void CScene3D::m_TranslateCamera(float4 dx, float4 dy, float4 dz)
  AD_Vect3D x, y, z, sum;
  AD_Vect3D ptmp;
  AD_Matrix pretrans;

  if (!p_CurrentCamera) return;
   mat_get_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_WorldMatrix, 0, &x);
   mat_get_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_WorldMatrix, 1, &y);
   mat_get_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_WorldMatrix, 2, &z);

  vect_auto_scale(&x, dx);
  vect_auto_scale(&y, dy);
  vect_auto_scale(&z, dz);
  vect_add(&x, &y, &sum);
  vect_auto_add(&sum, &z);

  vect_auto_add(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentPosition, &sum);
  vect_auto_add(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentTargetPosition, &sum);

  vect_neg(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentPosition, &ptmp);
  mat_setmatrix_of_pretraslation(&pretrans, &ptmp);
Exemple #2
	(t_vect *a
	, int base
	, long x)
	bool	neg;
	char	s[20];
	size_t	i;

	i = 19;
	neg = (x < 0);
	if (!x)
		return ((void)vect_mset_end(a, '0', 1));
	while ((x > 0 || x <= base) && ((x < 0) || (x >= base)))
		s[i] = x % base;
		s[i] = ABS(s[i]);
		s[i] += (s[i] <= 9) ? '0' : 'a' - 10;
		x /= base;
	if (x)
		s[i--] = ABS(x) + (x <= 9 ? '0' : 'a' - 10);
	if (neg)
		s[i--] = '-';
	vect_add(a, s + i, 20 - i);
void torque(BEMRI * b, double * t)
	double F1[3] = {(X3-X1),(Y3-Y1),(Z3-Z1)} , F2[3] = {(X3-X2),(Y3-Y2),(Z3-Z2)};
	double r1h = sqrt(pow((X3-X1),2) + pow((Y3-Y1),2) + pow((Z3-Z1),2));
	double r2h = sqrt(pow((X3-X2),2) + pow((Y3-Y2),2) + pow((Z3-Z2),2));
	double r1cm[3] = {(X4-X1),(Y4-Y1),(Z4-Z1)} , r2cm[3] = {(X4-X2),(Y4-Y2),(Z4-Z2)};
	double t1[3], t2[3];

	for(int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
		F1[ii] *= G*m1*m3/pow(r1h,3);		//compute forces on each component from SMBH
		F2[ii] *= G*m2*m3/pow(r2h,3);

	cross_prod(r1cm, F1, t1);				//compute the torque from R cross F
	cross_prod(r2cm, F2, t2);

	vect_add(t1, t2, t, 3);					//add the individual torques and store in t
	printf("\ntorque is:");
void CCamera::m_Ray (float4 screenX, float4 screenY, int32 space, Ray *out)
   // screenX e screenY vanno nel range [-1;1]
   AD_Vect3D cam_x, cam_y, cam_z;
   float4 fx, fy;

   if (!out) return;


   if (space==WORLDSPACE_RAY)
      vect_copy(&p_CurrentPosition, &out->base);
      mat_get_row(&p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 0, &cam_x);
      mat_get_row(&p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 1, &cam_y);
      mat_get_row(&p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 2, &cam_z);
      vect_auto_scale(&cam_x, screenX*fx);
      vect_auto_scale(&cam_y, screenY*fy*480.0f/640.0f);
      vect_add(&cam_x, &cam_y, &out->direction);
      vect_auto_add(&out->direction, &cam_z);
   if (space==CAMERASPACE_RAY)
      vect_set(&out->base, 0, 0, 0);
      vect_set(&out->direction, screenX*fx, screenY*fy, 1);
Exemple #5
t_vect		*get_normal_at_cylinder(t_cylinder *c, t_vect *point)
	t_vect	*v;

	v = normalize(vect_add(new_vector(point->x, 0, point->z),
				negative(new_vector(c->center->x, 0, c->center->z))));
	return (v);
Exemple #6
void gen_vertex_normals(MESH *m)
	int i;

	LLIST *vert = malloc(sizeof(LLIST)*m->nv);
	memset(vert, 0, sizeof(LLIST)*m->nv);

	LLIST *tmp;
	int index;

	// tell each vert about it's faces
	for(i=0; i<m->nf; i++)
		index = m->f[i].x;
		tmp = malloc(sizeof(LLIST));
		tmp->face = i;
		tmp->next = vert[index].next;
		vert[index].next = tmp;

		index = m->f[i].y;
		tmp = malloc(sizeof(LLIST));
		tmp->face = i;
		tmp->next = vert[index].next;
		vert[index].next = tmp;

		index = m->f[i].z;
		tmp = malloc(sizeof(LLIST));
		tmp->face = i;
		tmp->next = vert[index].next;
		vert[index].next = tmp;

	float3 *no = malloc(sizeof(float3)*m->nv);	// normal out
	float3 t;
	// now average the normals and store in the output
	for(i=0; i<m->nv; i++)
		tmp = vert[i].next;
		t.x = t.y = t.z = 0;
			vect_add( &t, &t, &m->n[tmp->face]);
			LLIST *last = tmp;
			tmp = tmp->next;
		vect_norm(&no[i], &t);

	m->n = no;
	m->nn = m->nv;
void calc_total_angular_momentum(BEMRI * b)

	double p1[3],p2[3],p3[3],l1[3],l2[3],l3[3],temp[3];

	(*b).L = 0;



		(*b).L  = mag(temp,3);

void CWindModifier::m_Force (float4 framepos, AD_Vect3D *pos, AD_Vect3D *vel, AD_Vect3D *accel)
  AD_Vect3D posrel, tf, p, force, p2;
  float4 dist, freq, turb;


  if (p_Mapping==FORCE_PLANAR)
    if (p_Decay!=0.0f)
	  vect_sub(pos, &p_CurrentPosition, &posrel);
	  dist=fabsf(vect_dot(&p_Force, &posrel));
      vect_scale(&p_ScaledForce, (float4)exp(-p_Decay*dist), accel);
	else vect_copy(&p_ScaledForce, accel);
    vect_sub(pos, &p_CurrentPosition, &force);
    dist = vect_length(&force);
    if (dist != 0) vect_auto_scale(&force, 1.0f/dist);
    if (p_Decay != 0)
      vect_scale(&force, p_ScaledStrength*(float4)exp(-p_Decay*dist), accel);
      vect_scale(&force, p_ScaledStrength, accel);

  if (turb != 0)
    vect_sub(pos, &p_CurrentPosition, &p2);
    freq *= 0.01f;

	vect_copy(&p2, &p);
    p.x  = freq * framepos;
    tf.x = noise3(p.x*p_Scale, p.y*p_Scale, p.z*p_Scale);

	vect_copy(&p2, &p);
    p.y  = freq * framepos;
    tf.y = noise3(p.x*p_Scale, p.y*p_Scale, p.z*p_Scale);

	vect_copy(&p2, &p);    
	p.z  = freq * framepos;
    tf.z = noise3(p.x*p_Scale, p.y*p_Scale, p.z*p_Scale);

    turb *= 0.0001f*forceScaleFactor;
    vect_auto_scale(&tf, turb);
	vect_add(accel, &tf, accel);
int true_anomaly(binary * b)
	double x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,r,v,k,h[3],R[3],V[3],e_vec[3],vxh1[3],vxh2[3],R_temp[3],theta,edotr;
	int rv=1;
	//First translate to mass 1 rest frame
	x = b->x2[0] - b->x1[0];
	y = b->x2[1] - b->x1[1];
	z = b->x2[2] - b->x1[2];
	vx = b->v2[0] - b->v1[0];
	vy = b->v2[1] - b->v1[1];
	vz = b->v2[2] - b->v1[2];
	r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
	v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
	k = G*b->mass1 + G*b->mass2;							//here k is the standard gravitational parameter G(m1 + m2)

