Exemple #1
int sound_play_at_looped(sound* s, vec3 pos, vec3 cam_pos, vec3 cam_dir, int loops) {
  int c = sound_play_looped(s, loops);
  const float HEARING = 5;
  float distance = vec3_dist(pos, cam_pos);
  Uint8 dist_val = (Uint8)clamp(distance * HEARING, 0, 255); 
  const float DEGREES = 57.2957795;
  vec3 to_position = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos, cam_pos));
  vec3 to_forward  = vec3_normalize(cam_dir);
  float angle = acos(vec3_dot(to_position, to_forward));
  Sint16 angle_val = DEGREES * angle;
  Mix_SetPosition(c, angle_val, dist_val);
  return c;
void OneNebuRayon::Ini() {
    vec3_set(vec, 2.f*Random1() -1.f, 1.f*Random1() -.5f, 2.f*Random1() -1.f);

    dist = NEBU_RAYON * Random1() * 2.f + BIGPART_SIZE;
    taille  = RAY_SIZE_MIN +    Random1()*RAY_SIZE_RND;

    totalTime = timeToGo =  RAY_LIFE_MIN + Random1()*RAY_LIFE_RND;
Exemple #3
vec3_t dir_for_pixel(camera_t *camera, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
    unsigned int w, h;
    w = camera->w;
    h = camera->h;
    vec3_t v = vec3(((float) x / w - 0.5), 0, -((float) y / h - 0.5));
    return vec3_normalize(vec3_add(v, camera->dir));
Exemple #4
void quat_axis_angle(quat_t *q, const vec3_t *v, float angle)
	float s, c;
	sincosf(angle/2, &s, &c);

	q->w = c;
	q->v = *v;
	vec3_scale(&q->v, s);
Exemple #5
mat3 terrain_axis(terrain* ter, vec2 position) {

  float offset   = terrain_height(ter, position);
  float offset_x = terrain_height(ter, vec2_add(position, vec2_new(1,0)));
  float offset_y = terrain_height(ter, vec2_add(position, vec2_new(0,1)));
  vec3 pos    = vec3_new(position.x+0, offset,   position.y+0);
  vec3 pos_xv = vec3_new(position.x+1, offset_x, position.y+0);
  vec3 pos_yv = vec3_new(position.x+0, offset_y, position.y+1);
  vec3 tangent = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos_xv, pos));
  vec3 binorm  = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos_yv, pos));
  vec3 normal  = vec3_cross(binorm, tangent);

  return mat3_new(
    tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z,
    normal.x,  normal.y,  normal.z, 
    binorm.x,  binorm.y,  binorm.z);
Exemple #6
void MeshData::generateNormals() {
  int   attr, len;
  vec3  nf, e1, e2, *p0, *p1, *p2;
  float *cur, *dst, *normals;

  attr = getAttributeIndex("position");

  if (attr < 0) {
    dprintf(2, "error: can't generateNormals() without position attribute\n");

  len     = getVertexCount() * 3;
  normals = (float *) malloc(len * sizeof(float));
  dst     = normals;
  cur     = getVertex(attr, 0);

  while (dst < normals + len) {
    p0 = (vec3 *) &cur[0],
    p1 = (vec3 *) &cur[3];
    p2 = (vec3 *) &cur[6];

    vec3_sub(&e1, p1, p2);
    vec3_sub(&e2, p2, p0);

    vec3_cross(&nf, &e1, &e2);

    memcpy(dst + 0, &nf, sizeof(vec3));
    memcpy(dst + 3, &nf, sizeof(vec3));
    memcpy(dst + 6, &nf, sizeof(vec3));

    cur += 9;
    dst += 9;

  addNormals(normals, len);
Exemple #7
static void	set_ray_direction(t_ray *ray, const t_camera *camera, float increment_x, float increment_y)
	t_vec3	dest;

	vec3_copy(&dest, &camera->viewplane.upleft);
	dest.x += increment_x;
	dest.y -= increment_y;

	vec3_copy(&ray->direction, &dest);
	vec3_sub(&ray->direction, &ray->origin);
Exemple #8
static void	get_lum(double *col, t_scene *s, t_intersect *inter, int m)
  t_vec3	l;
  t_vec3	r;
  double	ln;
  int		i;
  double	is;
  double	id;
  double	dist;
  double	rv;
  double	tmp;
  t_ray		ray;
  t_intersect	shadow;

