Exemple #1
	\fn			Matrix operator*( const Matrix &i_matrix, const Vector &i_vector )
	\brief		operator * of Matrix class
	\param		i_matrix the Matrix to be multiplied
	\param		i_vector Vector3 multiplied
	\return		Matrix
	\retval		Result matrix
Matrix operator*( const Matrix &i_matrix, const Vector3 &i_vector )

	assert( (i_matrix._u32Row == 1) || (i_matrix._u32Row == 3) );
	assert( (i_matrix._u32Column == 1) || (i_matrix._u32Column == 3) );

	if( i_matrix._u32Row == 1 )
		Matrix vectorMatrix( 3, 1 );
		vectorMatrix(0, 0) = i_vector.X();
		vectorMatrix(1, 0) = i_vector.Y();
		vectorMatrix(2, 0) = i_vector.Z();

		return i_matrix * vectorMatrix;
		Matrix vectorMatrix( 1, 3 );
		vectorMatrix( 0, 0 ) = i_vector.X();
		vectorMatrix( 0, 1 ) = i_vector.Y();
		vectorMatrix( 0, 2 ) = i_vector.Z();

		return i_matrix * vectorMatrix;

void DrawableVectors::renderImmediateMode(OpenGLContext* oglContext, const MatrixState& matrixState)
    CVF_FAIL_MSG("Not supported on OpenGL ES");
    CVF_ASSERT(m_vertexArray->size() == m_vectorArray->size());


    if (m_colorArray.isNull())

    float vectorMat[16];
    size_t numVectors = m_vectorArray->size();
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < numVectors; i++)
        // Compute/retrieve "matrix"
        vectorMatrix(i, vectorMat);


        if (m_colorArray.notNull())

        // Draw the geometry
        m_vectorGlyph->renderImmediateMode(oglContext, matrixState);



#endif  // CVF_OPENGL_ES
void DrawableVectors::render(OpenGLContext* oglContext, ShaderProgram* shaderProgram, const MatrixState&)

    CVF_ASSERT(m_vertexArray->size() == m_vectorArray->size());
    CVF_ASSERT(m_colorArray.isNull() || (m_colorArray->size() == m_vectorArray->size()));
    CVF_ASSERT(m_vectorGlyph->primitiveSetCount() == 1);

    // Setup Vertex Arrays/vbos 
    const GLvoid* ptrOrOffset = 0;

    if (m_renderWithVBO && m_glyphVerticesAndNormalsBO.notNull() && m_glyphVerticesAndNormalsBO->isUploaded())
        // Bind VBO for vertex and normal data

        glVertexAttribPointer(ShaderProgram::NORMAL, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float)*6, (void*)(sizeof(float)*3));
        glVertexAttribPointer(ShaderProgram::VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float)*6, 0);

        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
        glVertexAttribPointer(ShaderProgram::NORMAL, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, m_vectorGlyph->normalArray()->ptr()->ptr());
        glVertexAttribPointer(ShaderProgram::VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, m_vectorGlyph->vertexArray()->ptr()->ptr());

        glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
        ptrOrOffset = m_vectorGlyphPrimSet->indices()->ptr();

    // Must use manual uniform setting, as setting the uniform through the Uniform* class requires a lookup for location
    // every time, and this is always the same
    GLint vectorMatrixUniformLocation = shaderProgram->uniformLocation(m_vectorMatrixUniformName.toAscii().ptr());
    CVF_ASSERT(vectorMatrixUniformLocation != -1);
    GLint colorUniformLocation = shaderProgram->uniformLocation(m_colorUniformName.toAscii().ptr());
    CVF_ASSERT(colorUniformLocation != -1);

    uint minIndex = m_vectorGlyphPrimSet->minIndex();
    uint maxIndex = m_vectorGlyphPrimSet->maxIndex();
    GLsizei indexCount = static_cast<GLsizei>(m_vectorGlyphPrimSet->indexCount());

    // Set the single color to use
    if (m_colorArray.isNull())
        glUniform3fv(colorUniformLocation, 1, m_singleColor.ptr());

    float vectorMat[16];
    size_t numVectors = m_vectorArray->size();
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < numVectors; i++)
        // Compute the transformation matrix
        vectorMatrix(i, vectorMat);

        // Set this as a uniform to the shader program
        glUniformMatrix4fv(vectorMatrixUniformLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, vectorMat); 

        if (m_colorArray.notNull())
            glUniform3fv(colorUniformLocation, 1, m_colorArray->get(i).ptr());

        // Draw the arrow
        glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, ptrOrOffset);
        glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, minIndex, maxIndex, indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, ptrOrOffset);

    // Cleanup


    // Things to consider for performance:

    // 1) Uniform arrays evt. Uniform buffer objects
    // 2) Texture
    // 3) Texture array