	//put together vectors of r and v
	R[0] = x;
	R[1] = y;
	R[2] = z;
	V[0] = vx;
	V[1] = vy;
	V[2] = vz;

	//calculate vector h

	//calculate the eccentricity vector
	vect_mult_scalar(vxh1, 1/k, vxh2, 3);


	//find true anomaly from r
	edotr = dot_prod(e_vec,R,3);

	theta = acos(edotr / ( mag(e_vec,3) * mag(R,3) ) );

	if(dot_prod(R,V,3) < 0)
		rv = 0;
		//printf("\nold theta = %.3f\nnew theta = %.3f\n",theta,2*PI-theta);
		theta = 2*PI - theta;

	b->true_anomaly = theta;

	return rv;

Exemple #10
void gen_vertex_normals(MESH *m)

	ListInt *vert = malloc(sizeof(ListInt)*m->nv);
	memset(vert, 0, sizeof(ListInt)*m->nv);

	// tell each vert about it's faces
	for(int i=0; i<m->nf; i++)
		int index = m->f[i].x;
		ListInt *tmp = malloc(sizeof(ListInt));
		tmp->x = i;
		tmp->next = vert[index].next;
		vert[index].next = tmp;

		index = m->f[i].y;
		tmp = malloc(sizeof(ListInt));
		tmp->x = i;
		tmp->next = vert[index].next;
		vert[index].next = tmp;

		index = m->f[i].z;
		tmp = malloc(sizeof(ListInt));
		tmp->x = i;
		tmp->next = vert[index].next;
		vert[index].next = tmp;

	float3 *no = malloc(sizeof(float3)*m->nv);	// normal out
	// now average the normals and store in the output
	for(int i=0; i<m->nv; i++)
		ListInt *tmp = vert[i].next;
		float3 t = { 0, 0, 0 };

			vect_add( &t, &t, &m->n[tmp->x]);
			ListInt *last = tmp;
			tmp = tmp->next;
		vect_norm(&no[i], &t);

	m->n = no;
	m->nn = m->nv;
void CScene3D::m_RotateCamera(float4 ax, float4 ay, float4 az)
  AD_Vect3D cameradir, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, v;
  AD_Vect3D vx, vy, vz, ptmp;
  AD_Quaternion q1, q2;
  AD_Matrix rot1, rot2, rot12, pretrans;

  if (!p_CurrentCamera) return;

  // estrazione assi locali
  mat_get_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 0, &xAxis);
  mat_get_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 1, &yAxis);
  mat_get_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 2, &zAxis);

  // creazioni delle matrici di rotazione
  quat_set(&q1, xAxis.x, xAxis.y, xAxis.z, ax);
  quat_set(&q2, yAxis.x, yAxis.y, yAxis.z, ay);

  quat_quat_to_rotquat(&q1); quat_rotquat_to_matrix(&q1, &rot1);
  quat_quat_to_rotquat(&q2); quat_rotquat_to_matrix(&q2, &rot2);
  mat_mul(&rot1, &rot2, &rot12);

  // ruoto la posizione
  mat_mulvect(&rot12, &cameradir, &v);
  vect_add(&v, &p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentTargetPosition,
  // ruoto il target
  mat_mulvect(&rot12, &cameradir, &v);
  vect_add(&v, &p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentPosition,

  mat_mulvect(&rot12, &xAxis, &vx); vect_auto_normalize(&vx);
  mat_mulvect(&rot12, &yAxis, &vy); vect_auto_normalize(&vy);
  mat_mulvect(&rot12, &zAxis, &vz); vect_auto_normalize(&vz);
  mat_insert_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 0, &vx);
  mat_insert_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 1, &vy);
  mat_insert_row(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentRotationMatrix, 2, &vz);
  vect_neg(&p_CurrentCamera->p_CurrentPosition, &ptmp);
  mat_setmatrix_of_pretraslation(&pretrans, &ptmp);
void AD_Object3D::get_vertex_normal (int16 quale, AD_Vect3D *vnorm)
  int16 tt;
  AD_Vect3D somma;
  AD_Vertex3D *quale_ptr;

  vect_set(&somma, 0, 0, 0);
  for (tt=0; tt<num_tria; tt++)
    if ((tria[tt].v1==quale_ptr) || (tria[tt].v2==quale_ptr) || (tria[tt].v3==quale_ptr))
        vect_add(&somma, &tria[tt].normal, &somma);
  vect_copy(&somma, vnorm);
void AD_Object3D::precalc_radius(void)
  int16 i;
  float4 aux=-1.0, mn;
  AD_Vect3D midp, paux;

  vect_set(&midp, 0, 0, 0);
  for (i=0; i<num_vertex3D; i++)
	vect_add(&midp, &vertex3D[i].point, &midp);
  vect_scale(&midp, 1.0f/(float)num_vertex3D, &midp);
  vect_copy(&midp, &mid_point);

  for (i=0; i<num_vertex3D; i++)
	vect_sub(&vertex3D[i].point, &midp, &paux);
    if (mn>aux) aux=mn;
Exemple #14
double		find_cylinder_intersection(t_cylinder *cy, t_ray *r)
	t_vect		*abc;
	double		d;
	double		rslt;
	t_vect		*point;

	abc = coeff_cylinder(cy, r);
	d = pow(abc->y, 2) - abc->x * abc->z;
	if (d > 0)
		rslt = ((-abc->y - sqrt(d)) / abc->x) - 0.000001 > 0 ?
			(-abc->y - sqrt(d)) / abc->x - 0.000001 :
			(-abc->y + sqrt(d)) / abc->x - 0.000001;
		point = vect_add(r->origin, vect_mult(r->direction, rslt));
		if (!check_finite_cyl(cy, point))
			rslt = -1;
		rslt = -1;
	return (rslt);
/*--- calc_du2: calculates the first part of the derivative dUdQ ---*/
void calc_dU2(CHAIN * C, double du2[][3])
	double Rij[3], mn, mm, temp[3], a;

	for(int i=0; i<C->N-1; i++){
		du2[i][0] = 0; du2[i][1] = 0; du2[i][2] = 0;		//calculated derivative dUdQ piece two, see 2Mar11 BEMRI notes

		for(int m = 2; m < C->N; m++){
			for(int n = 0; n < m-1; n++){
				if(i >= n && i <= m-1){
					get_Rij(C,n,m,Rij);				//find new Rij vector
					mn = C->mass[C->chain[n]];
					mm = C->mass[C->chain[m]];
					a = -G*mn*mm/( pow(mag(Rij,3),3) );
					for(int l = n; l < m; l++)

