemple #2
double dermin (
   int maxits ,           // Iteration limit
   double critlim ,       // Quit if crit drops this low
   double tol ,           // Convergence tolerance
   double (*criter) (double * , int , double * , double * ) , // Criterion func
   int n ,                // Number of variables
   double *x ,            // In/out of independent variable
   double ystart ,        // Input of starting function value
   double *base ,         // Work vector n long
   double *direc ,        // Work vector n long
   double *g ,            // Work vector n long
   double *h ,            // Work vector n long
   double *deriv2 ,       // Work vector n long
   int progress           // Print progress?
   int i, iter, user_quit, convergence_counter, poor_cj_counter ;
   double fval, fbest, high, scale, t1, t2, t3, y1, y2, y3, dlen, dot1, dot2 ;
   double prev_best, toler, gam, improvement ;
   char msg[400] ;

   Initialize for the local univariate criterion which may be called by
   'glob_min' and 'brentmin' to minimize along the search direction.

   local_x = x ;
   local_base = base ;
   local_direc = direc ;
   local_n = n ;
   local_criter = criter ;

   Initialize that the user has not pressed ESCape.
   Evaluate the function and, more importantly, its derivatives, at the
   starting point.  This call to criter puts the gradient into direc, but
   we flip its sign to get the downhill search direction.
   Also initialize the CJ algorithm by putting that vector in g and h.

   user_quit = 0 ;
   fbest = criter ( x , 1 , direc , deriv2 ) ;
   prev_best = 1.e30 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
      direc[i] = -direc[i] ;
   memcpy ( g , direc , n * sizeof(double) ) ;
   memcpy ( h , direc , n * sizeof(double) ) ;

   printf ( "\nDERMIN starting error = %lf", fbest ) ;

   if (fbest < 0.0) {   // If user pressed ESCape during criter call
      fbest = ystart ;
      user_quit = 1 ;
      goto FINISH ;

   Main loop.  For safety we impose a limit on iterations.
   There are two counters that have somewhat similar purposes.
   The first, convergence_counter, counts how many times an iteration
   failed to reduce the function value to the user's tolerance level.
   We require failure several times in a row before termination.

   The second, poor_cj_counter, has a (generally) higher threshold.
   It keeps track of poor improvement, and imposes successively small
   limits on gamma, thus forcing the algorithm back to steepest
   descent if CJ is doing poorly.

   convergence_counter = 0 ;
   poor_cj_counter = 0 ;

   iter = 0 ;
   for (;;) {

      if ((maxits > 0)  &&  (iter++ >= maxits))
         break ;

      if (fbest < critlim)     // Do we satisfy user yet?
         break ;

   Convergence check

      if (prev_best <= 1.0)                  // If the function is small
         toler = tol ;                       // Work on absolutes
      else                                   // But if it is large
         toler = tol * prev_best ;           // Keep things relative

      if ((prev_best - fbest)  <=  toler) {  // If little improvement
         if (++convergence_counter >= 3)     // Then count how many
            break ;                          // And quit if too many
      else                                   // But a good iteration
         convergence_counter = 0 ;           // Resets this counter

   Does the user want to quit?

      if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
         break ;

   Here we do a few quick things for housekeeping.
   We save the base for the linear search in 'base', which lets us
   parameterize from t=0.
   We find the greatest second derivative.  This makes an excellent
   scaling factor for the search direction so that the initial global
   search for a trio containing the minimum is fast.  Because this is so
   stable, we use it to bound the generally better but unstable Newton scale.
   We also compute the length of the search vector and its dot product with
   the gradient vector, as well as the directional second derivative.
   That lets us use a sort of Newton's method to help us scale the
   initial global search to be as fast as possible.  In the ideal case,
   the 't' parameter will be exactly equal to 'scale', the center point
   of the call to glob_min.

      dot1 = dot2 = dlen = 0.0 ;        // For finding directional derivs
      high = 1.e-4 ;                    // For scaling glob_min
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
         base[i] = x[i] ;               // We step out from here
         if (deriv2[i] > high)          // Keep track of second derivatives
            high = deriv2[i] ;          // For linear search via glob_min
         dot1 += direc[i] * g[i] ;      // Directional first derivative (neg)
         dot2 += direc[i] * direc[i] * deriv2[i] ; // and second
         dlen += direc[i] * direc[i] ;  // Length of search vector

      dlen = sqrt ( dlen ) ;            // Actual length

      printf ( "\n(x d1 d2) d1=%lf d2=%lf len=%lf rat=%lf h=%lf:",
               dot1, dot2, dlen, dot1 / dot2, 1.5 / high ) ;

#if DEBUG > 1
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
         printf ( "( %lf %lf %lf)", x[i], direc[i], deriv2[i] ) ;

   The search direction is in 'direc' and the maximum second derivative
   is in 'high'.  That stable value makes a good approximate scaling factor.
   The ideal Newton scaling factor is numerically unstable.
   So compute the Newton ideal, then bound it to be near the less ideal
   but far more stable maximum second derivative.
   Pass the first function value, corresponding to t=0, to the routine
   in *y2 and flag this by using a negative npts.

      scale = dot1 / dot2 ;          // Newton's ideal but unstable scale
      high = 1.5 / high ;            // Less ideal but more stable heuristic
      if (high < 1.e-4)              // Subjectively keep it realistic
         high = 1.e-4 ;

      if (scale < 0.0)               // This is truly pathological
         scale = high ;              // So stick with old reliable
      else if (scale < 0.1 * high)   // Bound the Newton scale
         scale = 0.1 * high ;        // To be close to the stable scale
      else if (scale > 10.0 * high)  // Bound it both above and below
         scale = 10.0 * high ;

      y2 = prev_best = fbest ;

      printf ( "\nStarting GLOBAL " ) ;

      user_quit = glob_min ( 0.0 , 2.0 * scale , -3 , 0 , critlim ,
                  univar_crit , &t1 , &y1 , &t2 , &y2 , &t3 , &y3 , progress) ;

      printf ( "\nGLOBAL t=%lf  f=%lf", t2 / scale , y2 ) ;

      if (user_quit  ||  (y2 < critlim)) { // ESCape or good enough already?
         if (y2 < fbest) {                 // If global caused improvement
            for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)          // Implement that improvement
               x[i] = base[i] + t2 * direc[i] ;
            fbest = y2 ;
         else {                            // Else revert to starting point
            for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
               x[i] = base[i] ;
         break ;

   We just used a crude global strategy to find three points that
   bracket the minimum.  Refine using Brent's method.
   If we are possibly near the end, as indicated by the convergence_counter
   being nonzero, then try extra hard.

      if (convergence_counter)
         fbest = brentmin ( 20 , critlim , tol , 1.e-7 ,
                            univar_crit , &t1 , &t2 , &t3 , y2 , progress ) ;
         fbest = brentmin ( 10 , critlim , 10.0 * tol , 1.e-5 ,
                            univar_crit , &t1 , &t2 , &t3 , y2 , progress ) ;

         printf ( "\nBRENT t=%lf  f=%lf", t2 / scale , fbest ) ;

   We just completed the global and refined search.
   Update the current point to reflect the minimum obtained.
   Then evaluate the error and its derivatives there.  (The linear optimizers
   only evaluated the error, not its derivatives.)
   If the user pressed ESCape during dermin, fbest will be returned

      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
         x[i] = base[i] + t2 * direc[i] ;

      if (fbest < 0.0) {              // If user pressed ESCape
         fbest = -fbest ;
         user_quit = 1 ;
         break ;

      improvement = (prev_best - fbest) / prev_best ;

      printf ( "\nDIREC improvement = %lf %%",
               100. * improvement ) ;

