Exemple #1
void IBattle::OnUnitsyncReloaded( GlobalEvents::GlobalEventData /*data*/ )
  if ( !m_host_mod.hash.IsEmpty() && m_host_mod.hash != '0' ) m_mod_exists = usync().ModExists( m_host_mod.name, m_host_mod.hash);
  else m_mod_exists = usync().ModExists( m_host_mod.name );
  if ( !m_host_map.hash.IsEmpty() && m_host_map.hash != '0' )  m_map_exists = usync().MapExists( m_host_map.name, m_host_map.hash );
  else  m_map_exists = usync().MapExists( m_host_map.name );
/** @brief NoGuiSinglePlayerBattle
  * @todo: document this function
    :  m_me( User( usync().IsLoaded() ? usync().GetDefaultNick() : _T("invalid") ) )
    OnUserAdded( m_me );
    m_me.BattleStatus().colour = sett().GetBattleLastColour();
    SetFounder( m_me.GetNick() );
Exemple #3
settings_frame::settings_frame(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& pa_size)
	: wxFrame(parent, id, title, position, pa_size),
	WindowAttributesPickle( _T("SETTINGSFRAME"), this, wxSize( DEFSETT_SW_WIDTH, DEFSETT_SW_HEIGHT ) )
	alreadyCalled = false;
	parentWindow = parent;

	if ( !usync().IsLoaded() )

	notebook = new wxNotebook(this, ID_OPTIONS, wxPoint(0,0),TAB_SIZE, wxNB_TOP|wxNB_NOPAGETHEME);
	notebook->SetFont(wxFont(8, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL, false, _T("Tahoma")));

	settingsIcon  = new wxIcon(springsettings_xpm);

    if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap())
		notebook->AddPage(new PathOptionPanel(notebook,this),_("Error!"));

