Exemple #1
void Updater::analyzeXmlResponse(QNetworkReply *reply)

	QByteArray xml = reply->readAll();

	QDomDocument doc;

	QString errorMsg;
	int errorLine, errorColumn;

	if (doc.setContent(xml, false, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn) == false) {
		QMessageBox::critical(this, "XML Error", errorMsg + " at line " + QString::number(errorLine) + " column " + QString::number(errorColumn));

	QDomElement rootEl = doc.documentElement();
	for (QDomElement el = rootEl.firstChildElement(); !el.isNull(); el = el.nextSiblingElement()) {
		if (el.tagName() == "version") {
			if (versionCompare(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion(), el.text()) == 1) {
				QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Updates avaible"), tr("A new version of Fado is avaible. Go and download it now."));
		} else if (el.tagName() == "machines") {
			for (QDomElement elMachine = el.firstChildElement("machine"); !elMachine.isNull(); elMachine = elMachine.nextSiblingElement("machine")) {
				Machine::MachineType type = Machine::MachineNull;
				QIcon icon;

				if (elMachine.attribute("type") == "generator") {
					type = Machine::MachineGenerator;
					icon = QIcon(":/icons/gear-small.png");
				} else if (elMachine.attribute("type") == "effect") {
					type = Machine::MachineEffect;
					icon = QIcon(":/icons/funnel-small.png");

				if (type != Machine::MachineNull and searchMachine(elMachine.attribute("member"), elMachine.attribute("code")) == false) {
					QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(icon, elMachine.attribute("author")+" / "+elMachine.attribute("name"), listListWidget);
					item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
					item->setData(Qt::UserRole+1, elMachine.attribute("member"));
					item->setData(Qt::UserRole+2, elMachine.attribute("code"));
					item->setData(Qt::UserRole+3, elMachine.attribute("author"));
					item->setData(Qt::UserRole+4, elMachine.attribute("name"));

			if (listListWidget->count() == 0) {
				QMessageBox::information(this, tr("No updates"), tr("There are no updatable machines"));

Exemple #2
void DefinitionUpdater::checkVersion() {
  // parse reply data for version information
  const QByteArray data(reply->readAll());
  QString remoteversion = parseVersion(data);

  // check for newer version
  if (versionCompare(remoteversion,version)>0) {
    version = remoteversion;
    save = new QFile(filename);
    save->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate);
    if (save) {
      delete save;
      save = NULL;
Exemple #3
void UpdateChecker::parseData(const QByteArray &data) {
	QDomDocument domDocument;
	if (domDocument.setContent(data)){
		QDomElement root = domDocument.documentElement();
		if (root.tagName() != "versions") {
			if (!silent) txsWarning(tr("Update check failed (invalid update file format)."));
		QDomNodeList nodes = root.elementsByTagName("stable");
		if (nodes.count() == 1) {
			QDomElement latestRelease = nodes.at(0).toElement();

			m_latestVersion = latestRelease.attribute("value");

			VersionCompareResult res = versionCompare(m_latestVersion, TXSVERSION);
			if (res == Invalid) {
				if (!silent) txsWarning(tr("Update check failed (invalid update file format)."));
			if (res == Higher) {
				QString text = QString(tr(
					"A new version of TeXstudio is available.<br><br>"
					"Current version: %1<br>"
					"Latest version: %2<br><br>"
					"You can download it from the <a href='%3'>TeXstudio website</a>."
				QMessageBox msgBox;
				msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("TeXstudio Update"));
			} else {
				if (!silent) txsInformation(tr("TeXstudio is up-to-date."));

			ConfigManager::getInstance()->setOption("Update/LastCheck", QDateTime::currentDateTime());
			emit checkCompleted();
  void UpdateCheck::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
    // Read in all the data
    if (!reply->isReadable()) {
                           tr("Network Update Check Failed"),
                           tr("Network timeout or other error."));

    QString version, releaseNotes;
    bool newVersionAvailable = false;

    // reply->canReadLine() always returns false, so this seems to best approach
    QStringList lines = QString(reply->readAll()).split('\n');
    for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
      if (lines[i] == "[Version]" && lines.size() > ++i) {
        version = lines[i];
        if (versionCompare(version))
          newVersionAvailable = true;
      if (lines[i] == "[Release Notes]" && lines.size() > ++i) {
        // Right now just reading in the rest of the file as release notes
        for (int j = i-1; j >=0; --j)
        releaseNotes = lines.join("\n");

    if (newVersionAvailable) {
      QPointer<UpdateDialog> info = new UpdateDialog(qobject_cast<QWidget *>(parent()), releaseNotes);
      delete info;
    // Now we have warned the user, set this version as the prompted version
    *m_versionPrompted = version;

    // We are responsible for deleting the reply object
void DefinitionUpdater::checkReadyRead() {
  // get all data received at the moment (more may follow)
  const QByteArray data(reply->readAll());

  if (save) {
    // consecutive data received
    // -> append it to current file
  } else {
    // no file open -> first data for our request
    // -> parse reply data for version information
    QString remoteversion = parseVersion(data);

