Exemple #1
void algDirICP_IMLOP::ICP_UpdateParameters_PostRegister(vctFrm3 &Freg)
  // base class

  double sumSqrDist_PostRegister = 0.0;  
  double sumNormProducts_PostRegister = 0.0;
  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < nSamples; s++)
    sumSqrDist_PostRegister += 
      (samplePtsXfmd.Element(s) - matchPts.Element(s)).NormSquare();
    sumNormProducts_PostRegister += 
      vctDotProduct(sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s), matchNorms.Element(s));

  //matchDistSD_PostRegister = 
  //  (sumSqrDist_PostRegister/nSamples) - matchDistAvg_PostRegister*matchDistAvg_PostRegister;
  //matchDegErrSD_PostRegister =
  //  (sumSqrDegErr_PostRegister / nSamples) - matchDegErrAvg_PostRegister*matchDegErrAvg_PostRegister;

  // update noise model
  UpdateNoiseModel(sumSqrDist_PostRegister, sumNormProducts_PostRegister);

  // update monitoring variables
  errFuncNormWeight = k;
  errFuncPosWeight = B;
double alg2D_DirPDTree_vonMises_Edges::FindClosestPointOnDatum(
  const vct2 &v, const vct2 &n,
  vct2 &closest, vct2 &closestNorm,
  int datum)
  //  cost:  k*(1-N'*Nclosest) + ||v - closest||^2 / (2*sigma2)

  // Project point onto the edge
  //  (storing lambda value in temp buffer)
  closest = pDirTree->GetEdge(datum).ProjectOnEdge(v); //, &searchLambdas.Element(datum));
  closestNorm = pDirTree->GetEdge(datum).Norm;

  // Is this a permitted match?
  double dTheta = acos(vctDotProduct(n, closestNorm));
  if (dTheta > dThetaMax)
    return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    bPermittedMatchFound = true;
    return k*(1.0 - n*closestNorm) + (v - closest).NormSquare() / (2.0*sigma2);

  // This doesn't work, i.e. we can't keep returning the best match among the non-permitted
  //  matches because then when a permitted match finally comes along, then it may have
  //  higher error, which would prevent it from being chosen. The only way to accomplish the
  //  above is to modify the core PD tree search routine, which I don't want to do.
  //  => only return match errors for permitted matches.
  //// is this a permitted match?
  //double matchError = k*(1.0 - n*closestNorm) + (v - closest).NormSquare() / (2.0*sigma2);
  //double dTheta = acos(vctDotProduct(n, closestNorm));
  //if (dTheta > dThetaMax)
  //  if (bPermittedMatchFound)
  //  { // skip this match as long as some other permitted match has been already been found
  //    // do this by returning an astronomical match error
  //    matchError = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  //  }
  //  bPermittedMatchFound = true;
  //return matchError;
// finds the point on this datum with lowest match error
//  and returns the match error and closest point
//  Note:  negative match error is a possibility
double cisstAlgorithmICP_IMLP_PointCloud::FindClosestPointOnDatum(
  const vct3 &v,
  vct3 &closest,
  int datum)
  // first iteration variables that don't change
  static const vct3x3 I_5(vct3x3::Eye()*0.5); // 0.5*I

  // Datum is only a single point
  static vct3 d;
  static vct3x3 M, Minv;
  double det_M;

  if (bFirstIter_Matches)
  { // use isotropic noise model for first iteration
    // M = Mx + NodeEigMax*I = 2*I = V*S*V'  =>  S = 2*I, V = I
    // Minv = N'*N = I*(1/2)*I  =>  N = sqrt(1/2)*I = 0.7071*I
    //M = I2;   // actually isn't needed
    Minv = I_5;
    det_M = 8;
  { // Use noise model of node

    // compute noise model for this datum
    //  M = R*Mxi*R' + Myi
    M = sample_RMxRt_sigma2 + pTree->DatumCov(datum);
    ComputeCovDecomposition_NonIter(M, Minv, det_M);