SinglePlayerBattle::SinglePlayerBattle( MainSinglePlayerTab& msptab ):
  m_me( User( usync().IsLoaded() ? usync().GetDefaultNick() : _T("invalid") ) )
	OnUserAdded( m_me );
	m_me.BattleStatus().side = sett().GetBattleLastSideSel( GetHostModName() );
	m_me.BattleStatus().colour = sett().GetBattleLastColour();
	CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( _T("startpostype"), wxFormat(_T("%d") ) % ST_Pick, OptionsWrapper::EngineOption );
Exemple #5
void IBattle::SetLocalMod( const UnitSyncMod& mod )
  if ( mod.name != m_local_mod.name || mod.hash != m_local_mod.hash )
    m_previous_local_mod_name = m_local_mod.name;
    m_local_mod = mod;
    m_mod_loaded = true;
    if ( !m_host_mod.hash.IsEmpty() && m_host_mod.hash != '0' ) m_mod_exists = usync().ModExists( m_host_mod.name, m_host_mod.hash );
    else m_mod_exists = usync().ModExists( m_host_mod.name );
Exemple #6
void IBattle::SetHostMod( const wxString& modname, const wxString& hash )
  if ( m_host_mod.name != modname || m_host_mod.hash != hash )
    m_mod_loaded = false;
    m_host_mod.name = modname;
    m_host_mod.hash = hash;
    if ( !m_host_mod.hash.IsEmpty() && m_host_mod.hash != '0' ) m_mod_exists = usync().ModExists( m_host_mod.name, m_host_mod.hash );
    else m_mod_exists = usync().ModExists( m_host_mod.name );
void SinglePlayerBattle::RemoveUnfittingBots()
    wxArrayString old_ais = usync().GetAIList( m_previous_local_mod_name );
    wxArrayString new_ais = usync().GetAIList( m_local_mod.name );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < old_ais.GetCount(); ++i) {
        if ( new_ais.Index(old_ais[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND  ) {
            for( size_t j = 0; j < GetNumUsers(); ++j  ) {
                User& u = GetUser( j );
                if ( u.GetBattleStatus().airawname == old_ais[i] )
                    KickPlayer( u );
void BattleroomListCtrl::SetBattle( IBattle* battle )
	m_battle = battle;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < side_vector.size(); i++ )
		wxMenuItem* side = side_vector[i];
		m_popup->Destroy( side );
//		delete side;
		Disconnect( BRLIST_SIDE + i, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler( BattleroomListCtrl::OnSideSelect ) );
	if ( m_battle && m_sides )
			wxArrayString sides = usync().GetSides( m_battle->GetHostModName() );
			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sides.GetCount(); i++ )
				wxMenuItem* side = new wxMenuItem( m_sides, BRLIST_SIDE + i, sides[i], wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL );
				m_sides->Append( side );
				side_vector.push_back( side );
				Connect( BRLIST_SIDE + i, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler( BattleroomListCtrl::OnSideSelect ) );
		} catch (...) {}
Exemple #9
void IBattle::OnSelfLeftBattle()
	GetMe().BattleStatus().spectator = false; // always reset back yourself to player when rejoining
	if ( m_timer ) m_timer->Stop();
	delete m_timer;
	m_timer = 0;
    m_is_self_in = false;
	for( size_t j = 0; j < GetNumUsers(); ++j  )
		User& u = GetUser( j );
		if ( u.GetBattleStatus().IsBot() )
			OnUserRemoved( u );
			ui().OnUserLeftBattle( *this, u, true );
    m_players_ready = 0;
    m_players_sync = 0;
	m_players_ok = 0;
	usync().UnSetCurrentMod(); //left battle
Exemple #10
wxString AddBotDialog::GetAIShortName()
    wxArrayString infos = usync().GetAIInfos( m_ai->GetSelection() );
    int namepos = infos.Index( _T("shortName") );
    if ( namepos == wxNOT_FOUND ) return m_ais[ m_ai->GetSelection() ];
    return infos[namepos +1];
Exemple #11
wxString AddBotDialog::GetAIVersion()
    wxArrayString infos = usync().GetAIInfos( m_ai->GetSelection() );
    int namepos = infos.Index( _T("version") );
    if ( namepos == wxNOT_FOUND ) return _T("");
    return infos[namepos +1];
bool OptionsWrapper::loadOptions(Enum::GameOption modmapFlag, const std::string& name)
	GameOptions opt;
	switch (modmapFlag) {
		case Enum::MapOption:
			try {
				opt = usync().GetMapOptions(name);
			} catch (...) {
				LslError("Could not load map options");
				return false;

		case Enum::ModOption:
			try {
				opt = usync().GetGameOptions(name);
			} catch (...) {
				LslError("Could not load game options");
				return false;

		case Enum::EngineOption: {
			//TODO Fixed,random and so forth are intls
			mmOptionList startpos("Start Position Type", "startpostype", "How players will select where to be spawned in the map\n0: fixed map positions\n1: random map positions\n2: choose in game\n3: choose in the lobby before starting", "0");
			startpos.addItem("0", "Fixed", "Use the start positions defined in the map, the positions will be assigned incrementally from the team with lowest number to highest");
			startpos.addItem("1", "Random", "Use the start positions defined in the map, the positions will be assigned randomly");
			startpos.addItem("2", "Choose in-game", "Players will be able to pick their own starting point right before the game starts, optionally limited by a bounding box defined by the host");
			startpos.addItem("3", "Choose before game", "The host will place each player's start position in the map preview before the game is launched");
			opt.list_map["startpostype"] = startpos;

