void decompose(graph *g, int *decomp, int* dus, int maxVal, int maxId) {
  int* cluster;
  int* nextcluster;
  int iter = 0;
  int total_num = g -> num_nodes;

  cluster = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int*) * total_num);
  nextcluster = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int*) * total_num);
  memset(cluster, NA, sizeof(int) * total_num);
  memset(nextcluster, NA, sizeof(int) * total_num);
  // int* dus = getDus(total_num, decomp, &maxVal, &maxId); // rate = 1/beta beta哪里来

  VertexSet* frontier = newVertexSet(SPARSE, 1, total_num);

  addVertex(frontier, maxId);

  VertexSet *newFrontier;

  int max_dus = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < total_num; i++) {
  	max_dus = max_dus >= dus[i] ? max_dus : dus[i];

  while (frontier->size > 0) {
    iter += 1;
    Decomosition dec(cluster, nextcluster);
    newFrontier = edgeMap(g, frontier, dec, NORETURN);

    frontier = newFrontier;
    // start growing all balls i at the next iter with 
//     // uncluster center i and with maxDu - dus[i] < iter 
//     foreach vertex i in not_cluster {
//       if (iter > du_max - dus[i]) {
//         frontier->add(i);
//       }
//     }
    UpdateFrontier uf(max_dus, iter, dus);
    vertexMap(frontier, uf, YESRETURN);

    ClusterCopy vc(cluster, nextcluster);
    vertexMap(frontier, vc, NORETURN);

Exemple #2
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  long n = GA.n;
  intE* radii = newA(intE,n);
  long* Visited = newA(long,n), *NextVisited = newA(long,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) {
    radii[i] = -1;
    Visited[i] = NextVisited[i] = 0;
  long sampleSize = min(n,(long)64);
  uintE* starts = newA(uintE,sampleSize);
  {parallel_for(ulong i=0;i<sampleSize;i++) { //initial set of vertices
      uintE v = hashInt(i) % n;
    radii[v] = 0;
    starts[i] = v;
    NextVisited[v] = (long) 1<<i;

  vertexSubset Frontier(n,sampleSize,starts); //initial frontier of size 64

  intE round = 0;
    vertexMap(Frontier, Radii_Vertex_F(Visited,NextVisited));
    vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA, Frontier, Radii_F(Visited,NextVisited,radii,round),GA.m/20);
    Frontier = output;
  free(Visited); free(NextVisited); Frontier.del(); free(radii); 
Exemple #3
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  long ratio = P.getOptionLongValue("-r",1000);
  long n = GA.n;
  printf("Nodes: %d Ratio %d\n", n, ratio);

  for(size_t i(0); i < n; ++i) {
     if(i % ratio != 0)
     intE* ShortestPathLen = newA(intE,n);
     int* Visited = newA(int,n);

     //initialize ShortestPathLen to "infinity"
     {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) ShortestPathLen[i] = INT_MAX/2;}
     ShortestPathLen[i] = 0;

     {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) Visited[i] = 0;}

     vertexSubset Frontier(n,i); //initial frontier

     long round = 0;
        if(round == n) {
           //negative weight cycle
           {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) ShortestPathLen[i] = -(INT_E_MAX/2);}
        vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA, Frontier, BF_F(ShortestPathLen,Visited), GA.m/20, DENSE_FORWARD);
        Frontier = output;
Exemple #4
void Foam::CV2D::writeTriangles(const fileName& fName, bool internalOnly) const
    Info<< "Writing triangles to " << fName << nl << endl;
    OFstream str(fName);

    labelList vertexMap(number_of_vertices(), -2);
    label verti = 0;

        Triangulation::Finite_vertices_iterator vit = finite_vertices_begin();
        vit != finite_vertices_end();
        if (!internalOnly || !vit->farPoint())
            vertexMap[vit->index()] = verti++;
            meshTools::writeOBJ(str, toPoint3D(vit->point()));

        Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator fit = finite_faces_begin();
        fit != finite_faces_end();
         || (
             || fit->vertex(1)->internalOrBoundaryPoint()
             || fit->vertex(2)->internalOrBoundaryPoint()
            str << "f";
            for (label i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                str << " " << vertexMap[fit->vertex(i)->index()] + 1;
            str << nl;
Exemple #5
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  long n = GA.n;
  uintE* IDs = newA(uintE,n), *prevIDs = newA(uintE,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) IDs[i] = i;} //initialize unique IDs