  // return match error 
  //  log term plus square Mahalanobis distance
  closest = pTree->points.Element(datum);
  d = (v - closest);
  return log(det_M) + vctDotProduct(d, Minv*d);
Exemple #4
robManipulator::Errno mtsIntuitiveResearchKitECM::InverseKinematics(vctDoubleVec & jointSet,
                                                                    const vctFrm4x4 & cartesianGoal)
    // re-align desired frame to 4 axis direction to reduce free space
    vctDouble3 shaft = cartesianGoal.Translation();
    const vctDouble3 z = cartesianGoal.Rotation().Column(2).Ref<3>(); // last column of rotation matrix
    vctDouble3 axis;
    axis.CrossProductOf(z, shaft);
    const double angle = acos(vctDotProduct(z, shaft));

    const vctMatRot3 reAlign(vctAxAnRot3(axis, angle, VCT_NORMALIZE));
    vctFrm4x4 newGoal;
    newGoal.Rotation().ProductOf(reAlign, cartesianGoal.Rotation());

    if (Manipulator.InverseKinematics(jointSet, newGoal) == robManipulator::ESUCCESS) {
        // find closest solution mod 2 pi
        const double difference = JointGet[3] - jointSet[3];
        const double differenceInTurns = nearbyint(difference / (2.0 * cmnPI));
        jointSet[3] = jointSet[3] + differenceInTurns * 2.0 * cmnPI;
        // make sure we are away from RCM point, this test is
        // simplistic
        if (jointSet[2] < 40.0 * cmn_mm) {
            jointSet[2] = 40.0 * cmn_mm;
#if 0
        vctFrm4x4 forward = Manipulator.ForwardKinematics(jointSet);
        vctDouble3 diff;
        diff.DifferenceOf(forward.Translation(), newGoal.Translation());
        std::cerr << cmnInternalTo_mm(diff.Norm()) << "mm ";
        return robManipulator::ESUCCESS;
    return robManipulator::EFAILURE;
// Determine if the given parallelpiped face intersects a sphere
//  of given radius centered at the origin
//    n         - face normal (not a unit normal)
//    v0..v3    - face vertices
//    sqrRadius - square radius of sphere
//    n0..n3    - in-plane edge normals  (removed)
//  Note: vertex ordering is arranged s.t. face edges are numbered as
//        below and egdes follow a CCW sequencing about the face normal.
//    e0  - [v0,v1]
//    e1  - [v1,v2]
//    e2  - [v2,v3]
//    e3  - [v3,v0]
bool Ellipsoid_OBB_Intersection_Solver::IntersectionSphereFace( 
                              const vct3 &n,
                              const vct3 &v0, const vct3 &v1, 
                              const vct3 &v2, const vct3 &v3,
                              double radius, double sqrRadius)
  // static variables for run-time efficiency
  static int vsblEdges[2];
  static int numVsblEdges, numProcessedEdges;
  static double q_signed_mag;
  static vct3 q;
  static unsigned int maxEl;
  static double sqrDist;
  //static double radius;
  static double n_0,n_1,n_2,nmax;

  // Quick escape
  //  check distance from origin to face plane
  //radius = sqrt(sqrRadius);             // TODO: more efficient to send this as an argument
  q_signed_mag = vctDotProduct(v0,n);   // signed distance to plane
  if (fabs(q_signed_mag) > radius)
  { // sphere does not intersect face
    return false;

  q = q_signed_mag*n;  // projection of origin onto face plane

  //std::cout << "q = [" << q << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "v(1,:) = [" << v0 << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "v(2,:) = [" << v1 << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "v(3,:) = [" << v2 << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "v(4,:) = [" << v3 << "]" << std::endl;