  i = -1;
  if (s->lights[m].light.type == DIRECTIONNAL)
      while (++i < 3)
	  ln = dot_vec3(inter->norm, s->lights[m].light.dir);
	  col[i] =  MAX(ln, 0) * s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0 *
      return ;
  l = sub_vec3(s->lights[m].pos, inter->pos);
  dist = vec3_len(l);
  l = div_vec3(l, dist);
  dist -= s->lights[m].light.radius;
  ln = dot_vec3(l, inter->norm);
  ln = MAX(ln, 0.0);
  r = vec3_normalize(sub_vec3(mult_vec3(inter->norm, 2 * ln), l));
  is = s->lights[m].light.power / dist;
  id = s->lights[m].light.radius * is;
  rv = -dot_vec3(r, inter->dir);
  rv = MAX(rv, 0.0);
  ray.pos = add_vec3(inter->pos, mult_vec3(inter->norm, 0.00001));
  ray.dir = l;
  ray.env = NULL;
  scene_intersect(s, &ray, &shadow);
  if (shadow.dist < dist - 0.0001)
    return ;
  while (++i < 3)
      tmp = inter->mat->diffuse * MAX(ln, 0) * id *
      	s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0;
      col[i] += MAX(tmp, 0);
      tmp = inter->mat->specular * pow(rv, inter->mat->shininess)
	* is * s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0;
      col[i] += MAX(tmp, 0);
Exemple #9
void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
    float direction[3];
    float rotation[16];

    switch (key) {
        case 'q':
            vec3_subtract(center, eye, direction);
            vec3_normalize(direction, direction);
            vec3_add(eye, direction, eye);
        case 'e':
            vec3_subtract(center, eye, direction);
            vec3_normalize(direction, direction);
            vec3_subtract(eye, direction, eye);
        case 'a':
            mat4_rotateY(rotation, 0.1f, rotation);
            mat4_multiply(rotation, model, model);
        case 'd':
            mat4_rotateY(rotation, -0.1f, rotation);
            mat4_multiply(rotation, model, model);
        case 'w':
            mat4_rotateX(rotation, 0.1f, rotation);
            mat4_multiply(rotation, model, model);
        case 's':
            mat4_rotateX(rotation, -0.1f, rotation);
            mat4_multiply(rotation, model, model);
        case 27:
Exemple #10
t_intersect	get_intersect_tore(t_obj *obj, t_ray *ray)
  t_intersect	inter;
  t_vec3	u;

  inter.dir = ray->dir;
  inter.mat = obj->mat;
  if (!check_box(obj, ray))
    return (inter);
  get_dist_tore(ray, &inter, obj);
  if (inter.dist < 0.0 || inter.dist == NOT_A_SOLUTION)
      inter.dist = -1.0;
      return (inter);
  inter.pos = add_vec3(mult_vec3(ray->dir, inter.dist), ray->pos);
  u = sub_vec3(inter.pos, obj->pos);
  u.z = 0.0;
  u = mult_vec3(vec3_normalize(u), obj->torus.radius_hole);
  u = add_vec3(u, obj->pos);
  inter.norm = vec3_normalize(sub_vec3(inter.pos, u));
  return (inter);
Exemple #11
t_vec3			bump_normal(t_obj *obj, t_ray *ray)
	t_vec3		normal;
	t_vec3		tangent;
	t_vec3		binormal;
	t_vec3		bump;
	t_vec3		c[2];

	normal = obj->normal;
	bump = texture_mapping(obj, obj->mat.texture.bump, ray->hit);
	bump = vec3_sub(vec3_fmul(bump, 2), vec3(1, 1, 1));
	c[0] = vec3_cross(normal, vec3(0, 0, 1));
	c[1] = vec3_cross(normal, vec3(0, 1, 0));
	tangent = (vec3_magnitude(c[0]) > vec3_magnitude(c[1]) ? c[0] : c[1]);
	tangent = vec3_sub(tangent, vec3_fmul(normal, vec3_dot(tangent, normal)));
	binormal = vec3_norm(vec3_cross(normal, tangent));
	normal.x = vec3_dot(bump, vec3(tangent.x, binormal.x, normal.x));
	normal.y = vec3_dot(bump, vec3(tangent.y, binormal.y, normal.y));
	normal.z = vec3_dot(bump, vec3(tangent.z, binormal.z, normal.z));
	return (normal);
Exemple #12
/* TODO/FIXME - finish */
void matrix_4x4_lookat(math_matrix_4x4 *out,
      vec3_t eye,
      vec3_t center,
      vec3_t up)
   vec3_t s, t, f;

   vec3_copy(&f[0], center);
   vec3_subtract(&f[0], eye);

   vec3_cross(&s[0], &f[0], up);

   vec3_cross(&t[0], &s[0], f);

   memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = s[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 1) = t[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 2) = -f[0];