Exemple #16
t_inter		*find_cylinders_intersection(t_ray *ray)
	double		mininter;
	double		inter;
	t_vect		*normal;
	t_color		*color;
	t_cylinder	*c;

	mininter = -1;
	c = get_scene()->cylinders;
	while (c != NULL)
		inter = find_cylinder_intersection(c, ray);
		if (inter > ACCURACY && (inter < mininter || mininter == -1))
			mininter = inter;
			normal = get_normal_at_cylinder(c, vect_add(ray->origin,
									vect_mult(ray->direction, inter)));
			color = c->color;
		c = c->next;
	return (new_inter(normal, mininter, color));
Exemple #17
/** Compute the center position from several radars sensors, return 1 if
 * any. */
static uint8_t
radar_hit_center (uint8_t valid[], vect_t hit[], uint8_t sensor_nb,
                  vect_t *obs_pos)
    uint8_t i, hit_nb = 0;
    vect_t hit_center = { 0, 0 };
    for (i = 0; i < sensor_nb; i++)
        if (valid[i])
            vect_add (&hit_center, &hit[i]);
    if (hit_nb > 1)
        vect_scale_f824 (&hit_center, 0x1000000l / hit_nb);
    if (hit_nb)
        *obs_pos = hit_center;
        return 1;
        return 0;
Exemple #18
load_level(Level *level, char *xpm[], Rect_Vect *overlords, RGB_Color color, size_t screen_width) {
	size_t width, height, colors, chars_on_px;
	sscanf(xpm[0], "%zu %zu %zu %zu", &width, &height, &colors, &chars_on_px);
	if (width != screen_width) {
		error("load_level: map width(%d) should be the same as screen_width(%d)\n", width, screen_width);
	} else if (chars_on_px != 1) {
		error("load_level: only one char on pixel allowed in map format\n");
	char land_ch = '\0';
	char overlord_ch = '\0';
	char movelord_ch = '\0';
	for (int i = 1; i <= colors; i++) {
		//I assume here that colors are in format: #XXXXXX
		char ch, code[8];
		sscanf(xpm[i], "%1c %*c %s", &ch, code);
		if (strcmp(code, "#000000") == 0) {
			land_ch = ch;
		} else if (strcmp(code, "#FF0000") == 0){
			overlord_ch = ch;
		} else if (strcmp(code, "#FFFF00") == 0){
			movelord_ch = ch;
	if (land_ch == '\0') {
		error("load_level: cannot find LEVEL_RIEVR_MASK in mapfile(%d, %d, %d)", color.r, color.g, color.b);

	level->boxes.tab = NULL;

	overlords->tab = NULL;
	overlords->size = 0;

	size_t lv_start_line = colors + 1;
	int movelord_start = -1;
	for (size_t i = lv_start_line; i < height + lv_start_line; i++) {

		size_t w = 0, start_x = 0;
		for (size_t j = 0; j < strlen(xpm[i]); j++) {
			Rect rect;
			if (xpm[i][j] == land_ch) {
			} else {
				if (w > 0) {
					rect.w = w;
					rect.h = 1;
					rect.x = start_x;
					rect.y = i - lv_start_line;
					vect_add(rect, &level->boxes);
					w = 0;
					start_x = j;
				if (xpm[i][j] == overlord_ch && !part_of_rect(overlord_ch, xpm, i, j)) {
					Rect overlord;
					overlord.x = j + 5;
					overlord.y = i - lv_start_line + 5;
					overlord.w = 38;
					overlord.h = 38;
					overlord.from = overlord.to = 0;
					vect_add(overlord, overlords);
					printf("overlord: %zu, %zu\n", overlord.x, overlord.y);
				} else if (xpm[i][j] == movelord_ch) {
					int part = part_of_rect(movelord_ch, xpm, i, j);

					if (part == 0) {
						movelord_start = j;
					//end of the first line of rentangle
					} else if (part == 1) {
						Rect overlord;
						overlord.x = movelord_start + 5;
						overlord.y = i - lv_start_line + 5;
						overlord.w = 38;
						overlord.h = 38;

						overlord.from = overlord.x;
						overlord.to = j - overlord.w;
						vect_add(overlord, overlords);
						printf("movelord: x: %zu, y: %zu start: %d, end: %d\n", overlord.x, overlord.y, overlord.from, overlord.to);
		if (w != 0) {
			Rect rect;
			rect.w = w;
			rect.h = 1;
			rect.x = start_x;
			rect.y = i - lv_start_line;
			vect_add(rect, &level->boxes);
Exemple #19
void server_thread_generate_moves( server_thread_t* svt, int cycle )
	int i, j;
	tm_sv_client_t* cl;

        //change quest_times to have quests on/off
	int is_quest = ( sv.wl_quest_count &&
				cycle >= sv.quest_times[sv.quest_id] &&
				cycle  < sv.quest_times[sv.quest_id] + sv.wl_quest_duration

	for( i = 0; i < sv.n_clients; i++ )
		cl = sv.clients[i];
		if( cl->tid != svt->tid )	continue;

		tm_entity_movable_t* pl = cl->player;
		rect_t pl_r;
		rect_init4( &pl_r, pl->r.v1.x, pl->r.v1.y, pl->r.v2.x, pl->r.v2.y );
		value_t first_pl_dir = -1;
		for( j = 0; j < sv.n_multiple_actions; j++ )
			if( !sv.randomized_actions )	cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] = sv.m_actions[j];
				int k, aux = rand_n( 100 );
				for( k = 0; k < n_actions; k++ )
					if( aux < sv.m_actions_ratios[k] )	break;
				assert( k < n_actions );
				cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] = k;

			if( cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] == AC_MOVE )
			        //burceam: so, if I understand this correctly, we give random direction and speed
			        //to players; then a bit below, (if( is_quest && ( (act_index % 2) != 0 ) )
			        //we generate a quest move, which will supersede the randomly-establised direction.
				cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] = attribute_type_rand( &entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_SPEED] );
				cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] = attribute_type_rand( &entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_DIR] );

				int act_index = cycle * sv.n_multiple_actions + j;
				if( is_quest && ( (act_index % 2) == 0 ) )
					cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] = cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] / 4;
					if( entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_SPEED].min > cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] )
						cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD] = entity_types[ET_PLAYER]->attr_types[PL_SPEED].min;
				if( is_quest && ( (act_index % 2) != 0 ) )
					cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] = server_thread_generate_quest_move( &pl_r, pl->ent_id );

				if( sv.straight_move )
					if( first_pl_dir == -1 )	
					   first_pl_dir = cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR];
					   cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] = first_pl_dir;

				vect_t move_v;
				vect_scale( &dirs[cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR]], cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD], &move_v );
				vect_add( &pl_r.v1, &move_v, &pl_r.v1 );
				vect_add( &pl_r.v2, &move_v, &pl_r.v2 );
				// TO DO: change to allow multiple move records in file
				//server_register_player_move( pl, i );

				#ifdef PRINT_MOVES
				printf( "cl:%3d cycle:%3d j: %d ;   ", cl->cl_id, cycle, j );
				printf( "pos: %3d,%3d - last_dist %d ;  ", (coord_t)pl->r.v1.x, (coord_t)pl->r.v1.y, cl->last_dist );
				printf( "act: %5s spd: %d dir: %5s\n", action_names[ cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_ID] ],
					cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_SPD], dir_names[ cl->m_actions[j][M_ACT_DIR] ] );
Exemple #20
Fichier : crt.c Projet : arader/crt
color* trace( ray *aray, primitive *scene, int depth, float refr, float *dist,
        int shadows ){
    intersection *isect;
    primitive *prim, *iter;
    vector isect_pt, pn, lv, ln, tmpv1, tmpv2;
    ray tmpr;
    float tmpf1, tmpf2, tmpf3, shade;
    color *tmpc;
    color *c = (color*)malloc( sizeof( color ) );
    if( c == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "*** error: could not allocate color memory\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    c->x = 0.0f;
    c->y = 0.0f;
    c->z = 0.0f;

    isect = intersect( aray, scene );

    if( isect == NULL ) {
        return c;

