Exemple #1
bool topLeftResizeCallback( Widget* widget, const Event* e ) {
    if( Widget_mouseOver( widget, &e->v ) ) {
        if( e->type == EMousePressed ) {
            widget->mouseOffset = vec2i_sub( &widget->position, &e->v );
            widget->pressed = true;
    if( widget->pressed && widget->mouseOffset.x != 1 ) {
        vec2i topleft = vec2i_add( &e->v, &widget->mouseOffset );
        topleft.x += 5;
        topleft.y += 23;

        vec2i bottomright = vec2i_add( &widget->parent->parent->children[WO_Window]->position, &widget->parent->parent->children[WO_Window]->size );
        vec2i size = vec2i_sub( &bottomright, &topleft );
        Window_resizeLeft( widget->parent->parent->children[WO_Window], size.x );
        Window_resizeUp( widget->parent->parent->children[WO_Window], size.y );
        if( e->type == EMouseReleased )
            widget->pressed = false;

        return true;
    else {
        widget->mouseOffset = vec2i_c( 1, 1 );
        return false;
Exemple #2
bool moveWindowCallback( Widget* widget, const Event* e ) {
    if( e->type == EMousePressed ) {
        if( Widget_mouseOver( widget, &e->v ) ) {
            widget->mouseOffset = vec2i_sub( &widget->position, &e->v );
            widget->pressed = true;
    if( widget->pressed && widget->mouseOffset.x != -1 ) {
        vec2i pos = vec2i_add( &e->v, &widget->mouseOffset );
        Widget_setPosition( widget, &pos );
        vec2i win = pos;
        win.y += 18;
        Widget_setPosition( widget->children[WO_Window], &win );

        vec2i out = pos;
        out.x -= 5;
        out.y -= 5;
        Widget_setPosition( widget->children[WO_Outline], &out );
        if( e->type == EMouseReleased )
            widget->pressed = false;

        return true;
    else {
        widget->mouseOffset = vec2i_c( -1, -1 );
        return false;
Exemple #3
void Widget_setPosition( Widget* widget, vec2i* pos ) {
    vec2i originalPos =  widget->position;
    //  TODO FIX
    widget->position = *pos;
    widget->moved = true;
    if( widget->confined ) {
        if( pos->x < widget->parent->position.x )
            widget->position.x = widget->parent->position.x;
        if( pos->y < widget->parent->position.y )
            widget->position.y = widget->parent->position.y;
        if( pos->x + widget->size.x > widget->parent->position.x + widget->parent->size.x )
            widget->position.x = widget->parent->position.x + widget->parent->size.x - widget->size.x;
        if( pos->y + widget->size.y > widget->parent->position.y + widget->parent->size.y )
            widget->position.y = widget->parent->position.y + widget->parent->size.y - widget->size.y;

    vec2i offSet = vec2i_sub( pos, &originalPos );

    for( u32 i = 0; i < widget->childrenCount; ++i ) {
        if( widget->children[i]->confined ){
            vec2i newPos = vec2i_add( &widget->children[i]->position, &offSet );
            Widget_setPosition( widget->children[i], &newPos );
Exemple #4
int ai_block_projectile(controller *ctrl, ctrl_event **ev) {
    ai *a = ctrl->data;
    object *o = ctrl->har;

    iterator it;
    object **o_tmp;
    vector_iter_begin(&a->active_projectiles, &it);
    while((o_tmp = iter_next(&it)) != NULL) {
        object *o_prj = *o_tmp;
        if(projectile_get_owner(o_prj) == o)  {
        if(o_prj->cur_sprite && maybe(a->difficulty)) {
            vec2i pos_prj = vec2i_add(object_get_pos(o_prj), o_prj->cur_sprite->pos);
            vec2i size_prj = object_get_size(o_prj);
            if (object_get_direction(o_prj) == OBJECT_FACE_LEFT) {
                pos_prj.x = object_get_pos(o_prj).x + ((o_prj->cur_sprite->pos.x * -1) - size_prj.x);
            if(fabsf(pos_prj.x - o->pos.x) < 120) {
                a->cur_act = (o->direction == OBJECT_FACE_RIGHT ? ACT_DOWN|ACT_LEFT : ACT_DOWN|ACT_RIGHT);
                controller_cmd(ctrl, a->cur_act, ev);
                return 1;


    return 0;
Exemple #5
void cb_vs_spawn_object(object *parent, int id, vec2i pos, int g, void *userdata) {
    scene *s = (scene*)userdata;

