Exemple #1
static const char *prompt_esc(Vis *vis, const char *keys, const Arg *arg) {
	Win *prompt = vis->win;
	if (view_cursors_multiple(prompt->view)) {
	} else {
	return keys;
Exemple #2
static bool cmd_select(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Cursor *cur, Filerange *range) {
	Filerange sel = text_range_empty();
	if (!win)
		return sam_execute(vis, NULL, cmd->cmd, NULL, &sel);
	bool ret = true;
	View *view = win->view;
	Text *txt = win->file->text;
	bool multiple_cursors = view_cursors_multiple(view);
	Cursor *primary = view_cursors_primary_get(view);

	for (Cursor *c = view_cursors(view), *next; c && ret; c = next) {
		next = view_cursors_next(c);
		size_t pos = view_cursors_pos(c);
		if (vis->mode->visual) {
			sel = view_cursors_selection_get(c);
		} else if (cmd->cmd->address) {
			/* convert a single line range to a goto line motion */
			if (!multiple_cursors && cmd->cmd->cmddef->func == cmd_print) {
				Address *addr = cmd->cmd->address;
				switch (addr->type) {
				case '+':
				case '-':
					addr = addr->right;
					/* fall through */
				case 'l':
					if (addr && addr->type == 'l' && !addr->right)
						addr->type = 'g';
			sel = text_range_new(pos, pos);
		} else if (cmd->cmd->cmddef->flags & CMD_ADDRESS_POS) {
			sel = text_range_new(pos, pos);
		} else if (cmd->cmd->cmddef->flags & CMD_ADDRESS_LINE) {
			sel = text_object_line(txt, pos);
		} else if (cmd->cmd->cmddef->flags & CMD_ADDRESS_AFTER) {
			size_t next_line = text_line_next(txt, pos);
			sel = text_range_new(next_line, next_line);
		} else if (multiple_cursors) {
			sel = text_object_line(txt, pos);
		} else {
			sel = text_range_new(0, text_size(txt));
		if (text_range_valid(&sel))
			ret &= sam_execute(vis, win, cmd->cmd, c, &sel);
		if (cmd->cmd->cmddef->flags & CMD_ONCE)

	if (vis->win && vis->win->view == view && primary != view_cursors_primary_get(view))
	return ret;
Exemple #3
void action_do(Vis *vis, Action *a) {
	Win *win = vis->win;
	Text *txt = win->file->text;
	View *view = win->view;

	if (a->op == &vis_operators[VIS_OP_FILTER] && !vis->mode->visual)
		vis_mode_switch(vis, VIS_MODE_VISUAL_LINE);

	int count = MAX(a->count, 1);
	bool repeatable = a->op && !vis->macro_operator;
	bool multiple_cursors = view_cursors_multiple(view);
	bool linewise = !(a->type & CHARWISE) && (
		a->type & LINEWISE || (a->movement && a->movement->type & LINEWISE) ||
		vis->mode == &vis_modes[VIS_MODE_VISUAL_LINE]);

	for (Cursor *cursor = view_cursors(view), *next; cursor; cursor = next) {

		next = view_cursors_next(cursor);
		size_t pos = view_cursors_pos(cursor);
		Register *reg = multiple_cursors ? view_cursors_register(cursor) : a->reg;
		if (!reg)
			reg = &vis->registers[win->file->internal ? VIS_REG_PROMPT : VIS_REG_DEFAULT];

		OperatorContext c = {
			.count = count,
			.pos = pos,
			.newpos = EPOS,
			.range = text_range_empty(),
			.reg = reg,
			.linewise = linewise,
			.arg = &a->arg,

		if (a->movement) {
			size_t start = pos;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				size_t pos_prev = pos;
				if (a->movement->txt)
					pos = a->movement->txt(txt, pos);
				else if (a->movement->cur)
					pos = a->movement->cur(cursor);
				else if (a->movement->file)
					pos = a->movement->file(vis, vis->win->file, pos);
				else if (a->movement->vis)
					pos = a->movement->vis(vis, txt, pos);
				else if (a->movement->view)
					pos = a->movement->view(vis, view);
				else if (a->movement->win)
					pos = a->movement->win(vis, win, pos);
				else if (a->movement->user)
					pos = a->movement->user(vis, win, a->movement->data, pos);
				if (pos == EPOS || a->movement->type & IDEMPOTENT || pos == pos_prev)

			if (pos == EPOS) {
				c.range.start = start;
				c.range.end = start;
				pos = start;
			} else {
				c.range = text_range_new(start, pos);
				c.newpos = pos;

			if (!a->op) {
				if (a->movement->type & CHARWISE)
					view_cursors_scroll_to(cursor, pos);
					view_cursors_to(cursor, pos);
				if (vis->mode->visual)
					c.range = view_cursors_selection_get(cursor);
				if (a->movement->type & JUMP)
					window_jumplist_add(win, pos);
			} else if (a->movement->type & INCLUSIVE ||
			          (linewise && a->movement->type & LINEWISE_INCLUSIVE)) {
				c.range.end = text_char_next(txt, c.range.end);
		} else if (a->textobj) {
			if (vis->mode->visual)
				c.range = view_cursors_selection_get(cursor);
				c.range.start = c.range.end = pos;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				Filerange r = text_range_empty();
				if (a->textobj->txt)
					r = a->textobj->txt(txt, pos);
				else if (a->textobj->vis)
					r = a->textobj->vis(vis, txt, pos);
				else if (a->textobj->user)
					r = a->textobj->user(vis, win, a->textobj->data, pos);
				if (!text_range_valid(&r))
				if (a->textobj->type & OUTER) {