#if 1
  // Determine edges visible from q (at most 2)
  //  by projecting face to the closest axis-aligned plane
  //  (determined by largest element of n)
  n_0 = fabs(n[0]);
  n_1 = fabs(n[1]);
  n_2 = fabs(n[2]);
  if (n_0 > n_1)
    nmax = n_0;
    maxEl = 0;
    nmax = n_1;
    maxEl = 1;
  if (n_2 > nmax)
    maxEl = 2;
  switch (maxEl)
  case 0:
    { // project to y-z plane
      //   q0 <-- q[1]
      //   q1 <-- q[2]
      numVsblEdges = FindVisibleEdges( q[1],q[2],
                        vsblEdges, (n[0]>0) );
  case 1:
    { // project to z-x plane
      //   q0 <-- q[2]
      //   q1 <-- q[0]
      numVsblEdges = FindVisibleEdges( q[2],q[0],
                        vsblEdges, (n[1]>0) );
  case 2:
    { // project to x-y plane
      //   q0 <-- q[0]
      //   q1 <-- q[1]
      numVsblEdges = FindVisibleEdges( q[0],q[1],
                        vsblEdges, (n[2]>0) );
    std::cout << "Code Error!" << std::endl;

  if (numVsblEdges == 0)
  { // no edges visible from origin projection => projection lies within
    //  face => positive intersection
    // Note: distance to plane is already known to be < sphere radius
    return true;

  // Compute distance from origin to each visible edge
  //  Note: the code below assumes visible edges have been tested
  //        and added to visible edge array in order e0,e2,e1,e3
  numProcessedEdges = 0;
  if ( vsblEdges[numProcessedEdges] == 0 )  // edge 0
    // compute distance to edge 0
    if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
    { // positive intersection
      return true;
    // go to next visible edge
    if (numProcessedEdges == numVsblEdges)
    { // no intersection
      return false;
  if ( vsblEdges[numProcessedEdges] == 2 )  // edge 2
    // compute distance to edge 2
    if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
    { // positive intersection
      return true;
    // go to next visible edge
    if (numProcessedEdges == numVsblEdges)
    { // no intersection
      return false;
  if ( vsblEdges[numProcessedEdges] == 1 )  // edge 1
    // compute distance to edge 1
    if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
    { // positive intersection
      return true;
    // go to next visible edge
    if (numProcessedEdges == numVsblEdges)
    { // no intersection
      return false;
  if ( vsblEdges[numProcessedEdges] == 3 )  // edge 3
    // compute distance to edge 3
    if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
    { // positive intersection
      return true;
    // go to next visible edge
    if (numProcessedEdges == numVsblEdges)
    { // no intersection
      return false;

  // should never reach here
  std::cout << "Code Error!" << std::endl;
  return false;
  // This code is a modification and simplification of the visible edge finding
  //  method; quite unexpectedly, it runs consistently slower than the standard
  //  methodd, thus it is not used.
  //  (Increases a typical registration runtime from 5.7 to 6.7 seconds!)
  // Note:  the undefined variables in this section were presented to this
  //        function as argument variables when this variation is used.
  // Determine edge visibility by transforming q partially back to node coordinates.
  //  Visibility check in this space is trivial since edges are perpendicular and
  //  axis aligned; this method is more efficient because it does not
  //  require computing a new projection for the four corners of the
  //  parallelegram and it also does not require computing the edge normals
  //  following the projection, since the edges are known to be perpendicular
  //  in the node coordinate space.
  // Note: it appears this multiplication takes longer than all the extra
  //       manipulations performed in the standard method.
  static vct3 qnode;
  qnode = Anode_sphere*q + Tnode_sphere;
  numVsblEdges = 0;

  //std::cout << "MinCorner = [" << OBB.MinCorner << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "MaxCorner = [" << OBB.MaxCorner << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "vnode(1,:) = [" << Anode_sphere*v0 + Tnode_sphere << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "vnode(2,:) = [" << Anode_sphere*v1 + Tnode_sphere << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "vnode(3,:) = [" << Anode_sphere*v2 + Tnode_sphere << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "vnode(4,:) = [" << Anode_sphere*v3 + Tnode_sphere << "]" << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "qnode = [" << qnode << "]" << std::endl;