		case Enum::PrivateOptions: {
			opt.string_map["restrictions"] = mmOptionString("List of restricted units", "restrictedunits", "Units in this list won't be available in game", "", 0); // tab separated list
			opt.string_map["mapname"] = mmOptionString("Map name", "mapname", "Map name", "", 0);
	m_opts[modmapFlag] = opt;
	return true;
Exemple #13
void IBattle::SetHostMap(const wxString& mapname, const wxString& hash)
  if ( mapname != m_host_map.name || hash != m_host_map.hash )
    m_map_loaded = false;
    m_host_map.name = mapname;
    m_host_map.hash = hash;
	if ( !m_host_map.hash.IsEmpty() && m_host_map.hash != '0' )
		m_map_exists = usync().MapExists( m_host_map.name, m_host_map.hash );
		m_map_exists = usync().MapExists( m_host_map.name );
	#ifndef __WXMSW__ //!TODO why not on win?
		if ( m_map_exists && !spring().IsRunning() )
			usync().PrefetchMap( m_host_map.name );
Exemple #14
//// private functions to interface with the system ////
void TorrentWrapper::HandleCompleted()
	int num_completed = 0;
	ScopedLocker<TorrenthandleInfoMap> l_torrent_table(m_handleInfo_map);
	const TorrenthandleInfoMap& infomap = l_torrent_table.Get();

	TorrenthandleInfoMap::const_iterator it = infomap.begin();
	for ( ; it != infomap.end(); ++it )
		PlasmaResourceInfo info = it->first;
		libtorrent::torrent_handle handle = it->second;
		if ( handle.is_valid() && handle.is_seed() )
			wxString dest_filename = sett().GetCurrentUsedDataDir() +
									 getDataSubdirForType( convertMediaType( info.m_type ) ) +
									 wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
									 TowxString( handle.get_torrent_info().file_at( 0 ).path.string() );
			if ( !wxFileExists( dest_filename ) )
				wxString source_path = TowxString( handle.save_path().string() )  +
									   wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
									   TowxString( handle.get_torrent_info().file_at( 0 ).path.string() );
				wxString dest_path = wxPathOnly( dest_filename );
				if ( !wxDirExists( dest_path ) )
						wxMkdir( dest_path );
				bool ok = wxCopyFile( source_path, dest_filename );
				if ( !ok )
					wxString msg = wxString::Format( _("File copy from %s to %s failed.\nPlease copy manually and reload maps/mods afterwards"),
								source_path.c_str(), dest_filename.c_str() );
					wxLogError( _T("DL: File copy from %s to %s failed."), source_path.c_str(), dest_filename.c_str() );
					#ifdef __WXMSW__
						UiEvents::StatusData data( msg, 1 );
						UiEvents::GetStatusEventSender( UiEvents::addStatusMessage ).SendEvent( data );
						customMessageBoxNoModal( SL_MAIN_ICON, msg, _("Copy failed") );
					//this basically invalidates the handle for further use
					m_torr->remove_torrent( handle );
					wxRemoveFile( source_path );
					wxLogDebug( _T("DL complete: %s"), info.m_name.c_str() );
					UiEvents::StatusData data( wxString::Format( _("Download completed: %s"), info.m_name.c_str() ), 1 );
					UiEvents::GetStatusEventSender( UiEvents::addStatusMessage ).SendEvent( data );
	if ( num_completed > 0 )
int NoGuiSinglePlayerBattle::GetSideIndex( const wxString& name )
    wxArrayString sides = usync().GetSides( m_host_mod.name );
    for ( int i = 0; i < (int)sides.Count(); ++i ) {
        if ( name.CmpNoCase( sides[i] ) == 0 )
            return i;
    return -1;
bool Widget::GetFileInfos()
	bool success = false;
    unsigned int file_present_count = 0;
    wxString sep ( wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() );
	wxHTTP http;

	wxString query_url = _T("/lua_manager.php?m=1&id=") + TowxString( w_id );
        // PHP file sending XML content
	wxInputStream *httpStream = http.GetInputStream( query_url );
	if (http.GetError() == wxPROTO_NOERR)
                // will crash here, if xml content is not formatted PERFECTLY
		wxXmlDocument xml(*httpStream);

		wxXmlNode *node = xml.GetRoot() ? xml.GetRoot()->GetChildren() : NULL;
		while (node)
		    int id = FromwxString<long>( node->GetPropVal( _T("ID"), TowxString( invalid_id ) ) );
            if ( id != invalid_id ) {
                WidgetFile file;
                file.id = id;

