Exemple #1
void CFFTOSX::GetMagnitude(sample* pfSamples) throw (IException*)
	// Only 32-bit sample is supported
	if (sizeof(sample) != 4) {
		throw IException::Create(IException::TypeCode,
			(tchar*)"Unknown or unsupported sample size");

	// Convert to required format
	ctoz((COMPLEX*)pfSamples, 2, &mA, 1, muiFFTSize / 2);

	// FFT
	fft_zrip(mFFT, &mA, 1, muiOrder, FFT_FORWARD);

	// Scale it
	float fScale = 1.0f / (2 * muiFFTSize);
	vsmul(mA.realp, 1, &fScale, mA.realp, 1, muiFFTSize / 2);
	vsmul(mA.imagp, 1, &fScale, mA.imagp, 1, muiFFTSize / 2);
	// Convert to magnitude
	tint32 iIndex;
	for (iIndex = 1; iIndex < muiFFTSize / 2; iIndex++) {
		pfSamples[iIndex] = (float)sqrt((mA.realp[iIndex] * mA.realp[iIndex]) + (mA.imagp[iIndex] * mA.imagp[iIndex]));
	// Special cases
	pfSamples[0] = (float)sqrt(mA.realp[0] * mA.realp[0]);
	pfSamples[muiFFTSize / 2] = (float)sqrt(mA.realp[1] * mA.realp[1]);
Exemple #2
void UpdateCamera() {
	vsub(&cameraPtr->dir, &cameraPtr->target, &cameraPtr->orig);

	const Vec up = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
	const float fov = (M_PI / 180.f) * 45.f;
	vxcross(&cameraPtr->x, &cameraPtr->dir, &up);
	vsmul(&cameraPtr->x, width * fov / height, &cameraPtr->x);

	vxcross(&cameraPtr->y, &cameraPtr->x, &cameraPtr->dir);
	vsmul(&cameraPtr->y, fov, &cameraPtr->y);
void UpdateRenderingCPU(void) {
	double startTime = WallClockTime();

	const float invWidth = 1.f / width;
	const float invHeight = 1.f / height;

	int x, y;
	for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { /* Loop over image rows */
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { /* Loop cols */
			const int i = (height - y - 1) * width + x;
			const int i2 = 2 * i;

			const float r1 = GetRandom(&seeds[i2], &seeds[i2 + 1]) - .5f;
			const float r2 = GetRandom(&seeds[i2], &seeds[i2 + 1]) - .5f;
			const float kcx = (x + r1) * invWidth - .5f;
			const float kcy = (y + r2) * invHeight - .5f;

			Vec rdir;
				camera.x.x * kcx + camera.y.x * kcy + camera.dir.x,
				camera.x.y * kcx + camera.y.y * kcy + camera.dir.y,
				camera.x.z * kcx + camera.y.z * kcy + camera.dir.z);

			Vec rorig;
			vsmul(rorig, 0.1f, rdir);
			vadd(rorig, rorig, camera.orig)

			const Ray ray = {rorig, rdir};
			Vec r;
			RadiancePathTracing(spheres, sphereCount, &ray,
					&seeds[i2], &seeds[i2 + 1], &r);

			if (currentSample == 0)
				colors[i] = r;
			else {
				const float k1 = currentSample;
				const float k2 = 1.f / (k1 + 1.f);
				colors[i].x = (colors[i].x * k1 + r.x) * k2;
				colors[i].y = (colors[i].y * k1 + r.y) * k2;
				colors[i].z = (colors[i].z * k1 + r.z) * k2;

			pixels[y * width + x] = toInt(colors[i].x) |
					(toInt(colors[i].y) << 8) |
					(toInt(colors[i].z) << 16);

	const float elapsedTime = WallClockTime() - startTime;
	const float sampleSec = height * width / elapsedTime;
	sprintf(captionBuffer, "Rendering time %.3f sec (pass %d)  Sample/sec  %.1fK\n",
		elapsedTime, currentSample, sampleSec / 1000.f);

Exemple #4
void siglab_cbPhaseDeg(float *src, float *dst, long nfft)
  // requires dst to be nel/2+1 element or more
  // src is in separated Re and Im arrays, A(Im) = A(Re) + NFFT/2

  static float phsf = 45.0f/atan2f(1.0f,1.0f);

Exemple #5
// -------------------------------------------------
// FFT post-processing
void siglab_sbDB(float *src, float *dst, long nfft)
  // requires src to be power instead of amplitude
  // already processed for pwr from complex format.