  bool* frontier = newA(bool,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) frontier[i] = 1;} 
  vertexSubset Frontier(n,n,frontier); //initial frontier contains all vertices
  while(!Frontier.isEmpty()){ //iterate until IDS converge
    vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA, Frontier, CC_F(IDs,prevIDs),GA.m/20);
    Frontier = output;
  Frontier.del(); free(IDs); free(prevIDs);
Exemple #6
void TriMesh::RemoveUnusedVerts()
  vector<int> vertexMap(verts.size(),-1);
  vector<Vector3> newVerts(verts.size());
  int numVerts=0;
  for(size_t i=0;i<tris.size();i++) {
    for(int k=0;k<3;k++) {
      int v=tris[i][k];
      if(vertexMap[v]==-1) {
bool dgCollisionConvexHull::Create (dgInt32 count, dgInt32 strideInBytes, const dgFloat32* const vertexArray, dgFloat32 tolerance)
	dgInt32 stride = strideInBytes / sizeof (dgFloat32);
	dgStack<dgFloat64> buffer(3 * 2 * count);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
		buffer[i * 3 + 0] = vertexArray[i * stride + 0];
		buffer[i * 3 + 1] = vertexArray[i * stride + 1];
		buffer[i * 3 + 2] = vertexArray[i * stride + 2];

	dgConvexHull3d* convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);
	if (!convexHull->GetCount()) {
		// this is a degenerated hull hull to add some thickness and for a thick plane
		delete convexHull;

		dgStack<dgVector> tmp(3 * count);
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			tmp[i][0] = dgFloat32 (buffer[i*3 + 0]);
			tmp[i][1] = dgFloat32 (buffer[i*3 + 1]);
			tmp[i][2] = dgFloat32 (buffer[i*3 + 2]);
			tmp[i][2] = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgObb sphere;
		sphere.SetDimensions (&tmp[0][0], sizeof (dgVector), count);

		dgInt32 index = 0;
		dgFloat32 size = dgFloat32 (1.0e10f);
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
			if (sphere.m_size[i] < size) {
				index = i;
				size = sphere.m_size[i];
		dgVector normal (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		normal[index] = dgFloat32 (1.0f);
		dgVector step = sphere.RotateVector (normal.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (0.05f)));
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			dgVector p1 (tmp[i] + step);
			dgVector p2 (tmp[i] - step);

			buffer[i * 3 + 0] = p1.m_x;
			buffer[i * 3 + 1] = p1.m_y;
			buffer[i * 3 + 2] = p1.m_z;
			buffer[(i + count) * 3 + 0] = p2.m_x;
			buffer[(i + count) * 3 + 1] = p2.m_y;
			buffer[(i + count) * 3 + 2] = p2.m_z;
		count *= 2;
		convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);
		if (!convexHull->GetCount()) {
			delete convexHull;
			return false;

	// check for degenerated faces
	for (bool success = false; !success;  ) {
		success = true;
		const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray = convexHull->GetVertexPool();

		dgStack<dgInt8> mask(convexHull->GetVertexCount());
		memset (&mask[0], 1, mask.GetSizeInBytes());
		for (dgConvexHull3d::dgListNode* node = convexHull->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dgConvexHull3DFace& face = node->GetInfo();
			const dgBigVector& p0 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[0]];
			const dgBigVector& p1 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[1]];
			const dgBigVector& p2 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[2]];
			dgBigVector p1p0 (p1 - p0);
			dgBigVector p2p0 (p2 - p0);
			dgBigVector normal (p2p0 * p1p0);
			dgFloat64 mag2 = normal % normal;
			if (mag2 < dgFloat64 (1.0e-6f * 1.0e-6f)) {
				success = false;
				dgInt32 index = -1;
				dgBigVector p2p1 (p2 - p1);
				dgFloat64 dist10 = p1p0 % p1p0;
				dgFloat64 dist20 = p2p0 % p2p0;
				dgFloat64 dist21 = p2p1 % p2p1;
				if ((dist10 >= dist20) && (dist10 >= dist21)) {
					index = 2;
				} else if ((dist20 >= dist10) && (dist20 >= dist21)) {
					index = 1;
				} else if ((dist21 >= dist10) && (dist21 >= dist20)) {
					index = 0;
				dgAssert (index != -1);
				mask[face.m_index[index]] = 0;
		if (!success) {
			dgInt32 count = 0;
			dgInt32 vertexCount = convexHull->GetVertexCount();
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
				if (mask[i]) {
					buffer[count * 3 + 0] = hullVertexArray[i].m_x;
					buffer[count * 3 + 1] = hullVertexArray[i].m_y;
					buffer[count * 3 + 2] = hullVertexArray[i].m_z;
					count ++;
			delete convexHull;
			convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);

	dgAssert (convexHull);
	dgInt32 vertexCount = convexHull->GetVertexCount();
	if (vertexCount < 4) {
		delete convexHull;
		return false;