                wxXmlNode* item = node->GetChildren();
                while( item ) {
                    wxString item_name = item->GetName();
                    if ( item_name == _T("Url") ) {
                        file.url = item->GetNodeContent();
                    else if ( item_name == _T("MD5") ) {
                        file.md5 = item->GetNodeContent();
                    else if ( item_name == _T("LocalPath") ) {
                        file.local_path = item->GetNodeContent();
                        file_present_count += usync().FileExists( file.local_path );
                    item = item->GetNext();

                extendedinfo.files.push_back( file );

			node = node->GetNext();
			success = true;


    if ( file_present_count == extendedinfo.files.size() )
        is_installed = true;

	return success;
Exemple #17
void AddBotDialog::ShowAIInfo()
    m_add_btn->Enable( m_ai->GetStringSelection() != wxEmptyString );
    if ( !usync().VersionSupports( IUnitSync::USYNC_GetSkirmishAI ) ) return;
    wxArrayString info = usync().GetAIInfos( GetAIType() );
    int count = info.GetCount();
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i = i + 3 )
        long index = m_ai_infos_lst->InsertItem( i, info[i] );
        m_ai_infos_lst->SetItem( index, 0,  info[i] );
        m_ai_infos_lst->SetItem( index, 1,  info[i+1] );
    m_ai_infos_lst->SetColumnWidth( 0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
    m_ai_infos_lst->SetColumnWidth( 1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
    SetSize( wxDefaultSize );
Exemple #18
bool Customizations::GetBitmap( const wxString& key, wxBitmap& bitmap )
	if ( Provides( key ) )
		const wxString path = m_customs.getSingleValue( key );
#ifdef SL_QT_MODE
		wxBitmap icon_bmp ( wxQtConvertImage( usync().GetQImage( m_modname, path, false ) ) );
		wxBitmap icon_bmp (usync().GetImage( m_modname, path, false ) );
		if( icon_bmp.IsOk() )
			bitmap = icon_bmp;
			return true;
	return false;//either loaded bmp was kaput or key not found
Exemple #19
void IBattle::SetLocalMap(const UnitSyncMap& map)
  if ( map.name != m_local_map.name || map.hash != m_local_map.hash ) {
    m_local_map = map;
    m_map_loaded = true;
	if ( !m_host_map.hash.IsEmpty() && m_host_map.hash != '0' )
		m_map_exists = usync().MapExists( m_host_map.name, m_host_map.hash );
		m_map_exists = usync().MapExists( m_host_map.name );
    #ifndef __WXMSW__
		if ( m_map_exists && !spring().IsRunning() )
			usync().PrefetchMap( m_host_map.name );
    if ( IsFounderMe() ) // save all rects infos

Exemple #20
void BattleRoomTab::SetMap( int index )
	if ( !m_battle ) return;
		UnitSyncMap map = usync().GetMapEx( index );
		m_battle->SetLocalMap( map );
		m_battle->SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Map );
	} catch ( ... ) {}
void BattleroomListCtrl::UpdateUser( User& user )
    if ( !user.BattleStatus().spectator )
        icons().SetColourIcon( user.BattleStatus().team, user.BattleStatus().colour );
    wxArrayString sides = usync().GetSides( m_battle->GetHostModName() );
    ASSERT_EXCEPTION( user.BattleStatus().side < (long)sides.GetCount(), _T("Side index too high") );
    user.SetSideiconIndex( icons().GetSideIcon( m_battle->GetHostModName(), user.BattleStatus().side ) );
    int index = GetIndexFromData( &user );
    UpdateUser( index );
wxString BattleroomListCtrl::GetItemText(long item, long column) const
	if ( item == -1 || item >= (long)m_data.size())
		return _T("");

	const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( item );
	bool is_bot = user.BattleStatus().IsBot();
	bool is_spec = user.BattleStatus().spectator;