				if (a->textobj->type & SPLIT)
					c.range = r;
					c.range = text_range_union(&c.range, &r);

				if (i < count - 1)
					pos = c.range.end + 1;
		} else if (vis->mode->visual) {
			c.range = view_cursors_selection_get(cursor);
			if (!text_range_valid(&c.range))
				c.range.start = c.range.end = pos;

		if (linewise && vis->mode != &vis_modes[VIS_MODE_VISUAL])
			c.range = text_range_linewise(txt, &c.range);
		if (vis->mode->visual) {
			view_cursors_selection_set(cursor, &c.range);
			if (vis->mode == &vis_modes[VIS_MODE_VISUAL] || a->textobj)

		if (a->op) {
			size_t pos = a->op->func(vis, txt, &c);
			if (pos == EPOS) {
			} else if (pos <= text_size(txt)) {
				/* moving the cursor will affect the selection.
				 * because we want to be able to later restore
				 * the old selection we update it again before
				 * leaving visual mode.
				Filerange sel = view_cursors_selection_get(cursor);
				view_cursors_to(cursor, pos);
				if (vis->mode->visual) {
					if (sel.start == EPOS && sel.end == EPOS)
						sel = c.range;
					else if (sel.start == EPOS)
						sel = text_range_new(c.range.start, sel.end);
					else if (sel.end == EPOS)
						sel = text_range_new(c.range.start, sel.start);
					if (vis->mode == &vis_modes[VIS_MODE_VISUAL_LINE])
						sel = text_range_linewise(txt, &sel);
					view_cursors_selection_set(cursor, &sel);

	if (a->op) {
		/* we do not support visual repeat, still do something resonable */
		if (vis->mode->visual && !a->movement && !a->textobj)
			a->movement = &vis_motions[VIS_MOVE_NOP];

		/* operator implementations must not change the mode,
		 * they might get called multiple times (once for every cursor)
		if (a->op == &vis_operators[VIS_OP_INSERT] || a->op == &vis_operators[VIS_OP_CHANGE]) {
			vis_mode_switch(vis, VIS_MODE_INSERT);
		} else if (a->op == &vis_operators[VIS_OP_REPLACE]) {
			vis_mode_switch(vis, VIS_MODE_REPLACE);
		} else if (a->op == &vis_operators[VIS_OP_FILTER]) {
			if (a->arg.s)
				vis_cmd(vis, a->arg.s);
				vis_prompt_show(vis, ":|");
		} else if (vis->mode == &vis_modes[VIS_MODE_OPERATOR_PENDING]) {
			mode_set(vis, vis->mode_prev);
		} else if (vis->mode->visual) {
			vis_mode_switch(vis, VIS_MODE_NORMAL);

	if (a != &vis->action_prev) {
		if (repeatable) {
			if (!a->macro)
				a->macro = vis->macro_operator;
			vis->action_prev = *a;

void action_reset(Action *a) {
	memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
	a->count = VIS_COUNT_UNKNOWN;
Exemple #4
static void ui_window_draw(UiWin *w) {
	UiCursesWin *win = (UiCursesWin*)w;
	if (!ui_window_draw_sidebar(win))

	wbkgd(win->win, style_to_attr(&win->styles[UI_STYLE_DEFAULT]));
	wmove(win->win, 0, 0);
	int width = view_width_get(win->view);
	CellStyle *prev_style = NULL;
	size_t cursor_lineno = -1;

	if (win->options & UI_OPTION_CURSOR_LINE && win->ui->selwin == win) {
		Cursor *cursor = view_cursors(win->view);
		Filerange selection = view_cursors_selection_get(cursor);
		if (!view_cursors_next(cursor) && !text_range_valid(&selection))
			cursor_lineno = view_cursor_getpos(win->view).line;

	short selection_bg = win->styles[UI_STYLE_SELECTION].bg;
	short cursor_line_bg = win->styles[UI_STYLE_CURSOR_LINE].bg;
	bool multiple_cursors = view_cursors_multiple(win->view);
	attr_t attr = A_NORMAL;

	for (const Line *l = view_lines_get(win->view); l; l = l->next) {
		bool cursor_line = l->lineno == cursor_lineno;
		for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
			enum UiStyles style_id = l->cells[x].style;
			if (style_id == 0)
				style_id = UI_STYLE_DEFAULT;
			CellStyle *style = &win->styles[style_id];

			if (l->cells[x].cursor && win->ui->selwin == win) {
				if (multiple_cursors && l->cells[x].cursor_primary)
					attr = style_to_attr(&win->styles[UI_STYLE_CURSOR_PRIMARY]);
					attr = style_to_attr(&win->styles[UI_STYLE_CURSOR]);
				prev_style = NULL;
			} else if (l->cells[x].selected) {
				if (style->fg == selection_bg)
					attr |= A_REVERSE;
					attr = style->attr | COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_get(style->fg, selection_bg));
				prev_style = NULL;
			} else if (cursor_line) {
				attr = style->attr | COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_get(style->fg, cursor_line_bg));
				prev_style = NULL;
			} else if (style != prev_style) {
				attr = style_to_attr(style);
				prev_style = style;
			wattrset(win->win, attr);
			waddstr(win->win, l->cells[x].data);
		/* try to fixup display issues, in theory we should always output a full line */
		int x, y;
		getyx(win->win, y, x);
		wattrset(win->win, A_NORMAL);
		for (; 0 < x && x < width; x++)
			waddstr(win->win, " ");


	if (win->winstatus)