	const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray = convexHull->GetVertexPool();

	dgPolyhedra polyhedra (GetAllocator());
	for (dgConvexHull3d::dgListNode* node = convexHull->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		dgConvexHull3DFace& face = node->GetInfo();
		polyhedra.AddFace (face.m_index[0], face.m_index[1], face.m_index[2]);

	if (vertexCount > 4) {
//		bool edgeRemoved = false;
//		while (RemoveCoplanarEdge (polyhedra, hullVertexArray)) {
//			edgeRemoved = true;
//		}
//		if (edgeRemoved) {
//			if (!CheckConvex (polyhedra, hullVertexArray)) {
//				delete convexHull;
//				return false;
//			}
//		}
		while (RemoveCoplanarEdge (polyhedra, hullVertexArray));

	dgStack<dgInt32> vertexMap(vertexCount);
	memset (&vertexMap[0], -1, vertexCount * sizeof (dgInt32));

	dgInt32 mark = polyhedra.IncLRU();
	dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra);
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dgEdge* const edge = &iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		if (edge->m_mark != mark) {
			if (vertexMap[edge->m_incidentVertex] == -1) {
				vertexMap[edge->m_incidentVertex] = m_vertexCount;
				m_vertexCount ++;
			dgEdge* ptr = edge;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = mark;
				ptr->m_userData = m_edgeCount;
				m_edgeCount ++;
				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge) ;

	m_vertex = (dgVector*) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_vertexCount * sizeof (dgVector)));
	m_simplex = (dgConvexSimplexEdge*) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_edgeCount * sizeof (dgConvexSimplexEdge)));
	m_vertexToEdgeMapping = (const dgConvexSimplexEdge**) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_vertexCount * sizeof (dgConvexSimplexEdge*)));

	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
		if (vertexMap[i] != -1) {
			m_vertex[vertexMap[i]] = hullVertexArray[i];
			m_vertex[vertexMap[i]].m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	delete convexHull;

	vertexCount = m_vertexCount;
	mark = polyhedra.IncLRU();;
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dgEdge* const edge = &iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		if (edge->m_mark != mark) {
			dgEdge *ptr = edge;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = mark;
				dgConvexSimplexEdge* const simplexPtr = &m_simplex[ptr->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_vertex = vertexMap[ptr->m_incidentVertex];
				simplexPtr->m_next = &m_simplex[ptr->m_next->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_prev = &m_simplex[ptr->m_prev->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_twin = &m_simplex[ptr->m_twin->m_userData];

				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge) ;

	m_faceCount = 0;
	dgStack<char> faceMarks (m_edgeCount);
	memset (&faceMarks[0], 0, m_edgeCount * sizeof (dgInt8));

	dgStack<dgConvexSimplexEdge*> faceArray (m_edgeCount);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
		dgConvexSimplexEdge* const face = &m_simplex[i];
		if (!faceMarks[i]) {
			dgConvexSimplexEdge* ptr = face;
			do {
				dgAssert ((ptr - m_simplex) >= 0);
				faceMarks[dgInt32 (ptr - m_simplex)] = '1';
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != face);

			faceArray[m_faceCount] = face;
			m_faceCount ++;
	m_faceArray = (dgConvexSimplexEdge **) m_allocator->Malloc(dgInt32 (m_faceCount * sizeof(dgConvexSimplexEdge *)));
	memcpy (m_faceArray, &faceArray[0], m_faceCount * sizeof(dgConvexSimplexEdge *));
	if (vertexCount > DG_CONVEX_VERTEX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
		// create a face structure for support vertex
		dgStack<dgConvexBox> boxTree (vertexCount);
		dgTree<dgVector,dgInt32> sortTree(GetAllocator());
		dgStack<dgTree<dgVector,dgInt32>::dgTreeNode*> vertexNodeList(vertexCount);

		dgVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
		dgVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 	
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
			const dgVector& p = m_vertex[i];
			vertexNodeList[i] = sortTree.Insert (p, i);
			minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
			minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
			minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 
			maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
			maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
			maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

		boxTree[0].m_box[0] = minP;
		boxTree[0].m_box[1] = maxP;
		boxTree[0].m_leftBox = -1;
		boxTree[0].m_rightBox = -1;
		boxTree[0].m_vertexStart = 0;
		boxTree[0].m_vertexCount = vertexCount;
		dgInt32 boxCount = 1;

		dgInt32 stack = 1;
		dgInt32 stackBoxPool[64];
		stackBoxPool[0] = 0;

