Exemple #1
void cinemat_vector_callback(device_t *device, INT16 sx, INT16 sy, INT16 ex, INT16 ey, UINT8 shift)
	cinemat_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<cinemat_state>();
	const rectangle &visarea = device->machine().primary_screen->visible_area();
	int intensity = 0xff;

	/* adjust for slop */
	sx = sx - visarea.min_x;
	ex = ex - visarea.min_x;
	sy = sy - visarea.min_y;
	ey = ey - visarea.min_y;

	/* point intensity is determined by the shift value */
	if (sx == ex && sy == ey)
		intensity = 0x1ff * shift / 8;

	/* move to the starting position if we're not there already */
	if (sx != state->m_lastx || sy != state->m_lasty)
		vector_add_point(device->machine(), sx << 16, sy << 16, 0, 0);

	/* draw the vector */
	vector_add_point(device->machine(), ex << 16, ey << 16, state->m_vector_color, intensity);

	/* remember the last point */
	state->m_lastx = ex;
	state->m_lasty = ey;
Exemple #2
void cinemat_vector_callback(INT16 sx, INT16 sy, INT16 ex, INT16 ey, UINT8 shift)
	int intensity = 0xff;

	/* adjust for slop */
	sx = sx - Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_x;
	ex = ex - Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_x;
	sy = sy - Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_y;
	ey = ey - Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_y;

	/* point intensity is determined by the shift value */
	if (sx == ex && sy == ey)
		intensity = 0x1ff * shift / 8;

	/* move to the starting position if we're not there already */
	if (sx != lastx || sy != lasty)
		vector_add_point(sx << 16, sy << 16, 0, 0);

	/* draw the vector */
	vector_add_point(ex << 16, ey << 16, vector_color, intensity);

	/* remember the last point */
	lastx = ex;
	lasty = ey;
Exemple #3
void CinemaVectorData(int fromx, int fromy, int tox, int toy, int color)
    static int lastx, lasty;

	fromy = cinemat_screenh - fromy;
	toy = cinemat_screenh - toy;

	if (fromx != lastx || fromx != lasty)
		vector_add_point (fromx << 16, fromy << 16, 0, 0);

    if (color_display)
        vector_add_point (tox << 16, toy << 16, VECTOR_COLOR111(color & 0x07), color & 0x08 ? 0x80: 0x40);
        vector_add_point (tox << 16, toy << 16, VECTOR_COLOR111(WHITE), color * 12);

	lastx = tox;
	lasty = toy;
Exemple #4
void CinemaVectorData (int fromx, int fromy, int tox, int toy, int color)
    static int lastx, lasty;

	fromy = cinemat_screenh - fromy;
	toy = cinemat_screenh - toy;

	if (fromx != lastx || fromx != lasty)
		vector_add_point (fromx << VEC_SHIFT, fromy << VEC_SHIFT, 0, 0);

    if (color_display)
        vector_add_point (tox << VEC_SHIFT, toy << VEC_SHIFT, color & 0x07, color & 0x08 ? 0x80: 0x40);
        vector_add_point (tox << VEC_SHIFT, toy << VEC_SHIFT, WHITE, color * 12);

	lastx = tox;
	lasty = toy;
Exemple #5
static void aztarac_process_vector_list()
	INT32 x, y, c, intensity, xoffset, yoffset, color;
	INT32 defaddr, objaddr, ndefs;


	for (objaddr = 0; objaddr < 0x800; objaddr++)
		read_vectorram (objaddr * 2, &xoffset, &yoffset, &c);

		if (c & 0x4000)	break;

		if ((c & 0x2000) == 0)
			defaddr = (c >> 1) & 0x7ff;

			vector_add_point((xcenter + (xoffset << 16)), (ycenter - (yoffset << 16)), 0, 0);

			read_vectorram (defaddr * 2, &x, &ndefs, &c);

			if (c & 0xff00)
				intensity = (c >> 8);
				color = c & 0x3f;

				while (ndefs--)
					read_vectorram (defaddr * 2, &x, &y, &c);

					if ((c & 0xff00) == 0)
						vector_add_point((xcenter + ((x + xoffset) << 16)), (ycenter - ((y + yoffset) << 16)), 0, 0);
						vector_add_point((xcenter + ((x + xoffset) << 16)), (ycenter - ((y + yoffset) << 16)), color, intensity);
				while (ndefs--)
Exemple #6
void sega_generate_vector_list (void)
	int deltax, deltay;
	int currentX, currentY;

	int vectorIndex;
	int symbolIndex;

	int rotate, scale;
	int attrib;

