Exemple #1
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_STRING and assigns the string given as argument to it.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param string The string for this parameter.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_string (VisParamEntry *param, char *string)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (string == NULL && param->string == NULL)
		return VISUAL_OK;

	if (string == NULL && param->string != NULL) {
		visual_mem_free (param->string);
		param->string = NULL;

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	} else if (param->string == NULL && string != NULL) {
		param->string = strdup (string);

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	} else if (strcmp (string, param->string) != 0) {
		visual_mem_free (param->string);
		param->string = strdup (string);

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #2
 * Adds a VisParamEntry to a VisParamContainer.
 * @param paramcontainer A pointer to the VisParamContainer in which the VisParamEntry is added.
 * @param param A pointer to the VisParamEntry that is added to the VisParamContainer.
 *	error values returned by visual_list_add () on failure.
int visual_param_container_add (VisParamContainer *paramcontainer, VisParamEntry *param)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (paramcontainer != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_CONTAINER_NULL);
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);

	param->parent = paramcontainer;

	/* On container add, we always set changed once, so vars can be synchronised in the plugin
	 * it's event loop */
	visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	return visual_list_add (&paramcontainer->entries, param);
Exemple #3
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_COLOR and assigns the rgb values from the given VisColor as argument to it.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param color Pointer to the VisColor from which the rgb values are copied into the parameter.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_color_by_color (VisParamEntry *param, VisColor *color)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (visual_color_compare (&param->color, color) == FALSE) {
		visual_color_copy (&param->color, color);

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #4
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_COLOR and assigns the rgb values given as arguments to it.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param r The red value for this color parameter.
 * @param g The green value for this color parameter.
 * @param b The blue value for this color parameter.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_color (VisParamEntry *param, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (param->color.r != r || param->color.g != g || param->color.b != b) {
		visual_color_set (&param->color, r, g, b);

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #5
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_DOUBLE and assigns the double given as argument to it.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param doubleflt The double value for this parameter.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_double (VisParamEntry *param, double doubleflt)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (param->numeric.doubleflt != doubleflt) {
		param->numeric.doubleflt = doubleflt;

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);

	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #6
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_FLOAT and assigns the float given as argument to it.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param floating The float value for this parameter.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_float (VisParamEntry *param, float floating)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (param->numeric.floating != floating) {
		param->numeric.floating = floating;

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);
	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #7
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_INTEGER and assigns the integer given as argument to it.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param integer The integer value for this parameter.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_integer (VisParamEntry *param, int integer)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (param->numeric.integer != integer) {
		param->numeric.integer = integer;

		visual_param_entry_changed (param);
	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #8
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_OBJECT and assigns a VisObject to the VisParamEntry.
 * With a VisObject VisParamEntry, the VisObject is referenced, not cloned.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param object Pointer to the VisObject that is linked to the VisParamEntry.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_object (VisParamEntry *param, VisObject *object)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	if (param->objdata != NULL)
		visual_object_unref (param->objdata);

	param->objdata = object;

	if (param->objdata != NULL)
		visual_object_ref (param->objdata);

	visual_param_entry_changed (param);
	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #9
 * Sets the VisParamEntry to VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_PALETTE and assigns a VisPalette to the VisParamEntry.
 * This function does not check if there is a difference between the prior set palette and the new one, and always
 * emits the changed event. so watch out with usage.
 * @param param Pointer to the VisParamEntry to which a parameter is set.
 * @param pal Pointer to the VisPalette from which the palette data is retrieved for the VisParamEntry.
 * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL on failure.
int visual_param_entry_set_palette (VisParamEntry *param, VisPalette *pal)
	visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);


	visual_palette_free_colors (&param->pal);
	if (pal != NULL) {
		visual_palette_allocate_colors (&param->pal, pal->ncolors);
		visual_palette_copy (&param->pal, pal);

	visual_param_entry_changed (param);
	return VISUAL_OK;
Exemple #10
 * Adds a VisParamEntry to a VisParamContainer, storing default values in the process.
 * @param paramcontainer A pointer to the VisParamContainer in which the VisParamEntry is added.
 * @param param A pointer to the VisParamEntry that is added to the VisParamContainer.
 *    error values returned by visual_list_add () on failure.
int visual_param_container_add_with_defaults (VisParamContainer *paramcontainer, VisParamEntry *param)
    visual_log_return_val_if_fail (paramcontainer != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_CONTAINER_NULL);
    visual_log_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PARAM_NULL);

    param->parent = paramcontainer;

    visual_mem_copy(&param->defaultnum, &param->numeric, sizeof(param->defaultnum));

    if(param->type == VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_STRING)
        param->defaultstring = strdup(param->string);

    if(param->type == VISUAL_PARAM_ENTRY_TYPE_COLOR)
        visual_color_copy(&param->defaultcolor, &param->color);

    /* On container add, we always set changed once, so vars can be synchronised in the plugin
     * it's event loop */
    visual_param_entry_changed (param);

    return visual_list_add (&paramcontainer->entries, param);