		while (stack) {
			stack --;
			dgInt32 boxIndex = stackBoxPool[stack];
			dgConvexBox& box = boxTree[boxIndex];
			if (box.m_vertexCount > DG_CONVEX_VERTEX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
				dgVector median (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
				dgVector varian (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
				for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < box.m_vertexCount; i ++) {
					dgVector& p = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i]->GetInfo();
					minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
					minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
					minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

					maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
					maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
					maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

					median += p;
					varian += p.CompProduct3 (p);

				varian = varian.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (box.m_vertexCount)) - median.CompProduct3(median);
				dgInt32 index = 0;
				dgFloat64 maxVarian = dgFloat64 (-1.0e10f);
				for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
					if (varian[i] > maxVarian) {
						index = i;
						maxVarian = varian[i];
				dgVector center = median.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (1.0f) / dgFloat32 (box.m_vertexCount));
				dgFloat32 test = center[index];

				dgInt32 i0 = 0;
				dgInt32 i1 = box.m_vertexCount - 1;
				do {    
					for (; i0 <= i1; i0 ++) {
						dgFloat32 val = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i0]->GetInfo()[index];
						if (val > test) {

					for (; i1 >= i0; i1 --) {
						dgFloat32 val = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i1]->GetInfo()[index];
						if (val < test) {

					if (i0 < i1)	{
						dgSwap(vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i0], vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i1]);
				} while (i0 <= i1);

				if (i0 == 0){
					i0 = box.m_vertexCount / 2;
				if (i0 >= (box.m_vertexCount - 1)){
					i0 = box.m_vertexCount / 2;

					dgVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
					dgVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 	
					for (dgInt32 i = i0; i < box.m_vertexCount; i ++) {
						const dgVector& p = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i]->GetInfo();
						minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
						minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
						minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

						maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
						maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
						maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

					box.m_rightBox = boxCount;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[0] = minP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[1] = maxP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_leftBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_rightBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexStart = box.m_vertexStart + i0;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexCount = box.m_vertexCount - i0;
					stackBoxPool[stack] = boxCount;
					stack ++;
					boxCount ++;

					dgVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
					dgVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 	
					for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < i0; i ++) {
						const dgVector& p = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i]->GetInfo();
						minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
						minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
						minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

						maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
						maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
						maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

					box.m_leftBox = boxCount;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[0] = minP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[1] = maxP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_leftBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_rightBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexStart = box.m_vertexStart;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexCount = i0;
					stackBoxPool[stack] = boxCount;
					stack ++;
					boxCount ++;

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; i ++) {
			m_vertex[i] = vertexNodeList[i]->GetInfo();
			vertexNodeList[i]->GetInfo().m_w = dgFloat32 (i);

		m_supportTreeCount = boxCount;
		m_supportTree = (dgConvexBox*) m_allocator->Malloc(dgInt32 (boxCount * sizeof(dgConvexBox)));		
		memcpy (m_supportTree, &boxTree[0], boxCount * sizeof(dgConvexBox));

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
			dgConvexSimplexEdge* const ptr = &m_simplex[i];
			dgTree<dgVector,dgInt32>::dgTreeNode* const node = sortTree.Find(ptr->m_vertex);
			dgInt32 index = dgInt32 (node->GetInfo().m_w);
			ptr->m_vertex = dgInt16 (index);

	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
		dgConvexSimplexEdge* const edge = &m_simplex[i];
		m_vertexToEdgeMapping[edge->m_vertex] = edge;

	SetVolumeAndCG ();
	return true;
bool dgCollisionConvexHull::Create (dgInt32 count, dgInt32 strideInBytes, const dgFloat32* const vertexArray, dgFloat32 tolerance)
	dgInt32 stride = strideInBytes / sizeof (dgFloat32);
	dgStack<dgFloat64> buffer(3 * count);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
		buffer[i * 3 + 0] = vertexArray[i * stride + 0];
		buffer[i * 3 + 1] = vertexArray[i * stride + 1];
		buffer[i * 3 + 2] = vertexArray[i * stride + 2];

	dgConvexHull3d* convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);
	if (!convexHull->GetCount()) {
		delete convexHull;
		return false;