#if DEBUG > 1
      printf ( "\a..." ) ;
      getch () ;

      if (fbest < critlim)     // Do we satisfy user yet?
         break ;

      fval = criter ( x , 1 , direc , deriv2 ) ; // Need derivs now
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)                      // Flip sign to get
         direc[i] = -direc[i] ;                  // negative gradient

      if (fval < 0.0) {                          // If user pressed ESCape
         user_quit = 1 ;
         break ;

      sprintf ( msg , "scale=%lf f=%le dlen=%le improvement=%lf%%",
                t2 / scale , fval, dlen, 100.0 * improvement ) ;
      if (progress)
         write_progress ( msg ) ;
         write_non_progress ( msg ) ;

      printf ( "\nf=%lf at (", fval ) ;

#if DEBUG > 1
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
         printf ( " %lf", x[i] ) ;
      printf ( ")...\a" ) ;
      getch () ;

      gam = gamma ( n , g , direc ) ;

      dlen = 0.0 ;
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
         dlen += direc[i] * direc[i] ;
      printf ( "\nGamma = %lf  with grad len = %lf", gam, sqrt(dlen) ) ;

      if (gam < 0.0)
         gam = 0.0 ;

      if (gam > 10.0)             // limit gamma
         gam = 10.0 ;

      if (improvement < 0.001)    // Count how many times we
         ++poor_cj_counter ;      // got poor improvement
      else                        // in a row
         poor_cj_counter = 0 ;

      if (poor_cj_counter >= 2) { // If several times
         if (gam > 1.0)           // limit gamma
            gam = 1.0 ;

      if (poor_cj_counter >= 6) { // If too many times
         poor_cj_counter = 0 ;    // set gamma to 0
         gam = 0.0 ;              // to use steepest descent (gradient)
         printf ( "\nSetting Gamma=0" ) ;

      find_new_dir ( n , gam , g , h , direc ) ; // Compute search direction

      } // Main loop

   if (user_quit)
      return -fbest ;
      return fbest ;
static int rr_threaded (
   int type ,                   // Type of study (SCREEN_RR_? in CONST.H): continuous, tails, discrete)
   double *database ,           // Full database (this and next two lines used for continuous methods only)
   int n_vars ,                 // Number of columns in database
   int *preds ,                 // Predictor database indexes indices
   double *target ,             // Target variable, used for CONTINUOUS only
   int mcpt_reps ,              // Only for knowing whether to update progress bar
   int max_threads ,            // Maximum number of threads to use
   int ncases ,                 // Number of cases, used only for Xbin if tail_n used
   int *tail_n ,                // If non-NULL, npred vector of n for each predictor candidate, selected by Xindex
   int nX ,                     // Number of predictor candidates in Xindex below
   int *Xindex ,                // nX indices of predictors in preds, X_bin and X_marginal
   int nbins_X ,                // Number of predictor bins
   int *X_bin ,                 // Ncases vector of predictor bin indices, npred of them, selected by Xindex
   double *X_marginal ,         // Predictor marginals, npred sets of nbins_X each, selected by Xindex
   int nbins_Y ,                // Number of target bins
   int *Y_bin ,                 // Ncases vector of target bin indices (Set for each predictor if tail_n)
   double *Y_marginal ,         // Target marginal, ntarget of them (Set for each predictor if tail_n)
   double *crit ,               // Output of all criteria, npred of them
   int bins_dim ,               // nbins_X * max(nbins_X,nbins_Y)
   int *bin_counts              // Work area max_threads*bins_dim long
   int i, k, ret_val, ix, ipred, ithread, n_threads, empty_slot ;
   char msg[4096] ;
   RR_PARAMS rr_params[MAX_THREADS] ;
   MutualInformationAdaptive *mi_adapt[MAX_THREADS] ;
   HANDLE threads[MAX_THREADS] ;

   Initialize those thread parameters which are constant for all threads.
   Each thread will have its own private bin_count matrix for working storage.

   If the user specified 'continuous' then we need to allocate a
   MutualInformationAdaptive object for use by each thread.
   This object is dependent on the target,
   so we must allocate AFTER the target is shuffled.

      if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
         for (ithread=0 ; ithread<max_threads ; ithread++) {
            rr_params[ithread].type = type ;
            rr_params[ithread].database = database ;
            rr_params[ithread].n_vars = n_vars ;
            if (ithread == 0)
               mi_adapt[ithread] = new MutualInformationAdaptive ( ncases , target , 1 , 6.0 , NULL , NULL ) ;
               mi_adapt[ithread] = new MutualInformationAdaptive ( ncases , target , 1 , 6.0 ,
                                                                   mi_adapt[0]->y , mi_adapt[0]->y_tied ) ;
            if (! mi_adapt[ithread]->ok  ||  mi_adapt[ithread] == NULL) {
               for (i=0 ; i<=ithread ; i++) {
                  if (mi_adapt[i] != NULL)
                     delete mi_adapt[i] ;
               audit ( "ERROR: Insufficient memory for continuous mutual information" ) ;
               return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
            rr_params[ithread].mi_adapt = mi_adapt[ithread] ;

      else {
         for (ithread=0 ; ithread<max_threads ; ithread++) {
            rr_params[ithread].type = type ;
            rr_params[ithread].ncases = n_cases ;   // Will be changed below if tail_n used
            rr_params[ithread].nbins_X = nbins_X ;
            rr_params[ithread].nbins_Y = nbins_Y ;
            rr_params[ithread].Y_bin = Y_bin ;            // Will be changed below if tail_n used
            rr_params[ithread].Y_marginal = Y_marginal ;  // Ditto
            rr_params[ithread].bin_counts = bin_counts + ithread * bins_dim ;
            } // For all threads, initializing constant stuff

   Do it

   n_threads = 0 ;                    // Counts threads that are active
   for (i=0 ; i<max_threads ; i++)
      threads[i] = NULL ;

   ix = 0 ;              // Will count predictors tested
   ipred = Xindex[ix] ;  // Get its index in Xbin and Xmarginal
   empty_slot = -1 ;     // After full, will identify the thread that just completed

   for (;;) {         // Main thread loop processes all predictors

   Handle user ESCape

      if (escape_key_pressed  ||  user_pressed_escape ()) {
         for (i=0, k=0 ; i<max_threads ; i++) {
            if (threads[i] != NULL)
               threads[k++] = threads[i] ;
         ret_val = WaitForMultipleObjects ( n_threads , threads , TRUE , 50000 ) ;
         for (i=0 ; i<n_threads ; i++)
            CloseHandle ( threads[i] ) ;
         if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
            for (ithread=0 ; ithread<max_threads ; ithread++)
               delete mi_adapt[ithread] ;
         return ERROR_ESCAPE ;

