void main() { int a; while(1) { menu();//菜单 printf("请选择:"); scanf("%d",&a); switch(a) { case 1: printf("初始值为:\n"); show(); break; case 2: show(); run(); handle_count=0; break; case 3: valueChange(); break; case 4:exit(0); default:printf("输入有误!\n"); } system("pause"); system("cls"); } }
/*! \brief No docs Description \param x ??? \param align \todo Documentation */ void QwtDoubleRange::setNewValue(double x, bool align) { double vmin,vmax; d_prevValue = d_value; vmin = qwtMin(d_minValue, d_maxValue); vmax = qwtMax(d_minValue, d_maxValue); // // Range check // if (x < vmin) { if ((d_periodic) && (vmin != vmax)) d_value = x + ::ceil( (vmin - x) / (vmax - vmin ) ) * (vmax - vmin); else d_value = vmin; } else if (x > vmax) { if ((d_periodic) && (vmin != vmax)) d_value = x - ::ceil( ( x - vmax) / (vmax - vmin )) * (vmax - vmin); else d_value = vmax; } else d_value = x; d_exactPrevValue = d_exactValue; d_exactValue = d_value; // align to grid if (align) { if (d_step != 0.0) { d_value = d_minValue + qwtRound((d_value - d_minValue) / d_step) * d_step; } else d_value = d_minValue; // correct rounding error at the border if (fabs(d_value - d_maxValue) < MinEps * qwtAbs(d_step)) d_value = d_maxValue; // correct rounding error if value = 0 if (::fabs(d_value) < MinEps * qwtAbs(d_step)) d_value = 0.0; } if (!d_isValid || d_prevValue != d_value) { d_isValid = true; valueChange(); } }
void checkStatusPropertyUpdate() { // GIVEN qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationClipLoader::Status>("Status"); TestArbiter arbiter; arbiter.setArbiterOnNode(this); QSignalSpy spy(this, SIGNAL(statusChanged(Status))); const Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationClipLoader::Status newStatus = Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationClipLoader::Error; // THEN QVERIFY(spy.isValid()); // WHEN Qt3DCore::QPropertyUpdatedChangePtr valueChange(new Qt3DCore::QPropertyUpdatedChange(Qt3DCore::QNodeId())); valueChange->setPropertyName("status"); valueChange->setValue(QVariant::fromValue(newStatus)); sceneChangeEvent(valueChange); // THEN QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(arbiter.events.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(status(), newStatus); // WHEN spy.clear(); sceneChangeEvent(valueChange); // THEN QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(arbiter.events.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(status(), newStatus); }
void pdsp::ValueSequencer::process (int bufferSize) noexcept { //std::cout<<"valuesequencer slewLastValue = "<<slewLastValue<<"\n"; if(messageBuffer!=nullptr){ //updateBuffer(messageBuffer, bufferSize); if( messageBuffer->empty() ){ //std::cout<<"message queue empty, broadcasting last value\n"; if(slewRun){ float* outputBuffer = getOutputBufferToFill(output); runSlewBlock( outputBuffer, 0, bufferSize); }else{ setControlRateOutput(output, slewLastValue); } } else { float* outputBuffer = getOutputBufferToFill(output); int n=0; int k=0; int imax = messageBuffer->size(); for( int i=0; i<imax; ++i){ ControlMessage &msg = messageBuffer->messages[i]; //std::cout<<"broadcast message value = "<<messageBuffer->messages[i].value<<"\n"; if(slewRun){ runSlewBlock(outputBuffer, n, msg.sample * getOversampleLevel()); }else{ ofx_Aeq_S_range(outputBuffer, slewLastValue, n, msg.sample * getOversampleLevel()); } if( slewControl != nullptr && (k < slewControl->messages.size()) && (slewControl->messages[k].sample <= msg.sample)) { //std::cout<<"got slew message, value "<<slewControl->messages[k].value<<"\n"; slewTimeMod = slewControl->messages[k].value; k++; } valueChange(msg.value); n = msg.sample * getOversampleLevel(); } if(slewRun){ runSlewBlock(outputBuffer, n, bufferSize ); }else{ ofx_Aeq_S_range(outputBuffer, slewLastValue, n, bufferSize); } //std::cout<<"last message value = "<<slewLastValue<<"\n"; } }else{ setControlRateOutput(output, slewLastValue); } if(slewControl != nullptr && !slewControl->empty() ){ //we set the slew control with the last of the buffer slewTimeMod = slewControl->messages[ slewControl->messages.size() - 1 ].value; } }
void QRangeControl::setValue( int value ) { int lprevVal = prevVal; directSetValue( value ); if ( lprevVal != val || prevVal != val ) valueChange(); }
//! Set the value to be valid/invalid void QwtDoubleRange::setValid(bool isValid) { if ( isValid != d_isValid ) { d_isValid = isValid; valueChange(); } }