	int angle, length;
	int color;

	int draw;


	symbolIndex = 0;	/* Reset vector PC to 0 */

	 * walk the symbol list until 'last symbol' set

	do {
		draw = vectorram[symbolIndex++];

		if (draw & 1)	/* if symbol active */
			currentX    = vectorram[symbolIndex + 0] | (vectorram[symbolIndex + 1] << 8);
			currentY    = vectorram[symbolIndex + 2] | (vectorram[symbolIndex + 3] << 8);
			vectorIndex = vectorram[symbolIndex + 4] | (vectorram[symbolIndex + 5] << 8);
			rotate      = vectorram[symbolIndex + 6] | (vectorram[symbolIndex + 7] << 8);
			scale       = vectorram[symbolIndex + 8];

			currentX = ((currentX & 0x7ff) - min_x) << VEC_SHIFT;
			currentY = (max_y - (currentY & 0x7ff)) << VEC_SHIFT;
			vector_add_point ( currentX, currentY, 0, 0);
			vectorIndex &= 0xfff;

			/* walk the vector list until 'last vector' bit */
			/* is set in attributes */

				attrib = vectorram[vectorIndex + 0];
				length = vectorram[vectorIndex + 1];
				angle  = vectorram[vectorIndex + 2] | (vectorram[vectorIndex + 3] << 8);

				vectorIndex += 4;

				/* calculate deltas based on len, angle(s), and scale factor */

				angle = (angle + rotate) & 0x3ff;
				deltax = sinTable[angle] * scale * length;
				deltay = cosTable[angle] * scale * length;

				currentX += deltax >> 7;
				currentY -= deltay >> 7;

				color = attrib & 0x7e;
				if ((attrib & 1) && color)
					if (translucency)
						intensity = 0xa0; /* leave room for translucency */
						intensity = 0xff;
					intensity = 0;
				vector_add_point ( currentX, currentY, color, intensity );

			} while (!(attrib & 0x80));

		symbolIndex += 9;
		if (symbolIndex >= vectorram_size)

	} while (!(draw & 0x80));
Exemple #7
static void cchasm_refresh (void)

	int pc = 0;
    int done = 0;
    int opcode, data;
    int currentx = 0, currenty = 0;
    int scalex = 0, scaley = 0;
    int color = 0;
    int total_length = 1;   /* length of all lines drawn in a frame */
    int move = 0;


	while (!done)
        data = cchasm_ram[pc];
   		opcode = data >> 12;
        data &= 0xfff;
        if ((opcode > COLOR) && (data & 0x800))
          data |= 0xfffff000;


		switch (opcode)
        case HALT:
        case JUMP:
            pc = data - 0xb00;
            logerror("JUMP to %x\n", data);
        case COLOR:
            color = VECTOR_COLOR444(data ^ 0xfff);
        case SCALEY:
            scaley = data << 5;
        case POSY:
            move = 1;
            currenty = ycenter + (data << 16);
        case SCALEX:
            scalex = data << 5;
        case POSX:
            move = 1;
            currentx = xcenter - (data << 16);
        case LENGTH:
            if (move)
                vector_add_point (currentx, currenty, 0, 0);
                move = 0;

            currentx -= data * scalex;
            currenty += data * scaley;

            total_length += abs(data);

            if (color)
                vector_add_point (currentx, currenty, color, 0xff);
                move = 1;
            logerror("Unknown refresh proc opcode %x with data %x at pc = %x\n", opcode, data, pc-2);
            done = 1;
    /* Refresh processor runs with 6 MHz */
    timer_set (attotime_mul(ATTOTIME_IN_HZ(6000000), total_length), NULL, 0, cchasm_refresh_end);
Exemple #8
static void sega_generate_vector_list(running_machine &machine)
	segag80v_state *state = machine.driver_data<segag80v_state>();
	UINT8 *sintable = state->memregion("proms")->base();
	double total_time = 1.0 / (double)IRQ_CLOCK;
	UINT16 symaddr = 0;
	UINT8 *vectorram = state->m_vectorram;


	/* Loop until we run out of time. */
	while (total_time > 0)
		UINT16 curx, cury, xaccum, yaccum;
		UINT16 vecaddr, symangle;
		UINT8 scale, draw;

		/* The "draw" flag is clocked at the end of phase 0. */
		draw = vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff];

		/* The low byte of the X coordinate is latched into the        */
		/* up/down counters at U15/U16 during phase 1. */
		curx = vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff];