   Start a new thread if we still have work to do

      if (ix < nX) {           // If there are still some to do
         if (empty_slot < 0)   // Negative while we are initially filling the queue
            k = n_threads ;
            k = empty_slot ;
         if (tail_n != NULL) {
            rr_params[k].ncases = tail_n[ipred] ;
            rr_params[k].Y_bin = Y_bin + ipred * ncases ;
            rr_params[k].Y_marginal = Y_marginal + ipred * nbins_Y ;
         rr_params[k].ix = ix  ;   // Needed for placing final result
         if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS)
            rr_params[k].varnum = preds[ipred] ;
         else {
            rr_params[k].X_bin = X_bin+ipred*ncases ;
            rr_params[k].X_marginal = X_marginal+ipred*nbins_X ;

         threads[k] = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex ( NULL , 0 , mutinf_threaded , &rr_params[k] , 0 , NULL ) ;
         if (threads[k] == NULL) {
            audit ( "Internal ERROR: bad thread creation in RR" ) ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_threads ; i++) {
               if (threads[i] != NULL)
                  CloseHandle ( threads[i] ) ;
            return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
         ++n_threads ;
         ++ix ;
         ipred = Xindex[ix] ;  // Get its index in Xbin and Xmarginal and perhaps tail_n

         } // if (ix < nX)

      if (n_threads == 0)  // Are we done?
         break ;

   Handle full suite of threads running and more threads to add as soon as some are done.
   Wait for just one thread to finish.

      if (n_threads == max_threads  &&  ix < nX) {
         ret_val = WaitForMultipleObjects ( n_threads , threads , FALSE , 500000 ) ;
         if (ret_val == WAIT_TIMEOUT  ||  ret_val == WAIT_FAILED  ||  ret_val < 0  ||  ret_val >= n_threads) {
            sprintf_s ( msg, "INTERNAL ERROR!!!  Thread wait failed (%d) in RR", ret_val ) ;
            audit ( msg ) ;
            return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;

         crit[rr_params[ret_val].ix] = rr_params[ret_val].crit ;

         if (mcpt_reps == 1) {
            sprintf_s ( msg , "Predictor %d of %d", ix+1, nX ) ;
            title_progbar ( msg ) ;
            setpos_progbar ( (double) (ix+1) / (double) nX ) ;

         empty_slot = ret_val ;
         CloseHandle ( threads[empty_slot] ) ;
         threads[empty_slot] = NULL ;
         --n_threads ;

   Handle all work has been started and now we are just waiting for threads to finish

      else if (ix == nX) {
         ret_val = WaitForMultipleObjects ( n_threads , threads , TRUE , 500000 ) ;
         if (ret_val == WAIT_TIMEOUT  ||  ret_val == WAIT_FAILED  ||  ret_val < 0  ||  ret_val >= n_threads) {
            sprintf_s ( msg, "INTERNAL ERROR!!!  Thread wait failed (%d) in RR.CPP", ret_val ) ;
            audit ( msg ) ;
            return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;

         for (i=0 ; i<n_threads ; i++) {
            crit[rr_params[i].ix] = rr_params[i].crit ;
            CloseHandle ( threads[i] ) ;
         break ;
      } // Endless loop which threads computation of criterion for all predictors

   if (type == SCREEN_RR_CONTINUOUS) {
      for (ithread=0 ; ithread<max_threads ; ithread++)
         delete mi_adapt[ithread] ;

   return 0 ;
Exemple #4
double lev_marq (
   int maxits ,           // Iteration limit
   double critlim ,       // Quit if crit drops this low
   double tol ,           // Convergence tolerance
   double (*criter) (double * , double * , double * ) , // Criterion func
   int nvars ,            // Number of variables
   double *x ,            // In/out of independent variable
   SingularValueDecomp *sptr , // Work object
   double *grad ,         // Work vector n long
   double *delta ,        // Work vector n long
   double *hessian ,      // Work vector n*n long
   int progress           // Print progress?
   int i, iter, bad_cnt, trivial_cnt, reset_ab ;
   double error, maxgrad, lambda ;
   double prev_err, improvement ;
   char msg[84] ;
   int prog_cnt=0 ;
   Compute the error, hessian, and error gradient at the starting point.

   error = criter ( x , hessian , grad ) ;
   prev_err = error ;  // Will be 'previous iteration' error
   reset_ab = 1 ;      // Flag to use most recent good hessian and grad

   Every time an iteration results in increased error, increment bad_cnt
   so that remedial action or total escape can be taken.
   Do a similar thing for improvements that are tiny via trivial_cnt.

   bad_cnt = 0 ;       // Counts bad iterations for restart or exit
   trivial_cnt = 0 ;   // Counts trivial improvements for restart or exit

   Initialize lambda to slightly exceed the largest magnitude diagonal
   of the Hessian.

   lambda = 0.0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {
      if (hessian[i*nvars+i] > lambda)
         lambda = hessian[i*nvars+i] ;

   lambda += 1.e-20 ;

   Main iteration loop is here

   iter = 0 ;
   for (;;) {  // Each iter is an epoch

      printf ( "\nLM iter %d  lambda=%lf  err=%lf", iter, lambda, error ) ;

      if ((maxits > 0)  &&  (iter++ >= maxits))
         break ;

   Check current error against user's max.  Abort if user pressed ESCape

      if (user_pressed_escape()) { // Was a key pressed?
         prev_err = -prev_err ;    // Flags user that ESCape was pressed
         break ;

      if (error <= critlim)  // If our error is within user's limit
         break ;             // then we are done!

      if (error <= tol)      // Good in case converging to zero
         break ;

      if (reset_ab) {        // Revert to latest good Hessian and gradient?
         memcpy ( sptr->a , hessian , nvars * nvars * sizeof(double) ) ;
         memcpy ( sptr->b , grad , nvars * sizeof(double) ) ;

   Add lambda times the unit diagonal matrix to the Hessian.
   Solve the linear system for the correction, add that correction to the
   current point, and compute the error, Hessian, and gradient there.

      for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)  // Shift diagonal for stability
         sptr->a[i*nvars+i] += lambda ;

      sptr->svdcmp () ;                  // Singular value decomposition
      sptr->backsub ( 1.e-8 , delta ) ;  // Back substitution solves system

      for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
         x[i] += delta[i] ;
      error = criter ( x , sptr->a , sptr->b ) ;

      printf ( "  new=%lf", error ) ;
#if DEBUG > 3
      printf ( "\n(Dhess grad): " ) ;
      for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
         printf ( " (%lf %lf)", sptr->a[i*nvars+i], sptr->b[i] ) ;

      if (prev_err < 1.0)
         improvement = prev_err - error ;
         improvement = (prev_err - error) / prev_err ;

      if (improvement > 0.0) {
         printf ( "   GOOD = %lf%%", 100.0 * improvement ) ;

   This correction resulted in improvement.  If only a trivial amount,
   check the gradient (relative to the error).  If also small, quit.
   Otherwise count these trivial improvements.  If there were a few,
   the Hessian may be bad, so retreat toward steepest descent.  If there
   were a lot, give up.

         prev_err = error ;           // Keep best error here
         if (improvement < tol) {
            maxgrad = 0.0 ;
            for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {
               if (fabs ( sptr->b[i] )  >  maxgrad)
                  maxgrad = fabs ( sptr->b[i] ) ;
            if (error > 1.0)
               maxgrad /= error ;
            printf ( "   Triv=%d  mg=%lf", trivial_cnt, maxgrad ) ;
            if (maxgrad <= tol)
               break ;

            if (trivial_cnt++ == 4) {
               for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {
                  if (hessian[i*nvars+i] > lambda)
                     lambda = hessian[i*nvars+i] ;
            else if (trivial_cnt == 10)  // Normal escape from loop
               break ;
            trivial_cnt = 0 ; // Reset counter whenever good improvement

   Since this step was good, update everything: the Hessian, the gradient,
   and the 'previous iteration' error.  Zero reset_ab so that we do not
   waste time copying the Hessian and gradient into sptr, as they are
   already there.  Cut lambda so that we approach Newton's method.