	// check for degenerated faces
	for (bool success = false; !success;  ) {
		success = true;
		const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray = convexHull->GetVertexPool();

		dgStack<dgInt8> mask(convexHull->GetVertexCount());
		memset (&mask[0], 1, mask.GetSizeInBytes());
		for (dgConvexHull3d::dgListNode* node = convexHull->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dgConvexHull3DFace& face = node->GetInfo();
			const dgBigVector& p0 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[0]];
			const dgBigVector& p1 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[1]];
			const dgBigVector& p2 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[2]];
			dgBigVector p1p0 (p1 - p0);
			dgBigVector p2p0 (p2 - p0);
			dgBigVector normal (p2p0 * p1p0);
			dgFloat64 mag2 = normal % normal;
			if (mag2 < dgFloat64 (1.0e-6f * 1.0e-6f)) {
				success = false;
				dgInt32 index = -1;
				dgBigVector p2p1 (p2 - p1);
				dgFloat64 dist10 = p1p0 % p1p0;
				dgFloat64 dist20 = p2p0 % p2p0;
				dgFloat64 dist21 = p2p1 % p2p1;
				if ((dist10 >= dist20) && (dist10 >= dist21)) {
					index = 2;
				} else if ((dist20 >= dist10) && (dist20 >= dist21)) {
					index = 1;
				} else if ((dist21 >= dist10) && (dist21 >= dist20)) {
					index = 0;
				_ASSERTE (index != -1);
				mask[face.m_index[index]] = 0;
		if (!success) {
			dgInt32 count = 0;
			dgInt32 vertexCount = convexHull->GetVertexCount();
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
				if (mask[i]) {
					buffer[count * 3 + 0] = hullVertexArray[i].m_x;
					buffer[count * 3 + 1] = hullVertexArray[i].m_y;
					buffer[count * 3 + 2] = hullVertexArray[i].m_z;
					count ++;
			delete convexHull;
			convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);

	dgInt32 vertexCount = convexHull->GetVertexCount();
	const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray = convexHull->GetVertexPool();

	dgPolyhedra polyhedra (GetAllocator());
	for (dgConvexHull3d::dgListNode* node = convexHull->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		dgConvexHull3DFace& face = node->GetInfo();
		polyhedra.AddFace (face.m_index[0], face.m_index[1], face.m_index[2]);


	if (vertexCount > 4) {
		bool edgeRemoved = false;
		while (RemoveCoplanarEdge (polyhedra, hullVertexArray)) {
			edgeRemoved = true;
		if (edgeRemoved) {
			if (!CheckConvex (polyhedra, hullVertexArray)) {
				return false;

	dgInt32 maxEdgeCount = polyhedra.GetCount();

	dgStack<dgEdge*> stack(1024 + maxEdgeCount);
	dgEdge* firstFace = &polyhedra.GetRoot()->GetInfo();

	_ASSERTE (firstFace->m_twin->m_next != firstFace);

	dgInt32 stackIndex = 1; 
	stack[0] = firstFace;

	dgStack<dgInt32> vertexMap(vertexCount);
	memset (&vertexMap[0], -1, vertexCount * sizeof (dgInt32));

//	m_edgeCount = 0;
//	m_vertexCount = 0;

	dgInt32 i1 = polyhedra.IncLRU();
	while (stackIndex) {
		stackIndex --;
		dgEdge* const edge0 = stack[stackIndex];

		if (edge0->m_mark != i1) {
			if (vertexMap[edge0->m_incidentVertex] == -1) {
				vertexMap[edge0->m_incidentVertex] = m_vertexCount;
				m_vertexCount ++;
			dgEdge* ptr = edge0;
			do {
				stack[stackIndex] = ptr->m_twin;
				ptr->m_mark = i1;
				ptr->m_userData = m_edgeCount;
				m_edgeCount ++;
				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge0) ;

	m_vertex = (dgVector*) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_vertexCount * sizeof (dgVector)));
	m_simplex = (dgConvexSimplexEdge*) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_edgeCount * sizeof (dgConvexSimplexEdge)));

	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
		if (vertexMap[i] != -1) {
			m_vertex[vertexMap[i]] = hullVertexArray[i];
			m_vertex[vertexMap[i]].m_w = dgFloat32 (1.0f);

	i1 = polyhedra.IncLRU();
	stackIndex = 1; 
	stack[0] = firstFace;
	while (stackIndex) {

		stackIndex --;
		dgEdge* const edge0 = stack[stackIndex];

		if (edge0->m_mark != i1) {

			dgEdge *ptr = edge0;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = i1;
				stack[stackIndex] = ptr->m_twin;

				dgConvexSimplexEdge* const simplexPtr = &m_simplex[ptr->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_vertex = vertexMap[ptr->m_incidentVertex];
				simplexPtr->m_next = &m_simplex[ptr->m_next->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_prev = &m_simplex[ptr->m_prev->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_twin = &m_simplex[ptr->m_twin->m_userData];

				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge0) ;

