Exemple #1
struct variable *ui_result(struct context *context, void *widget, int32_t w, int32_t h)
    struct variable *widget2 = variable_new_void(context, widget);
    variable_push(context, widget2);
    variable_push(context, variable_new_int(context, w));
    variable_push(context, variable_new_int(context, h));
    return variable_new_src(context, 3);
Exemple #2
struct variable *src(struct context *context, enum Opcode op, struct byte_array *program)
    int32_t size = serial_decode_int(program);
    DEBUGPRINT("%s %d\n", NUM_TO_STRING(opcodes, op), size);
    if (!context->runtime)
        return NULL;
    struct variable *v = variable_new_src(context, size);
    stack_push(context->operand_stack, v);
    return v;
Exemple #3
void vm_call_src(struct context *context, struct variable *func)
    struct map *env = NULL;
    if (func->map) {
        struct variable *v = (struct variable*)variable_map_get(context, func, byte_array_from_string(RESERVED_ENV));
        if (v)
            env = v->map;

    struct program_state *state = (struct program_state*)stack_peek(context->program_stack, 0);
    struct variable *s = (struct variable*)stack_peek(context->operand_stack, 0);
    state->args = array_copy(s->list);


    // call the function
    switch (func->type) {
        case VAR_FNC:
            run(context, func->str, env, false);
        case VAR_C: {
            struct variable *v = func->cfnc(context);
            if (!v)
                v = variable_new_src(context, 0);
            else if (v->type != VAR_SRC) { // convert to VAR_SRC variable
                stack_push(context->operand_stack, v);
                v = variable_new_src(context, 1);
            stack_push(context->operand_stack, v); // push the result
        } break;
        case VAR_NIL:
            vm_exit_message(context, "can't find function");
            vm_exit_message(context, "not a function");

    state->args = NULL;

Exemple #4
struct variable *sys_window(struct context *context)
    struct variable *value = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);

    struct variable *uictx = param_var(value, 1);
    struct variable *logic = param_var(value, 2);

    context->singleton->keepalive = true; // so that context_del isn't called when UI is active
    int32_t w=0, h=0;
    hal_window(context, uictx, &w, &h, logic);
    variable_push(context, variable_new_int(context, w));
    variable_push(context, variable_new_int(context, h));
    return variable_new_src(context, 2);
Exemple #5
struct variable *sys_fileattr(struct context *context)
    struct variable *args = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *path = param_var(args, 1);

    const char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path->str);
    long siz = file_size(path2);
    long mod = file_timestamp(path2);
    struct variable *siz2 = variable_new_int(context, (int32_t)siz);
    struct variable *mod2 = variable_new_int(context, (int32_t)mod);
    variable_push(context, siz2);
    variable_push(context, mod2 );
    struct variable *result = variable_new_src(context, 2);

    return result;
Exemple #6
void vm_call(struct context *context, struct variable *func, struct variable *arg, ...)
    // add variables from vararg
    if (arg) {
        va_list argp;
        va_start(argp, arg);
        struct variable *s = (struct variable*)stack_peek(context->operand_stack, 0);
        if (s && s->type == VAR_SRC)
            s = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
            s = variable_new_src(context, 0);
        for (; arg; arg = va_arg(argp, struct variable*))
            array_add(s->list, arg);
        variable_push(context, s);

    vm_call_src(context, func);
Exemple #7
void func_call(struct context *context, enum Opcode op, struct byte_array *program, struct variable *indexable)
    struct variable *func = context->runtime ? (struct variable*)variable_pop(context): NULL;

    struct variable *s = src(context, op, program);
    if (!context->runtime)

    if (indexable)
        array_insert(s->list, 0, indexable); // self

    vm_call_src(context, func);

    struct variable *result = (struct variable*)stack_peek(context->operand_stack, 0);
    bool resulted = (result && result->type == VAR_SRC);

    if (!resulted) { // need a result for an expression, so pretend it returned nil
        struct variable *v = variable_new_src(context, 0);
        array_add(v->list, variable_new_nil(context));
        stack_push(context->operand_stack, v);
Exemple #8
// ascii to integer
struct variable *sys_atoi(struct context *context)
    struct variable *value = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    char *str = (char*)((struct variable*)array_get(value->list.ordered, 1))->str->data;
    uint32_t offset = value->list.ordered->length > 2 ?
        ((struct variable*)array_get(value->list.ordered, 2))->integer : 0;

    int n=0, i=0;
    bool negative = false;
    if (str[offset] == '-') {
        negative = true;

    while (isdigit(str[offset+i]))
        n = n*10 + str[offset + i++] - '0';
    n *= negative ? -1 : 1;

    variable_push(context, variable_new_int(context, n));
    variable_push(context, variable_new_int(context, i));
    return variable_new_src(context, 2);