Exemple #1
/* Helper function to dynamically build our table of standard video
 * modes. We take the amount of VRAM and create modes with standard
 * geometries until we've either reached the maximum number of modes
 * or the available VRAM does not allow for additional modes.
 * We also check registry for manually added video modes.
 * Returns number of modes added to the table.
static uint32_t
VBoxMPFillModesTable(PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt, int iDisplay, PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pModesTable, size_t tableSize,
                     int32_t *pPrefModeIdx)
    /* the resolution matrix */
        uint16_t xRes;
        uint16_t yRes;
    } resolutionMatrix[] =
        /* standard modes */
        { 640,   480 },
        { 800,   600 },
        { 1024,  768 },
        { 1152,  864 },
        { 1280,  960 },
        { 1280, 1024 },
        { 1400, 1050 },
        { 1600, 1200 },
        { 1920, 1440 },
        /* multi screen modes with 1280x1024 */
        { 2560, 1024 },
        { 3840, 1024 },
        { 5120, 1024 },
        /* multi screen modes with 1600x1200 */
        { 3200, 1200 },
        { 4800, 1200 },
        { 6400, 1200 },

    ULONG vramSize = pExt->pPrimary->u.primary.ulMaxFrameBufferSize;
    ULONG vramSize = vboxWddmVramCpuVisibleSegmentSize(pExt);
    vramSize /= pExt->u.primary.commonInfo.cDisplays;
# ifdef VBOX_WDDM_WIN8
    if (!g_VBoxDisplayOnly)
# endif
        /* at least two surfaces will be needed: primary & shadow */
        vramSize /= 2;
    vramSize &= ~PAGE_OFFSET_MASK;

    uint32_t iMode=0, iPrefIdx=0;
    /* there are 4 color depths: 8, 16, 24 and 32bpp and we reserve 50% of the modes for other sources */
    size_t   maxModesPerColorDepth = VBOXMP_MAX_VIDEO_MODES / 2 / 4;

    /* Always add 800x600 video modes. Windows XP+ needs at least 800x600 resolution
     * and fallbacks to 800x600x4bpp VGA mode if the driver did not report suitable modes.
     * This resolution could be rejected by a low resolution host (netbooks, etc).
    int bytesPerPixel=1;
    int bytesPerPixel=2;
    for (; bytesPerPixel<=4; bytesPerPixel++)
        int bitsPerPixel = 8*bytesPerPixel;

        if (800*600*bytesPerPixel > (LONG)vramSize)
            /* we don't have enough VRAM for this mode */

        if (!VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParamsGuest(pExt, iMode, 800, 600, bitsPerPixel))

        VBoxFillVidModeInfo(&pModesTable[iMode], 800, 600, bitsPerPixel, iMode+1, 0);

        if (32==bitsPerPixel)
            iPrefIdx = iMode;

    /* Query yoffset from the host */
    ULONG yOffset = VBoxGetHeightReduction();

    /* Iterate through our static resolution table and add supported video modes for different bpp's */
    for (; bytesPerPixel<=4; bytesPerPixel++)
        int bitsPerPixel = 8*bytesPerPixel;
        size_t cAdded, resIndex;

        for (cAdded=0, resIndex=0; resIndex<RT_ELEMENTS(resolutionMatrix) && cAdded<maxModesPerColorDepth; resIndex++)
            if (resolutionMatrix[resIndex].xRes * resolutionMatrix[resIndex].yRes * bytesPerPixel > (LONG)vramSize)
                /* we don't have enough VRAM for this mode */

            if (yOffset == 0 && resolutionMatrix[resIndex].xRes == 800 && resolutionMatrix[resIndex].yRes == 600)
                /* this mode was already added */

            if (
                    /* 1024x768 resolution is a minimal resolutions for win8 to make most metro apps run.
                     * For small host display resolutions, host will dislike the mode 1024x768 and above
                     * if the framebuffer window requires scrolling to fit the guest resolution.
                     * So add 1024x768 resolution for win8 guest to allow user switch to it */
                       (   (VBoxQueryWinVersion() != WIN8 && VBoxQueryWinVersion() != WIN81)
                        || resolutionMatrix[resIndex].xRes != 1024
                        || resolutionMatrix[resIndex].yRes != 768)
                       !VBoxLikesVideoMode(iDisplay, resolutionMatrix[resIndex].xRes,
                                           resolutionMatrix[resIndex].yRes - yOffset, bitsPerPixel))
                /* host doesn't like this mode */

            if (!VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParamsGuest(pExt, iDisplay, resolutionMatrix[resIndex].xRes, resolutionMatrix[resIndex].yRes, bitsPerPixel))
                /* guest does not like this mode */

            /* Sanity check, we shouldn't ever get here */
            if (iMode >= tableSize)
                WARN(("video modes table overflow!"));

            VBoxFillVidModeInfo(&pModesTable[iMode], resolutionMatrix[resIndex].xRes, resolutionMatrix[resIndex].yRes, bitsPerPixel, iMode+1, yOffset);

