Exemple #1
main (int argc, char **argv)
  FILE *ofile;
  int nlambda = 0;
  int i, m;
  double zn, zvar, tw, tail;
  double *xx[0], *lambda;

  readcommands (argc, argv);
  settwxtable (twxtab);

  if (oname == NULL)
    ofile = stdout;
    openit (oname, &ofile, "w");

  if (iname == NULL)
    fatalx ("i paraameter compulsory\n");
  nlambda = numlines (iname);
  ZALLOC(lambda, nlambda, double);
  xx[0] = lambda;
  nlambda = getxx (xx, nlambda, 1, iname);
  vst (lambda, lambda, -1.0, nlambda);
  sortit (lambda, NULL, nlambda);
  vst (lambda, lambda, -1.0, nlambda);
  m = numgtz (lambda, nlambda);

  fprintf (ofile, "%4s  %12s", "#N", "eigenvalue");
  fprintf (ofile, "%12s", "difference");
  fprintf (ofile, " %9s %12s", "twstat", "p-value");
  fprintf (ofile, " %9s", "effect. n");
  fprintf (ofile, "\n");

  for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)

      zn = nval;
      tail = dotwcalc (lambda + i, m - i, &tw, &zn, &zvar, minleneig);
      fprintf (ofile, "%4d  %12.6f", i + 1, lambda[i]);
      if (i == 0)
        fprintf (ofile, "%12s", "NA");
        fprintf (ofile, "%12.6f", lambda[i] - lambda[i - 1]);
      if (tail >= 0.0)
        fprintf (ofile, " %9.3f %12.6g", tw, tail);
        fprintf (ofile, " %9s %12s", "NA", "NA");
      if (zn > 0.0)
          fprintf (ofile, " %9.3f", zn);
          fprintf (ofile, " %9s", "NA");
      fprintf (ofile, "\n");
  return 0;
Real NSMomentumViscousFlux::computeQpResidual()
  // Yay for less typing!
  const RealTensorValue & vst = _viscous_stress_tensor[_qp];

  // _component'th column of vst...
  RealVectorValue vec(vst(0,_component),

  // ... dotted with grad(phi), note: sign is positive as this term was -div(tau) on the lhs
  return vec*_grad_test[_i][_qp];
Exemple #3
void eigvals(double *mat, double *evals, int n) 
	 double *pmat ;  
         int len ; 

         len = n*(n+1) ; len /= 2 ;
	 ZALLOC(pmat, len, double) ;

	 vst(mat, mat, -1.0, n*n) ;
	 packsym(pmat, mat, n) ;
         eigx_(pmat, evals, &n) ;
	 free(pmat) ;
	 vst(mat, mat, -1.0, n*n) ;
	 vst(evals, evals, -1.0, n) ;
Exemple #4
  int Ng_SetPrimitiveData (ClientData clientData,
			   Tcl_Interp * interp,
			   int argc, tcl_const char *argv[])
    CSGeometry * geometry = dynamic_cast<CSGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get());
    if (!geometry)
	Tcl_SetResult (interp, err_needscsgeometry, TCL_STATIC);
	return TCL_ERROR;

    tcl_const char * name = argv[1];
    tcl_const char * value = argv[2];

    Array<double> coeffs;

    cout << "Set primitive data, name = " << name
	 << ", value = " << value  << endl;

    istringstream vst (value);
    double val;
    while (!vst.eof())
	vst >> val;
	coeffs.Append (val);

     geometry->GetSolid (name)->GetPrimitive())->SetPrimitiveData (coeffs);

    return TCL_OK;
  int Ng_SetSolidData (ClientData clientData,
		       Tcl_Interp * interp,
		       int argc, tcl_const char *argv[])
    CSGeometry * geometry = dynamic_cast<CSGeometry*> (ng_geometry.Ptr());
    if (!geometry)
	Tcl_SetResult (interp, err_needscsgeometry, TCL_STATIC);
	return TCL_ERROR;

    tcl_const char * name = argv[1];
    tcl_const char * val = argv[2];

    cout << "Set Solid Data, name = " << name
	 << ", value = " << val << endl;

    istringstream vst (val);

    Solid * nsol = Solid::CreateSolid (vst, geometry->GetSolids());
    geometry->SetSolid (name, nsol);

    return TCL_OK;
Exemple #6
getcolxz(double *xcol, SNP *cupt, int *xindex, int nrows, int col,  
 double *xmean, double *xfancy, int *n0, int *n1)             
// side effect set xmean xfancy and count variant and reference alleles
 int  j,  n, g ;
 double pmean, yfancy ;
 int *rawcol ;
 int c0, c1 ;

  c0 = c1 = 0 ;
  ZALLOC(rawcol, nrows, int) ;
  n = cupt -> ngtypes ;
  if (n<nrows) fatalx("bad snp: %s %d\n", cupt -> ID, n) ;
  getrawcol(rawcol, cupt, xindex, nrows) ;
  for (j=0; j<nrows; ++j) { 
   g = rawcol[j] ;  
   if (g<0) continue ;  
   c0 += g   ;
   c1 += 2-g ;
  floatit(xcol, rawcol, nrows) ;

