Exemple #1
/* Function: PenaltyPushBack
 * Description: Responds to the collision that is detected and performs penalty method for model spheres
 * Input: cur - current model structure
 *		  p2 - center of the other model
 *		  r1 - radius of the other model
 * Output: void
void PenaltyPushBack(pModel *cur, pModel *next)
	point distCI, distIC, inter, velDir, cVel;
	double length;

	pDIFFERENCE(cur->cModel, next->cModel, inter);
	pCPY(next->pObj->avgVel, velDir);
	pCPY(cur->pObj->avgVel, cVel);

	pMULTIPLY(inter, next->radius, inter);
	for (unsigned int index = STARTFROM; index <= cur->pObj->model->numvertices; index++)
		point cP = vMake(cur->pObj->model->vertices[3*index], cur->pObj->model->vertices[3*index + 1], cur->pObj->model->vertices[3*index + 2]);
		length = vecLeng(cP, inter);
		point pForce = penaltyForce(cP, cur->pObj->velocity[index], inter, velDir, cur->pObj->kSphere, cur->pObj->dSphere);

		// Add the forces to the collided vertex
		pMULTIPLY(pForce, (1.0 / (length * length)) * cur->pObj->mass[index], pForce);
		pSUM(cur->pObj->extForce[index] , pForce, cur->pObj->extForce[index]);

		point nP = vMake(next->pObj->model->vertices[3*index], next->pObj->model->vertices[3*index + 1], next->pObj->model->vertices[3*index + 2]);
		length = vecLeng(nP, inter);
		point nForce = penaltyForce(nP, next->pObj->velocity[index], inter, cVel, next->pObj->kSphere, next->pObj->dSphere);

		// Add the forces to the collided vertex
		pMULTIPLY(nForce, -(1.0 / (length * length)) * next->pObj->mass[index], nForce);
		pSUM(next->pObj->extForce[index], nForce, next->pObj->extForce[index]);
Exemple #2
/* Function: computeHooksForce
 * Description: Compute Hook's Law in 3D
 * Input: index - index of the vertex which collided 
 *		  wallP - point on the wall where the vertex is colliding
 * Output: Computed hooks force 
point computeHooksForce(int index, point B, phyzx *phyzxObj)
	point L, unitV;
	double mag = 0;
	double restLength = 0, length;
	point hooksForce, A;
	memset( (void*)&L, 0, sizeof(L));
	memset( (void*)&unitV, 0, sizeof(unitV));
	memset( (void*)&hooksForce, 0, sizeof(hooksForce));
	memset( (void*)&A, 0, sizeof(A));

	A = vMake(phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*index], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*index + 1], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*index + 2]);
	pCPY(L, unitV);
	/*length = A.y - B.y;
	unitV.x = 0;
	unitV.y = 1;
	unitV.z = 0;*/
	pMULTIPLY(unitV, -(phyzxObj->kWall) * length * phyzxObj->mass[index], hooksForce);
	//pMULTIPLY(unitV, -(phyzxObj->kWall) * length, hooksForce);

	return hooksForce;
#include "cloth.h"

int gRenderMode;
int gPin, gNstep, gMovePin, gScale = 0, gWhichCloth = 0, gWind = 0;
float gGravity, gDelta, gTstep, gWindAmountX = 0.0, gWindAmountZ = 0.0;
float gKThread, gDThread, gKWall, gDWall;

point underWaterDamp = vMake(0.0), gravity;

void ClothInit(cloth *clothItem, double strSprLen, point birthPosition, int clothWidth, int clothHeight)
	point cur;
	memset( (void*)&cur, 0, sizeof(point));
	int index = 0;

	// Time step and nstep for the simulation
	clothItem->nStep = gNstep;
	clothItem->tStep = gTstep;

	// Set the lengths of all the springs in the cloth based of the input strSprLen
	clothItem->strSprLen = strSprLen;
	clothItem->shrSprLen = sqrt(2.0) * strSprLen;
	clothItem->bendSprLen = 2.0 * strSprLen;

	// count of the number of vertives in the cloth
	clothItem->cArrayLength = clothWidth * clothHeight;

