Exemple #1
// Print fancy 2D view of memory
// Note, This is limited to memory_sizes of under 16MB
void vlad_reveal(void *alpha[26])

    int i, j;
    vlink_t offset;
    char graph[STAT_HEIGHT][STAT_WIDTH][20];
    char free_sizes[26][32];
    char alloc_sizes[26][32];
    char label[3]; // letters for used memory, numbers for free memory
    int free_count, alloc_count, max_count;
    free_header_t * block;

    // initilise size lists
    for (i=0; i<26; i++) {
        free_sizes[i][0]= '\0';
        alloc_sizes[i][0]= '\0';

    // Fill graph with free memory
    offset = 0;
    i = 1;
    free_count = 0;
    while (offset < memory_size){
        block = (free_header_t *)(memory + offset);
        if (block->magic == MAGIC_FREE) {
            snprintf(free_sizes[free_count++], 32, 
                "%d) %d bytes", i, block->size);
            snprintf(label, 3, "%d", i++);
            fill_block(graph, offset,label);
        offset += block->size;

    // Fill graph with allocated memory
    alloc_count = 0;
    for (i=0; i<26; i++) {
        if (alpha[i] != NULL) {
            offset = ((byte *) alpha[i] - (byte *) memory) - HEADER_SIZE;
            block = (free_header_t *)(memory + offset);
            snprintf(alloc_sizes[alloc_count++], 32, 
                "%c) %d bytes", 'a' + i, block->size);
            snprintf(label, 3, "%c", 'a' + i);
            fill_block(graph, offset,label);

    // Print all the memory!
    for (i=0; i<STAT_HEIGHT; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<STAT_WIDTH; j++) {
            printf("%s", graph[i][j]);

    //Print table of sizes
    max_count = (free_count > alloc_count)? free_count: alloc_count;
    printf(FG_FREE"%-32s"CL_RESET, "Free");
    if (alloc_count > 0){
        printf(FG_ALLOC"%s\n"CL_RESET, "Allocated");
    } else {
    for (i=0; i<max_count;i++) {
        printf("%-32s%s\n", free_sizes[i], alloc_sizes[i]);

Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   char line[BUFSIZ]; // input line
   char var;          // which "variable"
   int  val;          // value of N
   void *ptr[26];     // array of pointer "variable"s
   int  quiet = 0;    // flag to reduce output "noise"

   setbuf(stdout, NULL); // don't buffer stdout

   // sort out quiet-ness
   if (argc > 2 && argv[2][0] == 'q') quiet = 1;

   // initialise pointer variables
   int i;
   for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) {
      ptr[i-'a'] = NULL;

   // start the allocator

   // main loop ... read command and carry it out
   if (isatty(0) && !quiet) printf("> ");
   while (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, stdin) != NULL) {
      // if reading from a file, echo the command
      if (!isatty(0)) printf("%s\n",line);
      // do some cheap-and-nasty parsing using sscanf
      if (sscanf(line, "+ %[a-z] %d", &var, &val) == 2) {
         // set a pointer variable using vlad_malloc()
         if (ptr[var-'a'] != NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to alloc over already allocated pointer\n");
         else {
            Byte *b = vlad_malloc(val);
            if (b == NULL)
               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate %d bytes for ptr[%c]\n", val, var);
            else {
               ptr[var-'a'] = b;
               if (!quiet) printf("ptr[%c] allocated %p\n", var, b);
      else if (sscanf(line, "- %[a-z]", &var) == 1) {
         // free memory allocated by sal
         if (ptr[var-'a'] == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to free null pointer\n");
         else {
            Byte *b = ptr[var-'a'];
            if (!quiet) printf("Deallocating memory at %p\n", b);
            ptr[var-'a'] = NULL;
      else if (sscanf(line, "* %[a-z] %d", &var, &val) == 2) {
         // write something into an allocated piece of memory
         if (ptr[var-'a'] == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to write via unallocated pointer\n");
         else {
            Byte *x = ptr[var-'a'];
            *x = (Byte)val;
            if (!quiet) printf("Memory at %p assigned %d\n", x, *x);
      else if (line[0] == '?') {
         printf("Possible commands:\n");
         printf("+ X N  ... allocate N bytes and assign to X\n");
         printf("- X    ... free memory associated with X\n");
         printf("* X N  ... store N in memory referenced by X\n");
         printf("!      ... show sal statistics\n");
         printf("?      ... show this help message\n");
         printf("q      ... quit this program (^D also works)\n");
         printf("       where X is a single letter in a..z\n");
         printf("       and   N is an integer value\n");
      else if (line[0] == '!') {
      else if (line[0] == '#') {
      else if (line[0] == 'q') {
      else {
         printf("Invalid command\n");
      if (isatty(0) && !quiet) printf("> ");
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;