  static float dbsf = 10.0f/logf(10.0f);

  long nfft2 = nfft/2;
  float *pdst = dst;
  for(long ix = nfft2; --ix >= 0;)
    *pdst++ = logf(*src++);
Exemple #6
void __TFWT2D_TransformerRep::init_kernel(float *pkrnl, long nkrows, long nkcols)
  // should never happen... but disallow kernel sizes larger
  // than the expected image size. Even though we could theoretically
  // accommodate to the ceiling power of two in size that would destroy
  // the zero fill needed for user image padding...

  if(nkcols > m_nucols || nkrows > m_nurows)
    throw("TFWT2D_Transformer: kernel size too large.");

    // prep output buffer for this run
    // just move the kernel into the input buffer without regard
    // for its phase center. We will correct afterward.
    implant_kernel(pkrnl, nkcols, nkrows);
    // perform the forward FFT of the kernel
    // Correct the phase center. We only nead real-valued amplitudes.
    // Prep for use as an element-by-element real-real vector multipy
    // this uses a bit more memory but it is faster in the face of the
    // 2-D packed output format of the real-to-complex FFT
    // first get back to packed format from this wierd output format provided
    ztoc(&m_outdata, 1, m_pkrnlmask, 2, m_tsize2);
    // then, for each row and every complex column except the first...
    for(long iy = m_nirows; --iy >= 0; )
	long off = iy * m_nicols2;
	for(long ix = m_nicols2; --ix > 0; )
	    long   k  = off + ix;
	    double re = (double)m_pkrnlmask[k].real;
	    double im = (double)m_pkrnlmask[k].imag;
	    float v   = (float)hypot(re,im);
	    (*m_poutbuf)[k].real = v;
	    (*m_poutbuf)[k].imag = v;
    // Then in the first complex column, for all rows except the first two...
    float *pdst = *(float**)m_poutbuf;
    float *psrc = (float*)m_pkrnlmask;
    for(long iy = 2; iy < m_nirows; iy += 2)
	long kre = iy*m_nicols;
	long kim = kre + m_nicols;
	double re = (double)psrc[kre];
	double im = (double)psrc[kim];
	float v   = (float)hypot(re,im);
	pdst[kre] = v;
	pdst[kim] = v;
	re = psrc[kre];
	im = psrc[kim];
	v = (float)hypot(re,im);
	pdst[kre] = v;
	pdst[kim] = v;
    // finally, copy over the remaining untouched 4 cells
    for(long iy = 2; --iy >= 0;)
	long off = iy * m_nicols;
	for(long ix = 2; --ix >= 0;)
	  long k = ix + off;
	  pdst[k] = psrc[k];
    // now refold the kernel so that we can do straight multiplies in the filter
    DSPSplitComplex kdata = {(float*)m_pkrnlmask,
			     (float*)m_pkrnlmask + m_tsize2};
    ctoz(*m_poutbuf, 2, &kdata, 1, m_tsize2);


  // apply descaling for round-trip amplification
  // = *2 for forward FFT on image
  // = *tsize for inverse FFT on image
  // = *2 for forward FFT on kernel
  long tsize = m_nicols * m_nirows;
  float sf = 0.25/tsize;
  vsmul((const float*)m_pkrnlmask, 1, &sf,
	(float*)m_pkrnlmask, 1, tsize);
Exemple #7
void siglab_sbMpy1(float kval, float *src, float *dst, long nel)
  vsmul(src, 1, &kval, dst, 1, nel);
Exemple #8
static hist2_t *lj_domd(model_t *m, int ntp, double *beta, double *bp)
  double emin, emax, vmin, vmax;
  int istep, itp, jtp, acc;
  double retot = DBL_MIN, reacc = 0.0;
  lj_t **lj, *ljtmp;
  hist2_t *hs;

  /* round emin and emax to multiples of m->de */
  emin = (int) (m->nn * m->emin / m->de) * m->de;
  emax = (int) (m->nn * m->emax / m->de) * m->de;

  /* round vmin and vmax to multiples of m->dv */
  vmin = (int) (m->nn * m->vmin / m->dv) * m->dv;
  vmax = (int) (m->nn * m->vmax / m->dv) * m->dv;

  hs = hist2_open(ntp, emin, emax, m->de, vmin, vmax, m->dv);

  /* randomize the initial state */
  mtscramble( time(NULL) );

  xnew(lj, ntp);
  for ( itp = 0; itp < ntp; itp++ ) {
    double rho = bp[itp] / beta[itp];
    lj[itp] = lj_open(m->nn, rho, m->rcdef);

