Exemple #1
int network_manager_unregister_peer_for_polling(struct network_manager* nm, struct network_peer* peer)
    uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)peer; 
    int* psock = NULL;
    int sock;

    JLG(psock, nm->poll_socket_by_peer, p);
    if(psock == NULL) return -1; // doesn't exist
    sock = *psock;

    int rc;
    JLD(rc, nm->poll_socket_by_peer, p);

    FD_CLR(sock, &nm->poll_read_fds);
    FD_CLR(sock, &nm->poll_write_fds);
    FD_CLR(sock, &nm->poll_exception_fds);

    if(sock == nm->poll_max_fd) {
        size_t num_fds = vector_count(&nm->poll_fds);

        // Need to figure out what the previous max fd was, which means..
        qsort(vector_data(&nm->poll_fds), (size_t)num_fds, sizeof(uintptr_t), compint);
        int old_fd = (int)vector_pop(&nm->poll_fds);
        assert(old_fd == sock);

        nm->poll_max_fd = 0;
        if(num_fds > 1) {
            nm->poll_max_fd = vector_get(&nm->poll_fds, num_fds - 2);

    return 0;
Exemple #2
void dylan_format (STREAM stream, D dylan_string, D dylan_arguments) {
  BOOL  percent_p = FALSE;
  char* string = string_data(dylan_string);
  D*    arguments = vector_data(dylan_arguments);
  int   argument_count = vector_size(dylan_arguments),
        argument_index = 0,
        size = (int)strlen(string),
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    char c = string[i];
    if (percent_p) {
      char cc = (char)toupper(c);
      switch (cc) {
        case 'S': case 'C':
          if (argument_index < argument_count)
            print_object(stream, arguments[argument_index++], FALSE, 0);
            put_string("**MISSING**", stream);
        case '=':
          if (argument_index < argument_count)
            print_object(stream, arguments[argument_index++], TRUE, 0);
            put_string("**MISSING**", stream);
        case 'D': case 'X': case 'O': case 'B':
          if (argument_index < argument_count)
            print_object(stream, arguments[argument_index++], (BOOL)cc, 0);
            put_string("**MISSING**", stream);
        case '%':
          put_char('%', stream); break;
        default: ;
      percent_p = FALSE;
    } else if (c == '%')
      percent_p = TRUE;
      put_char(c, stream);
Exemple #3
D c_primitive_stop_timer()
  getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &stop);

  stop.ru_utime.tv_usec -= start.ru_utime.tv_usec;
  stop.ru_utime.tv_sec -= start.ru_utime.tv_sec;

  if (stop.ru_utime.tv_usec < 0) {
    stop.ru_utime.tv_usec += 1000000;
    stop.ru_utime.tv_sec -= 1;

    SOV* value = make_dylan_vector(2);
    D* data = (D*)vector_data(value);
    data[0] = I(stop.ru_utime.tv_sec);
    data[1] = I(stop.ru_utime.tv_usec);
Exemple #4
void RBEvaluation::read_in_vectors(System& sys,
                                   std::vector<NumericVector<Number>*>& vectors,
                                   const std::string& directory_name,
                                   const std::string& data_name,
                                   const bool read_binary_vectors)
  START_LOG("read_in_vectors()", "RBEvaluation");

  //libMesh::out << "Reading in the basis functions..." << std::endl;

  // Make sure processors are synced up before we begin

  std::ostringstream file_name;
  const std::string basis_function_suffix = (read_binary_vectors ? ".xdr" : ".dat");
  struct stat stat_info;

  file_name << directory_name << "/" << data_name << "_header" << basis_function_suffix;
  Xdr header_data(file_name.str(),
                  read_binary_vectors ? DECODE : READ);

  // set the version number in header_data from io_version_string
  // (same code as in EquationSystemsIO::_read_impl)
  std::string io_version_string = get_io_version_string();
  std::string::size_type lm_pos = io_version_string.find("libMesh");
  std::istringstream iss(io_version_string.substr(lm_pos + 8));
  int ver_major = 0, ver_minor = 0, ver_patch = 0;
  char dot;
  iss >> ver_major >> dot >> ver_minor >> dot >> ver_patch;
  header_data.set_version(LIBMESH_VERSION_ID(ver_major, ver_minor, ver_patch));

  // We need to call sys.read_header (e.g. to set _written_var_indices properly),
  // but by setting the read_header argument to false, it doesn't reinitialize the system
  sys.read_header(header_data, io_version_string, /*read_header=*/false, /*read_additional_data=*/false);

  // Following EquationSystemsIO::read, we use a temporary numbering (node major)
  // before writing out the data

  const bool read_legacy_format = false;
  if (read_legacy_format)
      // Use System::read_serialized_data to read in the basis functions
      // into this->solution and then swap with the appropriate
      // of basis function.
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++)
          file_name.str(""); // reset the string
          file_name << directory_name << "/" << data_name << i << basis_function_suffix;

