Exemple #1
 FREObject LNLeapDevice::getConfigString(uint32_t len, const uint8_t* key) {
     std::string keyString( key, key+len );
     std::string valueString(controller->config().getString(keyString));
     std::vector<uint8_t> valueVector(valueString.begin(), valueString.end());
     uint8_t *valueArray = &valueVector[0];
     FREObject freReturnValue;
     FRENewObjectFromUTF8(valueString.length(), valueArray, &freReturnValue);
     return freReturnValue;
ScriptPromise BluetoothGATTCharacteristic::writeValue(ScriptState* scriptState, const DOMArrayPiece& value)
    WebBluetooth* webbluetooth = BluetoothSupplement::fromScriptState(scriptState);
    // Partial implementation of writeValue algorithm:
    // https://webbluetoothchrome.github.io/web-bluetooth/#dom-bluetoothgattcharacteristic-writevalue

    // If bytes is more than 512 bytes long (the maximum length of an attribute
    // value, per Long Attribute Values) return a promise rejected with an
    // InvalidModificationError and abort.
    if (value.byteLength() > 512)
        return ScriptPromise::rejectWithDOMException(scriptState, DOMException::create(InvalidModificationError, "Value can't exceed 512 bytes."));

    // Let valueVector be a copy of the bytes held by value.
    WebVector<uint8_t> valueVector(value.bytes(), value.byteLength());

    ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver = ScriptPromiseResolver::create(scriptState);

    ScriptPromise promise = resolver->promise();
    webbluetooth->writeValue(m_webCharacteristic->characteristicInstanceID, valueVector, new CallbackPromiseAdapter<void, BluetoothError>(resolver));

    return promise;
void CExInfEngine< INF_ENGINE, MODEL, FLAV, FALLBACK_ENGINE1, FALLBACK_ENGINE2 >::MarginalNodes( int const *query, int querySize, int notExpandJPD )
    int i, j;

    if( querySize== 0 )
        PNL_THROW( CInconsistentSize, "query nodes vector should not be empty" );

    saved_query.assign( query, query + querySize );

    if ( evidence == 0 )
        evidence_mine = true;
        EnterEvidence( evidence = CEvidence::Create( graphical_model, intVector(), valueVector() ) );

    active_components.resize( 0 );

    query_dispenser.resize( 0 );
    query_dispenser.resize( decomposition.size() );

    for ( i = 0; i < querySize; ++i )
        query_dispenser[orig2comp[query[i]]].push_back( orig2idx[query[i]] );

    for ( i = decomposition.size(); i--; )
        if ( query_dispenser[i].size() )
            active_components.push_back( i );

	EDistributionType dt=dtTabular;
	bool determined = false;
	for ( i = active_components.size(); i--; )
        j = active_components[i];
		engines[j] -> MarginalNodes( &query_dispenser[j].front(), query_dispenser[j].size(), 1 );
			dt = engines[j]->GetQueryJPD()->GetDistributionType();
			if(dt != dtScalar)
				determined = true;
	if(!(dt == dtTabular || dt == dtGaussian || dt == dtScalar))
		PNL_THROW(CNotImplemented, "we can not support this type of potentials");

    CPotential *pot1;
    CPotential const *pot2=NULL;
    intVector dom;
	intVector obsIndices;
	for(i=0; i<querySize; i++)

		delete query_JPD;
	if ( active_components.size() > 1 )
        if((dt == dtTabular) || (dt == dtScalar))
			query_JPD = CTabularPotential::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution( saved_query, graphical_model->GetModelDomain(), 1, obsIndices );
		else if(dt == dtGaussian)
			query_JPD = CGaussianPotential::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution( saved_query, graphical_model->GetModelDomain(), 1, obsIndices );

//        query_JPD = pot2->ShrinkObservedNodes( evidence );
//        delete( pot2 );

        for ( i = active_components.size(); i--; )
            pot2 = engines[active_components[i]]->GetQueryJPD();
            pot2->GetDomain( &dom );
            for ( j = dom.size(); j--; )
                dom[j] = decomposition[active_components[i]][dom[j]];
            pot1 = (CPotential *)CPotential::CopyWithNewDomain( pot2, dom, graphical_model->GetModelDomain() );
            *query_JPD *= *pot1;
            delete( pot1 );
        pot2 = engines[active_components[0]]->GetQueryJPD();
        pot2->GetDomain( &dom );