    *dist = isect->dist;

    prim = isect->prim;

    if( prim->is_light ) {
        vect_copy( c, &(isect->prim->mat.col) );
        free( isect );
        return c;

    vect_copy( &isect_pt, aray->dir );
    vect_multf( &isect_pt, isect->dist );
    vect_add( &isect_pt, aray->origin );

    prim->normal( prim, &isect_pt, &pn );

    iter = scene;
    while( iter != NULL ) {
        if( iter->is_light ) {
            vect_copy( &lv, &iter->center );
            vect_sub( &lv, &isect_pt );

            vect_copy( &ln, &lv );
            vect_normalize( &ln );

            shade = calc_shade( iter, &isect_pt, &lv, &ln, scene, shadows );

            if( shade > 0.0f ) {
                /* determine the diffuse component */
                tmpf1 = prim->mat.diffuse;
                if( tmpf1 > 0.0f ) {
                    tmpf2 = vect_dot( &pn, &ln );
                    if( tmpf2 > 0.0f ) {
                        tmpf1 *= tmpf2 * shade;
                        vect_copy( &tmpv1, &prim->mat.col );
                        vect_mult( &tmpv1, &iter->mat.col );
                        vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf1 );
                        vect_add( c, &tmpv1 );

                /* determine the specular component */
                tmpf1 = prim->mat.specular;
                if( tmpf1 > 0.0f ) {
                    vect_copy( &tmpv1, &pn );
                    vect_copy( &tmpv2, &ln );
                    tmpf2 = 2.0f * vect_dot( &ln, &pn );
                    vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf2 );
                    vect_sub( &tmpv2, &tmpv1 );
                    tmpf2 = vect_dot( aray->dir, &tmpv2 );
                    if( tmpf2 > 0.0f ) {
                        tmpf1 = powf( tmpf2, 20.0f ) * tmpf1 * shade;
                        vect_copy( &tmpv1, &iter->mat.col );
                        vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf1 );
                        vect_add( c, &tmpv1 );

        iter = iter->next;

    /* calculate reflection */
    if( prim->mat.refl > 0.0f && depth < TRACE_DEPTH ) {
        vect_copy( &tmpv1, &pn );
        vect_multf( &tmpv1, 2.0f * vect_dot( &pn, aray->dir ) );
        vect_copy( &tmpv2, aray->dir );
        vect_sub( &tmpv2, &tmpv1 );

        vect_copy( &tmpv1, &tmpv2 );
        vect_multf( &tmpv1, EPSILON );
        vect_add( &tmpv1, &isect_pt );

        tmpr.origin = &tmpv1;
        tmpr.dir = &tmpv2;

        tmpc = trace( &tmpr, scene, depth + 1, refr, &tmpf1, shadows );
        vect_multf( tmpc, prim->mat.refl );

        vect_copy( &tmpv1, &prim->mat.col );
        vect_mult( &tmpv1, tmpc );
        vect_add( c, &tmpv1 );

        free( tmpc );

    /* calculate refraction */
    if( prim->mat.is_refr && depth < TRACE_DEPTH ) {
        vect_copy( &tmpv1, &pn );
        if( isect->inside ) {
            vect_multf( &tmpv1, -1.0f );

        tmpf1 = refr / prim->mat.refr;
        tmpf2 = -( vect_dot( &tmpv1, aray->dir ) );
        tmpf3 = 1.0f - tmpf1 * tmpf1 * (1.0f - tmpf2 * tmpf2);
        if( tmpf3 > 0.0f ) {
            vect_copy( &tmpv2, aray->dir );
            vect_multf( &tmpv2, tmpf1 );
            vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf1 * tmpf2 - sqrtf( tmpf3 ) );
            vect_add( &tmpv1, &tmpv2 );

            vect_copy( &tmpv2, &tmpv1 );
            vect_multf( &tmpv2, EPSILON );
            vect_add( &tmpv2, &isect_pt );

            tmpr.origin = &tmpv2;
            tmpr.dir = &tmpv1;

            tmpc = trace( &tmpr, scene, depth + 1, refr, &tmpf1, shadows );

            vect_copy( &tmpv1, &prim->mat.col );
            vect_multf( &tmpv1, prim->mat.absorb * tmpf1 );

            tmpv2.x = expf( -tmpv1.x );
            tmpv2.y = expf( -tmpv1.y );
            tmpv2.z = expf( -tmpv1.z );

            vect_mult( tmpc, &tmpv2 );
            vect_add( c, tmpc );

            free( tmpc );

    free( isect );

    if( c->x > 1.0f ) {
        c->x = 1.0f;
    else if( c->x < 0.0f ) {
        c->x = 0.0f;

    if( c->y > 1.0f ) {
        c->y = 1.0f;
    else if( c->y < 0.0f ) {
        c->y = 0.0f;

    if( c->z > 1.0f ) {
        c->z = 1.0f;
    else if( c->z < 0.0f ) {
        c->z = 0.0f;

    return c;
Exemple #21
void renderSingleFrame()
	coord_t px,py;			/* player position */
	value_t life;
	float pfx,pfy;			/* interpolated player position (for main player) */

	if( !cl.updated )		return;


	px = cl.pl->r.v1.x;
	py = cl.pl->r.v1.y;
	life = cl.pl->attrs[PL_LIFE];

	/* get new player position */
	updatePosition(&pmd, px,py);
	pfx = pmd.pfx;
	pfy = pmd.pfy;

	/* compute render range */
	vect_init( &cl.pl->r.v1, (coord_t)pfx, (coord_t)pfy );
	vect_add( &cl.pl->r.v1, &cl.pl->size, &cl.pl->r.v2 );
	rect_t render_r = game_action_range( AC_VIEW, cl.pl, &wm.map_r );
	vect_init( &cl.pl->r.v1, px, py );
	vect_add( &cl.pl->r.v1, &cl.pl->size, &cl.pl->r.v2 );

	/* begin rendering */

	/* set camera and lights */  /* position */  /* look at */  /* up direction */
	action_range_t* ar = &action_ranges[AC_VIEW];
	gluLookAt( pfx-ar->front,1.5*ar->front,pfy-ar->front, 	pfx-0.1*ar->front,0.0,pfy-0.1*ar->front,	0,1,0);

	/* draw floor */
	int i, j;
	for ( i = render_r.v1.x; i <= render_r.v2.x; i++ )
		for ( j = render_r.v1.y; j <= render_r.v2.y; j++ )

	/* draw entities */
	int et;
	for( et = n_entity_types-1; et >= 0; et-- )
		pentity_set_t* pe_set = worldmap_get_entities( &render_r, 1 << et );
		elem_t* pos;
		pentity_set_for_each( pos, pe_set )
			render_entity( ((pentity_t*)pos)->ent );
		pentity_set_destroy( pe_set );


	/* get coordinates for the status area */
	SDL_Surface *screen = w.getScreen();
	SDL_Rect rect;
	rect.w = cl.resx;
	rect.h = 40;
	rect.x = 0;
	rect.y = cl.resy - rect.h;

	/* display status */
	SDL_FillRect( screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ) );
	SDL_UpdateRect(screen, rect.x,rect.y, rect.w,rect.h);

	char sbuffer[256];
	SDL_WM_SetCaption( cl.name, NULL);
	if ( cl.state != PLAYING )		sprintf(sbuffer, "%s", client_states[cl.state]);
	else	sprintf(sbuffer, "playing -> %s ( coord = %d,%d life = %d )",	AI_state_names[cl.purpose],	px, py, life);
	font->render(rect.x + 9, rect.y + 2, sbuffer, screen);

	sprintf(sbuffer, "update interval: average = %.1lfms, last = %.1lfms, fps = %.1f",
		cl.average_update_interval, cl.last_update_interval, 1000.0 / frame_render_interval );
	font->render(rect.x + 9, rect.y + 21, sbuffer, screen);