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 0) = s[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = t[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 2) = -f[1];

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 0) = s[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 1) = t[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = -f[2];

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 3) = 1.f;

#if 0
   mat4x4_translate_in_place(m, -eye[0], -eye[1], -eye[2]);

Exemple #13
void matrix_4x4_lookat(math_matrix_4x4 *out,
      vec3_t eye,
      vec3_t center,
      vec3_t up)
   vec3_t zaxis;   /* the "forward" vector */
   vec3_t xaxis;   /* the "right"   vector */
   vec3_t yaxis;   /* the "up"      vector */

   vec3_copy(&zaxis[0], center);
   vec3_subtract(&zaxis[0], eye);

   vec3_cross(&xaxis[0], &zaxis[0], up);
   vec3_cross(&yaxis[0], &xaxis[0], zaxis);

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = xaxis[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 1) = yaxis[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 2) = -zaxis[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 3) = 0.0;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 0) = xaxis[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = yaxis[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 2) = -zaxis[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 0) = xaxis[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 1) = yaxis[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = -zaxis[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 0) = -(xaxis[0] * eye[0] + xaxis[1] * eye[1] + xaxis[2] * eye[2]);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 1) = -(yaxis[0] * eye[0] + yaxis[1] * eye[1] + yaxis[2] * eye[2]);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 2) = -(zaxis[0] * eye[0] + zaxis[1] * eye[1] + zaxis[2] * eye[2]);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 3) = 1.f;
Exemple #14
void camera_control_orbit(camera* c, SDL_Event e) {
  float a1 = 0;
  float a2 = 0;
  vec3 axis;
  vec3 translation = c->target;
  c->position = vec3_sub(c->position, translation);
  c->target = vec3_sub(c->target, translation);
  switch(e.type) {
      if (e.motion.state & SDL_BUTTON(1)) {
        a1 = e.motion.xrel * -0.005;
        a2 = e.motion.yrel * 0.005;
        c->position = mat3_mul_vec3(mat3_rotation_y( a1 ), c->position );
        axis = vec3_normalize(vec3_cross( vec3_sub(c->position, c->target) , vec3_new(0,1,0) ));
        c->position = mat3_mul_vec3(mat3_rotation_axis_angle(axis, a2 ), c->position );
      if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) {
        c->position = vec3_sub(c->position, vec3_normalize(c->position));
      if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) {
        c->position = vec3_add(c->position, vec3_normalize(c->position));

  c->position = vec3_add(c->position, translation);
  c->target = vec3_add(c->target, translation);

Exemple #15
void camera_control_freecam(camera* c, float timestep) {

  Uint8* kbstate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
  if (kbstate[SDLK_w] || kbstate[SDLK_s]) {
    vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(c->target, c->position));
    const float speed = 100 * timestep;
    if (kbstate[SDLK_w]) {
      c->position = vec3_add(c->position, vec3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (kbstate[SDLK_s]) {
      c->position = vec3_sub(c->position, vec3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    c->target = vec3_add(c->position, cam_dir);
  int mouse_x, mouse_y;
  Uint8 mstate = SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&mouse_x, &mouse_y);
  if (mstate & SDL_BUTTON(1)) {
    float a1 = -(float)mouse_x * 0.005;
    float a2 = (float)mouse_y * 0.005;
    vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(c->target, c->position));
    cam_dir.y += -a2;
    vec3 side_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_cross(cam_dir, vec3_new(0,1,0)));
    cam_dir = vec3_add(cam_dir, vec3_mul(side_dir, -a1));
    cam_dir = vec3_normalize(cam_dir);
    c->target = vec3_add(c->position, cam_dir);
Exemple #16
collision point_collide_ellipsoid(vec3 p, vec3 v, ellipsoid e) {
  p = vec3_sub(p, e.center);
  p = vec3_div_vec3(p, e.radiuses);
  v = vec3_div_vec3(v, e.radiuses);
  collision c = point_collide_sphere(p, v, sphere_unit());
  c.norm  = vec3_normalize(vec3_div_vec3(c.norm, e.radiuses));
  c.point = vec3_mul_vec3(c.point, e.radiuses);
  c.point = vec3_add(c.point, e.center);
  return c;
void GFX_look_at( vec3 *eye, vec3 *center, vec3 *up )
	vec3 f,