         memcpy ( hessian , sptr->a , nvars * nvars * sizeof(double) ) ;
         memcpy ( grad , sptr->b , nvars * sizeof(double) ) ;
         reset_ab = 0 ;
         bad_cnt = 0 ;
         lambda *= 0.5 ;

      else {
         printf ( "   BAD=%d", bad_cnt ) ;

   This step caused an increase in error, so undo the step and set reset_ab
   to cause the previous Hessian and gradient to be used.  Increase lambda
   to revert closer to steepest descent (slower but more stable).
   If we had several bad iterations in a row, the Hessian may be bad, so
   increase lambda per the diagonal.  In the very unlikely event that a lot
   of bad iterations happened in a row, quit.  This should be very rare.

         for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
            x[i] -= delta[i] ;
         reset_ab = 1 ;                   // Fetch old Hessian and gradient
         lambda *= 2.0 ;                  // Less Newton
         if (bad_cnt++ == 4) {            // If several bad in a row
            for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {   // Make sure very un-Newton
               if (hessian[i*nvars+i] > lambda)
                  lambda = hessian[i*nvars+i] ;
         if (bad_cnt == 10)  // Pathological escape from loop
            break ;          // Should almost never happen

   Diagnostic code

      if (++prog_cnt >= 1000 / nvars) {
         prog_cnt = 0 ;
         sprintf ( msg , "   LM error = %lf  lambda = %lf", prev_err, lambda ) ;
         if (progress)
            write_progress ( msg ) ;
            write_non_progress ( msg ) ;
      }  // This is the end of the main iteration loop

   printf ( "\n\aLM Done=%lf  Press space...", error ) ;
   while (kbhit())
      getch() ;
   getch() ;

   return prev_err ;  // This is the best error
Exemple #5
int net_pred (
   int n_inputs ,         // Number of input variables
   int npred ,            // Number of cases to generate
   Network *net ,         // Use this network
   MiscParams *misc ,     // Mainly for generated signal names
   int n_inputs_outputs , // Length of next array
   InputOutput **in_out , // Input/output signal list
   int *nsigs ,           // Number of signals currently existing
   Signal ***signals      // This is them
   int i, j, k, n, ivar, nvars, casenum, lag, lead, user_quit ;
   int *in_length, startpos ;
   double **outputs, **inlist, *dptr, *in_vector, *inptr ;
   char msg[84] ;
   Signal **sptr, *sigptr ;
   InputOutput *ioptr ;

   This array will be used to flag input sources.  In the case that
   a signal is an input only, its entry will be NULL.  But if a user
   is using an input as an output also, the output pointer will go here.

   MEMTEXT ( "NET_PRED: inlist" ) ;
   inlist = (double **) MALLOC ( n_inputs_outputs * sizeof(double*) ) ;
   if (inlist == NULL)
      return -1 ;

   This is used for the network's input vector

   MEMTEXT ( "NET_PRED: in_vector" ) ;
   in_vector = (double *) MALLOC ( n_inputs * sizeof(double) ) ;
   if (in_vector == NULL) {
      FREE ( inlist ) ;
      return -1 ;

   Allocate memory for the signals that will be predicted.
   Count how many of these signals have names not already in use.
   Allocate additional memory for their pointers.

   nvars = misc->names->nreal ;              // This many signals predicted

   MEMTEXT ( "NET_PRED: outputs, signal arrays" ) ;
   outputs = (double **) MALLOC ( nvars * sizeof(double *) ) ;
   in_length = (int *) MALLOC ( nvars * sizeof(int) ) ;
   if ((outputs == NULL)  ||  (in_length == NULL)) {
      FREE ( inlist ) ;
      FREE ( in_vector ) ;
      if (outputs != NULL)
         FREE ( outputs ) ;
      if (in_length != NULL)
         FREE ( in_length ) ;
      return -1 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {               // For each predicted signal
      in_length[i] = 0 ;                     // Length of common input (if any)
      outputs[i] = (double *) MALLOC ( npred * sizeof(double) ) ; // Goes here
      if (outputs[i] == NULL) {
         for (j=0 ; j<i ; j++)
            FREE ( outputs[j] ) ;
         FREE ( outputs ) ;
         FREE ( inlist ) ;
         FREE ( in_vector ) ;
         FREE ( in_length ) ;
         return -1 ;
      for (j=0 ; j<npred ; j++)              // Initialize this output signal
         (outputs[i])[j] = 0.0 ;             // To prevent NAN problems

   if (*nsigs) {                             // If signals already exist
      ivar = *nsigs ;                        // This many signals so far
      sptr = *signals ;                      // Array of pointers to them
      for (i=0 ; i<misc->names->n ; i++) {   // Check every new name
         if (! misc->names->len[i])          // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
         for (j=*nsigs-1 ; j>=0 ; j--) {     // Check every existing signal
            if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[i] , sptr[j]->name )) // There?
               break ;                       // If found, quit looking
         if (j < 0)                          // Means not there
            ++ivar ;                         // So count this new entry
      sptr = (Signal **) REALLOC ( sptr , ivar * sizeof(Signal *) ) ;
      sptr = (Signal **) MALLOC ( nvars * sizeof(Signal *) ) ;

   if (sptr == NULL) {
      for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
         FREE ( outputs[i] ) ;
      FREE ( outputs ) ;
      FREE ( inlist ) ;
      FREE ( in_vector ) ;
      FREE ( in_length ) ;
      return 1 ;
   *signals = sptr ;

   Some users may want to predict signals that also serve as input.
   This necessitates a little preparation.  Run through the input signals.
   For each that is also an output, flag that fact by storing its output
   pointer.  Otherwise store a NULL.
   Also, store the length of the input signal in in_length and copy that
   input signal to the output.  When that output is computed, we will not
   allow overwriting of input values.  So that we can avoid computing
   outputs that will not be used, keep track of the minimum starting
   Finally, note that this whole section is meaningless in CLASSIFICATION mode.
   Nevertheless, we still want inlist to be all NULL, so put the test here.

   startpos = npred ;                        // Avoids overwriting inputs
   for (i=0 ; i<n_inputs_outputs ; i++) {
      inlist[i] = NULL ;                     // Assume this is not recursive
      if (net->output_mode == OUTMOD_CLASSIFICATION) // In CLASSIFICATION mode
         continue ;                          // The rest is meaningless
      ioptr = in_out[i] ;
      if (! ioptr->is_input)                 // If this is an output list entry
         continue ;                          // Ignore it
      sigptr = (*signals)[ioptr->which] ;    // This input signal
      ivar = 0 ;                             // Locates this signal in outputs
      for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {   // Check every output name
         if (! misc->names->len[j])          // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[j] , sigptr->name )) { // This one?
            inlist[i] = outputs[ivar] ;      // This input is here among outputs
            n = (npred < sigptr->n) ? npred : sigptr->n ; // Copy input to out
            in_length[ivar] = n ;            // Will protect the inputs here
            memcpy ( outputs[ivar] , sigptr->sig , n * sizeof(double) ) ;
            if ((n - net->leads[j]) < startpos) // Must protect this many
               startpos = n - net->leads[j] ;   // But start soon enough for all
            break ;
         ++ivar ;                            // Keep track of output location

   We are almost done computing startpos, the place to start processing.
   It is possible that the above computation produced a negative value.
   Also, if there is even one output that is not recursive, we must start
   right at the beginning.

   for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {   // For every output variable
      if (in_length[i] == 0)     // If it is not also an input
         startpos = 0 ;          // We must catch it from the start

   if (startpos < 0)
      startpos = 0 ;

