Exemple #1
/* Called by FreeRTOS+UDP when the network connects. */
void vApplicationIPNetworkEventHook( eIPCallbackEvent_t eNetworkEvent )
    static BaseType_t xTaskAlreadyCreated = pdFALSE;

    if( eNetworkEvent == eNetworkUp ) {
        /* Create the tasks that transmit to and receive from a standard
        echo server (see the web documentation for this port) in both
        standard and zero copy mode. */
        if( xTaskAlreadyCreated == pdFALSE ) {
            vStartEchoClientTasks( mainECHO_CLIENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE, mainECHO_CLIENT_TASK_PRIORITY );
            xTaskAlreadyCreated = pdTRUE;
/* Called by FreeRTOS+UDP when the network connects. */
void vApplicationIPNetworkEventHook( eIPCallbackEvent_t eNetworkEvent )
uint32_t ulIPAddress, ulNetMask, ulGatewayAddress, ulDNSServerAddress;
int8_t cBuffer[ 16 ];
static portBASE_TYPE xTasksAlreadyCreated = pdFALSE;

	if( eNetworkEvent == eNetworkUp )
		/* Create the tasks that use the IP stack if they have not already been
		created. */
		if( xTasksAlreadyCreated == pdFALSE )
				/* Create tasks that demonstrate sending and receiving in both
				standard and zero copy mode. */

				/* Create tasks that demonstrate sending and receiving in both
				standard and zero copy mode. */

			#if( mainCREATE_UDP_ECHO_TASKS == 1 )
				/* Create the tasks that transmit to and receive from a standard
				echo server (see the web documentation for this port) in both
				standard and zero copy mode. */
			#endif /* mainCREATE_UDP_ECHO_TASKS */

			#if( mainCREATE_UDP_CLI_TASKS == 1 )
				/* Create the task that handles the CLI on a UDP port.  The port number
				is set using the configUDP_CLI_PORT_NUMBER setting in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
			#endif /* mainCREATE_UDP_CLI_TASKS */

			xTasksAlreadyCreated = pdTRUE;

		/* Print out the network configuration, which may have come from a DHCP
		server. */
		FreeRTOS_GetAddressConfiguration( &ulIPAddress, &ulNetMask, &ulGatewayAddress, &ulDNSServerAddress );
		vOutputString( "IP Address: " );
		FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( ulIPAddress, cBuffer );
		vOutputString( ( char * ) cBuffer );
		vOutputString( "\r\nSubnet Mask: " );
		FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( ulNetMask, cBuffer );
		vOutputString( ( char * ) cBuffer );
		vOutputString( "\r\nGateway Address: " );
		FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( ulGatewayAddress, cBuffer );
		vOutputString( ( char * ) cBuffer );
		vOutputString( "\r\nDNS Server Address: " );
		FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( ulDNSServerAddress, cBuffer );
		vOutputString( ( char * ) cBuffer );
		vOutputString( "\r\n\r\n" );
/* Called by FreeRTOS+UDP when the network connects. */
void vApplicationIPNetworkEventHook( eIPCallbackEvent_t eNetworkEvent )
static long lTasksAlreadyCreated = pdFALSE;
const unsigned long ulXCoord = 3, ulYCoord = 3, ulIPAddressOffset = 45;
unsigned long ulIPAddress;
char cIPAddress[ 20 ];

	/* Note:  If the application is started without the network cable plugged in
	then ipconfigUDP_TASK_PRIORITY should be set to 0 in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h to
	ensure the IP task is created at the idle priority.  This is because the Atmel
	ASF GMAC driver polls the GMAC looking for a connection, and doing so will
	prevent any lower priority tasks from executing.  In this demo the IP task is
	started at the idle priority, then set to configMAX_PRIORITIES - 2 in the
	network event hook only after a connection has been established (when the event
	passed into the network event hook is eNetworkUp). */
	if( eNetworkEvent == eNetworkUp )
		/* Ensure tasks are only created once. */
		if( lTasksAlreadyCreated == pdFALSE )
			/* Create the task that handles the CLI on a UDP port.  The port
			number is set using the configUDP_CLI_PORT_NUMBER setting in
			FreeRTOSConfig.h. */

			#if( mainINCLUDE_ECHO_CLIENT_TASKS == 1 )
				/* Create the UDP echo tasks.  The UDP echo tasks require the IP
				address of the echo server to be defined using the
				configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0 to configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 constants in
				FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
				vStartEchoClientTasks( mainECHO_CLIENT_STACK_SIZE, tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

		/* Obtain the IP address, convert it to a string, then display it on the
		LCD. */
		FreeRTOS_GetAddressConfiguration( &ulIPAddress, NULL, NULL, NULL );
		FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( ulIPAddress, cIPAddress );
		ili93xx_draw_string( ulXCoord, ulYCoord, ( uint8_t * ) "IP: " );
		ili93xx_draw_string( ulXCoord + ulIPAddressOffset, ulYCoord, ( uint8_t * ) cIPAddress );

		/* Set the priority of the IP task up to the desired priority now it has
		connected. */

	/* NOTE:  At the time of writing the Ethernet driver does not report the
	cable being unplugged - so the following if() condition will never be met.
	It is included for possible future updates to the driver. */
	if( eNetworkEvent == eNetworkDown )
		/* Ensure the Atmel GMAC drivers don't hog all the CPU time as they look
		for a new connection by lowering the priority of the IP task to that of
		the Idle task. */
		vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

		/* Disconnected - so no IP address. */
		ili93xx_draw_string( ulXCoord, ulYCoord, ( uint8_t * ) "IP:                  " );