  switch( FaceNumber )
  case 1:   // X+ face
      if (qnode[2] > OBB.MaxCorner[2])  // upper edge
      { // edge 0 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[2] < OBB.MinCorner[2])  // lower edge
      { // edge 2 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      if (qnode[1] < OBB.MinCorner[1])  // left edge
      { // edge 1 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[1] > OBB.MaxCorner[1])  // right edge
      { // edge 3 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
  case 2:   // X- face
      if (qnode[2] > OBB.MaxCorner[2])  // upper edge
      { // edge 0 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[2] < OBB.MinCorner[2])  // lower edge
      { // edge 2 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      if (qnode[1] > OBB.MaxCorner[1])  // left edge
      { // edge 1 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[1] < OBB.MinCorner[1])  // right edge
      { // edge 3 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
  case 3:   // Y+ face
      if (qnode[2] > OBB.MaxCorner[2])  // upper edge
      { // edge 0 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[2] < OBB.MinCorner[2])  // lower edge
      { // edge 2 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      if (qnode[0] > OBB.MaxCorner[0])  // left edge
      { // edge 1 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[0] < OBB.MinCorner[0])  // right edge
      { // edge 3 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
  case 4:   // Y- face
      if (qnode[2] > OBB.MaxCorner[2])  // upper edge
      { // edge 0 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[2] < OBB.MinCorner[2])  // lower edge
      { // edge 2 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      if (qnode[0] < OBB.MinCorner[0])  // left edge
      { // edge 1 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[0] > OBB.MaxCorner[0])  // right edge
      { // edge 3 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
  case 5:   // Z+ face
      if (qnode[0] < OBB.MinCorner[0])  // upper edge
      { // edge 0 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[0] > OBB.MaxCorner[0])  // lower edge
      { // edge 2 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      if (qnode[1] < OBB.MinCorner[1])  // left edge
      { // edge 1 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[1] > OBB.MaxCorner[1])  // right edge
      { // edge 3 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
  case 6:   // Z- face
      if (qnode[0] > OBB.MaxCorner[0])  // upper edge
      { // edge 0 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v0,v1 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[0] < OBB.MinCorner[0])  // lower edge
      { // edge 2 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v2,v3 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      if (qnode[1] < OBB.MinCorner[1])  // left edge
      { // edge 1 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v1,v2 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;
      else if (qnode[1] > OBB.MaxCorner[1])  // right edge
      { // edge 3 visible
        // compute distance to edge
        if ( SquareDistanceToEdge( v3,v0 ) < sqrRadius )
        { // positive intersection
          return true;

  if (numVsblEdges == 0)
  { // trivial intersection since no visible edges
    return true;
    // no intersection
    return false;
void mexInterface_AlgPDTree_MLP_Mesh::ComputeMatches()
  // Find the point on the model having lowest match error
  //  for each sample point

#ifdef ValidatePDTreeSearch
  numInvalidDatums = 0;
  numValidDatums = 0;

  unsigned int nSamples = samplePtsXfmd.size();

  unsigned int nodesSearched = 0;
  minNodesSearched = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
  maxNodesSearched = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::min();
  avgNodesSearched = 0;

  vct3x3 dummyMat;
  vct3 sampleCovEig;
  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < nSamples; s++)
    // inform algorithm beginning new match

    ComputeCovEigenDecomposition_NonIter(sampleCovXfmd[s], sampleCovEig, dummyMat);
    pAlg->InitializeSampleSearch(sampleCovXfmd[s], sampleCovEig);

    // Find best match for this sample
    matchDatums.Element(s) = pTree->FindClosestDatum(
      samplePtsXfmd.Element(s), matchPts.Element(s),

    avgNodesSearched += nodesSearched;
    minNodesSearched = (nodesSearched < minNodesSearched) ? nodesSearched : minNodesSearched;
    maxNodesSearched = (nodesSearched > maxNodesSearched) ? nodesSearched : maxNodesSearched;