	SetVolumeAndCG ();
	m_faceCount = 0;
	dgStack<char> mark (m_edgeCount);
	memset (&mark[0], 0, m_edgeCount * sizeof (dgInt8));

	dgStack<dgConvexSimplexEdge*> faceArray (m_edgeCount);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
		dgConvexSimplexEdge* const face = &m_simplex[i];
		if (!mark[i]) {
			dgConvexSimplexEdge* ptr = face;
			do {
				_ASSERTE ((ptr - m_simplex) >= 0);
				mark[dgInt32 (ptr - m_simplex)] = '1';
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != face);

			faceArray[m_faceCount] = face;
			m_faceCount ++;
	m_faceArray = (dgConvexSimplexEdge **) m_allocator->Malloc(dgInt32 (m_faceCount * sizeof(dgConvexSimplexEdge *)));
	memcpy (m_faceArray, &faceArray[0], m_faceCount * sizeof(dgConvexSimplexEdge *));

	delete convexHull;
	return true;
Exemple #9
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  long start = P.getOptionLongValue("-r",0);
  if(GA.V[start].getOutDegree() == 0) { 
    cout << "starting vertex has degree 0" << endl;
  const int procs = P.getOptionIntValue("-p",0);
  if(procs > 0) setWorkers(procs);
  const double t = P.getOptionDoubleValue("-t",3);
  const double epsilon = P.getOptionDoubleValue("-e",0.000000001);
  const uintE N = P.getOptionIntValue("-N",1);
  const intE n = GA.n;
  const double constant = exp(t)*epsilon/(2*(double)N);
  double* psis = newA(double,N);
  double* fact = newA(double,N);
  fact[0] = 1;
  for(long k=1;k<N;k++) fact[k] = k*fact[k-1];
  double* tm = newA(double,N);
  {parallel_for(long m=0;m<N;m++) tm[m]  = pow(t,m);}
  {parallel_for(long k=0;k<N;k++) {
    psis[k] = 0;
    for(long m=0;m<N-k;m++)
      psis[k] += fact[k]*tm[m]/(double)fact[m+k];

  sparseAdditiveSet<float> x = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(10000,1,0.0);
  sparseAdditiveSet<float> r = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(2,1,0.0);
  vertexSubset Frontier(n,start);

  long j = 0, totalPushes = 0;
  while(Frontier.numNonzeros() > 0){
    totalPushes += Frontier.numNonzeros();
    uintT* Degrees = newA(uintT,Frontier.numNonzeros());
    {parallel_for(long i=0;i<Frontier.numNonzeros();i++) Degrees[i] = GA.V[Frontier.s[i]].getOutDegree();}
    long totalDegree = sequence::plusReduce(Degrees,Frontier.numNonzeros());
    if(j+1 < N) {
      long rCount = r.count();
      //make bigger hash table initialized to 0.0's
      sparseAdditiveSet<float> new_r = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(max(100L,min((long)n,totalDegree+rCount)),LOAD_FACTOR,0.0); 
      vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA, Frontier, HK_F<vertex>(x,r,new_r,GA.V,t/(double)(j+1)));
      r = new_r;
      if(x.m < ((uintT) 1 << log2RoundUp((uintT)(LOAD_FACTOR*min((long)n,rCount+output.numNonzeros()))))) {
	sparseAdditiveSet<float> new_x = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(LOAD_FACTOR*min((long)n,rCount+output.numNonzeros()),LOAD_FACTOR,0.0); //make bigger hash table
	x = new_x;

      //compute active set (faster in practice to just scan over r)
      _seq<ACLpair> vals = r.entries(activeF<vertex>(GA.V,constant/psis[j+1]));
      uintE* Active = newA(uintE,vals.n);
      parallel_for(long i=0;i<vals.n;i++) Active[i] = vals.A[i].first;
      Frontier.del(); vals.del();
      Frontier = vertexSubset(n,vals.n,Active);
    } else { //last iteration
  Given a graph, select k random start vertices. Call these 
  k vertices set S. For all vertices v in the graph, find the farthest
  distance between v and any of the vertices in S. Store this is distField.
  Note that this implementation is faster than running K separate BFSs in 
  parallel because all k BFSs share a frontier. This means that for each 
  node we must store a bit vector of size K bits, indicating whether or not
  a node has been visited yet by the kth BFS. 
  Note that a node v will continue to be added to the frontier as long as its
  source vertex u has a different bit vector than it. This means that v is 
  being visited for the first time by at least one of the K BFSs. Thus we must
  also increment our estimate of its radius since the radius is the FARTHEST
  distance of node v to any of the u source vertices.   