	// Hooks coefficients
	clothItem->kThread = gKThread;
	clothItem->kWall = gKWall;
Exemple #4
/* Function: phyzxInit
 * Description: Creates and initializes the phyzx object
 * Input: inputModel - Object model information
 *		  phyzxObj - current object structure 
 * Output: None
void phyzxInit(phyzx *phyzxObj)
	int numVertices = 0;
	int size = 0;
	point v1, v2, v3;

	numVertices = phyzxObj->model->numvertices + 1;		// Count of the number of vertices in the Model

	phyzxObj->h = gTStep;
	phyzxObj->n = gNStep;
	phyzxObj->alpha = gAlpha;
	phyzxObj->beta = gBeta;
	phyzxObj->delta = gDelta;
	phyzxObj->kWall = gKCol;
	phyzxObj->dWall = gDCol;
	phyzxObj->kSphere = 50.0;
	phyzxObj->dSphere = 0.2;
	phyzxObj->totalMass = 0.0;
	phyzxObj->avgVel = vMake(0.0);

	phyzxObj->velocity = (point *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(point));
	phyzxObj->extForce = (point *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(point));
	phyzxObj->stable = (point *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(point));
	phyzxObj->goal = (point *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(point));
	phyzxObj->relStableLoc = (point *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(point));
	phyzxObj->relDeformedLoc = (point *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(point));
	phyzxObj->mass = (double *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(double));
	phyzxObj->triAreas = (double *)calloc(phyzxObj->model->numtriangles, sizeof(double));
	phyzxObj->q = (matrix *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(matrix));
	phyzxObj->qT = (matrix *)calloc(numVertices, sizeof(matrix));

	// Initialise attributes with stable values
	for(int index = STARTFROM; index <= numVertices; index++)
		phyzxObj->stable[index].x = phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*index];
		phyzxObj->stable[index].y = phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*index+1];
		phyzxObj->stable[index].z = phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*index+2];
		phyzxObj->mass[index] = 0.0;//param.MASS;
		phyzxObj->extForce[index] = vMake(0.0, gGravity, 0.0);
		phyzxObj->velocity[index] = vMake(0.01, 0.0, 0.0);
	for(unsigned int index = 0; index < phyzxObj->model->numtriangles; index++)
		v1 = vMake(phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[0]], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[0]+1], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[0]+2]);
		v2 = vMake(phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[1]], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[1]+1], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[1]+2]);
		v3 = vMake(phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[2]], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[2]+1], phyzxObj->model->vertices[3*phyzxObj->model->triangles[index].vindices[2]+2]);
		phyzxObj->triAreas[index] = AreaOfTri(v1, v2, v3); 

		(*phyzxObj).surArea += phyzxObj->triAreas[index];
	phyzxObj->NBTStruct = glmBuildNeighborStructure(phyzxObj->model);
	phyzxObj->NBVStruct = vertexList(phyzxObj->model, phyzxObj->NBTStruct, 0.05);
	filterNBV(phyzxObj->model, phyzxObj->NBVStruct);
	compMass(phyzxObj->NBTStruct, phyzxObj);

	CalcCM(0, phyzxObj);
	CalcRelLoc(0, phyzxObj);
void MoveClothXZ(cloth *clothItem, int direction)
	for(int  i= 0; i < clothItem->cArrayLength; i++)
		if(gMovePin == MOVELEFTPIN)
			if(i == 0)
				if(direction == FORWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, -0.01), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == BACKWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.01), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == RIGHT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.01, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == LEFT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(-0.01, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);

		if(gMovePin == MOVERIGHTPIN)
			if(i == clothItem->width -1)
				if(direction == FORWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, -0.01), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == BACKWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.01), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == RIGHT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.01, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == LEFT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(-0.01, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);

			if(i == (clothItem->width * (clothItem->height-1)))
				if(direction == FORWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, -0.1), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == BACKWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.1), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == RIGHT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.1, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == LEFT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(-0.1, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);

			if(i == clothItem->cArrayLength - 1)
				if(direction == FORWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, -0.1), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == BACKWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.1), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == RIGHT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.1, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == LEFT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(-0.1, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);

		if(gMovePin == MOVEBOTHPINS)
			if(i == 0 || i == clothItem->width -1)
				if(direction == FORWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, -0.01), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == BACKWARD)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.01), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == RIGHT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(0.01, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);
				else if(direction == LEFT)
					pSUM(clothItem->positions[i], vMake(-0.01, 0.0, 0.0), clothItem->positions[i]);
// Computes acceleration to every point of the cloth		
void computeAcceleration(cloth *clothItem)
	node typeP, curP;	// typeP = one of the 12 nodes to which the curP point is connected
	int collided = 0, index;

	memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
	memset( (void*)&curP, 0, sizeof(curP));

		// Check for force field
			// compute the force field cube size and store it in the global variable
			forceFieldCubeSize = ((double)4)/jello->resolution;
			noOfCubesInRow = (int)(((double)jello->resolution) / forceFieldCubeSize);