		/* The low 3 bits of the high byte of the X coordinate are     */
		/* latched into the up/down counter at U17 during phase 2.     */
		/* Bit 2 of the input is latched as both bit 2 and 3. */
		curx |= (vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff] & 7) << 8;
		curx |= (curx << 1) & 0x800;

		/* The low byte of the Y coordinate is latched into the        */
		/* up/down counters at U18/U19 during phase 3. */
		cury = vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff];

		/* The low 3 bits of the high byte of the X coordinate are     */
		/* latched into the up/down counter at U17 during phase 4.     */
		/* Bit 2 of the input is latched as both bit 2 and 3. */
		cury |= (vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff] & 7) << 8;
		cury |= (cury << 1) & 0x800;

		/* The low byte of the vector address is latched into the      */
		/* counters at U10/U11 during phase 5. */
		vecaddr = vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff];

		/* The low 4 bits of the high byte of the vector address is    */
		/* latched into the counter at U12 during phase 6. */
		vecaddr |= (vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff] & 0xf) << 8;

		/* The low byte of the symbol angle is latched into the tri-   */
		/* state flip flop at U55 at the end of phase 7. */
		symangle = vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff];

		/* The low 2 bits of the high byte of the symbol angle are     */
		/* latched into flip flops at U26 at the end of phase 8. */
		symangle |= (vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff] & 3) << 8;

		/* The scale is latched in phase 9 as the X input to the       */
		/* 25LS14 multiplier at U8. */
		scale = vectorram[symaddr++ & 0xfff];

		/* Account for the 10 phases so far. */
		total_time -= 10.0 / (double)U51_CLOCK;

		/* Skip the rest if we're not drawing this symbol. */
		if (draw & 1)
			int adjx, adjy, clipped;

			/* Add a starting point to the vector list. */
			clipped = adjust_xy(state, curx, cury, &adjx, &adjy);
			if (!clipped)
				vector_add_point(machine, adjx, adjy, 0, 0);

			/* Loop until we run out of time. */
			while (total_time > 0)
				UINT16 vecangle, length, deltax, deltay;
				UINT8 attrib, intensity;
				UINT32 color;

				/* The 'attribute' byte is latched at the end of phase 10 into */
				/* the tri-state flip flop at U2. The low bit controls whether */
				/* or not the beam is enabled. Bits 1-6 control the RGB color  */
				/* (2 bits per component). In addition, bit 7 of this value is */
				/* latched into U52, which controls the pre-load value for the */
				/* phase generator. If bit 7 is high, then the phase generator */
				/* will reset back to 0 and draw a new symbol; if bit 7 is low */
				/* the phase generator will reset back to 10 and draw another  */
				/* vector. */
				attrib = vectorram[vecaddr++ & 0xfff];

				/* The length of the vector is loaded into the shift registers */
				/* at U6/U7 during phase 11. During phase 12, the 25LS14       */
				/* multiplier at U8 is used to multiply the length by the      */
				/* scale that was loaded during phase 9. The length is clocked */
				/* bit by bit out of U6/U7 and the result is clocked into the  */
				/* other side. After the multiply, the 9 MSBs are loaded into  */
				/* the counter chain at U15/16/17 and are used to count how    */
				/* long to draw the vector. */
				length = (vectorram[vecaddr++ & 0xfff] * scale) >> 7;

				/* The vector angle low byte is latched at the end of phase 12 */
				/* into the tri-state flip flop at U56. */
				vecangle = vectorram[vecaddr++ & 0xfff];

				/* The vector angle high byte is preset on the CD bus during   */
				/* phases 13 and 14, and is used as inputs to the adder at     */
				/* U46. */
				vecangle |= (vectorram[vecaddr++ & 0xfff] & 3) << 8;

				/* The X increment value is looked up first (phase 13). The    */
				/* sum of the latched symbol angle and the vector angle is     */
				/* used as input to the PROM at U39. A0 is tied to ground.     */
				/* A1-A9 map to bits 0-8 of the summed angles. The output from */
				/* the PROM is latched into U48. */
				deltax = sintable[((vecangle + symangle) & 0x1ff) << 1];

				/* The Y increment value is looked up second (phase 14). The   */
				/* angle sum is used once again as the input to the PROM, but  */
				/* this time an additional 0x100 is effectively added to it    */
				/* before it is used; this separates sin from cos. The output  */
				/* from the PROM is latched into U49. */
				deltay = sintable[((vecangle + symangle + 0x100) & 0x1ff) << 1];

				/* Account for the 4 phases for data fetching. */
				total_time -= 4.0 / (double)U51_CLOCK;