  At the end of the algorithm distField will contain the maximum distance from 
  each node v in the graph to any of the K source nodes. The final radius 
  estimate of the graph is obtained by taking the max radius obtained from all 
  nodes in the graph. Note that this is an estimate because we only ran a BFS 
  from K nodes. If we wanted an exact radius we would have had to run a BFS from
  every single node in the graph.
void kBFS(graph *g, int *distField) {

  int** visited;
  int** nextVisited;
  int* radii;
  int iter = 0;

  // set up globals
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
  for (int i = 0; i < g->num_nodes; i++)
    distField[i] = NA;
  radii = distField;

  visited = (int**) malloc(sizeof(int*) * g->num_nodes);
  nextVisited = (int**) malloc(sizeof(int*) * g->num_nodes);

  for (int i = 0; i < g->num_nodes; i++) {
    visited[i] = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * NUMWORDS);
    nextVisited[i] = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * NUMWORDS);
    memset(visited[i], 0, sizeof(int) * NUMWORDS);
    memset(nextVisited[i], 0, sizeof(int) * NUMWORDS);

  // initialize the frontier with K random nodes
  int numSources = std::min(K, g->num_nodes);
  int S[numSources]; // the set of source nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < numSources; i++) 
    S[i] = (std::rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * g->num_nodes;

  VertexSet* frontier = newVertexSet(SPARSE, numSources, g->num_nodes);
  for (int i = 0; i < numSources; i++) {
    addVertex(frontier, S[i]);

  // iterate over values 1 thru k to do initialization
  VertexSet* ks = newVertexSet(SPARSE, numSources, g->num_nodes);
  for (int i = 0; i < numSources; i++) 
    addVertex(ks, i);

  Init i(S, visited, nextVisited, radii);
  vertexMap(ks, i, NORETURN);


  VertexSet *newFrontier;

  while (frontier->size > 0) {
    iter = iter + 1;
    RadiiUpdate ru(visited, nextVisited, radii, iter);
    newFrontier = edgeMap(g, frontier, ru);

    frontier = newFrontier;

    VisitedCopy vc(visited, nextVisited);
    vertexMap(frontier, vc, NORETURN);

  for (int i = 0; i < g->num_nodes; i++) {

Exemple #11
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  long length = P.getOptionLongValue("-r",0); //number of words per vertex
  char* oFile = P.getOptionValue("-out"); //file to write eccentricites
  srand (time(NULL));
  uintT seed = rand();
  cout << "seed = " << seed << endl;
  long n = GA.n;
  uintE* ecc = newA(uintE,n);
  uintE* ecc2 = newA(uintE,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) {
      ecc[i] = ecc2[i] = 0;


  intE* Labels = newA(intE,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) {
    if(GA.V[i].getOutDegree() == 0) Labels[i] = -i-1; //singletons
    else Labels[i] = INT_E_MAX;

  //get max degree vertex
  uintE maxV = sequence::reduce<uintE>((intE)0,(intE)n,maxF<intE>(),getDegree<vertex>(GA.V));

  //visit large component with BFS
  //visit small components with label propagation
  Components(GA, Labels);

  //sort by component ID
  intPair* CCpairs = newA(intPair,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++)
    if(Labels[i] < 0)
      CCpairs[i] = make_pair(-Labels[i]-1,i);
    else CCpairs[i] = make_pair(Labels[i],i);

  intSort::iSort(CCpairs, n, n+1,firstF<uintE,uintE>());

  uintE* changes = newA(uintE,n);
  changes[0] = 0;
  {parallel_for(long i=1;i<n;i++) 
      changes[i] = (CCpairs[i].first != CCpairs[i-1].first) ? i : UINT_E_MAX;}

  uintE* CCoffsets = newA(uintE,n);
  uintE numCC = sequence::filter(changes, CCoffsets, n, nonMaxF());
  CCoffsets[numCC] = n;

  //init data structures
  length = max((long)1,min((n+63)/64,(long)length));
  long* VisitedArray = newA(long,n*length);
  long* NextVisitedArray = newA(long,n*length); 
  int* flags = newA(int,n);
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) flags[i] = -1;}
  uintE* starts = newA(uintE,n);
  intPair* pairs = newA(intPair,n);

  for(long k = 0; k < numCC; k++) {
    uintE o = CCoffsets[k];
    uintE CCsize = CCoffsets[k+1] - o;
    if(CCsize == 2) { //size 2 CC's have ecc of 1
      ecc[CCpairs[o].second] = ecc[CCpairs[o+1].second] = 1;
    } else if(CCsize > 1) { //size 1 CC's already have ecc of 0
      //do main computation
      long myLength = min((long)length,((long)CCsize+63)/64);

      //initialize bit vectors for component vertices
      {parallel_for(long i=0;i<CCsize;i++) {
	uintT v = CCpairs[o+i].second;
	parallel_for(long j=0;j<myLength;j++)
	  VisitedArray[v*myLength+j] = NextVisitedArray[v*myLength+j] = 0;

      long sampleSize = min((long)CCsize,(long)64*myLength);

      uintE* starts2 = newA(uintE,sampleSize);

