void vor_float_demod_run ( float sample) {

  const float ti = i * vfd_te;

  // phase error re-injection
  vfd_ref_phi -= vfd_ref_alpha * vfd_ref_err;
  // local oscillator phase
  const float vfd_ref_phase = 2. * M_PI * vfd_ref_freq * ti + vfd_ref_phi;
  // local oscillator signal
  const float vfd_ref_local_sig = sin(vfd_ref_phase);

  // get REF signal by bandpassing input signal
  const float vfd_ref_sig = vor_float_filter_bp_ref(sample);

  // multiply input signal by local oscillator signal
  const float vfd_ref_y = vfd_ref_sig * vfd_ref_local_sig;

  // get phase error by low passing the result of the multiplication.
  vfd_ref_err = vor_float_filter_lp_ref(vfd_ref_y);

  // filter 30 REF before decimating it
  const float vfd_ref_err_decim = vor_float_filter_lp_decim(vfd_ref_err);

  // get VAR signal by bandpassing input signal
  //  const float vfd_var_sig = vor_float_filter_bp_var(sample);
  vfd_var_sig = vor_float_filter_bp_var(sample);

  if (decim >= vfd_DECIM) {
    decim = 0;

    vfd_var_phi -= vfd_var_alpha * vfd_var_err;
    const float vfd_var_phase = 2. * M_PI * vfd_var_freq * ti + vfd_var_phi;
    const float vfd_var_local_sig = -sin( vfd_var_phase);
    const float vfd_var_y = vfd_var_sig * vfd_var_local_sig;
    vfd_var_err = vor_float_filter_lp_var(vfd_var_y);

    vfd_fm_phi -= vfd_fm_alpha * vfd_fm_err;
    const float vfd_fm_phase = 2. * M_PI * vfd_fm_freq * ti + vfd_fm_phi;
    //    const float vfd_fm_local_sig = -sin( vfd_fm_phase );
    vfd_fm_local_sig = -sin( vfd_fm_phase );
    const float vfd_fm_y = vfd_ref_err_decim * vfd_fm_local_sig;
    vfd_fm_err = vor_float_filter_lp_fm(vfd_fm_y);

    vfd_qdr = vfd_var_phi - vfd_fm_phi;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {


  int i;
  float te = 1/29880.;

  for (i=0; i<nb_samples; i++) {
    float t = i * te;
    //    float   yi_f = vor_float_filter_bp_var(float_buf[i]);
    //    int32_t yi_i = vor_int_filter_bp_var(adc_buf[i]);

    float   yi_f = vor_float_filter_bp_ref(float_buf[i]);
    int32_t yi_i = vor_int_filter_bp_ref(adc_buf[i]);

	   t, float_buf[i], yi_f, adc_buf[i], yi_i, (float)yi_i / (float)VIF_SFACT / (1<<5));

  return 0;