    /* Check registry for manually added modes, up to 128 entries is supported
     * Give up on the first error encountered.
    int fPrefSet=0;
    VP_STATUS rc;

    rc = VBoxMPCmnRegInit(pExt, &Registry);

    for (int curKey=0; curKey<128; curKey++)
        if (iMode>=tableSize)
            WARN(("ignoring possible custom mode(s), table is full!"));

        wchar_t keyname[24];
        uint32_t xres, yres, bpp = 0;

        swprintf(keyname, L"CustomMode%dWidth", curKey);
        rc = VBoxMPCmnRegQueryDword(Registry, keyname, &xres);

        swprintf(keyname, L"CustomMode%dHeight", curKey);
        rc = VBoxMPCmnRegQueryDword(Registry, keyname, &yres);

        swprintf(keyname, L"CustomMode%dBPP", curKey);
        rc = VBoxMPCmnRegQueryDword(Registry, keyname, &bpp);

        LOG(("got custom mode[%u]=%ux%u:%u", curKey, xres, yres, bpp));

        /* round down width to be a multiple of 8 if necessary */
        if (!VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->fAnyX)
            xres &= 0xFFF8;

        if (   (xres > (1 << 16))
            || (yres > (1 << 16))
            || (   (bpp != 16)
                && (bpp != 24)
                && (bpp != 32)))
            /* incorrect values */

        /* does it fit within our VRAM? */
        if (xres * yres * (bpp / 8) > vramSize)
            /* we don't have enough VRAM for this mode */

        if (!VBoxLikesVideoMode(iDisplay, xres, yres, bpp))
            /* host doesn't like this mode */

        if (!VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParamsGuest(pExt, iDisplay, xres, yres, bpp))
            /* guest does not like this mode */

        LOG(("adding video mode from registry."));

        VBoxFillVidModeInfo(&pModesTable[iMode], xres, yres, bpp, iMode+1, yOffset);

        if (!fPrefSet)
            fPrefSet = 1;
            iPrefIdx = iMode;
        /*check if the same mode has been added to the table already*/
        int foundIdx = VBoxMPFindVideoMode(pModesTable, iMode, &pModesTable[iMode]);

        if (foundIdx>=0)
            if (iPrefIdx==iMode)

    rc = VBoxMPCmnRegFini(Registry);

    if (pPrefModeIdx)
        *pPrefModeIdx = iPrefIdx;

    return iMode;
Exemple #2
/* Updates missing video mode params with current values,
 * Checks if resulting mode is liked by the host and fits into VRAM.
 * Returns TRUE if resulting mode could be used.
static BOOLEAN
VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParams(PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt, uint32_t iDisplay, uint32_t &xres, uint32_t &yres, uint32_t &bpp)
    /* Make sure all important video mode values are set */
    if (VBoxMPIsStartingUp(pExt, iDisplay))
        /* Use stored custom values only if nothing was read from host. */
        xres = xres ? xres:g_CustomVideoModes[iDisplay].VisScreenWidth;
        yres = yres ? yres:g_CustomVideoModes[iDisplay].VisScreenHeight;
        bpp  = bpp  ? bpp :g_CustomVideoModes[iDisplay].BitsPerPlane;
        /* Use current values for field which weren't read from host. */
        xres = xres ? xres:pExt->CurrentModeWidth;
        yres = yres ? yres:pExt->CurrentModeHeight;
        bpp  = bpp  ? bpp :pExt->CurrentModeBPP;
        PVBOXWDDM_ALLOC_DATA pAllocData = pExt->aSources[iDisplay].pPrimaryAllocation ?
                : &pExt->aSources[iDisplay].AllocData;
        xres = xres ? xres:pAllocData->SurfDesc.width;
        yres = yres ? yres:pAllocData->SurfDesc.height;
        /* VBox WDDM driver does not allow 24 modes since OS could choose the 24bit mode as default in that case,
         * the pExt->aSources[iDisplay].AllocData.SurfDesc.bpp could be initially 24 though,
         * i.e. when driver occurs the current mode on driver load via DxgkCbAcquirePostDisplayOwnership
         * and until driver reports the supported modes
         * This is true for Win8 Display-Only driver currently since DxgkCbAcquirePostDisplayOwnership is only used by it
         * This is why we need to adjust the current mode bpp to the value we actually report as supported */
        bpp  = bpp  ? bpp : VBoxMPAdjustBpp(pAllocData->SurfDesc.bpp);

    /* Round down width to be a multiple of 8 if necessary */
    if (!VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->fAnyX)
        xres &= 0xFFF8;

    /* We always need bpp to be set */
    if (!bpp)

    if (!VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParamsGuest(pExt, iDisplay, xres, yres, bpp))
        WARN(("GUEST does not like special mode %dx%d:%d for display %d", xres, yres, bpp, iDisplay));
        return FALSE;