   At last we can generate the signals

   make_progress_window ( "Network prediction" ) ;
   user_quit = 0 ;
   for (casenum=startpos ; casenum<npred ; casenum++) {// Start late as possible
      printf ( "\ncasenum=%2d", casenum ) ;
      inptr = in_vector ;                     // Will build input vector here
      for (i=0 ; i<n_inputs_outputs ; i++) {  // Pass through all inputs
         ioptr = in_out[i] ;                  // Signal and lags here
         if (! ioptr->is_input)               // If this is not an input
            continue ;                        // Skip it
         if (inlist[i] != NULL) {             // If this input is also an output
            dptr = inlist[i] ;                // Get its address
            n = npred - 1 ;                   // Last of this input
            printf ( "\n  REC%d n=%d", i, n ) ;
         else {                               // Else we must get the signal
            sigptr = (*signals)[ioptr->which] ; // This is the signal
            dptr = sigptr->sig ;              // Get the data
            n = sigptr->n - 1 ;               // Last of this input
            printf ( "\n  INP%d n=%d", i, n ) ;
         for (lag=ioptr->minlag ; lag<=ioptr->maxlag ; lag++) {
            j = casenum - lag ;               // Get this sample in signal
            if (j < 0)                        // If it is before start
               *inptr++ = dptr[0] ;           // Use the first sample
            else if (j > n)                   // If beyond the last
               *inptr++ = dptr[n] ;           // Use the last
            else                              // But under normal conditions
               *inptr++ = dptr[j] ;           // Use this lagged value
            printf ( " (%d=%.2lf)", j, *(inptr-1) ) ;

      net->trial ( in_vector ) ;              // Evaluate network for input

      ivar = 0 ;                              // Locates this signal in outputs
      for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {    // Check every output name
         if (! misc->names->len[j])           // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                        // Obviously skip them
         if (j >= net->n_outputs)                  // Careless user may give too
            break ;                           // many names, so check
         if (net->output_mode == OUTMOD_CLASSIFICATION) // In CLASSIFICATION mode
            lead = 0 ;                        // Lead is always zero
         else                                 // In MAPPING mode
            lead = net->leads[j] ;            // Lead was recorded when trained
         k = casenum + lead ;                 // It goes in this time slot
         printf ( " (j=%d iv=%d k=%d out=%.2lf", j, ivar, k, net->out[j] ) ; /*!!!!!!*/
         if ((k < npred) && (k >= in_length[ivar])) // Not past end, protect in
            (outputs[ivar])[k] = net->out[j] ; // Output this variable
            printf ( " X" ) ;
         ++ivar ;

      if (user_pressed_escape ()) {
         user_quit = 1 ;
         break ;
#if DEBUG > 2
   getch () ;

      if (! ((casenum-startpos) % (1 + (npred-startpos) / 10))) {
         sprintf ( msg , "%.2lf percent complete",
            100.0 * (casenum-startpos) / (npred-startpos) ) ;
         write_non_progress ( msg ) ;
      } // For all npred cases
#if DEBUG > 1
   getch () ;

   The final step is to create a new signal for each output.
   If a signal of the same name exists, just replace the data.

   destroy_progress_window () ;

   ivar = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<misc->names->n ; i++) { // Check all names
      if (! misc->names->len[i])        // Some may be NULL
         continue ;                     // Obviously skip them
      for (j=*nsigs-1 ; j>=0 ; j--) {   // Search existing signals for same name
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[i] , sptr[j]->name ))   // There?
            break ;                     // Yes, so quit looking
      if (j < 0) {                      // Means new, unique name
         j = *nsigs ;                   // Tack it onto end of signal array
         ++*nsigs ;                     // And count it
         MEMTEXT ( "NET_PRED: new Signal" ) ;
         sptr[j] = new Signal ( misc->names->start[i] , npred , outputs[ivar] ) ;
         if ((sptr[j] == NULL)  ||  ! sptr[j]->n) {
            if (sptr[j] != NULL) {
               delete sptr[j] ;            // This frees the signal
               sptr[j] = NULL ;
               FREE ( outputs[ivar] ) ;    // Manually free it
            for (j=ivar+1 ; j<nvars ; j++) // Free the rest
               FREE ( outputs[j] ) ;
            FREE ( inlist ) ;
            FREE ( in_vector ) ;
            FREE ( in_length ) ;
            return -1 ;
      else {                            // This output signal already exists
         MEMTEXT ( "NET_PRED: replace signal" ) ;
         if (in_length[ivar])           // Is it a recursive input?
            sptr[j]->replace ( npred , in_length[ivar] , outputs[ivar] ) ;
         else {                         // Also protect signals in OUTPUT list
            n = 0 ;                     // If not there, will protect 0 cases
            for (k=0 ; k<n_inputs_outputs ; k++) {
               ioptr = in_out[k] ;
               if ((! ioptr->is_input)  &&  (ioptr->which == j)) { // There?
                  n = sptr[j]->n ;
                  break ;

            sptr[j]->replace ( npred , n , outputs[ivar] ) ;

      ++ivar ;
      } // For all names

   MEMTEXT ( "NET_PRED: outputs, inlist, in_vector, in_length" ) ;
   FREE ( outputs ) ;
   FREE ( inlist ) ;
   FREE ( in_vector ) ;
   FREE ( in_length ) ;

   return user_quit ;
Exemple #6
int LayerNet::ssg_core (
   TrainingSet *tptr ,        // Training set to use
   struct LearnParams *lptr , // User's general learning parameters
   LayerNet *avgnet ,         // Work area used to keep average weights
   LayerNet *bestnet ,        // And the best so far
   double *work1 ,            // Gradient work vector
   double *work2 ,            // Ditto
   double *grad ,             // Ditto
   double *avg_grad ,         // Ditto
   int n_grad                 // Length of above vectors
   int ntemps, niters, setback, reg, nvars, user_quit ;
   int i, iter, itemp, n_good, n_bad, use_grad ;
   char msg[80] ;
   double tempmult, temp, fval, bestfval, starttemp, stoptemp, fquit ;
   double avg_func, new_fac, gradlen, grad_weight, weight_used ;
   enum RandomDensity density ;
   SingularValueDecomp *sptr ;
   struct AnnealParams *aptr ; // User's annealing parameters

   aptr = lptr->ap ;

   ntemps = aptr->temps0 ;
   niters = aptr->iters0 ;
   setback = aptr->setback0 ;
   starttemp = aptr->start0 ;
   stoptemp = aptr->stop0 ;
   if (aptr->random0 == ANNEAL_GAUSSIAN)
      density = NormalDensity ;
   else if (aptr->random0 == ANNEAL_CAUCHY)
      density = CauchyDensity ;

   if (! (ntemps * niters))
      return 0 ;

   Initialize other local parameters.  Note that there is no sense using
   regression if there are no hidden layers.

   use_grad = (grad != NULL) ;
   fquit = lptr->quit_err ;
   reg = nhid1 ;

   Allocate the singular value decomposition object for REGRESS.
   Also allocate a work area for REGRESS to preserve matrix.

   if (reg) {                 // False if no hidden layers
      if (nhid2 == 0)         // One hidden layer
         nvars = nhid1_n ;
      else                    // Two hidden layers
         nvars = nhid2_n ;

      i = (model == NETMOD_COMPLEX)  ?  2 * tptr->ntrain : tptr->ntrain ;

      if (i < nvars) {
         warning_message ( "Too few training sets for regression." ) ;
         reg = 0 ;
      else {
         MEMTEXT ( "SSG: new SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
         sptr = new SingularValueDecomp ( i , nvars , 1 ) ;

         if ((sptr == NULL)  || ! sptr->ok) {
            memory_message (
               "for SS(G) with regression.  Using total randomization.");
            if (sptr != NULL)
               delete sptr ;
            reg = 0 ;