	if ( column == m_faction_column_index ) {
		try {
			wxArrayString sides = usync().GetSides( m_battle->GetHostModName() );
			ASSERT_EXCEPTION( user.BattleStatus().side < (long)sides.GetCount(), _T("Side index too high") );
		catch ( ... ) {
			return wxString::Format( _T("s%d"), user.BattleStatus().side + 1 );
		return _T("");
	if ( column == m_nick_column_index ) return is_bot ? user.GetNick() + _T(" (") + user.BattleStatus().owner + _T(")") : user.GetNick();
	if ( column == m_team_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : wxString::Format( _T("%d"), user.BattleStatus().team + 1 );
	if ( column == m_ally_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : wxString::Format( _T("%d"), user.BattleStatus().ally + 1 );
	if ( column == m_cpu_column_index ) {
		if (!is_bot )
			return wxString::Format( _T("%.1f GHz"), user.GetCpu() / 1000.0 );
		else { //!TODO could prolly be cached
			wxString botname = user.BattleStatus().aishortname;
			if ( !user.BattleStatus().aiversion.IsEmpty() ) botname += _T(" ") + user.BattleStatus().aiversion;
			if ( !usync().VersionSupports( IUnitSync::USYNC_GetSkirmishAI ) )
				if ( botname.Find(_T('.')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.BeforeLast(_T('.'));
				if ( botname.Find(_T('/')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterLast(_T('/'));
				if ( botname.Find(_T('\\')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterLast(_T('\\'));
				if ( botname.Find(_T("LuaAI:")) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterFirst(_T(':'));
			return botname;
	if ( column == m_resourcebonus_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : wxString::Format( _T("%d%%"), user.BattleStatus().handicap );
	if ( column == m_country_column_index ) return _T("");

	return _T("");
Exemple #23
void BattleMapTab::ReloadMaplist()
	if ( !m_battle ) return;

	wxArrayString maplist = usync().GetMapList();
// maplist.Sort(CompareStringIgnoreCase);

	size_t nummaps = maplist.Count();
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < nummaps; i++ ) m_map_combo->Insert( maplist[i], i );
int IconImageList::GetSideIcon( const wxString& modname, int side )
	wxArrayString sides = usync().GetSides( modname );
	wxString sidename;
	if( side < (int)sides.GetCount() ) sidename = sides[side];
  wxString cachestring = modname + _T("_") + sidename;
  if (m_cached_side_icons.find(cachestring)  == m_cached_side_icons.end()){
      int IconPosition = Add(wxBitmap( usync().GetSidePicture( modname , sidename ) ), wxNullBitmap);
      m_cached_side_icons[cachestring] = IconPosition;
      return IconPosition;
    } catch (...)
      if ( side == 0 ) m_cached_side_icons[cachestring] = ICON_SIDEPIC_0;
      else m_cached_side_icons[cachestring] = ICON_SIDEPIC_1;
  return m_cached_side_icons[cachestring];
void SpringOptionsTab::SetupUserFolders()
	wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
	wxString defaultdir = wxFileName::GetHomeDir() + sep + _T( ".spring" );

	int result = wxMessageBox( _( "Do you want to change spring's datadir location? (select yes only if you know what you're doing)" ), _( "Data dir wizard" ), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO, &ui().mw() );

	if ( result != wxYES ) return;

	wxString dir = wxDirSelector( _( "Choose a folder" ), defaultdir );

	if ( dir.IsEmpty() ||
	        ( !tryCreateDirectory( dir, 0775 ) ||
	          ( !tryCreateDirectory( dir + sep + _T( "mods" ), 0775 ) ||
	            !tryCreateDirectory( dir + sep + _T( "maps" ), 0775 ) ||
	            !tryCreateDirectory( dir + sep + _T( "base" ), 0775 ) ||
	            !tryCreateDirectory( dir + sep + _T( "demos" ), 0775 ) ||
	            !tryCreateDirectory( dir + sep + _T( "screenshots" ), 0775  ) )
		if ( dir.IsEmpty() ) dir = defaultdir;
		wxMessageBox( _( "Something went wrong when creating the directories\nPlease create manually the following folders:" ) + wxString( _T( "\n" ) ) + dir +  _T( "\n" ) + dir + sep + _T( "mods\n" ) + dir + sep + _T( "maps\n" ) + dir + sep + _T( "base\n" ) );
	if ( usync().IsLoaded() )
		usync().SetSpringDataPath( dir );

