/* Handles PBC navigation when reaching the end of a play item. */ static vcdplayer_read_status_t vcdplayer_pbc_nav ( access_t * p_access, uint8_t *wait_time ) { vcdplayer_t *p_vcdplayer= (vcdplayer_t *)p_access->p_sys; /* We are in playback control. */ vcdinfo_itemid_t itemid; /* The end of an entry is really the end of the associated sequence (or track). */ if ( (VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_ENTRY == p_vcdplayer->play_item.type) && (p_vcdplayer->i_lsn < p_vcdplayer->end_lsn) ) { /* Set up to just continue to the next entry */ p_vcdplayer->play_item.num++; dbg_print( (INPUT_DBG_LSN|INPUT_DBG_PBC), "continuing into next entry: %u", p_vcdplayer->play_item.num); vcdplayer_play_single_item( p_access, p_vcdplayer->play_item ); /* p_vcdplayer->update_title(); */ return READ_BLOCK; } switch (p_vcdplayer->pxd.descriptor_type) { case PSD_TYPE_END_LIST: return READ_END; break; case PSD_TYPE_PLAY_LIST: { if (vcdplayer_inc_play_item(p_access)) return READ_BLOCK; /* Set up for caller process wait time given. */ if (p_vcdplayer->i_still) { *wait_time = vcdinf_get_wait_time(p_vcdplayer->pxd.pld); dbg_print((INPUT_DBG_PBC|INPUT_DBG_STILL), "playlist wait time: %d", *wait_time); return READ_STILL_FRAME; } /* Wait time has been processed; continue with next entry. */ vcdplayer_update_entry( p_access, vcdinf_pld_get_next_offset(p_vcdplayer->pxd.pld), &itemid.num, "next" ); itemid.type = VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID; vcdplayer_play( p_access, itemid ); break; } case PSD_TYPE_SELECTION_LIST: /* Selection List (+Ext. for SVCD) */ case PSD_TYPE_EXT_SELECTION_LIST: /* Extended Selection List (VCD2.0) */ { uint16_t timeout_offs = vcdinf_get_timeout_offset(p_vcdplayer->pxd.psd); uint16_t max_loop = vcdinf_get_loop_count(p_vcdplayer->pxd.psd); vcdinfo_offset_t *offset_timeout_LID = vcdinfo_get_offset_t(p_vcdplayer->vcd, timeout_offs); dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "looped: %d, max_loop %d", p_vcdplayer->i_loop, max_loop); /* Set up for caller process wait time given. */ if (p_vcdplayer->i_still) { *wait_time = vcdinf_get_timeout_time(p_vcdplayer->pxd.psd); dbg_print((INPUT_DBG_PBC|INPUT_DBG_STILL), "playlist wait_time: %d", *wait_time); return READ_STILL_FRAME; } /* Wait time has been processed; continue with next entry. */ /* Handle any looping given. */ if ( max_loop == 0 || p_vcdplayer->i_loop < max_loop ) { p_vcdplayer->i_loop++; if (p_vcdplayer->i_loop == 0x7f) p_vcdplayer->i_loop = 0; vcdplayer_play_single_item(p_access, p_vcdplayer->loop_item); /* if (p_vcdplayer->i_still) p_vcdplayer->force_redisplay();*/ return READ_BLOCK; } /* Looping finished and wait finished. Move to timeout entry or next entry, or handle still. */ if (NULL != offset_timeout_LID) { /* Handle timeout_LID */ itemid.num = offset_timeout_LID->lid; itemid.type = VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID; dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "timeout to: %d", itemid.num); vcdplayer_play( p_access, itemid ); return READ_BLOCK; } else { int i_selections = vcdinf_get_num_selections(p_vcdplayer->pxd.psd); if (i_selections > 0) { /* Pick a random selection. */ unsigned int bsn=vcdinf_get_bsn(p_vcdplayer->pxd.psd); int rand_selection=bsn + ((unsigned)vlc_lrand48() % (unsigned)i_selections); lid_t rand_lid=vcdinfo_selection_get_lid (p_vcdplayer->vcd, p_vcdplayer->i_lid, rand_selection); itemid.num = rand_lid; itemid.type = VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID; dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "random selection %d, lid: %d", rand_selection - bsn, rand_lid); vcdplayer_play( p_access, itemid ); return READ_BLOCK; } else if (p_vcdplayer->i_still) { /* Hack: Just go back and do still again */ msleep(10000); return READ_STILL_FRAME; } } break; } default: ; } /* FIXME: Should handle autowait ... */ return READ_ERROR; }