			// Compute the effect of force field and update the forces due to it on all the nodes

	for(int row = 0; row < clothItem->height; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < clothItem->width; col++)
			memset( (void*)&curP, 0, sizeof(curP));

			index = FindIndexInArray(curP.y, curP.x, clothItem->width);
			pCPY(vMake(0.0), clothItem->force[index]);

			curP.x = col;
			curP.y = row;
			// Checks whether any of the nodes is colliding with the bounding box and Sphere
			checkForCollision(curP, clothItem);

	for(int row = 0; row < clothItem->height; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < clothItem->width; col++)
			curP.x = col;
			curP.y = row;

			// Check for all the springs possible = 12
			// TYPE 1 -> (x+1, y, z) structural spring
			typeP.x = col + 1;
			typeP.y = row;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, STRUCTURAL);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 2 -> (x-1, y, z)
			typeP.x = col - 1;
			typeP.y = row;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, STRUCTURAL);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 3 -> (x, y+1, z)
			typeP.x = col;
			typeP.y = row + 1;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, STRUCTURAL);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 4 -> (x, y-1, z)
			typeP.x = col;
			typeP.y = row - 1;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, STRUCTURAL);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));

			// TYPE 5 -> (x+1, y+1, z)
			typeP.x = col + 1;
			typeP.y = row + 1;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, SHEARSIDE);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 6 -> (x-1, y+1, z)
			typeP.x = col - 1;
			typeP.y = row + 1;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, SHEARSIDE);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 7 -> (x+1, y-1, z)
			typeP.x = col + 1;
			typeP.y = row - 1;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, SHEARSIDE);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 8 -> (x-1, y-1, z)
			typeP.x = col - 1;
			typeP.y = row - 1;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, SHEARSIDE);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));

			// TYPE 9 -> (x+2, y, z)
			typeP.x = col + 2;
			typeP.y = row;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, BEND);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 10 -> (x-2, y, z)
			typeP.x = col - 2;
			typeP.y = row;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, BEND);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 11 -> (x, y+2, z)
			typeP.x = col;
			typeP.y = row + 2;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, BEND);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
			// TYPE 12 -> (x, y-2, z)
			typeP.x = col;
			typeP.y = row - 2;
			updateForce(curP, typeP, clothItem, BEND);
			memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
		}// for col
	}// for row
	for(int row = 0; row < clothItem->height; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < clothItem->width; col++)
			index = FindIndexInArray(row, col, clothItem->width);

			clothItem->acceleration[index].x = clothItem->force[index].x / clothItem->mass;
			clothItem->acceleration[index].y = clothItem->force[index].y / clothItem->mass;
			clothItem->acceleration[index].z = clothItem->force[index].z / clothItem->mass;
void updateForce(node curP, node typeP, cloth *clothItem, int springType)
	int inOrOut = 0;			// 1 = inside , 0 = outside
	int parsedOrNot = 0;		// 1 = unparsed, 0 = already parsed
	point hooksF, dampF;		// to store the force computed in the above defined functions
	int indexC, indexT;

	memset( (void*)&hooksF, 0, sizeof(hooksF));
	memset( (void*)&dampF, 0, sizeof(dampF));

	inOrOut = checkIfInsideCloth(typeP, clothItem);

		// type# point is inside the jello cube
		parsedOrNot = checkIfAlreadyParsed(typeP, curP);

			indexC = FindIndexInArray(curP.y, curP.x, clothItem->width);
			indexT = FindIndexInArray(typeP.y, typeP.x, clothItem->width);
			// type# point has not been parsed yet

			hooksF = computeHooksForce(indexC, indexT, vMake(0.0), clothItem, springType, KELASTIC);
			dampF = computeDampingForce(indexC, indexT, vMake(0.0), clothItem, DELASTIC);

			// Add the forces to the current point in the loop
			clothItem->force[indexC].x += hooksF.x + dampF.x;
			clothItem->force[indexC].y += hooksF.y + dampF.y;
			clothItem->force[indexC].z += hooksF.z + dampF.z;
			// Add the forces to the current type# point
			clothItem->force[indexT].x += -hooksF.x + (-dampF.x);
			clothItem->force[indexT].y += -hooksF.y + (-dampF.y);
			clothItem->force[indexT].z += -hooksF.z + (-dampF.z);

			if(gWind == 1)
				if(windCount < 30 && flag != 1)
					clothItem->force[indexC].x += gWindAmountX;
					clothItem->force[indexC].y += 0.0;
					clothItem->force[indexC].z += gWindAmountZ;
					if(windCount == 30)
						flag = 1;
					windCount -= 1;
					if(windCount == 0)
						flag = 0;