Exemple #1
 * Take in a collection of exclusive sub engines and produces a tamarama, also
 * returns via out_top_remap, a mapping indicating how tops in the subengines in
 * relate to the tamarama's tops.
aligned_unique_ptr<NFA> buildTamarama(const TamaInfo &tamaInfo, const u32 queue,
                        map<pair<const NFA *, u32>, u32> &out_top_remap) {
    vector<u32> top_base;
    remapTops(tamaInfo, top_base, out_top_remap);

    size_t subSize = tamaInfo.subengines.size();
    DEBUG_PRINTF("subSize:%lu\n", subSize);
    size_t total_size =
        sizeof(NFA) +               // initial NFA structure
        sizeof(Tamarama) +          // Tamarama structure
        sizeof(u32) * subSize +     // base top event value for subengines,
                                    // used for top remapping at runtime
        sizeof(u32) * subSize + 64; // offsets to subengines in bytecode and
                                    // padding for subengines

    for (const auto &sub : tamaInfo.subengines) {
        total_size += ROUNDUP_CL(sub->length);

    // use subSize as a sentinel value for no active subengines,
    // so add one to subSize here
    u32 activeIdxSize = calcPackedBytes(subSize + 1);
    aligned_unique_ptr<NFA> nfa = aligned_zmalloc_unique<NFA>(total_size);
    nfa->type = verify_u8(TAMARAMA_NFA_0);
    nfa->length = verify_u32(total_size);
    nfa->queueIndex = queue;

    char *ptr = (char *)nfa.get() + sizeof(NFA);
    char *base_offset = ptr;
    Tamarama *t = (Tamarama *)ptr;
    t->numSubEngines = verify_u32(subSize);
    t->activeIdxSize = verify_u8(activeIdxSize);

    ptr += sizeof(Tamarama);
    copy_bytes(ptr, top_base);
    ptr += byte_length(top_base);

    u32 *offsets = (u32*)ptr;
    char *sub_nfa_offset = ptr + sizeof(u32) * subSize;
    copyInSubnfas(base_offset, *nfa, tamaInfo, offsets, sub_nfa_offset,
    assert((size_t)(sub_nfa_offset - (char *)nfa.get()) <= total_size);
    return nfa;
Exemple #2
template <class LbrStruct> static
void fillNfa(NFA *nfa, lbr_common *c, ReportID report, const depth &repeatMin,
             const depth &repeatMax, u32 minPeriod, enum RepeatType rtype) {

    RepeatStateInfo rsi(rtype, repeatMin, repeatMax, minPeriod);

    DEBUG_PRINTF("selected %s model for {%s,%s} repeat\n",
                 repeatTypeName(rtype), repeatMin.str().c_str(),

    // Fill the lbr_common structure first. Note that the RepeatInfo structure
    // directly follows the LbrStruct.
    const u32 info_offset = sizeof(LbrStruct);
    c->repeatInfoOffset = info_offset;
    c->report = report;

    RepeatInfo *info = (RepeatInfo *)((char *)c + info_offset);
    info->type = verify_u8(rtype);
    info->repeatMin = depth_to_u32(repeatMin);
    info->repeatMax = depth_to_u32(repeatMax);
    info->stateSize = rsi.stateSize;
    info->packedCtrlSize = rsi.packedCtrlSize;
    info->horizon = rsi.horizon;
    info->minPeriod = minPeriod;
    copy_bytes(&info->packedFieldSizes, rsi.packedFieldSizes);
    info->patchCount = rsi.patchCount;
    info->patchSize = rsi.patchSize;
    info->encodingSize = rsi.encodingSize;
    info->patchesOffset = rsi.patchesOffset;

    // Fill the NFA structure.
    nfa->nPositions = repeatMin;
    nfa->streamStateSize = verify_u32(rsi.packedCtrlSize + rsi.stateSize);
    nfa->scratchStateSize = (u32)sizeof(lbr_state);
    nfa->minWidth = verify_u32(repeatMin);
    nfa->maxWidth = repeatMax.is_finite() ? verify_u32(repeatMax) : 0;