#ifdef ValidatePDTreeSearch
    validDatum = pDirTree->ValidateClosestDatum(
      samplePtsXfmd.Element(s), sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s),
      validPoint, validNorm);
    if (validDatum != matchDatums.Element(s))
      // It is possible to have different datums for same point if the match
      //  lies on a datum edge; if this is the case, then the search didn't
      //  actually fail
      // Note: cannot compare two double values for exact equality due to
      //       inexact representation of decimal values in binary arithmetic
      searchError = (validPoint - matchPts.Element(s)).NormSquare();
      if (searchError > doubleEps)
        //matchDist = (matchPts.Element(s)-samplePtsXfmd.Element(s)).Norm();
        //matchAng  = acos( vctDotProduct(matchNorms.Element(s),sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s)) );
        validDist = (validPoint - samplePtsXfmd.Element(s)).Norm();
        validAng = acos(vctDotProduct(validNorm, sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s)));
        vct2 tmp1, tmp2;
        //searchError = algorithm->FindClosestPointOnDatum(
        //                    samplePtsXfmd.Element(s), sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s),
        //                    tmp1, tmp2, matchDatums.Element(s));
        validError = pDirTree->pAlgorithm->FindClosestPointOnDatum(
          samplePtsXfmd.Element(s), sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s),
          tmp1, tmp2, validDatum);
        validFS << "Correspondence Search Data:  (foundMatch / validMatch)" << std::endl
          << " MatchError = " << matchErrors.Element(s) << "/" << validError << std::endl
          << " dPos = " << dist_PostMatch.Element(s) << "/" << validDist << std::endl
          << " dAng = " << dTheta*180.0 / cmnPI << "/" << validAng*180.0 / cmnPI << std::endl
          << " XfmSamplePoint = [" << samplePtsXfmd.Element(s) << "]" << std::endl
          << " XfmSampleNorm  = [" << sampleNormsXfmd.Element(s) << "]" << std::endl
          << " MatchPoint =     [" << matchPts.Element(s) << "]" << std::endl
          << " MatchNorm =      [" << matchNorms.Element(s) << "]" << std::endl
          << " MatchDatum = " << matchDatums.Element(s) << std::endl
          << " ValidPoint =     [" << validPoint << "]" << std::endl
          << " ValidNorm =      [" << validNorm << "]" << std::endl
          << " ValidDatum = " << validDatum << std::endl
          << " SampleIndex = " << s << std::endl;

        //validFS << "Fact = [" << std::endl << Fact << "]" << std::endl;

        DirPDTreeNode *termNode = 0;
        pDirTree->FindTerminalNode(validDatum, &termNode);
        if (!termNode)
          std::cout << "ERROR: did not find terminal node for datum: " << validDatum << std::endl;
        validFS << " Valid Terminal Node:" << std::endl;
        validFS << "   MinCorner: " << termNode->Bounds.MinCorner << std::endl;
        validFS << "   MaxCorner: " << termNode->Bounds.MaxCorner << std::endl;
        validFS << "   NData: " << termNode->NData << std::endl;
        validFS << "Fnode_valid = [" << std::endl << termNode->F << "]" << std::endl;

    // save lambda value of match for computing 3D match equivalent
    matchNorms.Element(s) = pTree->MeshP->faceNormals(matchDatums[s]);

  avgNodesSearched /= nSamples;

#ifdef ValidatePDTreeSearch
  validPercent = (double)numValidDatums / (double)nSamples;
  validFS << "iter " << validIter << ":  NumMatches(valid/invalid): "
    << numValidDatums << "/" << numInvalidDatums << "  valid% = "
    << validPercent << std::endl;

void mtsTeleOperationECM::RunEnabled(void)
    if (mIsClutched) {

    /* --- Forces on MTMs --- */
    const vct3 frictionForceCoeff(-10.0, -10.0, -40.0);
    const double distanceForceCoeff = 150.0;