   For the basic algorithm, we will keep the current 'average' network
   weight set in avgnet.  This will be the moving center about which the
   perturbation is done.
   Although not directly related to the algorithm itself, we keep track
   of the best network ever found in bestnet.  That is what the user
   will get at the end.

   copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Current weights are best so far
   copy_weights ( avgnet , this ) ;  // Center of perturbation
   bestfval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   If this is being used to initialize the weights, make sure that they are
   not identically zero.  Do this by setting bestfval huge so that
   SOMETHING is accepted later.

   if (nhid1) {
      i = nhid1 * nin_n ;
      while (i--) {
         if (fabs(hid1_coefs[i]) > 1.e-10)
            break ;
      if (i < 0)
         bestfval = 1.e30 ;

   Initialize by cumulating a bunch of points

   normal_message ( "Initializing..." ) ;
   avg_func = 0.0 ;                       // Mean function around center
   if (use_grad) {
      for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)          // Zero the mean gradient
         avg_grad[i] = 0.0 ;

   for (iter=0 ; iter<niters ; iter++) {  // Initializing iterations

      perturb ( avgnet , this , starttemp , reg , density ) ; // Move point

      if (reg)                            // If using regression, estimate
         fval = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // out weights now, ignore fval
      if (use_grad)                       // Also need gradient?
         fval = gradient ( tptr , work1 , work2 , grad ) ; // fval redundant
      else if (! reg)                     // If reg we got fval from regress
         fval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

      avg_func += fval ;                  // Cumulate mean function

      if (use_grad) {                     // Also need gradient?
         for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)       // Cumulate mean gradient
            avg_grad[i] += grad[i] ;

      if (fval < bestfval) {              // If this iteration improved
         bestfval = fval ;                // then update the best so far
         copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Keep the network
         if (bestfval <= fquit)           // If we reached the user's
            goto FINISH ;                 // limit, we can quit

      if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
         goto FINISH ;

      } // Loop: for all initial iters

   avg_func /= niters ;          // Mean of all points around avgnet
   new_fac = 1.0 / niters ;      // Weight of each point

   sprintf ( msg , "  avg=%.6lf  best=%.6lf", avg_func, bestfval ) ;
   progress_message ( msg ) ;

   if (use_grad) {               // Also need gradient?
      gradlen = 0.0 ;            // Will cumulate grad length
      for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++) {  // Find gradient mean and length
         avg_grad[i] /= niters ;
         gradlen += avg_grad[i] * avg_grad[i] ;
      gradlen = sqrt ( gradlen ) ;
      grad_weight = 0.5 ;

   This is the temperature reduction loop and the iteration within
   temperature loop.

   temp = starttemp ;
   tempmult = exp( log( stoptemp / starttemp ) / (ntemps-1)) ;
   user_quit = 0 ;                           // Flags user pressed ESCape

   for (itemp=0 ; itemp<ntemps ; itemp++) {  // Temp reduction loop

      n_good = n_bad = 0 ;                   // Counts better and worse

      sprintf ( msg , "Temp=%.3lf ", temp ) ;
      normal_message ( msg ) ;

      for (iter=0 ; iter<niters ; iter++) {  // Iters per temp loop

         if ((n_bad >= 10)  &&
             ((double) n_good / (double) (n_good+n_bad)  <  0.15))
            break ;

         perturb ( avgnet , this , temp ,
                   reg , density ) ;         // Randomly perturb about center

         if (use_grad)                       // Bias per gradient?
            weight_used = shift ( grad , this , grad_weight , reg ) ;

         if (reg) {                          // If using regression, estimate
            fval = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // out weights now
            if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
               break ;
            if (fval >= avg_func) {          // If this would raise mean
               ++n_bad ;                     // Count this bad point for user
               continue ;                    // Skip it and try again

         if (use_grad)                       // Need gradient, fval redundant
            fval = gradient ( tptr , work1 , work2 , grad ) ;
         else if (! reg)                     // If reg we got fval from regress
            fval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

         if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
            break ;

         if (fval >= avg_func) {             // If this would raise mean
            ++n_bad ;                        // Count this bad point for user
            continue ;                       // Skip it and try again

         ++n_good ;

         if (fval < bestfval) {              // If this iteration improved
            bestfval = fval ;                // then update the best so far
            copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Keep the network

            if (bestfval <= fquit)           // If we reached the user's
               break ;                       // limit, we can quit

            iter -= setback ;                // It often pays to keep going
            if (iter < 0)                    // at this temperature if we
               iter = 0 ;                    // are still improving

         adjust ( avgnet , this , reg , new_fac ) ; // Move center slightly
         avg_func = new_fac * fval  +  (1.0 - new_fac) * avg_func ;
         if (use_grad) {
            grad_weight = new_fac * weight_used + (1.0 - new_fac) * grad_weight ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)          // Adjust mean gradient
               avg_grad[i] = new_fac * grad[i] + (1.0 - new_fac) * avg_grad[i] ;
         }                                   // Loop: for all iters at a temp

   Iters within temp loop now complete

      sprintf ( msg , " %.3lf%% improved  avg=%.5lf  best=%.5lf",
         100.0 * n_good / (double) (n_good+n_bad), avg_func, bestfval ) ;
      progress_message ( msg ) ;

      if (use_grad) {
         gradlen = 0.0 ;                        // Will cumulate grad length
         for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)             // Find gradient length
            gradlen += avg_grad[i] * avg_grad[i] ;
         gradlen = sqrt ( gradlen ) ;
         sprintf ( msg , "  grad=%.5lf", gradlen ) ;
         progress_message ( msg ) ;

      if (bestfval <= fquit)  // If we reached the user's
         break ;              // limit, we can quit

      if (user_quit)
         break ;

      temp *= tempmult ;      // Reduce temp for next pass
      }                       // through this temperature loop

   The trials left this weight set and neterr in random condition.
   Make them equal to the best, which will be the original
   if we never improved.

   copy_weights ( this , bestnet ) ; // Return best weights in this net
   neterr = bestfval ;               // Trials destroyed weights, err

   if (reg) {
      MEMTEXT ( "SSG: delete SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
      delete sptr ;

   if (user_quit)
      return 1 ;
      return 0 ;
Exemple #7
int net_conf (
   int n_inputs ,         // Number of input variables
   int npred ,            // Number of future predictions
   Network *net ,         // Use this network
   MiscParams *misc ,     // Mainly for signal names
   int n_inputs_outputs , // Length of next array
   InputOutput **in_out , // Input/output signal list
   int nsigs ,            // Number of signals currently existing
   Signal **signals ,     // This is them
   int n_conf_comps ,     // Length of next array
   ConfComp *conf_comps , // Confidence compensations
   double *excess ,       // Returns 5% excess tail area
   double *toler          // Returns double tail area tolerance
   int i, j, k, ivar, nvars, casenum, lag, lead, maxlag, maxlead, minlead ;
   int startpos, ncases, shortest, offset, user_quit, endcase ;
   double **outputs, **inlist, *in_vector, *inptr ;
   char msg[84] ;
   Signal *sigptr ;
   InputOutput *ioptr ;
   NPconf *npconf ;

   The number of cases that go into this process is such that no extensions
   past the start or end are needed (except as they naturally occur in
   partially recursive prediction).  Compute the number of fully valid
   cases that can be used for this test.  See Figure 8.2 for an illustration
   of how this formula is derived.  The first fully valid test case is
   offset from the start by maxlag+maxlead.