	mat4 mat;

	mat4_identity( &mat );

	vec3_diff( &f, center, eye );

	vec3_normalize( &f, &f );

	vec3_cross( &s, &f, up );

	vec3_normalize( &s, &s );

	vec3_cross( &u, &s, &f );

	mat.m[ 0 ].x = s.x;
	mat.m[ 1 ].x = s.y;
	mat.m[ 2 ].x = s.z;

	mat.m[ 0 ].y = u.x;
	mat.m[ 1 ].y = u.y;
	mat.m[ 2 ].y = u.z;

	mat.m[ 0 ].z = -f.x;
	mat.m[ 1 ].z = -f.y;
	mat.m[ 2 ].z = -f.z;

	GFX_multiply_matrix( &mat );

	GFX_translate( -eye->x, -eye->y, -eye->z );
Exemple #18
collision sphere_collide_sphere(sphere s, vec3 v, sphere s0) {

  //if (unlikely(!sphere_outside_sphere(s, s0))) { error("Collision Sphere Inside Sphere!"); }

  vec3  o = vec3_sub(s.center, s0.center);
  float A = vec3_dot(v, v);
  float B = 2 * vec3_dot(v, o);
  float C = vec3_dot(o, o) - ((s.radius + s0.radius) * (s.radius + s0.radius));
  float t0, t1, t;
  if (!quadratic(A, B, C, &t0, &t1)) { return collision_none(); }
  if (between_or(t0, 0, 1) && between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = min(t0, t1); }
  else if (between_or(t0, 0, 1)) { t = t0; }
  else if (between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = t1; } 
  else { return collision_none(); }
  vec3 proj = vec3_add(s.center, vec3_mul(v, t));
  vec3 twrd = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(s0.center, proj));
  vec3 p = vec3_add(proj, vec3_mul(twrd, s.radius));
  return collision_new(t, p, vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(s.center, p)));

Exemple #19
collision ellipsoid_collide_point(ellipsoid e, vec3 v, vec3 p) {

  p = vec3_sub(p, e.center);
  p = vec3_div_vec3(p, e.radiuses);
  v = vec3_div_vec3(v, e.radiuses);
  collision c = sphere_collide_point(sphere_unit(), v, p);
  c.norm  = vec3_normalize(vec3_div_vec3(c.norm, e.radiuses));
  c.point = vec3_mul_vec3(c.point, e.radiuses);
  c.point = vec3_add(c.point, e.center);

  return c;
void mat4_rotate( mat4 *dst, mat4 *m, vec4 *v )
	float s = sinf( v->w * DEG_TO_RAD ),
		  c = cosf( v->w * DEG_TO_RAD ),
	mat4 mat;

	vec3 t = { v->x, v->y, v->z };

	mat4_identity( &mat );
	if( !v->w || !vec3_normalize( &t, &t ) ) return;

	xx = t.x * t.x;
	yy = t.y * t.y;
	zz = t.z * t.z;
	xy = t.x * t.y;
	yz = t.y * t.z;
	zx = t.z * t.x;
	xs = t.x * s;
	ys = t.y * s;
	zs = t.z * s;
	c1 = 1.0f - c;

	mat.m[ 0 ].x = ( c1 * xx ) + c;
	mat.m[ 1 ].x = ( c1 * xy ) - zs;
	mat.m[ 2 ].x = ( c1 * zx ) + ys;

	mat.m[ 0 ].y = ( c1 * xy ) + zs;
	mat.m[ 1 ].y = ( c1 * yy ) + c;
	mat.m[ 2 ].y = ( c1 * yz ) - xs;

	mat.m[ 0 ].z = ( c1 * zx ) - ys;
	mat.m[ 1 ].z = ( c1 * yz ) + xs;
	mat.m[ 2 ].z = ( c1 * zz ) + c;
	mat4_multiply_mat4( m, m, &mat );	
/* External functions
Game* create_game(void)
    int ii;
    Game* G = (Game*)calloc(1, sizeof(Game));
    G->timer = create_timer();
    G->graphics = create_graphics();
    G->ui = create_ui(G->graphics);