    //-1- vector between MTMs
    vct3 vectorLR;
    // -2- mid-point, aka center of image
    vct3 c;
    vct3 directionC = c.Normalized();
    // -3- image up vector
    vct3 up;
    up.CrossProductOf(vectorLR, c);
    // -4- Width of image
    vct3 side;
    side.CrossProductOf(c, up);
    // -5- find desired position for L and R
    vct3 goalL(c);
    goalL.AddProductOf(-mInitial.w, side);
    goalL.AddProductOf(-mInitial.d, directionC);
    vct3 goalR(c);
    goalR.AddProductOf(mInitial.w, side);
    goalR.AddProductOf(mInitial.d, directionC);

    // compute forces on L and R based on error in position
    vct3 forceFriction;
    vct3 force;
    prmForceCartesianSet wrenchR, wrenchL;

    // MTMR
    // apply force
    // add friction force
    // apply

    // MTML
    // apply force
    // add friction force
    // apply

    /* --- Joint Control --- */
    static const vct3 normXZ(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    static const vct3 normYZ(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    static const vct3 normXY(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    // Initial ECM joints
    vctVec goalJoints(mInitial.ECMPositionJoint);
    // Change in directions and joints
    vctVec changeJoints(4);
    vctVec changeDir(4);
    vct3 crossN;  // normal to direction of motion

    // - Direction 0 - left/right, movement in the XZ plane
    vct3  lr(c[0], 0.0, c[2]);
    if (mInitial.Lr.AlmostEqual(lr)) {
        changeDir[0] = 0.0;
    } else {
        changeDir[0] = -acos(vctDotProduct(mInitial.Lr, lr));
        crossN = vctCrossProduct(mInitial.Lr, lr);
        if (vctDotProduct(normXZ, crossN) < 0.0) {
            changeDir[0] = -changeDir[0];

    // - Direction 1 - up/down, movement in the YZ plane
    vct3  ud(0.0, c[1], c[2]);
    if (mInitial.Ud.AlmostEqual(ud)) {
        changeDir[1] = 0.0;
    } else {
        changeDir[1] = acos(vctDotProduct(mInitial.Ud, ud));
        crossN = vctCrossProduct(mInitial.Ud, ud);
        if (vctDotProduct(normYZ, crossN) < 0.0) {
            changeDir[1] = -changeDir[1];

    // - Direction 2 - in/out
    changeDir[2] = mScale * (mInitial.C.Norm() - c.Norm());

    // - Direction 3 - cc/ccw, movement in the XY plane
    vct3 cw(up[0], up[1], 0);
    if (mInitial.Cw.AlmostEqual(cw)) {
        changeDir[3] = 0.0;
    } else {
        changeDir[3] = -acos(vctDotProduct(mInitial.Cw, cw));
        crossN = vctCrossProduct(mInitial.Cw, cw);
        if (vctDotProduct(normXY, crossN) < 0) {
            changeDir[3] = -changeDir[3];

    // adjusting movement for camera orientation
    double totalChangeJoint3 = changeDir[3] + mInitial.ECMPositionJoint[3];
    changeJoints[0] = changeDir[0] * cos(totalChangeJoint3) - changeDir[1] * sin(totalChangeJoint3);
    changeJoints[1] = changeDir[1] * cos(totalChangeJoint3) + changeDir[0] * sin(totalChangeJoint3);
    changeJoints[2] = changeDir[2];
    changeJoints[3] = changeDir[3];


    /* --- Lock Orientation --- */

    //Calculate new rotations of MTMs
    vctMatRot3 currMTMLRot;
    vctMatRot3 currMTMRRot;
    // Current ECM Rotation
    vctEulerZYXRotation3 finalEulerAngles;
    vctMatrixRotation3<double> currECMRot;
    vctMatrixRotation3<double> finalECMRot;

    finalEulerAngles.Assign(goalJoints[3], goalJoints[0], goalJoints[1]);
    vctEulerToMatrixRotation3(finalEulerAngles, finalECMRot);
    currECMRot = finalECMRot * mInitial.ECMRotEuler.Inverse();

    // Set MTM Orientation
    currMTMLRot = currECMRot.Inverse() * mInitial.MTMLRot;
    currMTMRRot = currECMRot.Inverse() * mInitial.MTMRRot;

    // set cartesian effort parameters
void mtsTeleOperationECM::EnterEnabled(void)
    // set cartesian effort parameters