	SDL_UpdateRect(screen, rect.x,rect.y, rect.w,rect.h);

	/* finish frame rendering */
void AD_Object3D::paint_bones(float4 pos, AD_Camera *telecamera, AD_Omnilight *omnilight)
  int w, wl, i;
  AD_Vect3D p1, p2, vtmp, p3;
  AD_Vect3D light_vertex_vector;
  float invz, cosalpha, dist;
  Skin_Bone *b;
  AD_Matrix mat_obj_cam;

  // si portano le luci nello spazio della telecamera
  for (w=0; w<num_omni; w++)

  if ((bones_matrix!=(AD_Matrix **)NULL) &&
	  (skin_modifier==(Skin_Bone **)NULL))
    // calcolo matrice di trasformazione dell'oggetto
    for (w=0; w<num_vertex3D; w++)
	   mat_mulvect(bones_matrix[w], &vertex3D[w].point, &p1);
	   mat_mulvect(&telecamera->currentmatrix, &p1, &vertex3D[w].tpoint);
       if (vertex3D[w].tpoint.z > znear)
         vertex2D[w].xs=telecamera->prospettivaX*(vertex3D[w].tpoint.x*invz) + screen_Xadd;
         vertex2D[w].ys=screen_Yadd - telecamera->prospettivaY*(vertex3D[w].tpoint.y*invz);
	   else vertex3D[w].flags|=1;
       for (wl=0; wl<num_omni; wl++)
          vect_sub_inline(&omnilight[wl].currentpos, &p1, &light_vertex_vector);
          mat_mulvectenv(bones_matrix_rot[w], &normals[w], &p2);
          cosalpha=vect_dot(&p2, &light_vertex_vector);
          //       cosalpha=vect_dot(&normals[w], &light_vertex_vector);
          if (is_float_positive(cosalpha))
	   else FP_BITS(vertex2D[w].R)=FP_BITS(vtmp.x);
	   else FP_BITS(vertex2D[w].G)=FP_BITS(vtmp.y);
	   else FP_BITS(vertex2D[w].B)=FP_BITS(vtmp.z);

    for (w=0; w<num_tria; w++)
       if (((tria[w].v1->flags + tria[w].v2->flags + tria[w].v3->flags + 1) & 3) !=0 )
	      if (tria[w].materiale->flags & IS_TRASPARENT)
          else  *tria[w].materiale->my_tria_list++=&tria[w];
    for (w=0; w<num_tria_RGB; w++)
       if (((tria_RGB[w].v1->flags + tria_RGB[w].v2->flags + tria_RGB[w].v3->flags + 1) & 3) !=0 )
	      if (tria_RGB[w].materiale->flags & IS_TRASPARENT)
          else  *tria_RGB[w].materiale->my_tria_list++=&tria_RGB[w];
  if ((bones_matrix==(AD_Matrix **)NULL) &&
	  (skin_modifier!=(Skin_Bone **)NULL))
    mat_mul(&telecamera->currentmatrix, &currentmatrix, &mat_obj_cam);
    for (w=0; w<num_vertex3D; w++)
	   vect_set(&p3, 0, 0, 0);
	   mat_mulvect(&currentmatrix, &vertex3D[w].point, &p1);
	   while (b[i].skin_matrix!=(AD_Matrix *)NULL)
	      mat_mulvect(b[i].skin_matrix, &p1, &p2);
		  vect_add(&p3, &p2, &p3);
       mat_mulvect(&telecamera->currentmatrix, &p3, &vertex3D[w].tpoint);
       if (vertex3D[w].tpoint.z > znear)
         vertex2D[w].xs=telecamera->prospettivaX*(vertex3D[w].tpoint.x*invz) + screen_Xadd;
         vertex2D[w].ys=screen_Yadd - telecamera->prospettivaY*(vertex3D[w].tpoint.y*invz);
	   else vertex3D[w].flags|=1;

    for (w=0; w<num_tria; w++)
       if (((tria[w].v1->flags + tria[w].v2->flags + tria[w].v3->flags + 1) & 3) !=0 )
	      if (tria[w].materiale->flags & IS_TRASPARENT)
          else  *tria[w].materiale->my_tria_list++=&tria[w];
    for (w=0; w<num_tria_RGB; w++)
       if (((tria_RGB[w].v1->flags + tria_RGB[w].v2->flags + tria_RGB[w].v3->flags + 1) & 3) !=0 )
	      if (tria_RGB[w].materiale->flags & IS_TRASPARENT)
          else  *tria_RGB[w].materiale->my_tria_list++=&tria_RGB[w];
Exemple #23
void AD_PatchObject::Evaluate_vDerivate(AD_Patch *p, float pu, float pv, AD_Vect3D *r)
  AD_Vect3D t;
  AD_Vect3D *vp = verteces;
  AD_Vect3D *vecp = vectors;
  int *v=p->vert;
  int *vec=p->vect;
  int *interior=p->interior;

  float pu2 = pu * pu;
  float pu1 = 1.0f - pu;
  float pu12 = pu1 * pu1;
  float u0 = pu12 * pu1;
  float u1 = 3.0f * pu * pu12;
  float u2 = 3.0f * pu2 * pu1;
  float u3 = pu2 * pu;

  // calcolo la derivata in v delle funzioni base
  float pv2 = pv * pv;
  float pv1 = 1.0f - pv;
  float v0 = -3.0f * pv1 * pv1;
  float v1 = 3.0f * pv1 * (1.0f - 3*pv);
  float v2 = 3.0f * pv * (2.0f - 3*pv);
  float v3 = 3.0f * pv2;

  vect_scale(&vp[v[0]], u0*v0, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[7]], u1*v0, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[6]], u2*v0, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vp[v[3]], u3*v0, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[0]], u0*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[0]], u1*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[3]], u2*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[5]], u3*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[1]], u0*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[1]], u1*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[2]], u2*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[4]], u3*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vp[v[1]], u0*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[2]], u1*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[3]], u2*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vp[v[2]], u3*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
void AD_Object3D::init_normals(void)
// le normali dei triangoli devono essere gia' state calcolate
// vertici triangoli e smoothing groups devono già essare in memoria
   #define normal_err 0.0001f
   // indica l'errore massimo possibile x riciclare una normale: + e' alto il numero piu'
   // si perde qualita' visiva e si guadagna velocita': bisogna trovare un buon compromesso

  int *condivisi;
  int *smooth, *nosmooth; // array di triangoli condivisi da smoothare 
  AD_Vect3D *tempnormal;
  AD_Vect3D normadd;
  int num_condivisi, i, j, tr, num_smooth, num_nosmooth;
  int num_normal, norm;
  float maxerr, err;

  condivisi=new int[num_tria]; // nel caso peggiore tutti i triangoli sono condivisi 
  smooth=new int[num_tria];
  nosmooth=new int[num_tria];
  tempnormal=new AD_Vect3D[num_tria*3]; // nel caso peggiore ci sono 3 normali per triangolo
  for (i=0; i<num_vertex3D; i++)
	// trovo i triangoli che condividono il vertice i
	for (j=0; j<num_tria; j++)
	    if ((tria[j].v1==&vertex3D[i]) ||
			(tria[j].v2==&vertex3D[i]) ||

	while (num_condivisi>0)
	   tr=condivisi[0]; // triangolo di riferimento
	   for(j=1; j<num_condivisi; j++)
	     if ((triasmoothgroup[tr] & triasmoothgroup[condivisi[j]])!=0)