   These limits are computed in three steps.  The INPUT LIST determines
   the max lag and the shortest signal.  The NAMES list also determines
   the shortest signal.  The network determines the min and max lags.

   For each starting position, we will work with npred predicted outputs.
   These have a dual use.  They are initialized to the true values so that
   they are the reference for errors.  Then the true values are replaced
   by the predictions for recursive use as inputs.

   maxlag = maxlead = 0 ;
   shortest = minlead = MAXPOSNUM ;
   for (i=0 ; i<n_inputs_outputs ; i++) {  // Pass through all inputs/outputs
      ioptr = in_out[i] ;
      if (! ioptr->is_input)               // Outputs are ignored
         continue ;
      sigptr = signals[ioptr->which] ;
      if (sigptr->n < shortest)            // Find the shortest signal length
         shortest = sigptr->n ;
      if (ioptr->maxlag > maxlag)
         maxlag = ioptr->maxlag ;

   for (j=0 ; j<net->n_outputs ; j++) {
      lead = net->leads[j] ;             // Lead was recorded when trained
      if (lead > maxlead)                // Find the max output lead
         maxlead = lead ;
      if (lead < minlead)                // And the min
         minlead = lead ;

   for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {   // Check every output name
      if (! misc->names->len[j])          // Some may be NULL
         continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
      for (i=0 ; i<nsigs ; i++) {         // Find this signal
         sigptr = signals[i] ;
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[j] , sigptr->name )) {
            if (sigptr->n < shortest)     // Find the shortest signal length
               shortest = sigptr->n ;
            break ;

   offset = maxlag + maxlead ;               // First fully valid test is here
   ncases = shortest - offset - npred + 1 ;  // Number of fully valid tests
   nvars = misc->names->nreal ;              // This many signals predicted

   if ((ncases < 20)  ||  ((int) (0.5 * (1.0 - misc->conf_prob) * ncases) < 1))
      return 2 ;

   npconf = new NPconf ( nvars , npred , ncases , misc->conf_prob ,
                         n_conf_comps , conf_comps ) ;

   if ((npconf == NULL)  ||  ! npconf->ok) {
      if (npconf != NULL)
         delete npconf ;
      return -1 ;

   Initialize the NPconf object by telling it which signals correspond to
   which outputs.

   ivar = 0 ;                             // Locates this signal in outputs
   for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {   // Check every output name
      if (! misc->names->len[j])          // Some may be NULL
         continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
      for (i=0 ; i<nsigs ; i++) {         // Find this signal
         sigptr = signals[i] ;
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[j] , sigptr->name )) {
            if (npconf->sig_init ( ivar , i , sigptr )) { // Init NPconf object
               delete npconf ;
               return -1 ;
            break ;
      ++ivar ;                            // Keep track of output location

   This array will be used to flag input sources.  In the case that a
   signal is an input only, its entry will be NULL.  But if the user
   is using an input as an output also, the output pointer will go here.

   MEMTEXT ( "NET_CONF: inlist, in_vector, outputs" ) ;
   inlist = (double **) MALLOC ( n_inputs_outputs * sizeof(double*) ) ;
   if (inlist == NULL) {
      delete npconf ;
      return -1 ;

   This is used for the network's input vector

   in_vector = (double *) MALLOC ( n_inputs * sizeof(double) ) ;
   if (in_vector == NULL) {
      FREE ( inlist ) ;
      delete npconf ;
      return -1 ;

   Allocate memory for the signals that will be predicted.
   For each startpos, we keep npred predictions.

   outputs = (double **) MALLOC ( nvars * sizeof(double *) ) ;
   if (outputs == NULL) {
      FREE ( inlist ) ;
      FREE ( in_vector ) ;
      delete npconf ;
      return -1 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++) {               // For each predicted signal
      outputs[i] = (double *) MALLOC ( npred * sizeof(double) ) ;
      if (outputs[i] == NULL) {
         for (j=0 ; j<i ; j++)
            FREE ( outputs[j] ) ;
         FREE ( outputs ) ;
         FREE ( inlist ) ;
         FREE ( in_vector ) ;
         delete npconf ;
         return -1 ;

   We often want to predict (recursively) signals that also serve as input.
   This necessitates a little preparation.  Run through the input signals.
   For each that is also an output, flag that fact by storing its output
   pointer.  Otherwise store a NULL as a flag to get the actual signal.

   for (i=0 ; i<n_inputs_outputs ; i++) {    // Check all inputs
      inlist[i] = NULL ;                     // Assume this is not recursive
      ioptr = in_out[i] ;                    // All of these should be inputs
      if (! ioptr->is_input)                 // If this is an output list entry
         continue ;                          // Ignore it, as it is meaningless
      sigptr = signals[ioptr->which] ;       // This is the input signal
      ivar = 0 ;                             // Locates this signal in outputs
      for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {   // Check every output name
         if (! misc->names->len[j])          // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[j] , sigptr->name )) { // This one?
            inlist[i] = outputs[ivar] ;      // This input is here among outputs
            break ;                          // So flag its recusive nature
            }                                // No need to keep looking
         ++ivar ;                            // Keep track of output location

   This is the main outer loop.
   Each 'outputs' vector (npred long) starts at 'startpos'.
   For each new starting position, the first step is to set the recursive
   output vectors to their true values.  As the predictions are done, these
   will be the reference for keeping track of the errors.  Also, the true
   values will be overwritten with the predicted values for subsequent
   recursive use as inputs.  It is assumed that correct values are known
   up to (but not including) startpos.  Everything from startpos onward
   is a prediction.

   make_progress_window ( "Network confidence" ) ;
   user_quit = 0 ;
   for (startpos=offset ; startpos<ncases+offset ; startpos++) {

      if (! ((startpos-offset) % (1 + ncases / 10))) {
         sprintf ( msg , "%.2lf percent complete",
                   100.0 * (startpos-offset) / ncases ) ;
         write_non_progress ( msg ) ;

      printf ( "\n\nSTARTPOS=%d", startpos ) ;

      ivar = 0 ;                             // Locates this signal in outputs
      for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {   // Check every output name
         if (! misc->names->len[j])          // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
         for (i=0 ; i<nsigs ; i++) {         // Find this signal so we can
            sigptr = signals[i] ;            // Copy it into output vector
            if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[j] , sigptr->name )) {
               printf ( " (%s=%d)", sigptr->name, ivar ) ;
               memcpy ( outputs[ivar] , sigptr->sig+startpos ,
                        npred * sizeof(double) ) ;
               break ;                       // We copy npred cases starting
               }                             // at startpos, the first
            }                                // 'unknown' output
         ++ivar ;                            // Keep track of output location

   We are ready to do the predictions.  Everything before startpos is known.
   Start predicting at startpos-maxlead so we bag the longest lead.
   Go as far as we need to get the last of the npred predictions for the
   signal with the shortest lead.