        for ( j = dom.size(); j--; )
           dom[j] = decomposition[active_components[0]][dom[j]];
        query_JPD = (CPotential *)CPotential::CopyWithNewDomain( pot2, dom, graphical_model->GetModelDomain() );
Exemple #4
int testRandomFactors()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int nnodes = 0;
    int i;
    while(nnodes <= 0)
        trsiRead( &nnodes, "5", "Number of nodes in Model" );
    //create node types
    int seed1 = pnlTestRandSeed();
    //create string to display the value
    char *value = new char[20];
#if 0
    value = _itoa(seed1, value, 10);
    sprintf( value, "%d", seed1 );
    trsiRead(&seed1, value, "Seed for srand to define NodeTypes etc.");
    delete []value;
    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "seed for rand = %d\n", seed1);
    //create 2 node types and model domain for them
    nodeTypeVector modelNodeType;
    modelNodeType[0] = CNodeType( 1, 4 );
    modelNodeType[1] = CNodeType( 1, 3 );
    intVector NodeAssociat;
    NodeAssociat.assign(nnodes, 0);
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        float rand = pnlRand( 0.0f, 1.0f );
        if( rand < 0.5f )
            NodeAssociat[i] = 1;
    CModelDomain* pMDDiscr = CModelDomain::Create( modelNodeType,
        NodeAssociat );
    //create random graph - number of nodes for every node is rand too
    int lowBorder = nnodes - 1;
    int upperBorder = int((nnodes * (nnodes - 1))/2);
    int numEdges = pnlRand( lowBorder, upperBorder );
    CGraph* pGraph = tCreateRandomDAG( nnodes, numEdges, 1 );
    if ( pGraph->NumberOfConnectivityComponents() != 1 )
        delete pGraph;
        goto mark;
    CBNet* pDiscrBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMDDiscr );
    //start jtree inference just for checking 
    //the model is valid for inference and all operations can be made
    CEvidence* pDiscrEmptyEvid = CEvidence::Create( pMDDiscr, 0, NULL, valueVector() );
    CJtreeInfEngine* pDiscrInf = CJtreeInfEngine::Create( pDiscrBNet );
    pDiscrInf->EnterEvidence( pDiscrEmptyEvid );
    const CPotential* pot = NULL;
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        intVector domain;
        pDiscrBNet->GetFactor(i)->GetDomain( &domain );
        pDiscrInf->MarginalNodes( &domain.front(), domain.size() );
        pot = pDiscrInf->GetQueryJPD();
    //make copy of Graph for using with other models
    pGraph = CGraph::Copy( pDiscrBNet->GetGraph() );
    delete pDiscrInf;
    delete pDiscrBNet;
    delete pDiscrEmptyEvid;
    delete pMDDiscr;  

    //create gaussian model domain
    modelNodeType[0] = CNodeType( 0, 4 );
    modelNodeType[1] = CNodeType( 0, 2 );
    CModelDomain* pMDCont = CModelDomain::Create( modelNodeType,
        NodeAssociat );
    CBNet* pContBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMDCont );
    CEvidence* pContEmptyEvid = CEvidence::Create( pMDCont, 0, NULL, valueVector() );
    CNaiveInfEngine* pContInf = CNaiveInfEngine::Create( pContBNet );
    pContInf->EnterEvidence( pContEmptyEvid );
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        intVector domain;
        pContBNet->GetFactor(i)->GetDomain( &domain );
        pContInf->MarginalNodes( &domain.front(), domain.size() );
        pot = pContInf->GetQueryJPD();

    pGraph = CGraph::Copy(pContBNet->GetGraph());
    delete pContInf;
    delete pContBNet;
    delete pContEmptyEvid;
    delete pMDCont;
    //find the node that haven't any parents 
    //and change its node type for it to create Conditional Gaussian CPD
    int numOfNodeWithoutParents = -1;
    intVector parents;
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        pGraph->GetParents( i, &parents );
        if( parents.size() == 0 )
            numOfNodeWithoutParents = i;
    //change node type of this node, make it discrete
    CNodeType ntTab = CNodeType( 1,4 );
    modelNodeType.push_back( ntTab );
    NodeAssociat[numOfNodeWithoutParents] = 2;
    //need to change this model domain
    CModelDomain* pMDCondGau = CModelDomain::Create( modelNodeType, NodeAssociat );
    CBNet* pCondGauBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMDCondGau );
    //need to create evidence for all gaussian nodes
    intVector obsNodes;
    int numGauVals = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < numOfNodeWithoutParents; i++ )
        int GauSize = pMDCondGau->GetVariableType(i)->GetNodeSize();
        numGauVals += GauSize;
        obsNodes.push_back( i );
    for( i = numOfNodeWithoutParents + 1; i < nnodes; i++ )
        int GauSize = pMDCondGau->GetVariableType(i)->GetNodeSize();
        numGauVals += GauSize;
        obsNodes.push_back( i );
    valueVector obsGauVals;
    obsGauVals.resize( numGauVals );
    floatVector obsGauValsFl;
    obsGauValsFl.resize( numGauVals);
    pnlRand( numGauVals, &obsGauValsFl.front(), -3.0f, 3.0f);
    //fill the valueVector
    for( i = 0; i < numGauVals; i++ )
    CEvidence* pCondGauEvid = CEvidence::Create( pMDCondGau, obsNodes, obsGauVals );
    CJtreeInfEngine* pCondGauInf = CJtreeInfEngine::Create( pCondGauBNet );
    pCondGauInf->EnterEvidence( pCondGauEvid );
    pCondGauInf->MarginalNodes( &numOfNodeWithoutParents, 1 );
    pot = pCondGauInf->GetQueryJPD();

    delete pCondGauInf;
    delete pCondGauBNet;
    delete pCondGauEvid;
    delete pMDCondGau;

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
    "Bad test on RandomFactors");