    /* Set up camera */
    G->camera = transform_zero;
    G->camera.orientation = quat_from_euler(0, -0.75f * kPi, 0);
    G->camera.position.x = 4.0f;
    G->camera.position.y = 2;
    G->camera.position.z = 7.5f;

    /* Load scene */
    G->scene = create_scene("lightHouse.obj");
    G->sun_light.position = vec3_create(-4.0f, 5.0f, 2.0f);
    G->sun_light.color = vec3_create(1, 1, 1);
    G->sun_light.size = 35.0f;

    G->lights[0].color = vec3_create(1, 0, 0);
    G->lights[1].color = vec3_create(1, 1, 0);
    G->lights[2].color = vec3_create(0, 1, 0);
    G->lights[3].color = vec3_create(1, 0, 1);
    G->lights[4].color = vec3_create(0, 0, 1);
    G->lights[5].color = vec3_create(0, 1, 1);

    for(ii=0;ii<NUM_LIGHTS;++ii) {
        float x = (20.0f/NUM_LIGHTS) * ii - 8.0f;
        G->lights[ii].color = vec3_create(_rand_float(), _rand_float(), _rand_float());
        G->lights[ii].color = vec3_normalize(G->lights[ii].color);
        if(ii % 2)
            G->lights[ii].position = vec3_create(x, _rand_float()*3 + 2.0f, 0.0f);
            G->lights[ii].position = vec3_create(0.0f, _rand_float()*3 + 2.0f, x);
        G->lights[ii].size = 5;

    get_model(G->scene, 3)->material->specular_color = vec3_create(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    get_model(G->scene, 3)->material->specular_coefficient = 1.0f;

    G->dynamic_lights = 1;

    return G;
Exemple #22
void templateAppAccelerometer( float x, float y, float z )
	vec3 tmp = { x, y, z };

	vec3_normalize( &tmp, &tmp );

	accelerometer.x = tmp.x + 0.35f;

	#ifndef __IPHONE_4_0

	  accelerometer.y = tmp.y + 0.35f;

	  accelerometer.y = tmp.y;
Exemple #23
static t_rgb	compute_gradient(double *grad, t_obj *obj)
	t_vec3		color;
	double		diffx;
	double		diffy;
	double		scale;

	scale = obj->mat.texture.normal_strength;
	diffx = grad[1] - grad[2];
	diffy = grad[0] - grad[3];
	color.x = vec3_norm(vec3(1, diffx * scale, 0)).y;
	color.y = vec3_norm(vec3(1, diffy * scale, 0)).y;
	color.z = sqrt(1 - ft_clampf(color.x * color.x + color.y * color.y, 0, 1));
	return (vec3_to_rgb(vec3_add(vec3_fmul(color, 0.5), vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))));
Exemple #24
static void	raycast_light(t_hit *hit, unsigned depth)
	t_lstiter	it;
	t_ray		ray;
	t_light		*light;
	int			raycast_result;
	t_vec3		lightness;
	t_hit		sub_hit;

	if (depth == 0)
		return ;

	vec3_set(&lightness, 0, 0, 0);
	init_iter(&it, rt.scene->lights, increasing);
	while (lst_iterator_next(&it))
		light = (t_light*)it.data;
		vec3_copy(&ray.origin, &hit->position);
		vec3_copy(&ray.direction, &light->position);
		vec3_sub(&ray.direction, &hit->position);

		ray.origin.x += ray.direction.x * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;
		ray.origin.y += ray.direction.y * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;
		ray.origin.z += ray.direction.z * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;

		raycast_result = raycast(&ray, &sub_hit, depth - 1, NULL);

		if (sub_hit.object != NULL)
			// ray bounce
			vec3_add(&lightness, &light->color);

	vec3_div(&lightness, rt.scene->lights->size);
	vec3_add(&lightness, &rt.scene->ambient_light);

	hit->color.x *= lightness.x;
	hit->color.y *= lightness.y;
	hit->color.z *= lightness.z;
Exemple #25
 * Component of the support function for a sphere collider.
static void
object_support_component_sphere(object_t *object,
				float direction[3], float out[3])
	float trans[16];

	vec3_normalize(direction, direction);
	vec3_scale(direction, direction, object->r);

	object_get_transform_mat(object, trans);

	out[0] = trans[3];
	out[1] = trans[7];
	out[2] = trans[11];

