Exemple #1
static long
  BIO* p_bio, int oper, const char* p_arg, int argi, long argl, long ret)
  int retval = 0;
  int fd = 0;
  (void) p_arg;
  (void) argi;
  (void) argl;
  if (oper == (BIO_CB_READ | BIO_CB_RETURN) ||
      oper == (BIO_CB_WRITE | BIO_CB_RETURN))
    retval = (int) ret;
    fd = BIO_get_fd(p_bio, NULL);
  vsf_sysutil_check_pending_actions(kVSFSysUtilIO, retval, fd);
  return ret;
Exemple #2
ftp_read_data(struct vsf_session* p_sess, char* p_buf, unsigned int len)
    if (p_sess->data_use_ssl && p_sess->ssl_slave_active)
        int ret;
        priv_sock_send_cmd(p_sess->ssl_consumer_fd, PRIV_SOCK_DO_SSL_READ);
        ret = priv_sock_get_int(p_sess->ssl_consumer_fd);
        priv_sock_recv_buf(p_sess->ssl_consumer_fd, p_buf, len);
        /* Need to do this here too because it is useless in the slave process. */
        vsf_sysutil_check_pending_actions(kVSFSysUtilIO, ret, p_sess->data_fd);
        return ret;
    else if (p_sess->data_use_ssl)
        return ssl_read(p_sess, p_sess->p_data_ssl, p_buf, len);
        return vsf_sysutil_read(p_sess->data_fd, p_buf, len);
static int do_sendfile(const int out_fd, const int in_fd,
                       unsigned int num_send, filesize_t start_pos)
  /* Probably should one day be shared with instance in ftpdataio.c */
  static char* p_recvbuf;
  unsigned int total_written = 0;
  int retval;
  enum EVSFSysUtilError error;
  (void) start_pos;
  (void) error;
  if (tunable_use_sendfile)
    static int s_sendfile_checked;
    static int s_runtime_sendfile_works;
    if (!s_sendfile_checked || s_runtime_sendfile_works)
        retval = sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, NULL, num_send);
          /* XXX - start_pos will truncate on 32-bit machines - can we
           * say "start from current pos"?
          off_t written = 0;
          retval = sendfile(in_fd, out_fd, start_pos, num_send, NULL,
                            &written, 0);
          /* Translate to Linux-like retval */
          if (written > 0)
            retval = (int) written;
          size_t written = 0;
          struct sendfilevec the_vec;
          vsf_sysutil_memclr(&the_vec, sizeof(the_vec));
          the_vec.sfv_fd = in_fd;
          the_vec.sfv_off = start_pos;
          the_vec.sfv_len = num_send;
          retval = sendfilev(out_fd, &the_vec, 1, &written);
          /* Translate to Linux-like retval */
          if (written > 0)
            retval = (int) written;
          struct sf_parms sf_iobuf;
          vsf_sysutil_memclr(&sf_iobuf, sizeof(sf_iobuf));
          sf_iobuf.header_data = NULL;
          sf_iobuf.header_length = 0;
          sf_iobuf.trailer_data = NULL;
          sf_iobuf.trailer_length = 0;
          sf_iobuf.file_descriptor = in_fd;
          sf_iobuf.file_offset = start_pos;
          sf_iobuf.file_bytes = num_send;

          retval = send_file((int*)&out_fd, &sf_iobuf, 0);
          if (retval >= 0)
            retval = sf_iobuf.bytes_sent;
  #else /* must be VSF_SYSDEP_HAVE_HPUX_SENDFILE */
          retval = sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, start_pos, num_send, NULL, 0);
        error = vsf_sysutil_get_error();
        vsf_sysutil_check_pending_actions(kVSFSysUtilIO, retval, out_fd);
      while (vsf_sysutil_retval_is_error(retval) &&
             error == kVSFSysUtilErrINTR);
      if (!s_sendfile_checked)
        s_sendfile_checked = 1;
        if (!vsf_sysutil_retval_is_error(retval) ||
            error != kVSFSysUtilErrNOSYS)
          s_runtime_sendfile_works = 1;
      if (!vsf_sysutil_retval_is_error(retval))
        return retval;
      if (s_runtime_sendfile_works && error != kVSFSysUtilErrINVAL &&
          error != kVSFSysUtilErrOPNOTSUPP)
        return retval;
      /* Fall thru to normal implementation. We won't check again. NOTE -
       * also falls through if sendfile() is OK but it returns EINVAL. For
       * Linux this means the file was not page cache backed. Original
       * complaint was trying to serve files from an NTFS filesystem!
  if (p_recvbuf == 0)
    vsf_secbuf_alloc(&p_recvbuf, VSFTP_DATA_BUFSIZE);
  while (1)
    unsigned int num_read;
    unsigned int num_written;
    unsigned int num_read_this_time = VSFTP_DATA_BUFSIZE;
    if (num_read_this_time > num_send)
      num_read_this_time = num_send;
    retval = vsf_sysutil_read(in_fd, p_recvbuf, num_read_this_time);
    if (retval < 0)
      return retval;
    else if (retval == 0)
      return -1;
    num_read = (unsigned int) retval;
    retval = vsf_sysutil_write_loop(out_fd, p_recvbuf, num_read);
    if (retval < 0)
      return retval;
    num_written = (unsigned int) retval;
    total_written += num_written;
    if (num_written != num_read)
      return num_written;
    if (num_written > num_send)
      bug("num_written bigger than num_send in do_sendfile");
    num_send -= num_written;
    if (num_send == 0)
      /* Bingo! */
      return total_written;