    // Get next animation
    bk_info *info = bk_get_info(&s->bk_data, id);
    if(info != NULL) {
        object *obj = malloc(sizeof(object));
        object_create(obj, parent->gs, vec2i_add(pos, vec2f_to_i(parent->pos)), vec2f_create(0,0));
        object_set_stl(obj, object_get_stl(parent));
        object_set_animation(obj, &info->ani);
        object_set_spawn_cb(obj, cb_vs_spawn_object, userdata);
        object_set_destroy_cb(obj, cb_vs_destroy_object, userdata);
        game_state_add_object(parent->gs, obj, RENDER_LAYER_MIDDLE, 0, 0);
Vector2D Vector2D::__add__(const Vector2D& v1)
    Vector2D r;
    vec2i_add(&r.v_, &v_, &v1.v_);
    return r;
Exemple #7
Widget* Widget_createWindowHead( Widget* window, u32 name ) {
    Widget* head = Widget_init( WT_WindowHead, &(vec2i){ window->size.x, 17 }, "quadmesh.json", "widgettexture.png", name );
        Widget* icon = Widget_init( WT_Sprite, &(vec2i){ 11, 11 }, "quadmesh.json", "winicon.png", -1 );
        Widget* cross =  Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 11, 11 }, "quadmesh.json", "cross.png", -1 );
        //  The window contour is composed of 9 rectangles the main one, the ones on the side and the ones in the corners.
        Widget* windowOutline = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ window->size.x + 10, window->size.y + head->size.y + 11 }, "quadmesh.json", "widgetcontour.png", -1 );
            //  Corners of the contour
            Widget* windowCornerTopLeft = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 5, 5 }, "quadmesh.json", "right.png", -1 );
            Widget* windowCornerTopRight = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 5, 5 }, "quadmesh.json", "bottom.png", -1 );
            Widget* windowCornerBottomLeft = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 5, 5 }, "quadmesh.json", "top.png", -1 );
            Widget* windowCornerBottomRight = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 5, 5 }, "quadmesh.json", "left.png", -1 );
            //  Sides of the contour
            Widget* windowSideTop = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ window->size.x, 5 }, "quadmesh.json", "top.png", -1 );
            Widget* windowSideLeft = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 5, window->size.y + head->size.y + 1}, "quadmesh.json", "left.png", -1 );
            Widget* windowSideRight = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ 5, window->size.y + head->size.y + 1 }, "quadmesh.json", "right.png", -1 );
            Widget* windowSideBottom = Widget_init( WT_Button, &(vec2i){ window->size.x, 5 }, "quadmesh.json", "bottom.png", -1 );

    head->position.x = window->position.x;
    head->position.y = window->position.y - 18;
    head->depth = window->depth;
    head->textOffset = vec2i_c( 18, 1 );
    head->callback = &moveWindowCallback;

    vec2i windowExtents = vec2i_add( &window->position, &window->size );

    windowOutline->position.x = head->position.x - 5;
    windowOutline->position.y = head->position.y - 5;
    windowOutline->depth = window->depth + 1;

    windowCornerTopLeft->position.x = head->position.x - 5;
    windowCornerTopLeft->position.y = head->position.y - 5;
    windowCornerTopLeft->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowCornerTopLeft->callback = &topLeftResizeCallback;

    windowCornerTopRight->position.x = windowExtents.x;
    windowCornerTopRight->position.y = head->position.y - 5;
    windowCornerTopRight->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowCornerTopRight->callback = &topRightResizeCallback;

    windowCornerBottomLeft->position.x = window->position.x - 5;
    windowCornerBottomLeft->position.y = windowExtents.y;
    windowCornerBottomLeft->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowCornerBottomLeft->callback = &bottomLeftResizeCallback;

    windowCornerBottomRight->position.x = windowExtents.x;
    windowCornerBottomRight->position.y = windowExtents.y;
    windowCornerBottomRight->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowCornerBottomRight->callback = &bottomRightResizeCallback;

    windowSideTop->position.x = window->position.x;
    windowSideTop->position.y = head->position.y - 5;
    windowSideTop->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowSideTop->callback = &topResizeCallback;

    windowSideLeft->position.x = window->position.x - 5;
    windowSideLeft->position.y = head->position.y;
    windowSideLeft->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowSideLeft->callback = &leftResizeCallback;

    windowSideRight->position.x = windowExtents.x;
    windowSideRight->position.y = head->position.y;
    windowSideRight->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowSideRight->callback = &rightResizeCallback;

    windowSideBottom->position.x = window->position.x;
    windowSideBottom->position.y = windowExtents.y;
    windowSideBottom->depth = windowOutline->depth - 1;
    windowSideBottom->callback = &bottomResizeCallback;

    Widget_addChild( head, window, false, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( head, windowOutline, false, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowSideTop, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowSideLeft, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowSideRight, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowSideBottom, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowCornerTopLeft, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowCornerTopRight, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowCornerBottomLeft, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( windowOutline, windowCornerBottomRight, true, WA_None );

    vec2i iconOffset = vec2i_c( 3, 3 );
    icon->position = vec2i_add( &iconOffset, &head->position );
    icon->depth = window->depth - 1;

    vec2i crossOffset = vec2i_c( window->size.x - 13, 3 );
    cross->position = vec2i_add( &crossOffset, &head->position );
    cross->depth = window->depth - 1;
    cross->callback = &windowCloseButtonCallback;

    Widget_addChild( head, icon, true, WA_None );
    Widget_addChild( head, cross, true, WA_None );

    return head;
Exemple #8
bool Widget_mouseOver( const Widget* widget, const vec2i* mouse ) {
    vec2i extents = vec2i_add( &widget->position, &widget->size );
    if( mouse->x < widget->position.x || mouse->x > extents.x || mouse->y < widget->position.y || mouse->y > extents.y )
        return false;
    return true;