void VCDMetaInfo( access_t *p_access, /*const*/ char *psz_mrl ) { vcdplayer_t *p_vcdplayer = (vcdplayer_t *) p_access->p_sys; input_thread_t *p_input = p_vcdplayer->p_input; vcdinfo_obj_t *p_vcdev = p_vcdplayer->vcd; size_t i_entries = vcdinfo_get_num_entries(p_vcdev); size_t last_entry = 0; char *psz_cat = _("Disc"); track_t i_track; # define addstr(t,v) input_Control(p_input,INPUT_ADD_INFO,psz_cat,t,"%s",v) # define addnum(t,v) input_Control(p_input,INPUT_ADD_INFO,psz_cat,t,"%d",v) # define addhex(t,v) input_Control(p_input,INPUT_ADD_INFO,psz_cat,t,"%x",v) addstr(_("VCD Format"), vcdinfo_get_format_version_str(p_vcdev)); addstr(_("Album"), vcdinfo_get_album_id (p_vcdev)); addstr(_("Application"), vcdinfo_get_application_id (p_vcdev)); addstr(_("Preparer"), vcdinfo_get_preparer_id (p_vcdev)); addnum(_("Vol #"), vcdinfo_get_volume_num (p_vcdev)); addnum(_("Vol max #"), vcdinfo_get_volume_count (p_vcdev)); addstr(_("Volume Set"), vcdinfo_get_volumeset_id (p_vcdev)); addstr(_("Volume"), vcdinfo_get_volume_id (p_vcdev)); addstr(_("Publisher"), vcdinfo_get_publisher_id (p_vcdev)); addstr(_("System Id"), vcdinfo_get_system_id (p_vcdev)); addnum("LIDs", vcdinfo_get_num_LIDs (p_vcdev)); addnum(_("Entries"), vcdinfo_get_num_entries (p_vcdev)); addnum(_("Segments"), vcdinfo_get_num_segments (p_vcdev)); addnum(_("Tracks"), vcdinfo_get_num_tracks (p_vcdev)); /* Spit out track information. Could also include MSF info. Also build title table. */ for( i_track = 1 ; i_track < p_vcdplayer->i_tracks ; i_track++ ) { unsigned int audio_type = vcdinfo_get_track_audio_type(p_vcdev, i_track); uint32_t i_secsize = vcdinfo_get_track_sect_count(p_vcdev, i_track); if (p_vcdplayer->b_svd) { addnum(_("Audio Channels"), vcdinfo_audio_type_num_channels(p_vcdev, audio_type) ); } addnum(_("First Entry Point"), 0 ); for ( last_entry = 0 ; last_entry < i_entries && vcdinfo_get_track(p_vcdev, last_entry) == i_track; last_entry++ ) ; addnum(_("Last Entry Point"), last_entry-1 ); addnum(_("Track size (in sectors)"), i_secsize ); } { lid_t i_lid; for( i_lid = 1 ; i_lid <= p_vcdplayer->i_lids ; i_lid++ ) { PsdListDescriptor_t pxd; if (vcdinfo_lid_get_pxd(p_vcdev, &pxd, i_lid)) { switch (pxd.descriptor_type) { case PSD_TYPE_END_LIST: addstr(_("type"), _("end")); break; case PSD_TYPE_PLAY_LIST: addstr(_("type"), _("play list")); addnum("items", vcdinf_pld_get_noi(pxd.pld)); addhex("next", vcdinf_pld_get_next_offset(pxd.pld)); addhex("previous", vcdinf_pld_get_prev_offset(pxd.pld)); addhex("return", vcdinf_pld_get_return_offset(pxd.pld)); addnum("wait time", vcdinf_get_wait_time(pxd.pld)); break; case PSD_TYPE_SELECTION_LIST: case PSD_TYPE_EXT_SELECTION_LIST: addstr(_("type"), PSD_TYPE_SELECTION_LIST == pxd.descriptor_type ? _("extended selection list") : _("selection list") ); addhex("default", vcdinf_psd_get_default_offset(pxd.psd)); addhex("loop count", vcdinf_get_loop_count(pxd.psd)); addhex("next", vcdinf_psd_get_next_offset(pxd.psd)); addhex("previous", vcdinf_psd_get_prev_offset(pxd.psd)); addhex("return", vcdinf_psd_get_return_offset(pxd.psd)); addhex("rejected", vcdinf_psd_get_lid_rejected(pxd.psd)); addhex("time-out offset", vcdinf_get_timeout_offset(pxd.psd)); addnum("time-out time", vcdinf_get_timeout_time(pxd.psd)); break; default: addstr(_("type"), _("unknown type")); break; } } } } # undef addstr # undef addnum # undef addhex if ( CDIO_INVALID_TRACK != i_track ) { char *psz_tfmt = var_InheritString( p_access, MODULE_STRING "-title-format" ); char *psz_name = VCDFormatStr( p_vcdplayer, psz_tfmt, psz_mrl, &(p_vcdplayer->play_item) ); free( psz_tfmt ); input_Control( p_input, INPUT_SET_NAME, psz_name ); free( psz_name ); } }