      endcase = startpos + npred - minlead ;

      for (casenum=startpos-maxlead ; casenum<endcase ; casenum++) { // Predicts
         printf ( "\ncasenum=%d", casenum ) ;
         inptr = in_vector ;                     // Will build input vector here
         for (i=0 ; i<n_inputs_outputs ; i++) {  // Pass through all inputs
            ioptr = in_out[i] ;                  // Signal and lags here
            if (! ioptr->is_input)               // If this is not an input
               continue ;                        // Skip it (irrelevant)
            for (lag=ioptr->minlag ; lag<=ioptr->maxlag ; lag++) {
               k = casenum - lag ;               // This ordinal case
               if (k < startpos)                 // If still in known cases
                  *inptr++ = (signals[ioptr->which])->sig[k] ; // Use true value
               else if (inlist[i] != NULL)       // Beyond.  If recursive
                  *inptr++ = (inlist[i])[k-startpos] ; // Use this prediction
               else                              // Rare.  Dup final point.
                  *inptr++ = (signals[ioptr->which])->sig[startpos-1] ;
               if (k < startpos)                 // If still in known cases
                  printf ( " in%d=%.3lf", k, (signals[ioptr->which])->sig[k] ) ;
               else if (inlist[i] != NULL)       // Beyond.  If recursive
                  printf ( " rec%d=%.3lf", k, (inlist[i])[k-startpos] ) ;
               else                              // Rare.  Dup final point.
                  printf ( " dup%d=%.3lf", k, (signals[ioptr->which])->sig[startpos-1] ) ;

         net->trial ( in_vector ) ;            // Evaluate network for input

#if DEBUG > 1
         printf ( "\nIN: " ) ;
         for (i=0 ; i<net->n_inputs ; i++)
            printf ( "  %lf", in_vector[i] ) ;
         printf ( "\nOT: " ) ;
         for (i=0 ; i<net->n_outputs ; i++)
            printf ( "  %lf", net->out[i] ) ;

         ivar = 0 ;                            // Locates this signal in outputs
         for (j=0 ; j<misc->names->n ; j++) {  // Check every output name
            if (! misc->names->len[j])         // Some may be NULL
               continue ;                      // Obviously skip them
            if (j >= net->n_outputs)                // Careless user may give too
               break ;                         // many names, so check
            lead = net->leads[j] ;             // Lead was recorded when trained
            k = casenum - startpos + lead ;    // It goes in this time slot
            printf ( " k=%d", k ) ;
            if ((k >= 0)  &&  (k < npred)) {   // In the window of npred tests?
               printf ( " (%.4lf %.4lf)", (outputs[ivar])[k], net->out[j] ) ;
               npconf->insert ( ivar , k , (outputs[ivar])[k] , net->out[j] ) ;
               (outputs[ivar])[k] = net->out[j] ; // Keep this prediction
            ++ivar ;
            } // For all outputs

         if (user_pressed_escape ()) {
            user_quit = 1 ;
            break ;

         } // For all npred cases

      npconf->eval ( startpos , offset ) ;

      if (user_quit)
         break ;
      } // For all startpos starting positions

   if (user_quit)
      *excess = *toler = 0.0 ;
      npconf->conf ( excess , toler ) ;

   destroy_progress_window () ;

   MEMTEXT ( "NET_CONF: outputs, inlist, in_vector, free npconf" ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
      FREE ( outputs[i] ) ;
   FREE ( outputs ) ;
   FREE ( inlist ) ;
   FREE ( in_vector ) ;
   delete npconf ;

   return user_quit ;
int glob_min (
   double low ,           // Lower limit for search
   double high ,          // Upper limit
   int npts ,             // Number of points to try
   int log_space ,        // Space by log?
   double critlim ,       // Quit global if crit drops this low
   int (*criter) (double , double *) , // Criterion function
   double *x1 ,
   double *y1 ,           // Lower X value and function there
   double *x2 ,
   double *y2 ,           // Middle (best)
   double *x3 ,
   double *y3             // And upper
   int i, ibest, turned_up, know_first_point, user_quit ;
   double x, y, rate, previous ;

   user_quit = 0 ;

   if (npts < 0) {
      npts = -npts ;
      know_first_point = 1 ;
      know_first_point = 0 ;

   if (log_space)
      rate = exp ( log (high / low) / (npts - 1) ) ;
      rate = (high - low) / (npts - 1) ;

   x = low ;

   previous = 0.0 ; // Avoids "use before set" compiler warnings
   ibest = -1 ;     // For proper critlim escape
   turned_up = 0 ;  // Must know if function increased after min

   for (i=0 ; i<npts ; i++) {

      if (i  ||  ! know_first_point)
         user_quit = criter ( x , &y ) ;
         y = *y2 ;

      if ((i == 0)  ||  (y < *y2)) {  // Keep track of best here
         ibest = i ;
         *x2 = x ;
         *y2 = y ;
         *y1 = previous ;  // Function value to its left
         turned_up = 0 ;   // Flag that min is not yet bounded

      else if (i == (ibest+1)) { // Didn't improve so this point may
         *y3 = y ;               // be the right neighbor of the best
         turned_up = 1 ;         // Flag that min is bounded

      previous = y ;             // Keep track for left neighbor of best

      if (! user_quit)
         user_quit = user_pressed_escape () ;

      if ((user_quit  ||  (*y2 <= critlim))  &&  (ibest > 0)  &&  turned_up)
         break ; // Done if (abort or good enough) and both neighbors found

      if (user_quit)          // Alas, both neighbors not found
         return user_quit ;   // Flag that the other 2 pts not there

      if (log_space)
         x *= rate ;
         x += rate ;

   At this point we have a minimum (within low,high) at (x2,y2).
   Compute x1 and x3, its neighbors.
   We already know y1 and y3 (unless the minimum is at an endpoint!).

   if (log_space) {
      *x1 = *x2 / rate ;
      *x3 = *x2 * rate ;
   else {
      *x1 = *x2 - rate ;
      *x3 = *x2 + rate ;

   Normally we would now be done.  However, the careless user may have
   given us a bad x range (low,high) for the global search.
   If the function was still decreasing at an endpoint, bail out the
   user by continuing the search.

   if (! turned_up) { // Must extend to the right (larger x)
      for (;;) {      // Endless loop goes as long as necessary

         user_quit = user_pressed_escape () ;

         if (! user_quit)
            user_quit = criter ( *x3 , y3 ) ;

         if (user_quit)          // Alas, both neighbors not found
            return user_quit ;   // Flag that the other 2 pts not there

         if (*y3 > *y2)  // If function increased we are done
            break ;
         if ((*y1 == *y2)  &&  (*y2 == *y3)) // Give up if flat
            break ;

         *x1 = *x2 ;      // Shift all points
         *y1 = *y2 ;
         *x2 = *x3 ;
         *y2 = *y3 ;

         rate *= 3.0 ;    // Step further each time
         if (log_space)   // And advance to new frontier
            *x3 *= rate ;
            *x3 += rate ;

   else if (ibest == 0) {  // Must extend to the left (smaller x)
      for (;;) {           // Endless loop goes as long as necessary

         user_quit = user_pressed_escape () ;

         if (! user_quit)
            user_quit = criter ( *x1 , y1 ) ;

         if (user_quit)         // Alas, both neighbors not found
            return user_quit ;  // Flag that the other 2 pts not there

         if (*y1 > *y2)   // If function increased we are done
            break ;
         if ((*y1 == *y2)  &&  (*y2 == *y3)) // Give up if flat
            break ;

         *x3 = *x2 ;      // Shift all points
         *y3 = *y2 ;
         *x2 = *x1 ;
         *y2 = *y1 ;

         rate *= 3.0 ;    // Step further each time
         if (log_space)   // And advance to new frontier
            *x1 /= rate ;
            *x1 -= rate ;

   return 0 ;