	   // cacolo la normale
	   vect_set(&normadd, 0, 0, 0);
	   for (j=0; j<num_smooth; j++)
          vect_add(&normadd, &tria[smooth[j]].normal, &normadd);

	   // cerco se ne esiste gia' una molto simile
	   while (j < num_normal)
	      // trovo l'errore massimo della normale j
	      if (err < maxerr)
              // trovata normale + precisa
	   if (norm==-1)
	   { // non trovata: la creo
	      vect_copy(&normadd, &tempnormal[num_normal]);

	   for (j=0; j<num_smooth; j++)
	     // la assegno al triangolo (cercando il vertice giusto)
	     if (tria[smooth[j]].v1==&vertex3D[i]) tria[smooth[j]].n1=&tempnormal[norm];
	     if (tria[smooth[j]].v2==&vertex3D[i]) tria[smooth[j]].n2=&tempnormal[norm];
	     if (tria[smooth[j]].v3==&vertex3D[i]) tria[smooth[j]].n3=&tempnormal[norm];
	   // tolgo quelli assegnati e ricompatto gli altri
	   for (j=0; j<num_nosmooth; j++) condivisi[j]=nosmooth[j];
  // copio la parte usata di tempnormal in normal
  normals = new AD_Vect3D[num_normal];
  for (j=0; j<num_normal; j++)
	  vect_copy(&tempnormal[j], &normals[j]);
	  for (i=0; i<num_tria; i++)
		 if (tria[i].n1==&tempnormal[j]) tria[i].n1=&normals[j];
		 if (tria[i].n2==&tempnormal[j]) tria[i].n2=&normals[j];
		 if (tria[i].n3==&tempnormal[j]) tria[i].n3=&normals[j];
  delete [] condivisi;
  delete [] smooth;
  delete [] nosmooth;
  delete [] tempnormal;
  delete [] triasmoothgroup;  // non servono piu'
void test_basic_vector_op(void)
	/* Test the vector operations */

	/*create two vectors and show them*/
	int vector_length = 5;
	double vector_a[5] = {2.5, -10.9, 15.8, 12.2, 7.9};
	double vector_b[5] = {2.5, 0.2, 21.33, 70.1, -0.2};
	double vector_c[5];
	double result = 0.0;
	/*seed the random generator*/
	printf("The two vectors a and b\n");
	show_vector(vector_a, vector_length);
	show_vector(vector_b, vector_length);

	/*vector addition*/
	printf("c = a + b\n");
	/*copy a*/
	memcpy(vector_c, vector_a, vector_length*sizeof(double));
	vect_add(vector_c, vector_b, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 5.0000 -10.7000 37.1300 82.3000 7.7000\n");
	printf("Result: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);

	/*vector subtraction*/
	printf("c = a - b\n");
	/*copy a*/
	memcpy(vector_c, vector_a, vector_length*sizeof(double));
	vect_sub(vector_c, vector_b, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 0.0000 -11.1000 -5.5300 -57.9000 8.1000\n");
	printf("Result: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);

	/*vector scalar multiplication*/
	printf("c = a * 5\n");
	/*copy a*/
	memcpy(vector_c, vector_a, vector_length*sizeof(double));
	vect_scalar_multiply(vector_c, 5, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 12.5000 -54.5000 79.0000 61.0000 39.5000\n");
	printf("Result: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);

	/*vector dot product*/
	printf("c = a .* b\n");
	result = vect_dot_product(vector_a, vector_b, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 1194.72\n");
	printf("Result: %2.2f\n",result);

	/*vector cross product*/
	/*To be completed*/

	/*vector norm*/
	printf("c = |a|\n");
	result = vect_norm(vector_a, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 24.2064\n");
	printf("Result: %2.4f\n",result);

	/*vector rand unit*/
	printf("c is a random vector\n");
	printf("|c| == 1\n");
	vect_rand_unit(vector_c, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("The vector: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);
	result = vect_norm(vector_c, vector_length);
	printf("Expected norm: 1.0000\n");
    printf("Obtained norm: %2.4f\n",result);
Exemple #26
 * Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm.
 * @Note the parameter \p stride which is used to allow for input and output
 * arrays which are 2-dimensional but in column-major (Matlab) order.  We
 * need to access rows from the arrays.
newton_euler (
	Robot	*robot,		/*!< robot object  */
	double	*tau,		/*!< returned joint torques */
	double	*qd,		/*!< joint velocities */
	double	*qdd,		/*!< joint accelerations */
	double	*fext,		/*!< external force on manipulator tip */
	int	stride		/*!< indexing stride for qd, qdd */
) {
	Vect			t1, t2, t3, t4;
	Vect			qdv, qddv;
	Vect			F, N;
	Vect		z0 = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
	Vect		zero = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	Vect		f_tip = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	Vect		n_tip = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	register int		j;
	double			t;
	Link			*links = robot->links;

	 * angular rate and acceleration vectors only have finite
	 * z-axis component
	qdv = qddv = zero;

	/* setup external force/moment vectors */
	if (fext) {
		f_tip.x = fext[0];
		f_tip.y = fext[1];
		f_tip.z = fext[2];
		n_tip.x = fext[3];
		n_tip.y = fext[4];
		n_tip.z = fext[5];

 * forward recursion --the kinematics

	if (robot->dhtype == MODIFIED) {
	    for (j = 0; j < robot->njoints; j++) {

		/* create angular vector from scalar input */
		qdv.z = qd[j*stride]; 
		qddv.z = qdd[j*stride];

		switch (links[j].sigma) {
		case REVOLUTE:
			 * calculate angular velocity of link j
			if (j == 0)
				*OMEGA(j) = qdv;
			else {
				rot_trans_vect_mult (&t1, ROT(j), OMEGA(j-1));
				vect_add (OMEGA(j), &t1, &qdv);

			 * calculate angular acceleration of link j 
			if (j == 0) 
				*OMEGADOT(j) = qddv;
			else {
				rot_trans_vect_mult (&t3, ROT(j), OMEGADOT(j-1));
				vect_cross (&t2, &t1, &qdv);
				vect_add (&t1, &t2, &t3);
				vect_add (OMEGADOT(j), &t1, &qddv);

			 * compute acc[j]
			if (j == 0) {
				t1 = *robot->gravity;
			} else {
				vect_cross(&t1, OMEGA(j-1), PSTAR(j));
				vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j-1), &t1);
				vect_cross(&t1, OMEGADOT(j-1), PSTAR(j));
				vect_add(&t1, &t1, &t2);
				vect_add(&t1, &t1, ACC(j-1));
			rot_trans_vect_mult(ACC(j), ROT(j), &t1);


			 * calculate omega[j]
			if (j == 0)
				*(OMEGA(j)) = qdv;
				rot_trans_vect_mult (OMEGA(j), ROT(j), OMEGA(j-1));

			 * calculate alpha[j] 
			if (j == 0)
				*(OMEGADOT(j)) = qddv;
				rot_trans_vect_mult (OMEGADOT(j), ROT(j), OMEGADOT(j-1));

			 * compute acc[j]
			if (j == 0) {
				*ACC(j) = *robot->gravity;
			} else {
				vect_cross(&t1, OMEGADOT(j-1), PSTAR(j));

				vect_cross(&t3, OMEGA(j-1), PSTAR(j));
				vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j-1), &t3);
				vect_add(&t1, &t1, &t2);
				vect_add(&t1, &t1, ACC(j-1));
				rot_trans_vect_mult(ACC(j), ROT(j), &t1);

				rot_trans_vect_mult(&t2, ROT(j), OMEGA(j-1));
				vect_cross(&t1, &t2, &qdv);
				scal_mult(&t1, &t1, 2.0);
				vect_add(ACC(j), ACC(j), &t1);

				vect_add(ACC(j), ACC(j), &qddv);