    /* Check if host likes this mode */
    if (!VBoxLikesVideoMode(iDisplay, xres, yres, bpp))
        WARN_NOBP(("HOST does not like special mode %dx%d:%d for display %d", xres, yres, bpp, iDisplay));
        return FALSE;

    ULONG vramSize = pExt->pPrimary->u.primary.ulMaxFrameBufferSize;
    ULONG vramSize = vboxWddmVramCpuVisibleSegmentSize(pExt);
    vramSize /= pExt->u.primary.commonInfo.cDisplays;
# ifdef VBOX_WDDM_WIN8
    if (!g_VBoxDisplayOnly)
# endif
        /* at least two surfaces will be needed: primary & shadow */
        vramSize /= 2;
    vramSize &= ~PAGE_OFFSET_MASK;

    /* Check that values are valid and mode fits into VRAM */
    if (!xres || !yres
        || !((bpp == 16)
             || (bpp == 8)
             || (bpp == 24)
             || (bpp == 32)))
        LOG(("invalid params for special mode %dx%d:%d", xres, yres, bpp));
        return FALSE;

    if ((xres * yres * (bpp / 8) >= vramSize))
        /* Store values of last reported release log message to avoid log flooding. */
        static uint32_t s_xresNoVRAM=0, s_yresNoVRAM=0, s_bppNoVRAM=0;

        LOG(("not enough VRAM for video mode %dx%dx%dbpp. Available: %d bytes. Required: more than %d bytes.",
             xres, yres, bpp, vramSize, xres * yres * (bpp / 8)));

        s_xresNoVRAM = xres;
        s_yresNoVRAM = yres;
        s_bppNoVRAM = bpp;

        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
/* Updates missing video mode params with current values,
 * Checks if resulting mode is liked by the host and fits into VRAM.
 * Returns TRUE if resulting mode could be used.
static BOOLEAN
VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParams(PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt, uint32_t iDisplay, uint32_t &xres, uint32_t &yres, uint32_t &bpp)
    /* Make sure all important video mode values are set */
    if (VBoxMPIsStartingUp(pExt, iDisplay))
        /* Use stored custom values only if nothing was read from host. */
        xres = xres ? xres:g_CustomVideoModes[iDisplay].VisScreenWidth;
        yres = yres ? yres:g_CustomVideoModes[iDisplay].VisScreenHeight;
        bpp  = bpp  ? bpp :g_CustomVideoModes[iDisplay].BitsPerPlane;
        /* Use current values for field which weren't read from host. */
        xres = xres ? xres:pExt->CurrentModeWidth;
        yres = yres ? yres:pExt->CurrentModeHeight;
        bpp  = bpp  ? bpp :pExt->CurrentModeBPP;
        xres = xres ? xres:pExt->aSources[iDisplay].pPrimaryAllocation->SurfDesc.width;
        yres = yres ? yres:pExt->aSources[iDisplay].pPrimaryAllocation->SurfDesc.height;
        bpp  = bpp  ? bpp :pExt->aSources[iDisplay].pPrimaryAllocation->SurfDesc.bpp;

    /* Round down width to be a multiple of 8 if necessary */
    if (!pExt->fAnyX)
        xres &= 0xFFF8;

    /* We always need bpp to be set */
    if (!bpp)

    if (!VBoxMPValidateVideoModeParamsGuest(pExt, iDisplay, xres, yres, bpp))
        return FALSE;

    /* Check if host likes this mode */
    if (!VBoxLikesVideoMode(iDisplay, xres, yres, bpp))
        WARN_NOBP(("host does not like special mode %dx%d:%d for display %d", xres, yres, bpp, iDisplay));
        return FALSE;

    ULONG vramSize = pExt->pPrimary->u.primary.ulMaxFrameBufferSize;
    ULONG vramSize = vboxWddmVramCpuVisibleSegmentSize(pExt);
    /* at least two surfaces will be needed: primary & shadow */
    vramSize /= 2 * pExt->u.primary.commonInfo.cDisplays;

    /* Check that values are valid and mode fits into VRAM */
    if (!xres || !yres
        || !((bpp == 16)
             || (bpp == 8)
             || (bpp == 24)
             || (bpp == 32)))
        LOG(("invalid params for special mode %dx%d:%d", xres, yres, bpp));
        return FALSE;

    if ((xres * yres * (bpp / 8) >= vramSize))
        /* Store values of last reported release log message to avoid log flooding. */
        static uint32_t s_xresNoVRAM=0, s_yresNoVRAM=0, s_bppNoVRAM=0;

        LOG(("not enough VRAM for video mode %dx%dx%dbpp. Available: %d bytes. Required: more than %d bytes.",
             xres, yres, bpp, vramSize, xres * yres * (bpp / 8)));

        s_xresNoVRAM = xres;
        s_yresNoVRAM = yres;
        s_bppNoVRAM = bpp;

        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;