float32x2_t test_vfms_lane_f32(float32x2_t a1, float32x2_t a2, float32x2_t a3) {
  // CHECK: test_vfms_lane_f32
  return vfms_lane_f32(a1, a2, a3, 1);
  // NB: the test below is deliberately lose, so that we don't depend too much
  // upon the exact IR used to select lane 1 (usually a shufflevector)
  // CHECK: [[NEG:%.*]] = fsub <2 x float> {{.*}}, %a3
  // CHECK: [[LANE:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> [[NEG]]
  // CHECK: llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> {{.*}}, <2 x float> [[LANE]], <2 x float> %a1)
  // CHECK-NEXT: ret
float32x2_t test_vfms_lane_f32(float32x2_t a, float32x2_t b, float32x2_t v) {
  // CHECK: test_vfms_lane_f32
  return vfms_lane_f32(a, b, v, 1);
  // CHECK: fmls {{v[0-9]+}}.2s, {{v[0-9]+}}.2s, {{v[0-9]+}}.s[1]