/* Handles PBC navigation when reaching the end of a play item. */ vcdplayer_read_status_t vcdplayer_pbc_nav ( input_thread_t * p_input ) { thread_vcd_data_t * p_vcd= (thread_vcd_data_t *)p_input->p_access_data; /* We are in playback control. */ vcdinfo_itemid_t itemid; /* The end of an entry is really the end of the associated sequence (or track). */ if ( (VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_ENTRY == p_vcd->play_item.type) && (p_vcd->cur_lsn < p_vcd->end_lsn) ) { /* Set up to just continue to the next entry */ p_vcd->play_item.num++; dbg_print( (INPUT_DBG_LSN|INPUT_DBG_PBC), "continuing into next entry: %u", p_vcd->play_item.num); VCDPlay( p_input, p_vcd->play_item ); /* p_vcd->update_title(); */ return READ_BLOCK; } switch (p_vcd->pxd.descriptor_type) { case PSD_TYPE_END_LIST: return READ_END; break; case PSD_TYPE_PLAY_LIST: { int wait_time = vcdinf_get_wait_time(p_vcd->pxd.pld); dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "playlist wait_time: %d", wait_time); if (vcdplayer_inc_play_item(p_input)) return READ_BLOCK; /* Handle any wait time given. */ if (p_vcd->in_still) { vcdIntfStillTime( p_vcd->p_intf, wait_time ); return READ_STILL_FRAME; } vcdplayer_update_entry( p_input, vcdinf_pld_get_next_offset(p_vcd->pxd.pld), &itemid.num, "next" ); itemid.type = VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID; VCDPlay( p_input, itemid ); break; } case PSD_TYPE_SELECTION_LIST: /* Selection List (+Ext. for SVCD) */ case PSD_TYPE_EXT_SELECTION_LIST: /* Extended Selection List (VCD2.0) */ { int wait_time = vcdinf_get_timeout_time(p_vcd->pxd.psd); uint16_t timeout_offs = vcdinf_get_timeout_offset(p_vcd->pxd.psd); uint16_t max_loop = vcdinf_get_loop_count(p_vcd->pxd.psd); vcdinfo_offset_t *offset_timeout_LID = vcdinfo_get_offset_t(p_vcd->vcd, timeout_offs); dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "wait_time: %d, looped: %d, max_loop %d", wait_time, p_vcd->loop_count, max_loop); /* Handle any wait time given */ if (p_vcd->in_still) { vcdIntfStillTime( p_vcd->p_intf, wait_time ); return READ_STILL_FRAME; } /* Handle any looping given. */ if ( max_loop == 0 || p_vcd->loop_count < max_loop ) { p_vcd->loop_count++; if (p_vcd->loop_count == 0x7f) p_vcd->loop_count = 0; VCDSeek( p_input, 0 ); /* if (p_vcd->in_still) p_vcd->force_redisplay();*/ return READ_BLOCK; } /* Looping finished and wait finished. Move to timeout entry or next entry, or handle still. */ if (NULL != offset_timeout_LID) { /* Handle timeout_LID */ itemid.num = offset_timeout_LID->lid; itemid.type = VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID; dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "timeout to: %d", itemid.num); VCDPlay( p_input, itemid ); return READ_BLOCK; } else { int num_selections = vcdinf_get_num_selections(p_vcd->pxd.psd); if (num_selections > 0) { /* Pick a random selection. */ unsigned int bsn=vcdinf_get_bsn(p_vcd->pxd.psd); int rand_selection=bsn + (int) ((num_selections+0.0)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); lid_t rand_lid=vcdinfo_selection_get_lid (p_vcd->vcd, p_vcd->cur_lid, rand_selection); itemid.num = rand_lid; itemid.type = VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID; dbg_print(INPUT_DBG_PBC, "random selection %d, lid: %d", rand_selection - bsn, rand_lid); VCDPlay( p_input, itemid ); return READ_BLOCK; } else if (p_vcd->in_still) { /* Hack: Just go back and do still again */ sleep(1); return READ_STILL_FRAME; } } break; } case VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_NOTFOUND: LOG_ERR( "NOTFOUND in PBC -- not supposed to happen" ); break; case VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_SPAREID2: LOG_ERR( "SPAREID2 in PBC -- not supposed to happen" ); break; case VCDINFO_ITEM_TYPE_LID: LOG_ERR( "LID in PBC -- not supposed to happen" ); break; default: ; } /* FIXME: Should handle autowait ... */ return READ_ERROR; }