    // GL_ARB_draw_instanced();
    // glDrawElementsInstanced
int main()
	vectorMatrix myMatrix = vectorMatrix(1, 1);

	cout << "Matrix Sorting Program: \n";
	cout << "Allows you to create a custom sixed matrix and then sort its columns by lowest to highest \n";
	cout << "You can run the program multiple times without having to close it \n";
	cout << "once done sorting one, simply run the create command again to resize your matrix \n \n";
	cout << "Commands: \n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "exit: stops the program from running. \n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "create: allows you to create a custom sized matrix. \n";
	cout << "	  entering one value at a time you choose the number of columns and then rows that the matrix will have \n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "sort: sorts the created matrix. \n";
	cout << "	  sorts the values in the matrix in order from lowest to highest in their respective columns \n";
	cout << "\n";

	while (isRunning)
		string input;
		getline(cin, input);

		if (input == "exit")
			isRunning = false;
		else if (input == "create")
			cout << "Using this you may create a matrix of your chosen dimensions \n";
			cout << "Please Enter the number of Columns you would like: \n";
			cout << "\n";

			string firstdimensions;
			getline(cin, firstdimensions);

			std::istringstream sin1(firstdimensions);
			int cols = NULL;
			sin1 >> cols;

			//always check if user wants to leave program
			if (firstdimensions == "exit" || firstdimensions == "Exit")

			cout << "\n";
			cout << "Please Enter the number of Rows you would like: \n";
			cout << "\n";

			string secondDimensions;
			getline(cin, secondDimensions);

			std::istringstream sin2(secondDimensions);
			int rows = NULL;
			sin2 >> rows;

			//always check if user wants to leave program
			if (secondDimensions == "exit" || secondDimensions == "Exit")
			cout << "\n";

			//if the trees were assigned then neither will be null - if any are null then it was not a valid input
			if (rows != NULL && cols != NULL)
				myMatrix = vectorMatrix(cols, rows);
				cout << "\n The following Matrix was created: \n \n";

				cout << "One or more of the selected values were invalid - please tryn again \n";
				cout << "Remember - only input numbers please - no spaces \n";
				cout << "\n";
		else if (input == "help")
void vectorMatrix::reorderMatrix()
	cout << " \n Rearranging the Matrix now. \n";
	int lowestSoFar = INT_MAX;
	int currentRow = NULL;
	int currentCol = NULL;
	int totalRow = NULL;
	int totalCol = NULL;

	//grab the total columns and rows for the matrix
	totalCol = matrix[0].size();
	totalRow = matrix.size();

	//creat one that wil be used to store the values during sorting - but make it the opposite dimensions to the original one
	vectorMatrix transferMatrix = vectorMatrix(totalRow, totalCol);

	vector< vector<int> >::iterator row;
	vector<int>::iterator col;
	//use the iterators once again to iterate through the matrix  only this time insert each value into the transfer matrix
	//this method creates the same matrix but rotated on its side - all rows become columns and columns become rows
	for (row = matrix.begin(); row != matrix.end(); row++)
		currentRow = std::distance(matrix.begin(), row); //use the iterator and distance methods to get the current column and rows that we are in when we need them

		for (col = row->begin(); col != row->end(); col++)
			currentCol = std::distance(row->begin(), col);
			transferMatrix.matrix[currentCol][currentRow] = matrix[currentRow][currentCol];

	vector< vector<int> >::iterator rowTransfer;
	vector<int>::iterator colTransfer;
	int currentRowTransfer = 0;
	//again use iterators to go through - but this time we only need to iterate through the rows of the transfer matrix - on top of that
	// c++ has a built in std::sort which sorts in order from lowest to highest - just like i want - so call this for each row
	for (rowTransfer = transferMatrix.matrix.begin(); rowTransfer != transferMatrix.matrix.end(); rowTransfer++)
		currentRowTransfer = std::distance(transferMatrix.matrix.begin(), rowTransfer);
		std::sort(transferMatrix.matrix[currentRowTransfer].begin(), transferMatrix.matrix[currentRowTransfer].end());

	vector< vector<int> >::iterator rowFinal;
	vector<int>::iterator colFinal;
	//now that the rows in the transfer are all sorted - use iterators once again to rotate them back around to being normal way
	//could probably have just reused iterators and reset them to be more efficient
	for (rowFinal = transferMatrix.matrix.begin(); rowFinal != transferMatrix.matrix.end(); rowFinal++)
		currentRow = std::distance(transferMatrix.matrix.begin(), rowFinal);

		for (colFinal = rowFinal->begin(); colFinal != rowFinal->end(); colFinal++)
			currentCol = std::distance(rowFinal->begin(), colFinal);
			//transferMatrix.matrix[currentCol][currentRow] = matrix[currentRow][currentCol];
			matrix[currentCol][currentRow] = transferMatrix.matrix[currentRow][currentCol];

	//cout << "printing transfer matrix \n"; debug uses
	cout << " \n printing sorted matrix \n";