		 * compute abar[j]
		vect_cross(&t1, OMEGADOT(j), R_COG(j));
		vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j), R_COG(j));
		vect_cross(&t3, OMEGA(j), &t2);
		vect_add(ACC_COG(j), &t1, &t3);
		vect_add(ACC_COG(j), ACC_COG(j), ACC(j));

#ifdef	DEBUG
		vect_print("w", OMEGA(j));
		vect_print("wd", OMEGADOT(j));
		vect_print("acc", ACC(j));
		vect_print("abar", ACC_COG(j));
	} else {
	    for (j = 0; j < robot->njoints; j++) {

		/* create angular vector from scalar input */
		qdv.z = qd[j*stride]; 
		qddv.z = qdd[j*stride];

		switch (links[j].sigma) {
		case REVOLUTE:
			 * calculate omega[j]
			if (j == 0)
				t1 = qdv;
				vect_add (&t1, OMEGA(j-1), &qdv);
			rot_trans_vect_mult (OMEGA(j), ROT(j), &t1);

			 * calculate alpha[j] 
			if (j == 0) 
				t3 = qddv;
			else {
				vect_add (&t1, OMEGADOT(j-1), &qddv);
				vect_cross (&t2, OMEGA(j-1), &qdv);
				vect_add (&t3, &t1, &t2);
			rot_trans_vect_mult (OMEGADOT(j), ROT(j), &t3);

			 * compute acc[j]
			vect_cross(&t1, OMEGADOT(j), PSTAR(j));
			vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j), PSTAR(j));
			vect_cross(&t3, OMEGA(j), &t2);
			vect_add(ACC(j), &t1, &t3);
			if (j == 0) {
				rot_trans_vect_mult(&t1, ROT(j), robot->gravity);
			} else 
				rot_trans_vect_mult(&t1, ROT(j), ACC(j-1));
			vect_add(ACC(j), ACC(j), &t1);

			 * calculate omega[j]
			if (j == 0)
				*(OMEGA(j)) = zero;
				rot_trans_vect_mult (OMEGA(j), ROT(j), OMEGA(j-1));

			 * calculate alpha[j] 
			if (j == 0)
				*(OMEGADOT(j)) = zero;
				rot_trans_vect_mult (OMEGADOT(j), ROT(j), OMEGADOT(j-1));

			 * compute acc[j]
			if (j == 0) {
				vect_add(&qddv, &qddv, robot->gravity);
				rot_trans_vect_mult(ACC(j), ROT(j), &qddv);
			} else {
				vect_add(&t1, &qddv, ACC(j-1));
				rot_trans_vect_mult(ACC(j), ROT(j), &t1);


			vect_cross(&t1, OMEGADOT(j), PSTAR(j));
			vect_add(ACC(j), ACC(j), &t1);

			rot_trans_vect_mult(&t1, ROT(j), &qdv);
			vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j), &t1);
			scal_mult(&t2, &t2, 2.0);
			vect_add(ACC(j), ACC(j), &t2);

			vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j), PSTAR(j));
			vect_cross(&t3, OMEGA(j), &t2);
			vect_add(ACC(j), ACC(j), &t3);
		 * compute abar[j]
		vect_cross(&t1, OMEGADOT(j), R_COG(j));
		vect_cross(&t2, OMEGA(j), R_COG(j));
		vect_cross(&t3, OMEGA(j), &t2);
		vect_add(ACC_COG(j), &t1, &t3);
		vect_add(ACC_COG(j), ACC_COG(j), ACC(j));

#ifdef	DEBUG
		vect_print("w", OMEGA(j));
		vect_print("wd", OMEGADOT(j));
		vect_print("acc", ACC(j));
		vect_print("abar", ACC_COG(j));

 * backward recursion part --the kinetics

	if (robot->dhtype == MODIFIED) {
	    for (j = robot->njoints - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

		 * compute F[j]
		scal_mult (&F, ACC_COG(j), M(j));

		 * compute f[j]
		if (j == (robot->njoints-1))
			t1 = f_tip;
			rot_vect_mult (&t1, ROT(j+1), f(j+1));
		vect_add (f(j), &t1, &F);

		  * compute N[j]
		mat_vect_mult(&t2, INERTIA(j), OMEGADOT(j));
		mat_vect_mult(&t3, INERTIA(j), OMEGA(j));
		vect_cross(&t4, OMEGA(j), &t3);
		vect_add(&N, &t2, &t4);

		  * compute n[j]
		if (j == (robot->njoints-1))
			t1 = n_tip;
		else {
			rot_vect_mult(&t1, ROT(j+1), n(j+1));
			rot_vect_mult(&t4, ROT(j+1), f(j+1));
			vect_cross(&t3, PSTAR(j+1), &t4);

			vect_add(&t1, &t1, &t3);

		vect_cross(&t2, R_COG(j), &F);
		vect_add(&t1, &t1, &t2);
		vect_add(n(j), &t1, &N);

#ifdef	DEBUG
		vect_print("f", f(j));
		vect_print("n", n(j));

	} else {
	    for (j = robot->njoints - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

		 * compute f[j]
		scal_mult (&t4, ACC_COG(j), M(j));
		if (j != (robot->njoints-1)) {
			rot_vect_mult (&t1, ROT(j+1), f(j+1));
			vect_add (f(j), &t4, &t1);
		} else
			vect_add (f(j), &t4, &f_tip);

		  * compute n[j]

			/* cross(pstar+r,Fm(:,j)) */
		vect_add(&t2, PSTAR(j), R_COG(j));
		vect_cross(&t1, &t2, &t4);

		if (j != (robot->njoints-1)) {
			/* cross(R'*pstar,f) */
			rot_trans_vect_mult(&t2, ROT(j+1), PSTAR(j));
			vect_cross(&t3, &t2, f(j+1));

			/* nn += R*(nn + cross(R'*pstar,f)) */
			vect_add(&t3, &t3, n(j+1));
			rot_vect_mult(&t2, ROT(j+1), &t3);
			vect_add(&t1, &t1, &t2);
		} else {
			/* cross(R'*pstar,f) */
			vect_cross(&t2, PSTAR(j), &f_tip);

			/* nn += R*(nn + cross(R'*pstar,f)) */
			vect_add(&t1, &t1, &t2);
			vect_add(&t1, &t1, &n_tip);

		mat_vect_mult(&t2, INERTIA(j), OMEGADOT(j));
		mat_vect_mult(&t3, INERTIA(j), OMEGA(j));
		vect_cross(&t4, OMEGA(j), &t3);
		vect_add(&t2, &t2, &t4);

		vect_add(n(j), &t1, &t2);
#ifdef	DEBUG
		vect_print("f", f(j));
		vect_print("n", n(j));

	 *  Compute the torque total for each axis
	for (j=0; j < robot->njoints; j++) {
		double	t;
		Link	*l = &links[j];

		if (robot->dhtype == MODIFIED)
			t1 = z0;
			rot_trans_vect_mult(&t1, ROT(j), &z0);

		switch (l->sigma) {
		case REVOLUTE:
			t = vect_dot(n(j), &t1);
			t = vect_dot(f(j), &t1);

