                           void TIMER_Start(uint8_t timerNumber_u8)
 * I/P Arguments: 
                uint8_t: Timer number(TIMER0-TIMER3) that needs to be started.

 * Return value: none

 * description :This function turns on the timer and it starts incrementing.

 ##Note: Before calling the TIMER_Start function the timers should to be initialized by calling TIMER_Init()
void TIMER_Start(uint8_t timerNumber_u8)
    case 0 : 
        v_Timer0_OvfCount_U16 = 0;
        TCNT0 = v_Timer0_ReloadValue_U8;       // Load the timer value
        util_BitSet(TIMSK,TOIE0);              //Enable timer interrupt 
        TCCR0 = v_Timer0_Prescaler_U8;         //Start the timer by loading the required presacaler value

    case 1 : 
        v_Timer1_OvfCount_U16 = 0;
        TCNT1= v_Timer1_ReloadValue_U16;       // Load the timer value
        util_BitSet(TIMSK,TOIE1);              //Enable timer interrupt 
        TCCR1A = 0x00;
        TCCR1B = v_Timer1_Prescaler_U8;        //Start the timer by loading the required presacaler value

    case 2 : 
        v_Timer2_OvfCount_U16 = 0;
        TCNT2 = v_Timer2_ReloadValue_U8;       // Load the timer value
        util_BitSet(TIMSK,TOIE2);              //Enable timer interrupt 
        TCCR2 = v_Timer2_Prescaler_U8;         //Start the timer by loading the required presacaler value
Exemple #2
  void EEPROM_WriteByte(uint16_t var_eepromAddres_u16, uint8_t var_eepromData_u8)
 * I/P Arguments: uint16_t: eeprom_address at which eeprom_data is to be written
                  uint8_t: byte of data to be to be written in eeprom.
 * Return value	: none

 * description: This function is used to write the data at specified EEPROM_address..

void EEPROM_WriteByte(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16, uint8_t var_eepromData_u8)
	while(util_IsBitSet(EECR,EEWE)); // Wait for completion of previous write.
	                                 // EEWE will be cleared by hardware once Eeprom write is completed.

	EEAR = var_eepromAddress_u16;  //Load the eeprom address and data
	EEDR = var_eepromData_u8;

	util_BitSet(EECR,EEMWE);    // Eeprom Master Write Enable
	util_BitSet(EECR,EEWE);     // Start eeprom write by setting EEWE
Exemple #3
               uint8_t EEPROM_ReadByte(uint16_t var_eepromAddres_u16)
 * I/P Arguments: uint16_t: eeprom_address from where eeprom_data is to be read.
 * Return value	: uint8_t: data read from Eeprom.

 * description: This function is used to read the data from specified EEPROM_address.        
uint8_t EEPROM_ReadByte(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16)
	while(util_IsBitSet(EECR,EEWE));  //Wait for completion of previous write if any.

	EEAR = var_eepromAddress_u16;    //Load the address from where the data needs to be read.
	util_BitSet(EECR,EERE);   // start eeprom read by setting EERE

	return EEDR;             // Return data from data register
Exemple #4
                         uint16_t ADC_GetAdcValue(uint8_t var_adcChannel_u8)
 * I/P Arguments: uint8_t(channel number).
 * Return value	: uint16_t(10 bit ADC result)

 * description  :This function does the ADC conversion for the Selected Channel
                 and returns the converted 10bit result
                 The adc value per bit depends on the resolution of the ADC.
				 For AVR/PIC(10-bit adc) the adc value per lsb will be 5/1023=0048v
uint16_t ADC_GetAdcValue(uint8_t var_adcChannel_u8)
   ADMUX = var_adcChannel_u8;               /* Select the required channel */
   util_BitSet(ADCSRA,ADSC);              /* Start the ADC conversion by setting ADSC bit */
   while(util_IsBitCleared(ADCSRA,ADIF)); /* Wait till the conversion is over */
                                          /* ADIF will be set once ADC conversion is complete */
     return(ADCW);                        /* Return the 10-bit result */
            void TIMER_Stop(uint8_t timerNumber_u8)
 * I/P Arguments: 
                uint8_t: Timer number(TIMER0-TIMER3) that needs to be stopped.