    // Fill the lbr table for sparse lbr model.
    if (rtype == REPEAT_SPARSE_OPTIMAL_P) {
        u64a *table = getTable<LbrStruct>(nfa);
        // Adjust table length according to the optimal patch length.
        size_t len = nfa->length;
        assert((u32)repeatMax >= rsi.patchSize);
        len -= sizeof(u64a) * ((u32)repeatMax - rsi.patchSize);
        nfa->length = verify_u32(len);
        info->length = verify_u32(sizeof(RepeatInfo)
                                  + sizeof(u64a) * (rsi.patchSize + 1));
        copy_bytes(table, rsi.table);
Exemple #3
template <class LbrStruct> static
aligned_unique_ptr<NFA> makeLbrNfa(NFAEngineType nfa_type,
                                   enum RepeatType rtype,
                                   const depth &repeatMax) {
    size_t tableLen = 0;
    if (rtype == REPEAT_SPARSE_OPTIMAL_P) {
        tableLen = sizeof(u64a) * (repeatMax + 1);
    size_t len = sizeof(NFA) + sizeof(LbrStruct) + sizeof(RepeatInfo) +
                 tableLen + sizeof(u64a);
    aligned_unique_ptr<NFA> nfa = aligned_zmalloc_unique<NFA>(len);
    nfa->type = verify_u8(nfa_type);
    nfa->length = verify_u32(len);
    return nfa;
Exemple #4
vector<u8> findLeftOffsetStopAlphabet(const CastleProto &castle,
                                      UNUSED som_type som) {
    const depth max_width = findMaxWidth(castle);
    DEBUG_PRINTF("castle has reach %s and max width %s\n",

    const CharReach escape = ~castle.reach(); // invert reach for stop chars.

    u32 d = min(max_width, depth(MAX_STOP_DEPTH));
    const u8 mask = verify_u8((1U << d) - 1);

    vector<u8> stop(N_CHARS, 0);

    for (size_t c = escape.find_first(); c != escape.npos;
         c = escape.find_next(c)) {
        stop[c] |= mask;

    return stop;
Exemple #5
bool findDVerm(const vector<const hwlmLiteral *> &lits, AccelAux *aux) {
    const hwlmLiteral &first = *lits.front();

    struct candidate {
            : c1(0), c2(0), max_offset(0), b5insens(false), valid(false) {}
        candidate(const hwlmLiteral &base, u32 offset)
            : c1(base.s[offset]), c2(base.s[offset + 1]), max_offset(0),
              b5insens(false), valid(true) {}
        char c1;
        char c2;
        u32 max_offset;
        bool b5insens;
        bool valid;

        bool operator>(const candidate &other) const {
            if (!valid) {
                return false;

            if (!other.valid) {
                return true;

            if (other.cdiffers() && !cdiffers()) {
                return false;

            if (!other.cdiffers() && cdiffers()) {
                return true;

            if (!other.b5insens && b5insens) {
                return false;

            if (other.b5insens && !b5insens) {
                return true;

            if (max_offset > other.max_offset) {
                return false;

            return true;

        bool cdiffers(void) const {
            if (!b5insens) {
                return c1 != c2;
            return (c1 & CASE_CLEAR) != (c2 & CASE_CLEAR);

    candidate best;

    for (u32 i = 0; i < MIN(MAX_ACCEL_OFFSET, first.s.length()) - 1; i++) {
        candidate curr(first, i);

        /* check to see if this pair appears in each string */
        for (const auto &lit_ptr : lits) {
            const hwlmLiteral &lit = *lit_ptr;
            if (lit.nocase && (ourisalpha(curr.c1) || ourisalpha(curr.c2))) {
                curr.b5insens = true; /* no choice but to be case insensitive */

            bool found = false;
            bool found_nc = false;
            for (u32 j = 0;
                 !found && j < MIN(MAX_ACCEL_OFFSET, lit.s.length()) - 1; j++) {
                found |= curr.c1 == lit.s[j] && curr.c2 == lit.s[j + 1];
                found_nc |= (curr.c1 & CASE_CLEAR) == (lit.s[j] & CASE_CLEAR)
                    && (curr.c2 & CASE_CLEAR) == (lit.s[j + 1] & CASE_CLEAR);

                if (curr.b5insens) {
                    found = found_nc;

            if (!curr.b5insens && !found && found_nc) {
                curr.b5insens = true;
                found = true;

            if (!found) {
                goto next_candidate;