    // initial state for MTM force feedback
    // -1- initial distance between MTMs
    vct3 vectorLR;
    // -2- mid-point, aka center of image
    // -3- image up vector
    mInitial.Up.CrossProductOf(vectorLR, mInitial.C);
    // -4- width of image, depth of arms wrt image plan
    vct3 side;
    side.CrossProductOf(mInitial.C, mInitial.Up);
    mInitial.w = 0.5 * vctDotProduct(side, vectorLR);
    mInitial.d = 0.5 * vctDotProduct(mInitial.C.Normalized(), vectorLR);

    // projections
    mInitial.Lr.Assign(mInitial.C[0], 0, mInitial.C[2]);
    mInitial.Ud.Assign(0, mInitial.C[1], mInitial.C[2]);
    mInitial.Cw.Assign(mInitial.Up[0], mInitial.Up[1], 0);

    mInitial.ECMPositionJoint = mECM.StateJointDesired.Position();

    // -5- store current rotation matrix for MTML, MTMR, and ECM
    vctEulerZYXRotation3 eulerAngles;
    eulerAngles.Assign(mInitial.ECMPositionJoint[3], mInitial.ECMPositionJoint[0], mInitial.ECMPositionJoint[1]);
    vctEulerToMatrixRotation3(eulerAngles, mInitial.ECMRotEuler);

    mInitial.MTMLRot = mMTML.PositionCartesianCurrent.Position().Rotation();
    mInitial.MTMRRot = mMTMR.PositionCartesianCurrent.Position().Rotation();

#if 0
    std::cerr << CMN_LOG_DETAILS << std::endl
              << "L: " << mMTML.PositionCartesianCurrent.Position().Translation() << std::endl
              << "R: " << mMTMR.PositionCartesianCurrent.Position().Translation() << std::endl
              << "C:  " << mInitial.C << std::endl
              << "Up: " << mInitial.Up << std::endl
              << "w:  " << mInitial.w << std::endl
              << "d:  " << mInitial.d << std::endl
              << "Si: " << side << std::endl;
    mInitial.ECMPositionJoint = mECM.StateJointDesired.Position();
    // check if by any chance the clutch pedal is pressed
    if (mIsClutched) {
    } else {
Exemple #9
double algDirICP_IMLOP::ICP_EvaluateErrorFunction()
  //// Return the negative log likelihood of the vonMises-Fisher
  ////  and Gaussian distributions under the assumption
  ////   of independence between the two distributions
  ////   Negative Log-Likelihood:
  ////    -log[ C * exp( k*dot(Ny,Nx) - B*||Y-X||^2 ) ]
  ////        where C  =  product of normalizations terms
  ////                    for Fisher and 3D Gaussian distributions
  ////              C  =  [k/(2*PI*(e^k-e^-k))]*[1/(2*PI*sigma^2)^(3/2)]
  ////              B  =  1/(2*sigma^2)
  //double logC;
  //static const double log2PI = log(2 * cmnPI); // compute this once for efficiency

  //// Test Standard ICP Condition:
  ////   compute the log of the normalization constant C for
  ////   only a Gaussian distribution
  ////   (k=0 and orientations are not being considered)
  //logC = -(3.0/2.0)*log(2*cmnPI*sigma2);

  // include match errors of good samples and of thresholded outliers
  //  to improve smoothness of cost function
  return B*(pICP->gSumSqrDist_PostMatch + pICP->oSumSqrDist_PostMatch); //- nSamples*logC;