 * Return value: none

 * description :This function turns OFF the timer incrementing.                 
void TIMER_Stop(uint8_t timerNumber_u8)
    case TIMER_0 : 
        util_BitSet(TIMSK,TOIE0);              //Disable timer interrupt 
        TCCR0 = v_Timer0_Prescaler_U8;         //Stop the timer by loading the 0x00 as presacaler value

    case TIMER_1 : 
        util_BitSet(TIMSK,TOIE1);              //Disable timer interrupt 
        TCCR1B = v_Timer1_Prescaler_U8;         //Stop the timer by loading the 0x00 as presacaler value

    case TIMER_2 : 
        util_BitSet(TIMSK,TOIE2);              //Disable timer interrupt 
        TCCR2 = v_Timer2_Prescaler_U8;         //Stop the timer by loading the 0x00 as presacaler value 
                    uint16_t ADC_GetAdcValue(uint8_t var_adcChannel_u8);
 * I/P Arguments: uint8_t(channel number).
 * Return value	: uint16_t(16 bit ADC result)

 * description  :This function does the ADC conversion for the Selected Channel
                 and returns the converted 16bit result.
				 The adc value per bit depends on the resolution of the ADC. 
				 For ADC0809(8-bit ADC)) the adc value per lsb will be 5/255=0.0196V.
				 For AVR/PIC(10-bit adc) the adc value per lsb will be 5/1023=0048v

              ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Clock:   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |__

Address  ----------(Address A,B,C)--------------------------------------------------
(Channel number)                    ______
                                   |      |
ALE:     __________________________|      |_________________________________________
                                      |       |
Start;   _____________________________|       |_____________________________________
    	 __________________________________________			 ______________________
 												   |		|
EOC:  											   |________|
		                                                        |		       |
OE;     ________________________________________________________|			   |____

Data:   -----------------------------------------------------------(adc result)-----

uint16_t ADC_GetAdcValue(uint8_t var_adcChannel_u8)
   	 uint16_t adc_result;
   	   adc_A=((var_adcChannel_u8>>0) & 0x01);   //Selectthe channel
   	   adc_B=((var_adcChannel_u8>>1) & 0x01);   //for which the conversion needs to be done
   	   adc_C=((var_adcChannel_u8>>2) & 0x01);
		util_BitSet(adc_controlbus,adc_ALE);        // Latch the address by making the ALE high.
		util_BitSet(adc_controlbus,adc_Start);       //Start the conversion after latching the channel address

		util_BitClear(adc_controlbus,adc_ALE);          //Pull ALE line to zero after starting the conversion.
		util_BitClear(adc_controlbus,adc_Start);;       //Pull Start line to zero after starting the conversion.

     while(util_GetBitStatus(adc_controlbus,adc_EOC)==0);    // Wait till the ADC conversion is completed,
                           // EOC will be pulled to HIGH by the hardware(ADC0809)
                           // once conversion is completed.

		 util_BitSet(adc_controlbus,adc_OE);          //Make the Output Enable high
		                   //to bring the ADC data to port pins
     adc_result=adc_databus;  //Read the ADC data from ADC bus
	 util_BitClear(adc_controlbus,adc_OE); 			  //After reading the data, disable th ADC output line.

	  return(adc_result) ;

                         void ADC_Init()
 * I/P Arguments: none.
 * Return value	: none

 * description :This function initializes the ADC module.
void ADC_Init()
	     adc_Start=0;                //Initialize all the control lines to zero.
		 adc_EOC=1;                  //Configure the EOC pin as I/P
	   adc_databus=0xff;             //configure adc_databus as input
                    void UART_Init(uint8_t var_uartChannel_u8, uint32_t var_baudRate_u32)
 * I/P Arguments: uint32_t : Baudrate to be configured.
 * Return value    : none

 * description  :This function is used to initialize the UART at specified baud rate.
                 If the requested baud rate is not within the supported range then
                 the default baud rate of 9600 is set.

            Refer uart.h file for Supported(range) baud rates.        
void UART_Init(uint8_t var_uartChannel_u8, uint32_t var_baudRate_u32)
    if(var_uartChannel_u8< C_MaxUartChannels_U8)
        /* Enable FIFO and reset Rx/Tx FIFO buffers */
        STR_UartConfig[var_uartChannel_u8].UARTx->FCR = (1<<SBIT_FIFO) | (1<<SBIT_RxFIFO) | (1<<SBIT_TxFIFO); 

        /* 8bit data, 1Stop bit, No parity */
        STR_UartConfig[var_uartChannel_u8].UARTx->LCR = (0x03<<SBIT_WordLenght) | (1<<SBIT_DLAB);
