 * @brief Computes an array of the exponentials in the transport equation,
 *        \f$ exp(-\frac{\Sigma_t * l}{sin(\theta)}) \f$, for each energy group
 *        and polar angle for a given Track segment.
 * @param curr_segment pointer to the Track segment of interest
 * @param exponentials the array to store the exponential values
void VectorizedSolver::computeExponentials(segment* curr_segment,
                                           FP_PRECISION* exponentials) {

  FP_PRECISION length = curr_segment->_length;
  FP_PRECISION* sigma_t = curr_segment->_material->getSigmaT();

  /* Evaluate the exponentials using the linear interpolation table */
  if (_interpolate_exponential) {
    int index;

    for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++) {
      for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {
        tau = sigma_t[e] * length;
        index = round_to_int(tau * _inverse_exp_table_spacing);
        index *= _two_times_num_polar;
        exponentials(p,e) = (1. - (_exp_table[index+2 * p] * tau +
                             _exp_table[index + 2 * p +1]));

  /* Evalute the exponentials using the intrinsic exp(...) function */
  else {

    int tid = omp_get_thread_num();

    FP_PRECISION* sinthetas = _quad->getSinThetas();
    FP_PRECISION* taus = &_thread_taus[tid*_polar_times_groups];

    /* Initialize the tau argument for the exponentials */
    for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {

      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

        #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          taus(p,e) = -sigma_t[e] * length / sinthetas[p];

    /* Evaluate the negative of the exponentials using Intel's MKL */
    #ifdef SINGLE
    vsExp(_polar_times_groups, taus, exponentials);
    vdExp(_polar_times_groups, taus, exponentials);

    /* Compute one minus the exponentials */
    for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {

      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

        #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          exponentials(p,e) = 1.0 - exponentials(p,e);
//vdExp	Computation of the exponential of vector elements
void klVSLExp(klVector<double>& v,klVector<double>& ans)
	const __int64_t n = v.getColumns();

	vdExp( n,  v.getMemory(),ans.getMemory());

 * @brief Computes an array of the exponentials in the transport equation,
 *        \f$ exp(-\frac{\Sigma_t * l}{sin(\theta)}) \f$, for each energy group
 *        and polar angle for a given Track segment.
 * @param curr_segment pointer to the Track segment of interest
 * @param exponentials the array to store the exponential values
void VectorizedSolver::computeExponentials(segment* curr_segment,
                                           FP_PRECISION* exponentials) {

  FP_PRECISION length = curr_segment->_length;
  FP_PRECISION* sigma_t = curr_segment->_material->getSigmaT();

  /* Evaluate the exponentials using the linear interpolation table */
  if (_exp_evaluator->isUsingInterpolation()) {

    for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++) {
      tau = length * sigma_t[e];
      for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++)
        exponentials(p,e) = _exp_evaluator->computeExponential(tau, p);

  /* Evalute the exponentials using the intrinsic exp(...) function */
  else {

    int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
    FP_PRECISION* sin_thetas = _polar_quad->getSinThetas();
    FP_PRECISION* taus = &_thread_taus[tid*_polar_times_groups];

    /* Initialize the tau argument for the exponentials */
    for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {

      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          taus(p,e) = -sigma_t[e] * length;

#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          taus(p,e) /= sin_thetas[p];

    /* Evaluate the negative of the exponentials using Intel's MKL */
#ifdef SINGLE
    vsExp(_polar_times_groups, taus, exponentials);
    vdExp(_polar_times_groups, taus, exponentials);

    /* Compute one minus the exponentials */
    for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {

      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          exponentials(p,e) = 1.0 - exponentials(p,e);
Exemple #4
   * Class:     com_intel_analytics_bigdl_mkl_MKL
   * Method:    vdExp
   * Signature: (I[DI[DI)V
 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_intel_analytics_bigdl_mkl_MKL_vdExp
    (JNIEnv * env, jclass cls, jint n, jdoubleArray a, jint aOffset, jdoubleArray y,
    jint yOffset) {

    jdouble * jni_a = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, a, JNI_FALSE);
    jdouble * jni_y = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, y, JNI_FALSE);

    vdExp( n, jni_a + aOffset, jni_y + yOffset);

    (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, y, jni_y, 0);
    (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, a, jni_a, 0);
void PrecalcExponents(AppCtx* context, PetscScalar* coordinates)
  int i;
  int nClusters    = context->ci->mCurrentNumberOfClusters;
  int nTerminals   = context->ci->terminalCells.size();
  int nPrimaryPins = context->ci->primaryPins.size();

  int count = (nClusters + nTerminals + nPrimaryPins) * 4; 
  double* arguments = context->LSEdata.argsForPrecalcedExponents;

  PerformArgsAssignment(context, coordinates, arguments);

#ifdef __MKL_VML_H__
  int batchSize = context->LSEdata.batchSize;
  for (i = 0; i < count / batchSize; ++i)
    vdExp(batchSize, &arguments[i * batchSize], &context->LSEdata.precalcedExponents[i * batchSize]);
  vdExp(count % batchSize, &arguments[count - count % batchSize], 
    &context->LSEdata.precalcedExponents[count - count % batchSize]);
  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    context->LSEdata.precalcedExponents[i] = exp(arguments[i]);
void caffe_exp<double>(const int n, const double* a, double* y) {
    vdExp(n, a, y);