		 * add actuator dynamics and friction
		t +=   l->G * l->G * l->Jm * qdd[j*stride]; // inertia
        t += l->G * l->G * l->B * qd[j*stride];    // viscous friction
        t += fabs(l->G) * (
			(qd[j*stride] > 0 ? l->Tc[0] : 0.0) +    // Coulomb friction
			(qd[j*stride] < 0 ? l->Tc[1] : 0.0)
		tau[j*stride] = t;
Exemple #27
// valuta la pezza in (pu, pv) e restituisce il risultato in r
void AD_PatchObject::Evaluate_Patch(AD_Patch *p, float pu, float pv, AD_Vect3D *r)
  AD_Vect3D t;
  AD_Vect3D *vp = verteces_tr;
  AD_Vect3D *vecp = vectors_tr;
  int *v=p->vert;
  int *vec=p->vect;
  int *interior=p->interior;

  float pu2 = pu * pu;
  float pu1 = 1.0f - pu;
  float pu12 = pu1 * pu1;
  float u0 = pu12 * pu1;
  float u1 = 3.0f * pu * pu12;
  float u2 = 3.0f * pu2 * pu1;
  float u3 = pu2 * pu;
  float pv2 = pv * pv;
  float pv1 = 1.0f - pv;
  float pv12 = pv1 * pv1;
  float v0 = pv12 * pv1;
  float v1 = 3.0f * pv * pv12;
  float v2 = 3.0f * pv2 * pv1;
  float v3 = pv2 * pv;

  vect_scale(&vp[v[0]], u0*v0, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[7]], u1*v0, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[6]], u2*v0, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vp[v[3]], u3*v0, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[0]], u0*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[0]], u1*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[3]], u2*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[5]], u3*v1, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[1]], u0*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[1]], u1*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[interior[2]], u2*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[4]], u3*v2, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vp[v[1]], u0*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[2]], u1*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vecp[vec[3]], u2*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
  vect_scale(&vp[v[2]], u3*v3, &t);
  vect_add(r, &t, r);
Exemple #28
Fichier : crt.c Projet : arader/crt
void render( int width, int height, color ***image, primitive *scene,
        int aa_level, int shadows ) {
    float world_left, world_right, world_top, world_bot;
    float delta_x, delta_y;
    float screen_x, screen_y;
    float tmpf;
    int x, y;
    int aa_x, aa_y;
    int aa_root;
    vector origin, dir;
    ray r;
    color *tmpc;

    world_left = -(4.0f * ((float)width / (float)height) );
    world_right = -world_left;
    world_top = 4.0f;
    world_bot = -4.0f;

    /* The amount to shift for each pixel */
    delta_x = (world_right - world_left) / width;
    delta_y = (world_bot - world_top) / height;

    origin.x = 0.0f;
    origin.y = 0.0f;
    origin.z = -5.0f;

    aa_root = (int)sqrt( aa_level );

    screen_y = world_top;
    for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
        screen_x = world_left;
        for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
            for( aa_x = 0; aa_x < aa_root; aa_x++ ) {
                for( aa_y = 0; aa_y < aa_root; aa_y++ ) {
                    dir.x = screen_x + delta_x * aa_x / (float)aa_root;
                    dir.y = screen_y + delta_y * aa_y / (float)aa_root;
                    dir.z = 0.0f;

                    vect_sub( &dir, &origin );
                    vect_normalize( &dir );

                    r.origin = &origin;
                    r.dir = &dir;

                    tmpc = trace( &r, scene, 0, 1.0f, &tmpf, shadows );
                    if( image[y][x] == NULL ) {
                        image[y][x] = tmpc;
                    else {
                        vect_add( image[y][x], tmpc );
                        free( tmpc );

            vect_multf( image[y][x], 1.0f / aa_level );

            screen_x += delta_x;
        screen_y += delta_y;
int calc_angles(binary * b)

	double x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,r,v,k,h[3],R[3],V[3],e_vec[3],vxh1[3],vxh2[3],R_temp[3],theta,edotr,ip;
	double i,z_hat[3] = {0,0,1}, ea, lan_calc, aop_calc, n[3];
	double beta;
	int ret=0;

	//First translate to mass 1 rest frame
	x = b->x2[0] - b->x1[0];
	y = b->x2[1] - b->x1[1];
	z = b->x2[2] - b->x1[2];
	vx = b->v2[0] - b->v1[0];
	vy = b->v2[1] - b->v1[1];
	vz = b->v2[2] - b->v1[2];
	r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
	v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
	k = G*b->mass1 + G*b->mass2;							//here k is the standard gravitational parameter

	//put together vectors of r and v
	R[0] = x;
	R[1] = y;
	R[2] = z;
	V[0] = vx;
	V[1] = vy;
	V[2] = vz;

	//calculate specific angular momentum vector h

	//calculate the eccentricity vector
	vect_mult_scalar(vxh1, 1/k, vxh2, 3);


	//find true anomaly from r
	edotr = dot_prod(e_vec,R,3);

	theta = acos(edotr / ( mag(e_vec,3) * mag(R,3) ) );

	if(dot_prod(R,V,3) < 0)
		theta = 2*PI - theta;
		ret = 1;

	b->true_anomaly = theta;

	i = acos(h[2]/mag(h,3));

	//calculate n, unit normal vector

	lan_calc = atan2(n[0],-n[1]);

	lan_calc = fix_angle(lan_calc);		//keep angles in range 0 to 2*pi

	if(i==0)				//zero inclination makes lan meaningless. Keep it at zero
		lan_calc = 0;

	beta = atan2(-cos(i) * sin(lan_calc) * x + cos(i) * cos(lan_calc) * y + sin(i) * z , cos(lan_calc) * x + sin(lan_calc) * y);
	beta = fix_angle(beta);		//keep angles in range 0 to 2*pi

	aop_calc = PI + beta - theta;
	aop_calc = fix_angle(aop_calc);		//keep angles in range 0 to 2*pi

	ea = acos((mag(e_vec,3) + cos(theta)) / (1.0 + mag(e_vec,3)*cos(theta)));

	b->i_a = i;
	b->la_n = lan_calc;
	b->ao_p = aop_calc;

	return ret;
Exemple #30
Fichier : crt.c Projet : arader/crt
float calc_shade( primitive *light, vector *isect_pt, vector *lv, vector *ln,
        primitive *scene, int shadows ) {
    float shade = 1.0f;
    float l_dist;
    int i;
    ray r;
    vector o, dir;
    intersection *isect;
    primitive *iter;

    if( light->is_light == AREA_LIGHT && shadows > 1 && light->grid != NULL ) {
        for( i = 0; i < shadows; i++ ) {
            dir.x = light->grid[(i&63)*3] +
            dir.y = light->grid[(i&63)*3+1] +
            dir.z = light->grid[(i&63)*3+2] +

            vect_sub( &dir, isect_pt );
            l_dist = vect_length( &dir );
            vect_multf( &dir, 1.0f / l_dist );

            vect_copy( &o, &dir );
            vect_multf( &o, EPSILON );
            vect_add( &o, isect_pt );

            r.origin = &o;
            r.dir = &dir;

            for( iter = scene; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next ) {
                isect = iter->intersect( iter, &r );

                if( isect != NULL &&
                        !iter->is_light && isect->dist < l_dist ) {
                    shade -= 1.0f / shadows;
                    free( isect );

                free( isect );
    else {
        /* setup the ray */
        vect_copy( &o, ln );
        vect_multf( &o, EPSILON );
        vect_add( &o, isect_pt );

        r.origin = &o;
        r.dir = ln;

        l_dist = vect_length( lv );

        for( iter = scene; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next ) {
            isect = iter->intersect( iter, &r );

            if( isect != NULL && !iter->is_light && isect->dist < l_dist ) {
                shade = 0.0f;
                free( isect );

            free( isect );

    return shade;