        /* check to find the max offset where this appears */
        for (const auto &lit_ptr : lits) {
            const hwlmLiteral &lit = *lit_ptr;
            for (u32 j = 0; j < MIN(MAX_ACCEL_OFFSET, lit.s.length()) - 1;
                 j++) {
                bool found = false;
                if (curr.b5insens) {
                    found = (curr.c1 & CASE_CLEAR) == (lit.s[j] & CASE_CLEAR)
                     && (curr.c2 & CASE_CLEAR) == (lit.s[j + 1] & CASE_CLEAR);
                } else {
                    found = curr.c1 == lit.s[j] && curr.c2 == lit.s[j + 1];

                if (found) {
                    curr.max_offset = MAX(curr.max_offset, j);

        if (curr > best) {
            best = curr;


    if (!best.valid) {
        return false;

    aux->dverm.offset = verify_u8(best.max_offset);

    if (!best.b5insens) {
        aux->dverm.accel_type = ACCEL_DVERM;
        aux->dverm.c1 = best.c1;
        aux->dverm.c2 = best.c2;
        DEBUG_PRINTF("built dverm for %02hhx%02hhx\n",
                     aux->dverm.c1, aux->dverm.c2);
    } else {
        aux->dverm.accel_type = ACCEL_DVERM_NOCASE;
        aux->dverm.c1 = best.c1 & CASE_CLEAR;
        aux->dverm.c2 = best.c2 & CASE_CLEAR;
        DEBUG_PRINTF("built dverm nc for %02hhx%02hhx\n",
                     aux->dverm.c1, aux->dverm.c2);
    return true;
Exemple #6
void findForwardAccelScheme(const vector<hwlmLiteral> &lits,
                            hwlm_group_t expected_groups, AccelAux *aux) {
    DEBUG_PRINTF("building accel expected=%016llx\n", expected_groups);
    u32 min_len = MAX_ACCEL_OFFSET;
    vector<const hwlmLiteral *> filtered_lits;

    filterLits(lits, expected_groups, &filtered_lits, &min_len);
    if (filtered_lits.empty()) {

    if (findDVerm(filtered_lits, aux)
        || findSVerm(filtered_lits, aux)) {

    vector<CharReach> reach(MAX_ACCEL_OFFSET, CharReach());
    for (const auto &lit : lits) {
        if (!(lit.groups & expected_groups)) {

        for (u32 i = 0; i < MAX_ACCEL_OFFSET && i < lit.s.length(); i++) {
            unsigned char c = lit.s[i];
            if (lit.nocase) {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("adding %02hhx to %u\n", mytoupper(c), i);
                DEBUG_PRINTF("adding %02hhx to %u\n", mytolower(c), i);
            } else {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("adding %02hhx to %u\n", c, i);

    u32 min_count = ~0U;
    u32 min_offset = ~0U;
    for (u32 i = 0; i < min_len; i++) {
        size_t count = reach[i].count();
        DEBUG_PRINTF("offset %u is %s (reach %zu)\n", i,
                     describeClass(reach[i]).c_str(), count);
        if (count < min_count) {
            min_count = (u32)count;
            min_offset = i;
    assert(min_offset <= min_len);

    if (min_count > MAX_SHUFTI_WIDTH) {
        DEBUG_PRINTF("min shufti with %u chars is too wide\n", min_count);

    const CharReach &cr = reach[min_offset];
    if (shuftiBuildMasks(cr, &aux->shufti.lo, &aux->shufti.hi) != -1) {
        DEBUG_PRINTF("built shufti for %s (%zu chars, offset %u)\n",
                     describeClass(cr).c_str(), cr.count(), min_offset);
        aux->shufti.accel_type = ACCEL_SHUFTI;
        aux->shufti.offset = verify_u8(min_offset);