  fvadjust(xcol, nrows, &pmean, &yfancy) ;
  vst(xcol, xcol, yfancy, nrows) ;
  if (xmean != NULL) {
   xmean[col] = pmean*yfancy ; 
   xfancy[col] = yfancy ;
  free(rawcol) ;
  *n0 = c0 ; 
  *n1 = c1 ;
Exemple #7
getcolxf(double *xcol, SNP *cupt, int *xindex, int nrows, int col,
 double *xmean, double *xfancy)
// side effect set xmean xfancy
 int n ;
 double pmean, yfancy ;
 int *rawcol ;

  if (xmean != NULL) {
   xmean[col] = xfancy[col] = 0.0 ;

  if (cupt -> ignore) {
   vzero(xcol, nrows) ;
   return ;

  ZALLOC(rawcol, nrows, int) ;
  n = cupt -> ngtypes ;
  if (n<nrows) fatalx("bad snp: %s %d\n", cupt -> ID, n) ;
  getrawcol(rawcol, cupt, xindex, nrows) ;
  floatit(xcol, rawcol, nrows) ;

  fvadjust(xcol, nrows, &pmean, &yfancy) ;
  vst(xcol, xcol, yfancy, nrows) ;
  if (xmean != NULL) {
   xmean[col] = pmean*yfancy ;
   xfancy[col] = yfancy ;
  free(rawcol) ;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s [mct|vst]\n", argv[0]);
    if (!FIPS_mode_set(1)) {
    if (!FIPS_rand_test_mode()) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error setting PRNG test mode\n");
    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "mct"))
    else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "vst"))
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Don't know how to %s.\n", argv[1]);

    return 0;
Exemple #9
void ransamp(int *samp, int nsamp, double *p, int plen) 
 pick nsamp elements from random distribution 
 uses randis but array is at least sorted optimally 
    double *px ;  
    int *indx ;
    double y ;
    int i, j, k ;

    if (plen<=1) { 
     ivzero(samp, nsamp) ;
     return ;

    ZALLOC(px, plen, double) ;
    ZALLOC(indx, plen, int) ;

    y = asum(p, plen) ;
    vst(px, p, -1.0/y, plen) ;       
    sortit(px, indx, plen) ;
    vst(px, px, -1.0, plen) ;

    for (i=0; i<nsamp; i++) {  
 really need binary chop picker 
     j = randis(px, plen) ;
     if (j<0) {  
      for (k=0; k<plen; k++) {  
       printf("zz %d %d %12.6f  %12.6f\n",k, indx[k], p[k], px[k]) ;
      fatalx("bad ransamp\n") ;
     k = indx[j] ;  
     samp[i] = k ;

    free (px) ;
    free (indx) ;

Exemple #10
writesnpeigs(char *snpeigname, SNP **xsnplist, double *ffvecs, int numeigs, int ncols) 
// this is called at end and ffvecs overwritten
  double *xpt, y, yscal, *snpsc ;
  int i, j, k, kmax, kmin ;
  SNP * cupt  ;
  FILE *fff ;
  for (j=0; j<numeigs; ++j) {  
   xpt = ffvecs+j*ncols ;  
   y = asum2(xpt, ncols) ;  
   yscal = (double) ncols / y ;
   yscal = sqrt(yscal) ;
   vst(xpt, xpt, yscal, ncols) ;

  ZALLOC(snpsc, ncols, double) ;
  vclear(snpsc, -99999, ncols) ;
  for (j=0; j<numeigs; ++j) {  
   for (i=0; i<ncols; ++i) {  
    cupt = xsnplist[i] ;
    if (cupt -> ignore) continue ;
    y = ffvecs[j*ncols+i] ;
    snpsc[i] = fabs(y) ; 
   for (k=0; k<=10; ++k) { 
    vlmaxmin(snpsc, ncols, &kmax, &kmin) ;
    cupt = xsnplist[kmax] ;
    printf("eigbestsnp %4d %20s %2d %12d %9.3f\n", j+1, cupt -> ID, cupt -> chrom, nnint(cupt -> physpos), snpsc[kmax]) ;
    snpsc[kmax] = -1.0 ;
  free(snpsc) ;

  if (snpeigname == NULL) return ;
  openit (snpeigname, &fff, "w") ;

  for (i=0; i<ncols; ++i) {  
   cupt = xsnplist[i] ;
   if (cupt -> ignore) continue ;

   fprintf(fff, "%20s", cupt -> ID) ;
   fprintf(fff,  " %2d", cupt -> chrom) ;
   fprintf(fff,  " %12d", nnint(cupt -> physpos)) ;

   for (j=0; j<numeigs; ++j) {  
    fprintf(fff, " %9.3f", ffvecs[j*ncols+i]) ;  
   fprintf(fff, "\n") ;

  fclose(fff) ;

Exemple #11
double bal1 (double *a, int n)
// WARNING a is input and output
    double y ;

    y = asum(a, n) ;
    if (y<=0.0) fatalx("bad bal1\n") ;
    vst(a, a, 1.0/y, n) ;
    return y ;