	// copy uikeys.txt
	wxPathList pl;
	pl.AddEnvList( _T( "%ProgramFiles%" ) );
	pl.AddEnvList( _T( "XDG_DATA_DIRS" ) );
	pl = sett().GetAdditionalSearchPaths( pl );
	wxString uikeyslocation = pl.FindValidPath( _T( "uikeys.txt" ) );
	if ( !uikeyslocation.IsEmpty() )
		wxCopyFile( uikeyslocation, sett().GetCurrentUsedDataDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + _T( "uikeys.txt" ), false );
Exemple #26
void AddBotDialog::ShowAIOptions()
    if ( !usync().VersionSupports( IUnitSync::USYNC_GetSkirmishAI ) ) return;
    m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().loadAIOptions( m_battle.GetHostModName(), GetAIType(), GetNick() );
    AddMMOptionsToList( 0, m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetAIOptionIndex( GetNick() ) );
    m_opts_list->SetColumnWidth( 0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
    m_opts_list->SetColumnWidth( 1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
    SetSize( wxDefaultSize );
QImage MinimapImageProvider::requestImage ( const QString & id, QSize * size, const QSize & requestedSize )
    int width = requestedSize.width() > 0 ? requestedSize.width() : 1024;
    int height = requestedSize.height() > 0 ? requestedSize.height() : 1024;

    const wxImage h = usync().GetMinimap( TowxString( id ), width, height );
    if (size)
        *size = QSize(width,height);
    const QImage q = wxQtConvertImage( h );
    assert( !q.isNull() );
    return q.scaled( width, height, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
void SpringDebugReport::AddVFSFile( const wxString& fn, const wxString& id )
	wxString dir = sett().GetCurrentUsedDataDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
	AddFile( dir + fn, id );
	return;//TODO: wtf is there a return here?
	wxArrayString res = usync().FindFilesVFS( fn );
	if ( res.Count() > 0 ) {
		AddFile( res[0], id );
		wxLogError( _T("SpringDebugReport: file found: "), res[0].c_str() );
		wxLogError( _T("SpringDebugReport: file not found: "), fn.c_str() );
Exemple #29
settings_frame::settings_frame(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &title, wxWindowID id)
	: wxFrame(parent, id, title ),
	WindowAttributesPickle( _T("SETTINGSFRAME"), this, wxSize( DEFSETT_SW_WIDTH, DEFSETT_SW_HEIGHT ) ),
	settingsIcon( new wxIcon(springsettings_xpm) ),
	SetIcons( SLcustomizations().GetAppIconBundle() );

	alreadyCalled = false;
	parentWindow = parent;

	if ( !usync().IsLoaded() )

	notebook = new wxNotebook(this, ID_OPTIONS);
//	notebook->SetFont(wxFont(8, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL, false, _T("Tahoma")));

    if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap())
		notebook->AddPage(new PathOptionPanel(notebook,this),_("Error!"));


     if ( !parentWindow ) 	UpdateMainAppHasFocus(m_has_focus); // only do if not being a slave of main SL app
Exemple #30
const UnitSyncMod& IBattle::LoadMod()
  if ( !m_mod_loaded )
    try {
      ASSERT_EXCEPTION( m_mod_exists, _T("Mod does not exist.") );
      m_local_mod = usync().GetMod( m_host_mod.name );
	  bool options_loaded = CustomBattleOptions().loadOptions( OptionsWrapper::ModOption, m_host_mod.name );
	  ASSERT_EXCEPTION( options_loaded, _T("couldn't load the mod options") );
      m_mod_loaded = true;
    } catch (...) {}
  return m_local_mod;