    // check for newer version
    if (versionCompare(remoteversion,version)>0) {
      version = remoteversion;
      save = new QFile(filename);
      save->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate);
      if (save) {
void AppUpdater::finishedRead( int id, bool errors )
	// we'll get called here alternately by the setHost( ) request and the actual GET request
	// we don't care about setHost, so just return and wait for the GET response
	if( id != httpGetID )
	QDomDocument doc;
	QString err;
	int line, col;
	if (!doc.setContent(http.readAll(), true, &err, &line, &col))
		headline.setText( "<font size=4>Couldn't contact the update server...</font>" );
		details.setText( QString( "Make sure you're connected to the internet." ) );
		acceptButton.setText( tr("OK") );
		acceptButton.disconnect( ); // make sure it wasn't connected by anything else previously
		connect( &acceptButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
		removeBrowserAndIgnoreButton( );

			this->show( );
	QDomElement channel = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement();
	QDomNodeList items = channel.elementsByTagName("item");
	QPair<QString, QString> latest(MCBUILDER_VERSION, "");
	bool updateAvailable = false;
	for (int i=0, j=items.size(); i<j; i++)
		QDomElement item = items.item(i).toElement();
		if( item.isNull() ) 
		QDomNodeList enclosures = item.elementsByTagName("enclosure");
		for (int k=0, l=enclosures.size(); k<l; k++)
			QDomElement enclosure = enclosures.item(k).toElement();
			if (enclosure.isNull()) continue;
			QString version = enclosure.attributeNS(
				"http://www.andymatuschak.org/xml-namespaces/sparkle", "version", "not-found" );
			// each item can have multiple enclosures, of which at least one
			// should have a version field
			if (version == "not-found") continue;
			if( versionCompare(version, latest.first) > 0 )
				latest.first = version;
				QDomNodeList descs = item.elementsByTagName("description");
				//I(descs.size() == 1);
				QDomElement desc = descs.item(0).toElement();
				latest.second = desc.text();
				updateAvailable = true;

	// add the appropriate elements/info depending on whether an update is available
	if( updateAvailable )
		headline.setText( "<font size=4>A new version of mcbuilder is available!</font>" );
		QString d = QString( "mcbuilder %1 is now available (you have %2).  Would you like to download it?" )
													.arg(latest.first).arg( MCBUILDER_VERSION );
		details.setText( d );
		browser.setHtml( latest.second );
		acceptButton.setText( tr("Visit Download Page") );
		acceptButton.disconnect( );
		ignoreButton.disconnect( );
		connect( &acceptButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( visitDownloadsPage() ) );
		connect( &ignoreButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
		if( textLayout.indexOf( &browser ) < 0 ) // if the browser's not in the layout, then insert it after the details line
			textLayout.insertWidget( textLayout.indexOf( &details ) + 1, &browser );
		if( buttonLayout.indexOf( &ignoreButton ) < 0 ) // put the ignore button on the left
			buttonLayout.insertWidget( 0, &ignoreButton );
		this->show( );
		headline.setText( "<font size=4>You're up to date!</font>" );
		details.setText( QString( "You're running the latest version of mcbuilder, version %1." ).arg( MCBUILDER_VERSION ) );
		acceptButton.setText( tr("OK") );
		acceptButton.disconnect( );
		connect( &acceptButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
		removeBrowserAndIgnoreButton( );
			this->show( );
void UpdateChecker::resultReceiver(QString data)
    QDomDocument xml;

    qDebug() << data;

    QDomElement productxml = xml.firstChildElement("product");
    if (productxml.isNull())
        QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Error"),
              tr("Could not check for updates. Wrong server response."));
        inProgress = false;

    QDomElement urlxml = productxml.firstChildElement("url");

    QString url = urlxml.text();

    QDomNodeList versionsx = xml.elementsByTagName("version");
    if (versionsx.length()==0)
        QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Error"),
              tr("Could not check for updates. No versions found."));
        inProgress = false;

    QString platform;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    platform = "WIN";
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    platform = "MAC";
    if (platform.isEmpty()) platform = "UNIX";
    QStringList versions;
    QMap<QString, QUrl> urls;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<versionsx.length(); i++)
        QDomNode version = versionsx.at(i);
        QDomNode platformx = version.attributes().namedItem("platform");
        if (platformx.isNull()) continue;
        QString vpl = platformx.nodeValue();
        if ((vpl != platform) && (vpl != "ALL")) continue;
        QString ver = version.attributes().namedItem("id").nodeValue();
        QDomElement xurl = version.toElement().firstChildElement("url");
        urls[ver] = QUrl(xurl.text());
    if (!versions.size())
        if (!workSilent)
        QMessageBox::information(NULL, tr("No updates available"),
         tr("You have the latest version of this application."));
        inProgress = false;
    qSort( versions.begin(), versions.end(), versionCompare); // I should write Version class with right compare
    QString version = versions.first();                       // operator and use QMap's auto sorting.
    if (versionCompare(version, QApplication::applicationVersion()))
        QMessageBox msg;
        msg.addButton(tr("Yes"), QMessageBox::YesRole);
        msg.addButton(tr("No"), QMessageBox::NoRole);
        msg.setText(tr("Lastest version is %1. Do you want to update?").arg(version));
        msg.setWindowTitle(tr("Update available"));
        if (msg.buttonRole(msg.clickedButton()) == QMessageBox::YesRole)
        if (!workSilent)
            QMessageBox::information(NULL, tr("No updates available"),
                       tr("You have the latest version of this application."));
    inProgress = false;