          // On processor zero check to be sure the file exists
          if (this->processor_id() == 0)
              int stat_result = stat(file_name.str().c_str(), &stat_info);

              if (stat_result != 0)
                libmesh_error_msg("File does not exist: " << file_name.str());

          Xdr vector_data(file_name.str(),
                          read_binary_vectors ? DECODE : READ);

          // The bf_data needs to know which version to read.
          vector_data.set_version(LIBMESH_VERSION_ID(ver_major, ver_minor, ver_patch));

          sys.read_serialized_data(vector_data, false);

          vectors[i] = NumericVector<Number>::build(sys.comm()).release();
          vectors[i]->init (sys.n_dofs(), sys.n_local_dofs(), false, PARALLEL);

          // No need to copy, just swap
          // *vectors[i] = *solution;

  // new implementation
      // Allocate storage for each vector
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++)
          vectors[i] = NumericVector<Number>::build(sys.comm()).release();
          vectors[i]->init (sys.n_dofs(), sys.n_local_dofs(), false, PARALLEL);

      file_name << directory_name << "/" << data_name << "_data" << basis_function_suffix;

      // On processor zero check to be sure the file exists
      if (this->processor_id() == 0)
          int stat_result = stat(file_name.str().c_str(), &stat_info);

          if (stat_result != 0)
            libmesh_error_msg("File does not exist: " << file_name.str());

      Xdr vector_data(file_name.str(),
                      read_binary_vectors ? DECODE : READ);

      // The vector_data needs to know which version to read.
      vector_data.set_version(LIBMESH_VERSION_ID(ver_major, ver_minor, ver_patch));

      sys.read_serialized_vectors (vector_data, vectors);

  // Undo the temporary renumbering

  //libMesh::out << "Finished reading in the basis functions..." << std::endl;

  STOP_LOG("read_in_vectors()", "RBEvaluation");
Exemple #5
void RBEvaluation::read_in_vectors_from_multiple_files(
  System& sys,
  std::vector< std::vector<NumericVector<Number>*>* > multiple_vectors,
  const std::vector<std::string>& multiple_directory_names,
  const std::vector<std::string>& multiple_data_names,
  const bool read_binary_vectors)
  START_LOG("read_in_vectors_from_multiple_files()", "RBEvaluation");

  unsigned int n_files = multiple_vectors.size();
  unsigned int n_directories = multiple_directory_names.size();
  unsigned int n_data_names = multiple_data_names.size();
  libmesh_assert( (n_files == n_directories) && (n_files == n_data_names) );

  if(n_files == 0)

  // Make sure processors are synced up before we begin

  std::ostringstream file_name;
  const std::string basis_function_suffix = (read_binary_vectors ? ".xdr" : ".dat");
  struct stat stat_info;

  // Assume that all the headers are the same, hence we can just use the first one.
  file_name << multiple_directory_names[0] << "/"
    << multiple_data_names[0] << "_header" << basis_function_suffix;
  Xdr header_data(file_name.str(),
                  read_binary_vectors ? DECODE : READ);

  // set the version number in header_data from io_version_string
  // (same code as in EquationSystemsIO::_read_impl)
  std::string io_version_string = get_io_version_string();
  std::string::size_type lm_pos = io_version_string.find("libMesh");
  std::istringstream iss(io_version_string.substr(lm_pos + 8));
  int ver_major = 0, ver_minor = 0, ver_patch = 0;
  char dot;
  iss >> ver_major >> dot >> ver_minor >> dot >> ver_patch;
  header_data.set_version(LIBMESH_VERSION_ID(ver_major, ver_minor, ver_patch));

  // We need to call sys.read_header (e.g. to set _written_var_indices properly),
  // but by setting the read_header argument to false, it doesn't reinitialize the system
    header_data, io_version_string, /*read_header=*/false, /*read_additional_data=*/false);

  // Following EquationSystemsIO::read, we use a temporary numbering (node major)
  // before writing out the data

  for(unsigned int data_index=0; data_index<n_directories; data_index++)
    std::vector<NumericVector<Number>*>& vectors = *multiple_vectors[data_index];

    // Allocate storage for each vector
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++)
      vectors[i] = NumericVector<Number>::build(

      vectors[i]->init (

    file_name << multiple_directory_names[data_index]
      << "/" << multiple_data_names[data_index]
      << "_data" << basis_function_suffix;

    // On processor zero check to be sure the file exists
    if (this->processor_id() == 0)
      int stat_result = stat(file_name.str().c_str(), &stat_info);

      if (stat_result != 0)
        libmesh_error_msg("File does not exist: " << file_name.str());

    Xdr vector_data(file_name.str(),
                    read_binary_vectors ? DECODE : READ);

    // The vector_data needs to know which version to read.
    vector_data.set_version(LIBMESH_VERSION_ID(ver_major, ver_minor, ver_patch));

    sys.read_serialized_vectors (vector_data, vectors);

  // Undo the temporary renumbering

  STOP_LOG("read_in_vectors_from_multiple_files()", "RBEvaluation");