  /* do simulations */
  for ( istep = 1; istep <= m->nequil + m->nsteps; istep++ ) {
    for ( itp = 0; itp < ntp; itp++ ) { /* loop over replicas */
      lj_vv(lj[itp], m->mddt);
      lj[itp]->ekin = lj_vrescale(lj[itp], 1/beta[itp], m->thdt);
      if ( istep % m->nstvmov == 0 ) {
        lj_langp0(lj[itp], m->pdt, 1/beta[itp], bp[itp]/beta[itp], 0);

    if ( m->re ) {
      /* replica exchange: randomly swap configurations */
      double dbdE, r;

      itp = (int) (rand01() * ntp);
      jtp = (itp + 1 + (int) (rand01() * (ntp - 1))) % ntp;
      dbdE = (beta[itp] - beta[jtp]) * (lj[itp]->epot - lj[jtp]->epot)
           + (bp[itp] - bp[jtp])* (lj[itp]->vol - lj[jtp]->vol);

      acc = 0;
      if ( dbdE >= 0 ) {
        acc = 1;
      } else {
        r = rand01();
        if ( r < exp(dbdE) ) {
          acc = 1;

      if ( acc ) {
        double scl = sqrt( beta[itp]/beta[jtp] );
        int i;

        /* scale the velocities */
        for ( i = 0; i < m->nn; i++ ) {
          vsmul(lj[itp]->v[i], scl);
          vsmul(lj[jtp]->v[i], 1/scl);
        /* swap the models */
        ljtmp = lj[itp], lj[itp] = lj[jtp], lj[jtp] = ljtmp;

      if ( istep > m->nequil ) {
        reacc += acc;
        retot += 1.0;

    if ( istep <= m->nequil ) continue;

    for ( itp = 0; itp < ntp; itp++ ) {
      hist2_add1(hs, itp, lj[itp]->epot, lj[itp]->vol,
          1.0, HIST2_VERBOSE);

  hist2_save(hs, m->fnhis2, HIST2_ADDAHALF | HIST2_NOZEROES | HIST2_VERBOSE);
  fprintf(stderr, "simulation ended, doing WHAM, reacc = %g%%\n",

  for ( itp = 0; itp < ntp; itp++ ) {
    lj_close( lj[itp] );

  return hs;
Exemple #9
static hist_t *lj_domd(model_t *m, const double *beta)
  double emin, emax;
  int istep, iT;
  lj_t **lj, *ljtmp;
  hist_t *hs;

  /* round emin and emax to multiples of m->de */
  emin = (int) (m->nn * m->emin / m->de) * m->de;
  emax = (int) (m->nn * m->emax / m->de) * m->de;

  hs = hist_open(m->nT, emin, emax, m->de);

  /* randomize the initial state */
  mtscramble( time(NULL) );

  xnew(lj, m->nT);
  for ( iT = 0; iT < m->nT; iT++ ) {
    lj[iT] = lj_open(m->nn, m->rho, m->rcdef);

  /* do simulations */
  for ( istep = 1; istep <= m->nequil + m->nsteps; istep++ ) {
    for ( iT = 0; iT < m->nT; iT++ ) {
      lj_vv(lj[iT], m->mddt);
      lj[iT]->ekin = lj_vrescale(lj[iT], 1/beta[iT], m->thdt);

    if ( m->re ) {
      /* replica exchange: randomly swap configurations of
       * two neighboring temperatures */
      int jT, acc;
      double dbdE, r;

      iT = (int) (rand01() * (m->nT - 1));
      jT = iT + 1;
      dbdE = (beta[iT] - beta[jT]) * (lj[iT]->epot - lj[jT]->epot);
      acc = 0;
      if ( dbdE >= 0 ) {
        acc = 1;
      } else {
        r = rand01();
        if ( r < exp(dbdE) ) {
          acc = 1;

      if ( acc ) {
        double scl = sqrt( beta[iT]/beta[jT] ); /* sqrt(Tj/Ti) */
        int i;

        /* scale the velocities */
        for ( i = 0; i < m->nn; i++ ) {
          vsmul(lj[iT]->v[i], scl);
          vsmul(lj[jT]->v[i], 1/scl);
        /* swap the models */
        ljtmp = lj[iT], lj[iT] = lj[jT], lj[jT] = ljtmp;

    if ( istep <= m->nequil ) continue;

    for ( iT = 0; iT < m->nT; iT++ ) {
      hist_add1(hs, iT, lj[iT]->epot, 1.0, HIST_VERBOSE);

  hist_save(hs, m->fnhis, HIST_ADDAHALF | HIST_NOZEROES | HIST_VERBOSE);
  fprintf(stderr, "simulation ended, doing WHAM\n");

  for ( iT = 0; iT < m->nT; iT++ ) {
    lj_close( lj[iT] );
  return hs;