				/* Compute color/intensity values from the attributes */
				color = VECTOR_COLOR222((attrib >> 1) & 0x3f);
				if ((attrib & 1) && color)
					intensity = 0xff;
					intensity = 0;

				/* Loop over the length of the vector. */
				clipped = adjust_xy(state, curx, cury, &adjx, &adjy);
				xaccum = yaccum = 0;
				while (length-- != 0 && total_time > 0)
					int newclip;

					/* The adders at U44/U45 are used as X accumulators. The value */
					/* from U48 is repeatedly added to itself here. The carry out  */
					/* of bit 8 clocks the up/down counters at U15/U16/U17. Bit 7  */
					/* of the input value from U48 is used as a carry in to round  */
					/* small values downward and larger values upward. */
					xaccum += deltax + (deltax >> 7);

					/* Bit 9 of the summed angles controls the direction the up/   */
					/* down counters at U15/U16/U17. */
					if (((vecangle + symangle) & 0x200) == 0)
						curx += xaccum >> 8;
						curx -= xaccum >> 8;
					xaccum &= 0xff;

					/* The adders at U46/U47 are used as Y accumulators. The value */
					/* from U49 is repeatedly added to itself here. The carry out  */
					/* of bit 8 clocks the up/down counters at U18/U19/U20. Bit 7  */
					/* of the input value from U49 is used as a carry in to round  */
					/* small values downward and larger values upward. */
					yaccum += deltay + (deltay >> 7);

					/* Bit 9 of the summed angles controls the direction the up/   */
					/* down counters at U18/U19/U20. */
					if (((vecangle + symangle + 0x100) & 0x200) == 0)
						cury += yaccum >> 8;
						cury -= yaccum >> 8;
					yaccum &= 0xff;

					/* Apply the clipping from the DAC circuit. If the values clip */
					/* the beam is turned off, but the computations continue right */
					/* on going. */
					newclip = adjust_xy(state, curx, cury, &adjx, &adjy);
					if (newclip != clipped)
						/* if we're just becoming unclipped, add an empty point */
						if (!newclip)
							vector_add_point(machine, adjx, adjy, 0, 0);

						/* otherwise, add a colored point */
							vector_add_point(machine, adjx, adjy, color, intensity);
					clipped = newclip;

					/* account for vector drawing time */
					total_time -= 1.0 / (double)VCL_CLOCK;

				/* We're done; if we are not clipped, add a final point. */
				if (!clipped)
					vector_add_point(machine, adjx, adjy, color, intensity);

				/* if the high bit of the attribute is set, we break out of   */
				/* this loop and fetch another symbol */
				if (attrib & 0x80)
Exemple #9
INLINE void aztarac_vector (int x, int y, int color, int intensity)
    if (translucency) intensity *= 0.8;
    vector_add_point (xcenter + (x << VEC_SHIFT), ycenter - (y << VEC_SHIFT), color, intensity);
Exemple #10
static void cchasm_refresh (running_machine &machine)
    cchasm_state *state = machine.driver_data<cchasm_state>();

    int pc = 0;
    int done = 0;
    int opcode, data;
    int currentx = 0, currenty = 0;
    int scalex = 0, scaley = 0;
    int color = 0;
    int total_length = 1;   /* length of all lines drawn in a frame */
    int move = 0;


    while (!done)
        data = state->m_ram[pc];
        opcode = data >> 12;
        data &= 0xfff;
        if ((opcode > COLOR) && (data & 0x800))
            data |= 0xfffff000;


        switch (opcode)
        case HALT:
        case JUMP:
            pc = data - 0xb00;
            logerror("JUMP to %x\n", data);
        case COLOR:
            color = VECTOR_COLOR444(data ^ 0xfff);
        case SCALEY:
            scaley = data << 5;
        case POSY:
            move = 1;
            currenty = state->m_ycenter + (data << 16);
        case SCALEX:
            scalex = data << 5;
        case POSX:
            move = 1;
            currentx = state->m_xcenter - (data << 16);
        case LENGTH:
            if (move)
                vector_add_point (machine, currentx, currenty, 0, 0);
                move = 0;

            currentx -= data * scalex;
            currenty += data * scaley;

            total_length += abs(data);

            if (color)
                vector_add_point (machine, currentx, currenty, color, 0xff);
                move = 1;
            logerror("Unknown refresh proc opcode %x with data %x at pc = %x\n", opcode, data, pc-2);
            done = 1;
    /* Refresh processor runs with 6 MHz */
    machine.scheduler().timer_set (attotime::from_hz(6000000) * total_length, FUNC(cchasm_refresh_end));