      //pick random vertices (could have duplicates)
      {parallel_for(ulong i=0;i<sampleSize;i++) {
	uintT index = hashInt(i+seed) % CCsize;
	if(flags[index] == -1 && CAS(&flags[index],-1,(int)i)) {
	  starts[i] = CCpairs[o+index].second;
	  NextVisitedArray[CCpairs[o+index].second*myLength + i/64] = (long) 1<<(i%64);
	} else starts[i] = UINT_E_MAX;

      //remove duplicates
      uintE numUnique = sequence::filter(starts,starts2,sampleSize,nonMaxF());

      //reset flags
      parallel_for(ulong i=0;i<sampleSize;i++) {
	uintT index = hashInt(i+seed) % CCsize;
	if(flags[index] == i) flags[index] = -1;

      //first phase
      vertexSubset Frontier(n,numUnique,starts2); //initial frontier
      //note: starts2 will be freed inside the following loop
      uintE round = 0;
	vertexMap(Frontier, Ecc_Vertex_F(myLength,VisitedArray,NextVisitedArray));
	vertexSubset output = 
	  edgeMap(GA, Frontier, 
	Frontier = output;
      //second phase if size of CC > 64
      if(CCsize > 1024) {
	//sort by ecc
	{parallel_for(long i=0;i<CCsize;i++) {
	  pairs[i] = make_pair(ecc[CCpairs[o+i].second],CCpairs[o+i].second);
	intPair maxR = sequence::reduce(pairs,CCsize,maxFirstF());
	intSort::iSort(pairs, CCsize, 1+maxR.first, firstF<uintE,uintE>());


	//reset bit vectors for component vertices
	{parallel_for(long i=0;i<CCsize;i++) {
	  uintT v = CCpairs[o+i].second;
	  parallel_for(long j=0;j<myLength;j++)
	    VisitedArray[v*myLength+j] = NextVisitedArray[v*myLength+j] = 0;

	starts2 = newA(uintE,sampleSize);
	//pick starting points with highest ecc ("fringe" vertices)
	{parallel_for(long i=0;i<sampleSize;i++) {
	  intE v = pairs[CCsize-i-1].second;
	  starts2[i] = v;
	  NextVisitedArray[v*myLength + i/64] = (long) 1<<(i%64);

	vertexSubset Frontier2(n,sampleSize,starts2); //initial frontier
	//note: starts2 will be freed inside the following loop
	round = 0;
	  vertexMap(Frontier2, Ecc_Vertex_F(myLength,VisitedArray,NextVisitedArray));
	  vertexSubset output = 
	    edgeMap(GA, Frontier2,Ecc_F(myLength,VisitedArray,NextVisitedArray,ecc2,round), GA.m/20);
	  Frontier2 = output;
	{parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) ecc[i] = max(ecc[i],ecc2[i]);}
Exemple #12
PolygonMesh<PointType>::PolygonMesh(const PolygonMesh<PointType>& source)
	/* Copy all vertices and associate the copies with their originals: */
	Misc::HashTable<const Vertex*,Vertex*> vertexMap((source.getNumVertices()*3)/2);
	for(const Vertex* vPtr=source.vertices;vPtr!=0;vPtr=vPtr->succ)
		vertexMap.setEntry(typename Misc::HashTable<const Vertex*,Vertex*>::Entry(vPtr,newVertex(*vPtr)));
	/* Count the number of edges in the source mesh to estimate the needed hash table size: */
	const Face* fPtr;
	int numEdges=0;
		const Edge* firstSourceEdge=fPtr->getEdge();
		const Edge* fePtr=firstSourceEdge;
	Misc::HashTable<VertexPair,Edge*,VertexPair> companions(numEdges);
	/* Copy faces one at a time: */
		Face* face=newFace();
		/* Copy all edges of the face (don't connect them to other faces yet): */
		const Edge* firstSourceEdge=fPtr->getEdge();
		const Edge* fePtr=firstSourceEdge;
		Edge* firstEdge;
		Edge* lastEdge=0;
			/* Create a new edge: */
			Edge* edge=newEdge();
			Vertex* vPtr=vertexMap.getEntry(fePtr->getStart()).getDest();
		/* Now go around the edge loop again to connect the face to its neighbours: */
		Edge* edge=firstEdge;
			VertexPair vp(*edge);
			typename Misc::HashTable<VertexPair,Edge*,VertexPair>::Iterator companionsIt=companions.findEntry(vp);
				/* Connect the edge to its companion: */
				/* Add the edge to the companion table: */
				companions.setEntry(typename Misc::HashTable<VertexPair,Edge*,VertexPair>::Entry(vp,edge));