Exemple #1
void cmd_nick(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE])
    if (argc < 1) {
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, "Input required.");

    char nick[MAX_STR_SIZE];
    int len = 0;

    if (argv[1][0] == '\"') {    /* remove opening and closing quotes */
        snprintf(nick, sizeof(nick), "%s", &argv[1][1]);
        len = strlen(nick) - 1;
        nick[len] = '\0';
    } else {
        snprintf(nick, sizeof(nick), "%s", argv[1]);
        len = strlen(nick);

    if (!valid_nick(nick)) {
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, "Invalid name.");

    len = MIN(len, TOXIC_MAX_NAME_LENGTH - 1);
    nick[len] = '\0';

    tox_set_name(m, (uint8_t *) nick, (uint16_t) len);
    prompt_update_nick(prompt, nick);

    store_data(m, DATA_FILE);
Exemple #2
void cmd_nick(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE])
    char *errmsg;

    /* check arguments */
    if (argc < 1) {
        errmsg = "Invalid name.";
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, errmsg);

    char *nick = argv[1];
    int len = strlen(nick);

    if (nick[0] == '\"') {
        len -= 2;
        nick[len] = '\0';

    if (!valid_nick(nick)) {
        errmsg = "Invalid name.";
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, errmsg);

    len = MIN(len, TOXIC_MAX_NAME_LENGTH - 1);
    nick[len] = '\0';

    tox_set_name(m, (uint8_t *) nick, (uint16_t) len);
    prompt_update_nick(prompt, nick);

    store_data(m, DATA_FILE);
Exemple #3
/* There are three types of logs: chat logs, groupchat logs, and prompt logs (see LOG_TYPE in log.h)
   A prompt log is in the format: LOGDIR/selfkey-home.log
   A chat log is in the format: LOGDIR/selfkey-friendname-otherkey.log
   A groupchat log is in the format: LOGDIR/selfkey-groupname-date[time].log

   Only the first (KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2) numbers of the key are used.

   Returns 0 on success, -1 if the path is too long */
static int get_log_path(char *dest, int destsize, char *name, const char *selfkey, const char *otherkey, int logtype)
    if (!valid_nick(name))
        name = UNKNOWN_NAME;

    const char *namedash = logtype == LOG_PROMPT ? "" : "-";
    const char *set_path = user_settings->chatlogs_path;

    char *user_config_dir = get_user_config_dir();
    int path_len = strlen(name) + strlen(".log") + strlen("-") + strlen(namedash);
    path_len += strlen(set_path) ? *set_path : strlen(user_config_dir) + strlen(LOGDIR);

    /* first 6 digits of selfkey */
    char self_id[32];
    path_len += KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2;
    sprintf(&self_id[0], "%02X", selfkey[0] & 0xff);
    sprintf(&self_id[2], "%02X", selfkey[1] & 0xff);
    sprintf(&self_id[4], "%02X", selfkey[2] & 0xff);
    self_id[KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2] = '\0';

    char other_id[32] = {0};

    switch (logtype) {
        case LOG_CHAT:
            path_len += KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2;
            sprintf(&other_id[0], "%02X", otherkey[0] & 0xff);
            sprintf(&other_id[2], "%02X", otherkey[1] & 0xff);
            sprintf(&other_id[4], "%02X", otherkey[2] & 0xff);
            other_id[KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2] = '\0';

        case LOG_GROUP:
            strftime(other_id, sizeof(other_id), "%Y-%m-%d[%H:%M:%S]", get_time());
            path_len += strlen(other_id);

    if (path_len >= destsize) {
        return -1;

    if (!string_is_empty(set_path))
        snprintf(dest, destsize, "%s%s-%s%s%s.log", set_path, self_id, name, namedash, other_id);
        snprintf(dest, destsize, "%s%s%s-%s%s%s.log", user_config_dir, LOGDIR, self_id, name, namedash, other_id);


    return 0;
Exemple #4
/* Creates/fetches log file by appending to the config dir the name and a pseudo-unique identity */
void init_logging_session(uint8_t *name, uint8_t *key, struct chatlog *log)
    if (!log->log_on)

    if (!valid_nick(name))
        name = UNKNOWN_NAME;

    char *user_config_dir = get_user_config_dir();
    int path_len = strlen(user_config_dir) + strlen(CONFIGDIR) + strlen(name);

    /* use first 4 digits of key as log ident. If no key use a timestamp */
    uint8_t ident[32];

    if (key != NULL) {
        path_len += (KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2 + 5);

        sprintf(&ident[0], "%02X", key[0] & 0xff);
        sprintf(&ident[2], "%02X", key[1] & 0xff);
        ident[KEY_IDENT_DIGITS * 2 + 1] = '\0';
    } else {
        strftime(ident, sizeof(ident), "%Y-%m-%d[%H:%M:%S]", get_time());
        path_len += strlen(ident) + 1;

    if (path_len > MAX_STR_SIZE) {
        log->log_on = false;

    uint8_t log_path[MAX_STR_SIZE];

    snprintf(log_path, MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s%s%s-%s.log",
             user_config_dir, CONFIGDIR, name, ident);


    log->file = fopen(log_path, "a");

    if (log->file == NULL) {
        log->log_on = false;

    fprintf(log->file, "\n*** NEW SESSION ***\n\n");