void VolSlider::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { if (ev->button() == Qt::RightButton) _value = 0.0; else _value = _minValue; valueChange(); }
void FloatEntry::incValue(double) { if (_value + 1.0 < _maxValue) { _value = _value + 1.0; updateValue(); valueChange(); } }
void FloatEntry::decValue(double) { if (_value - 1.0 > _minValue) { _value = _value - 1.0; updateValue(); valueChange(); } }
AutoDialog::AutoDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::AutoDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setGeometry(0 ,390 ,width() ,height()); this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); flag = 0x00; deep = 0x00; current = 0x00; area = 0x00; effect = 0x00; QPixmap a_pix = QPixmap(":/selected.png"); a_icon = QIcon(a_pix); QPixmap b_pix = QPixmap(":/unselected.png"); b_icon = QIcon(b_pix); QPixmap c_pix = QPixmap(":/auto.png"); QPixmap ok_pix = QPixmap(":/ok.png"); ok_icon = QIcon(ok_pix); QPixmap cancel_pix = QPixmap(":/cancel.png"); cancel_icon = QIcon(cancel_pix); connect(ui->lineEdit ,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) ,this ,SLOT(valueChange(QString))); connect(ui->lineEdit_2 ,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) ,this ,SLOT(valueChange(QString))); connect(ui->lineEdit_3 ,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) ,this ,SLOT(valueChange(QString))); connect(ui->lineEdit_4 ,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) ,this ,SLOT(valueChange(QString))); ui->lineEdit->clear(); ui->lineEdit_2->clear(); ui->lineEdit_3->clear(); ui->lineEdit_4->clear(); ui->label->setPixmap(c_pix); ui->buttonBox->button(ui->buttonBox->Ok)->setText(tr("确定(O)")); ui->buttonBox->button(ui->buttonBox->Ok)->setIcon(ok_icon); ui->buttonBox->button(ui->buttonBox->Ok)->setIconSize(QSize(32,32)); ui->buttonBox->button(ui->buttonBox->Cancel)->setText(tr("取消(C)")); ui->buttonBox->button(ui->buttonBox->Cancel)->setIcon(cancel_icon); ui->buttonBox->button(ui->buttonBox->Cancel)->setIconSize(QSize(32,32)); }
void CSliderMultiPos::setValue(int posIndex,int value){ if( posIndex>=0 && posIndex<nbValues() ){ if( handles.at(posIndex).getValue()!=value ){ handles[posIndex].setValue(value); emit valueChange(posIndex,value); repaint(); } } }
void DoubleRange::setNewValue(double x, bool align) { DEBUG_DRANGE(stderr, "DoubleRange::setNewValue TOP val:%.20f d_value:%.20f\n", x, d_value); if(x == d_value) return; const double vmin = MusECore::qwtMin(d_minValue, d_maxValue); const double vmax = MusECore::qwtMax(d_minValue, d_maxValue); const double prevValue = d_value; // Range check if (x < vmin) { if ((d_periodic) && (vmin != vmax)) d_value = x + ceil((vmin - x) / (vmax - vmin)) * (vmax - vmin); else d_value = vmin; } else if (x > vmax) { if ((d_periodic) && (vmin != vmax)) d_value = x - ceil( ( x - vmax) / (vmax - vmin )) * (vmax - vmin); else d_value = vmax; } else d_value = x; d_exactPrevValue = d_exactValue; d_exactValue = d_value; // align to grid if (align) { if (d_step != 0.0) d_value = d_minValue + rint((d_value - d_minValue) / d_step ) * d_step; else d_value = d_minValue; // correct rounding error at the border if (fabs(d_value - d_maxValue) < MinEps * MusECore::qwtAbs(d_step)) d_value = d_maxValue; // correct rounding error if value = 0 if (fabs(d_value) < MinEps * MusECore::qwtAbs(d_step)) d_value = 0.0; } DEBUG_DRANGE(stderr, " BOTTOM val:%.20f d_value:%.20f\n", x, d_value); if (prevValue != d_value) { DEBUG_DRANGE(stderr, " not equal, calling valueChange\n"); valueChange(); } }
void MSTypeEntryField<Type>::decrement(void) { if (MSView::model()!=0) { if (minimumValue().isSet()==MSTrue) { Type aType=value(); aType-=incrementValue(); if (aType>=minimumValue()) { value()=aType; valueChange(); } } else { value()-=incrementValue(); valueChange(); } } }
void Knob::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { startY = ev->y(); emit sliderPressed(_id); if (_center) { QRect r(points->boundingRect().toRect()); if (r.contains(ev->pos())) { setValue(.0f); valueChange(); } } }
void AbstractSlider::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* ev) { int div = 50; if (ev->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) div = 15; _value += (ev->delta() * lineStep()) / div; if (_value < _minValue) _value = _minValue; else if (_value > _maxValue) _value = _maxValue; valueChange(); }