  //// compute normalization constant
  //double logEkE_k = 0.0;
  //if (k >= 5)
  //{ // exp(k)>>exp(-k)  =>  exp(k)-exp(-k) ~= exp(k)
  //  //                  =>  log(exp(k)-exp(-k)) ~= log(exp(k)) = k
  //  logEkE_k = k;
  //  logEkE_k = log(exp(k) - exp(-k));
  //// to avoid overflow/underflow, calculate logC directly 
  ////  (rather than calculating C and then logC)
  //logC = log(k) - (5.0 / 2.0)*log2PI - logEkE_k - (3.0 / 2.0)*log(sigma2);

  vct3 residual;
  double sumSqrDist = 0.0;
  double sumNormProducts = 0.0;
  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < nGoodSamples; s++)
    residual = goodSamplePts.Element(s) - goodMatchPts.Element(s);
    sumSqrDist += residual.NormSquare();

    sumNormProducts += vctDotProduct(goodSampleNorms.Element(s), goodMatchNorms.Element(s));

  // include match errors of good samples and of thresholded outliers
  //  to improve smoothness of cost function
  // NOTE: adding an extra k*nSamples to the cost produces a cost function >= 0
  return B*(sumSqrDist)+k*(nSamples - sumNormProducts); // -logC*nSamples;

  //// including match errors of thresholded outliers helps improve
  ////  smoothness of cost function
  //return B*(gSumSqrDist_PostMatch + oSumSqrDist_PostMatch)
  //  - k*(gSumNormProducts_PostMatch + oSumNormProducts_PostMatch)
  //  - logC*nSamples;

  // This method for computing logC is unstable
  //   It produces C=0 => infinity for log(C) when k is large
  //   The problem comes when computing log(exp(k)-exp(-k))
  //   in that exp(k) blows up for big k
  ////  von Mises-Fisher normalizing constant
  //double Cp = k/(2*cmnPI*(exp(k)-exp(-k)));
  ////  Gaussian normalizing constant
  //double Cn = pow((2*cmnPI*sigma2),3/2);
  //C = Cp/Cn;
Exemple #10
double algDirICP_IMLOP::ComputeRpos()

#define NMLZ_METHOD 1   // Normalization method

  // NOTE: could improve efficiency by computing this value as an 
  //       optional output argument in the vMFG P2P Registration
  //       function

  // Compute angular match error of sample positions relative 
  //  to the center of rotation; this is to include angular error
  //  of position matches measured from center of rotation of
  //  Procrustes problem as added indicator of rotational uncertainty

  vctDynamicVectorRef<vct3> S(samplePtsXfmd);
  vctDynamicVectorRef<vct3> C(matchPts);
  unsigned int N = S.size();
  vct3 Smean = vctCentroid(S);
  vct3 Cmean = vctCentroid(C);
  vct3 Sp, Cp;
  double dotProducts = 0.0;
  double nmlzTerm = 0.0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    Sp.DifferenceOf(S[i], Smean);
    Cp.DifferenceOf(C[i], Cmean);

    //  Do not scale down to unit vectors, as points farther
    //    away should have greater effect on rotation.
    //  R calculation assumes unit vector normalization => need some
    //    form of normalization in the end.
    //  TODO: should normalization be a linear or square term?
#if (NMLZ_METHOD == 1)
    // use square normalization
    //  this is the best solution, as it works with the data directly
    //  i.e. the orientations do not have to be normalized prior to
    //       taking their dot product
    dotProducts += vctDotProduct(Sp, Cp);
    nmlzTerm += Sp.Norm()*Cp.Norm();
#elif (NMLZ_METHOD == 2)
    // use linear normalization
    double avgLen = (Sp.Norm() + Cp.Norm()) / 2.0;
    dotProducts += avgLen*vctDotProduct(Sp.Normalized(), Cp.Normalized());
    nmlzTerm += avgLen;
#elif (NMLZ_METHOD == 3)
    // use unit vectors
    dotProducts += vctDotProduct(Sp.Normalized(), Cp.Normalized());
    std::cout << "Error: normalization method unrecognized" << std::endl;
#if (NMLZ_METHOD == 3)
  nmlzTerm = N;

  double Rpos = dotProducts / nmlzTerm;
  // 0 <= Rpos <= 1
  Rpos = Rpos < 0.0 ? 0.0 : Rpos;
  Rpos = Rpos > 1.0 ? 1.0 : Rpos;
  //double posCircSD = sqrt(-2*log(Rpos));
  return Rpos;