	vec3_add(direction, out, out);
Exemple #26
collision point_collide_sphere(vec3 p, vec3 v, sphere s) {
  vec3  o = vec3_sub(p, s.center);
  float A = vec3_dot(v, v);
  float B = 2 * vec3_dot(v, o);
  float C = vec3_dot(o, o) - (s.radius * s.radius);
  float t0, t1, t;
  if (!quadratic(A, B, C, &t0, &t1)) { return collision_none(); }
  if (between_or(t0, 0, 1) && between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = min(t0, t1); }
  else if (between_or(t0, 0, 1)) { t = t0; }
  else if (between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = t1; } 
  else { return collision_none(); }
  return collision_new(t, p, vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(p, s.center)));
Exemple #27
void move_entity( OBJMESH *objmesh,
				  NAVIGATIONPATHDATA *navigationpathdata,
				  int *next_point,
				  float speed ) {

	objmesh->location.z = 
	navigationpathdata->path_point_array[ *next_point ].z = 0.0f;

	float distance = vec3_dist( &objmesh->location, 
								&navigationpathdata->path_point_array[ *next_point ] );

	if( distance < 0.1f ) { 

		if( *next_point == ( navigationpathdata->path_point_count + 1 ) ) { 
			*next_point = -1;

	if( *next_point != -1 ) {
		vec3 direction;
		vec3_diff( &direction,
				   &navigationpathdata->path_point_array[ *next_point ],
				   &objmesh->location );

		vec3_normalize( &direction,
						&direction );

		objmesh->btrigidbody->setLinearVelocity( btVector3( direction.x * speed,
															direction.y * speed,
															0.0f ) );
		objmesh->btrigidbody->setActivationState( ACTIVE_TAG );
	else {
		objmesh->btrigidbody->setActivationState( WANTS_DEACTIVATION );
		navigationpathdata->path_point_count = 0;
Exemple #28
collision sphere_collide_point(sphere s, vec3 v, vec3 p) {

  //if (unlikely(!point_outside_sphere(s, p))) { error("Collision Sphere Inside Mesh Vertex!"); }

  vec3  o = vec3_sub(s.center, p);
  float A = vec3_dot(v, v);
  float B = 2 * vec3_dot(v, o);
  float C = vec3_dot(o, o) - (s.radius * s.radius);
  float t0, t1, t;
  if (!quadratic(A, B, C, &t0, &t1)) { return collision_none(); }
  if (between_or(t0, 0, 1) && between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = min(t0, t1); }
  else if (between_or(t0, 0, 1)) { t = t0; }
  else if (between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = t1; } 
  else { return collision_none(); }
  return collision_new(t, p, vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(s.center, p)));
Exemple #29
collision ellipsoid_collide_mesh(ellipsoid e, vec3 v, cmesh* m, mat4 world, mat3 world_normal) {
  world.xw -= e.center.x;
  world.yw -= e.center.y;
  world.zw -= e.center.z;
  mat3 space     = mat3_scale(vec3_div_vec3(vec3_one(), e.radiuses));
  mat3 space_inv = mat3_scale(e.radiuses);
  v = mat3_mul_vec3(space, v);
  collision c = sphere_collide_mesh_space(sphere_unit(), v, m, world, world_normal, space, mat3_transpose(space_inv));
  c.point = mat3_mul_vec3(space_inv, c.point);
  c.point = vec3_add(c.point, e.center);

  c.norm = vec3_normalize(mat3_mul_vec3(space, c.norm));
  return c;
void calculate_normal(vec3_t normal, int edge, size_t x, size_t y, size_t z, float offset, scan_data *data)
    vec3 v1;
    vec3 v2;

    get_normal((vec3_t) &v1, (x + cube_vertices[cube_edge_connections[edge][0]][0]),
                             (y + cube_vertices[cube_edge_connections[edge][0]][1]),
                             (z + cube_vertices[cube_edge_connections[edge][0]][2]),

    get_normal((vec3_t) &v2, (x + cube_vertices[cube_edge_connections[edge][1]][0]),
                             (y + cube_vertices[cube_edge_connections[edge][1]][1]),
                             (z + cube_vertices[cube_edge_connections[edge][1]][2]),

    normal[0] = v1[0] + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * offset;
    normal[1] = v1[1] + (v2[1] - v1[1]) * offset;
    normal[2] = v1[2] + (v2[2] - v1[2]) * offset;

    vec3_normalize(normal, normal);