// Computes the surrounding collision bounds from the current sequence box
void CCollisionProperty::ComputeRotationExpandedSequenceBounds( Vector *pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs )
	CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetOuter()->GetBaseAnimating();
	if ( !pAnim )
		ComputeOBBBounds( pVecWorldMins, pVecWorldMaxs );

	Vector mins, maxs;
	pAnim->ExtractBbox( pAnim->GetSequence(), mins, maxs );

	float flRadius = MAX( MAX( FloatMakePositive( mins.x ), FloatMakePositive( maxs.x ) ),
					      MAX( FloatMakePositive( mins.y ), FloatMakePositive( maxs.y ) ) );
	mins.x = mins.y = -flRadius;
	maxs.x = maxs.y = flRadius;

	// Add bloat to account for gesture sequences
	Vector vecBloat( 6, 6, 0 );
	mins -= vecBloat;
	maxs += vecBloat;

	// NOTE: This is necessary because the server doesn't know how to blend
	// animations together. Therefore, we have to just pick a box that can
	// surround all of our potential sequences. This should be something we
	// should be able to compute @ tool time instead, however.
	VectorMin( mins, m_vecSurroundingMins, mins );
	VectorMax( maxs, m_vecSurroundingMaxs, maxs );

	VectorAdd( mins, GetCollisionOrigin(), *pVecWorldMins );
	VectorAdd( maxs, GetCollisionOrigin(), *pVecWorldMaxs );
void CLightingManager::SortLights()
	for ( int i = 0; i < LSORT_COUNT; i++ )
		Assert( m_hPreSortedLights[ i ].Count() == 0 );

	m_bDrawVolumetrics = false;

	float zNear = m_flzNear + 2;

	Vector vecBloat( zNear, zNear, zNear );

	Vector camMins( m_vecViewOrigin - vecBloat );
	Vector camMaxs( m_vecViewOrigin + vecBloat );

	fltx4 zNearX4 = ReplicateX4( zNear );

	for( int i = 0; i < m_uiSortDataCount; i++ )
		def_light_presortdatax4_t& s = m_pSortDataX4[i];

		fltx4 adjustedMins[3] = { SubSIMD( s.bounds_min_naive[0], zNearX4 ),
			SubSIMD( s.bounds_min_naive[1], zNearX4 ),
			SubSIMD( s.bounds_min_naive[2], zNearX4 ) };

		fltx4 adjustedMaxs[3] = { AddSIMD( s.bounds_max_naive[0], zNearX4 ),
			AddSIMD( s.bounds_max_naive[1], zNearX4 ),
			AddSIMD( s.bounds_max_naive[2], zNearX4 ) };

		fltx4 needsFullscreen = IsPointInBoundsX4( m_vecViewOrigin,
			adjustedMins, adjustedMaxs );

		//Jack: this is terrible I know
		for( int i = 0; i < s.count; i++ )
			if( s.lights[i]->IsSpot() )
				if( _isnan( SubFloat( needsFullscreen, i ) ) )
					if( !s.lights[i]->spotFrustum.CullBox( camMins, camMaxs ) )
						m_hPreSortedLights[LSORT_SPOT_FULLSCREEN].AddToTail( s.lights[i] );
						m_hPreSortedLights[LSORT_SPOT_WORLD].AddToTail( s.lights[i] );
					m_hPreSortedLights[LSORT_SPOT_WORLD].AddToTail( s.lights[i] );
				if( _isnan( SubFloat( needsFullscreen, i ) ) )
					m_hPreSortedLights[LSORT_POINT_FULLSCREEN].AddToTail( s.lights[i] );
					m_hPreSortedLights[LSORT_POINT_WORLD].AddToTail( s.lights[i] );

		fltx4 volume = AndSIMD( s.hasVolumetrics, s.hasVolumetrics );

		m_bDrawVolumetrics = m_bDrawVolumetrics || !IsAllZeros( volume );
	FOR_EACH_VEC_FAST( def_light_t*, m_hRenderLights, l )
		bool bNeedsFullscreen = IsPointInBounds( m_vecViewOrigin,
			l->bounds_min_naive - vecBloat,
			l->bounds_max_naive + vecBloat );

		if ( bNeedsFullscreen && l->IsSpot() )
			bNeedsFullscreen = !l->spotFrustum.CullBox( camMins, camMaxs );

		const bool bVolume = ( l->HasShadow() && l->HasVolumetrics() );

		m_bDrawVolumetrics = m_bDrawVolumetrics || bVolume;

		Assert( l->iLighttype * 2 + 1 < LSORT_COUNT );
		m_hPreSortedLights[ l->iLighttype * 2 + (int)bNeedsFullscreen ].AddToTail( l );