Exemple #1
void HlFont::RenderHeavy( const MtVector2 &v2Position, const BtChar *text, BtU32 sortOrder)
	MtVector2 v2Scale( 1.0f, 1.0f );
	m_pFont->Render(v2Position + MtVector2(-1, -1 ), v2Scale, RsColour::WhiteColour(), text, sortOrder);
	m_pFont->Render(v2Position + MtVector2( 0,  1 ), v2Scale, RsColour::WhiteColour(), text, sortOrder);
	m_pFont->Render(v2Position + MtVector2( 1,  0 ), v2Scale, RsColour::WhiteColour(), text, sortOrder);
	m_pFont->Render(v2Position + MtVector2( 1,  1 ), v2Scale, RsColour::WhiteColour(), text, sortOrder);
	m_pFont->Render(v2Position + MtVector2( 1,  1 ), v2Scale, RsColour::BlackColour(), text, sortOrder);
Exemple #2
static void X_Frame_f( void ) {
    if ( ! x_maze.bits || VAR_Changed( x_mazeWidth ) || VAR_Changed( x_mazeHeight ) ) {
        x_maze.size = x_view.size = c2xy( Clampf( VAR_Num( x_mazeWidth ), 64, 1024 ), 
                            Clampf( VAR_Num( x_mazeHeight ), 64, 1024 ) );
        int numBytes = x_maze.size.x * x_maze.size.y;
        x_maze.bits = A_Realloc( x_maze.bits, numBytes * sizeof( *x_maze.bits ) );
        x_view.bits = A_Realloc( x_view.bits, numBytes * sizeof( *x_view.bits ) );
        GenerateTestMaze( x_maze.size, x_maze.bits );
        R_BlitToTexture( x_maze.image, x_maze.bits, x_maze.size, 1 );
        CON_Printf( "Changed size of the maze to %d,%d\n", x_maze.size.x, x_maze.size.y );
    if ( VAR_Changed( x_showCursor ) ) { 
        R_ShowCursor( VAR_Num( x_showCursor ) );
    v2_t windowSize = R_GetWindowSize();
    x_pixelScale = windowSize.y / ( float )x_maze.size.y;
    v2_t mouse = I_GetMousePositionV();
    v2_t origin = v2Scale( mouse, 1 / x_pixelScale );
    memset( x_view.bits, 0, sizeof( *x_view.bits ) * x_view.size.x * x_view.size.y );
    if ( ! VAR_Num( x_skipMaze ) ) {
        // draw the textures before rasterizing
        // so we can draw debug stuff in the raster routine
        R_ColorC( colorScaleRGB( colGreen, 0.5f ) );
        R_BlendPic( 0, 0, x_maze.size.x * x_pixelScale, windowSize.y, 0, 0, 1, 1, x_maze.image );
    R_Color( 1, 1, 1, 0.5 );
    R_BlendPic( 0, 0, x_view.size.x * x_pixelScale, windowSize.y, 0, 0, 1, 1, x_view.image );
    for ( int i = 0; i < Clampi( VAR_Num( x_numOctants ), 0, 8 ); i++ ) {
        RasterizeFOVOctant( origin.x, origin.y,
                            Clampf( VAR_Num( x_losRadius ), 0, 1024 ), 
                            x_maze.size.x, x_maze.size.y,
                            VAR_Num( x_skipAttenuation ),
                            VAR_Num( x_skipClipToRadius ),
                            VAR_Num( x_darkWalls ),
                            x_maze.bits, x_view.bits );
    R_BlitToTexture( x_view.image, x_view.bits, x_view.size, 1 );
    //X_DrawCursor( x_cp437Texture, x_cp437TextureSize, mouse );