void Knob::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { int y = ev->y(); double delta = (maxValue() - minValue()) / 100.0f; if (delta == 0) delta = 1; _value += (startY - y) * delta; if (_value < minValue()) _value = _minValue; else if (_value > maxValue()) _value = _maxValue; startY = y; valueChange(); }
void MSIntEntryField::increment(void) { if (MSView::model()!=0) { if (value() <= INT_MAX - incrementValue()) // prevent overflow { if (maximumValue().isSet()==MSTrue) { int anInt=value(); anInt+=(int)incrementValue(); if (anInt<=maximumValue()) { value()=anInt; valueChange(); } } else { value()+=incrementValue(); valueChange(); } } } }
void MSIntEntryField::decrement(void) { if (MSView::model()!=0) { if (value() >= INT_MIN + incrementValue()) // prevent underflow { if (minimumValue().isSet()==MSTrue) { int anInt=value(); anInt-=(int)incrementValue(); if (anInt>=minimumValue()) { value()=anInt; valueChange(); } } else { value()-=incrementValue(); valueChange(); } } } }
void RKSpinBox::interpretText () { if (updating) return; updating = true; if (mode == Real) { bool ok; double new_value = text ().toFloat (&ok); if (ok) real_value = new_value; valueChange (); } else { QSpinBox::interpretText (); } updating = false; }
void MSFloatEntryField::decrement(void) { if (MSView::model()!=0) { if (value() >= -DBL_MAX + incrementValue()) // prevent underflow { if (minimumValue().isSet()==MSTrue) { double anFloat=value(); anFloat-=incrementValue(); if (anFloat>=minimumValue()) { value()=anFloat; valueChange(); } } else { value()-=incrementValue(); valueChange(); } } } }
void FloatEntry::setSValue(const QString& s) { bool ok; double v = s.toFloat(&ok); if (ok && (v != _value)) { if (v < _minValue) v = _minValue; if (v > _maxValue) v = _maxValue; _value = v; updateValue(); valueChange(); } }
void MSFloatEntryField::increment(void) { if (MSView::model()!=0) { if (value() <= DBL_MAX - incrementValue()) // prevent overflow { if (maximumValue().isSet()==MSTrue) { double anFloat=value(); anFloat+=incrementValue(); if (anFloat<=maximumValue()) { value()=anFloat; valueChange(); } } else { value()+=incrementValue(); valueChange(); } } } }
void ofxPDSPValue::process (int bufferSize) noexcept { float newValue = value; if(newValue!=lastValue){ valueChange(newValue); } if(slewRun){ float* outputBuffer = getOutputBufferToFill(output); runSlewBlock(outputBuffer, 0, bufferSize); }else{ setControlRateOutput(output, slewLastValue); } lastValue = newValue; }
void QRangeControl::setRange( int minValue, int maxValue ) { if ( minValue > maxValue ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE) qWarning( "QRangeControl::setRange: minValue %d > maxValue %d", minValue, maxValue ); #endif maxValue = minValue; } if ( minValue == minVal && maxValue == maxVal ) return; minVal = minValue; maxVal = maxValue; int tmp = bound( val ); rangeChange(); if ( tmp != val ) { prevVal = val; val = tmp; valueChange(); } }
void Slider::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { if (!dragMode) return; int delta = orient == Qt::Horizontal ? (startDrag.x() - ev->x()) : (startDrag.y() - ev->y()); // if (_invert) // delta = -delta; if (orient == Qt::Horizontal) delta = -delta; int ppos = dragppos + delta; if (ppos < 0) ppos = 0; int pixel = (orient == Qt::Vertical) ? height() - _sliderSize.height() : width() - _sliderSize.width(); if (ppos > pixel) ppos = pixel; int pos = _invert ? (pixel - ppos) : ppos; _value = (pos * (maxValue() - minValue()) / pixel) + minValue() - 0.000001; valueChange(); }
void AbstractSlider::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* ev) { double oval = _value; switch (ev->key()) { case Qt::Key_Home: _value = _minValue; break; case Qt::Key_End: _value = _maxValue; break; case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_Left: _value += lineStep(); break; case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Right: _value -= lineStep(); break; case Qt::Key_PageDown: _value -= pageStep(); break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: _value += pageStep(); break; default: break; } if (_value < _minValue) _value = _minValue; else if (_value > _maxValue) _value = _maxValue; if (oval != _value) valueChange(); }
void QRangeControl::setValue( int value ) { directSetValue( value ); if ( prevVal != val ) valueChange(); }