Exemple #1
void ScrollViewer::OnInitialized()

    suic::StylePtr hPtr(FindResource(_T("HScrollBar")));
    suic::StylePtr vPtr(FindResource(_T("VScrollBar")));




    _hScroll->Scroll.Add(this, &ScrollViewer::OnHorizontalScroll);
    _vScroll->Scroll.Add(this, &ScrollViewer::OnVerticalScroll);

    _iCurPos = GetBorderThickness().top;
Exemple #2
//' Return the LinOp element at index i (0-based)
//' @param lvec the LinOpVector Object XPtr
//' @param i the index
// [[Rcpp::export(.LinOp_at_index)]]
SEXP LinOp_at_index(SEXP lvec, int i) {
  Rcpp::XPtr<LinOpVector> vPtr(lvec);
  return Rcpp::XPtr<LinOp>((vPtr->linvec)[i]);
bool	NasFileImporter::doRead(hHybridMesh * mesh)
		// GRID

		mmv_out_stream<< "\n Reading vertices...";

        Vertex * vPtr(nullptr);
		std::string	s_tmp;
		while(_vert_readed < _vert_count && _file.good())
			double	val(0);
			//char tmp[12]={0};
			_file >> s_tmp;
            vPtr = mesh->vertices_.newObj<Vertex>(nullptr);
			_file >> val >> vPtr->coords_[0] >> vPtr->coords_[1] >> vPtr->coords_[2] >> val;
		assert(_vert_count == _vert_readed);

		mmv_out_stream << " Vertices readed: " << _vert_readed << "\n Reading faces... ";

		// FACES
		int quad_readed(0);
		mesh->faces_.reserve(_face_count+_quads, sizeof(Face3) * _face_count+sizeof(Face4)*_quads);
		mesh->edges_.reserve(_elem_count*6+_prisms*9,sizeof(Edge) * (_elem_count*6+_prisms*9));
        hObj * fPtr(nullptr);
		while(_face_readed+quad_readed < (_face_count+_quads) && _file.good())
			double	val(0);
			//char tmp[12]={0};
			//_file.getline(tmp,11,' ');
			_file >> s_tmp;
			int face_type(0);
			if(0 == s_tmp.compare("CTRIAX")) //if(0 == strcmp("CTRIAX",tmp ))
				face_type = 3;
				if(face_type < 2 && face_type > 4)
					throw "\nNasFileImporter::GetNextFace: wrong face_type.\n Make sure that file has platform-specyfic file endings (Win/Linux).";
				_file >> val;	// number - ignore it
				int bc;
				_file >> bc;  // element group no. = bc no.
				_file >> vertices[0];// fPtr->verts(0) = tmp2; // vertices no. !!! (not edges)
				_file >> vertices[1]; //fPtr->verts(1) = tmp2; 
				_file >> vertices[2]; //fPtr->verts(2) = tmp2; 
				std::sort(vertices, vertices+3);

				fPtr = mesh->faces_.newObj<Face3>(vertices);				
				fPtr->flags(B_COND)= bc;
				fPtr->components(0) = mesh->edge(vertices[0],vertices[1]).id_;
				fPtr->components(1) = mesh->edge(vertices[0],vertices[2]).id_;
				fPtr->components(2) = mesh->edge(vertices[1],vertices[2]).id_;
				fPtr->neighs(0) = UNKNOWN;
				fPtr->neighs(1) = UNKNOWN;
			else if(0 == s_tmp.compare("CQUADX")) // quads