Exemple #12
void bal(double *a, double *b, int n) 
 normalize mean 0 s.d 1 
    double t ;
    t = asum(b,n)/ (double) n ;
    vsp (a, b, -t, n) ;

    t = asum2(a,n)/ (double) n ;
    vst (a, a, 1.0/sqrt(t), n) ;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Check if video source has been passed as a parameter

    ros::init(argc, argv, "vision_st_driver_node");

    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    VisionSTCam vst(nh);
//    boost::thread ctrl_thread(boost::bind(&VisionSTCam::ControlIntensity, &vst));
//    boost::thread grab_thread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&VisionSTCam::process, &vst));
//    while (nh.ok()) {

//        }
Exemple #14
ldreg (double *ldmat, double *ldmat2, double *vv, double *vv2, double *ldvv,
       double *ldvv2, int rsize, int n)
/** ldmat2 is inner product matrix for last rsize columns on exit */
  int i, j, k1, k2;
  double *rr, *ans, *tt;
  double y;

  ZALLOC(rr, rsize, double);
  ZALLOC(ans, rsize, double);
  ZALLOC(tt, n, double);

  if (rsize > 1)
    copyarr (ldvv, ldvv2 + n, n * (rsize - 1));
  for (i = 0; i < rsize - 1; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < rsize - 1; j++)
          k1 = i * rsize + j;
          k2 = (i + 1) * rsize + j + 1;
          ldmat2[k2] = ldmat[k1];
  copyarr (vv, ldvv2, n);
  i = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < rsize; j++)
      y = rr[j] = vdot (vv, ldvv + j * n, n);
      y = vdot (vv, ldvv2 + j * n, n);
      if (j == 0)
        y += 1.0e-6;
      ldmat2[i * rsize + j] = ldmat2[j * rsize + i] = y;
  solvit (ldmat, rr, rsize, ans); /* solve normal equations */
  copyarr (vv, vv2, n);
  for (i = 0; i < rsize; i++)
      vst (tt, ldvv + i * n, -ans[i], n);
      vvp (vv2, vv2, tt, n);
  free (rr);
  free (ans);
  free (tt);
dotwcalc(double *lambda, int m, double *ptw, double *pzn, double *pzvar, int minm) 
  double nv, mv, tzn, tm ; 
  double *evals ;
  double y, top, bot, zn, tw, ystat ;
  double tail, lsum ;

  if (m<minm) { 
   *pzn = *pzvar = *ptw = -1 ;
   return -1.0 ;
  lsum = asum(lambda, m) ;
  if (lsum<=0.0) {  
   *pzn = *pzvar = *ptw = -1 ;
   return -1.0 ;

  tzn = *pzn ;
  tm  = (double) m ;

  y = (double) m  / lsum ;
  ystat = lambda[0] * y * tzn ;

  if (tzn>0.0) {  
   tw = twnorm(ystat, tm, tzn) ;
   *pzn = tzn ;
   *ptw = tw ;  
   tail = twtail(tw) ;
   return tail ;
   ZALLOC(evals, m, double) ;
   vst(evals, lambda, y, m) ;
   top = (double) (m*(m+2)) ;
   bot = asum2(evals, m) - (double) m ;
   zn = top/bot ;  // see appendix to eigenpaper  NJP
   y = evals[0]*zn ;
   tw = twnorm(y, tm, zn) ;
   *pzn = zn ;
   *ptw = tw ;  
   tail = twtail(tw) ;
   free(evals) ;
   return tail ;
  std::pair<std::size_t, OutputIterator>
  biconnected_components(const Graph& g, ComponentMap comp, OutputIterator out,
                         VertexIndexMap index_map)
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_size_type

    std::vector<vertices_size_type> discover_time(num_vertices(g));
    std::vector<vertices_size_type> lowpt(num_vertices(g));

    vertices_size_type vst(0);

    return biconnected_components
             (g, comp, out,
              make_iterator_property_map(discover_time.begin(), index_map, vst),
              make_iterator_property_map(lowpt.begin(), index_map, vst),
double chitest(double *a, double *p, int n) 
/* a is n boxes.  Goodness of fit test to p */
 double *x, *b, *pp ;
 double y1=0.0, y2=0.0 ;
 int i ;

 ZALLOC(pp, n, double) ;
 if (p != NULL)
  copyarr(p,pp,n) ;
  vclear(pp, 1.0, n) ;

 y1 = asum(pp,n) ;
 y2 = asum(a,n) ;

 if ( (y1==0.0) || (y2==0.0) ) { 
  free(pp) ;
  return 0.0 ;

 ZALLOC(x,n,double) ;
 ZALLOC(b,n,double) ;

 vst (x, pp, y2/y1, n) ;  /* expected */

 vsp (x, x, .0001, n) ;
 vvm (b, a, x, n) ;  
 vvt (b, b, b, n) ;
 vvd (b, b, x, n) ;

 y1 = asum(b,n) ;

 free(x) ;
 free(b) ;

 return y1 ;

   void KernelHandle::createVirtualStigmergy(unsigned int id)
       std::string robot_id_string=boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(KernelInitializer::unique_robot_id_);
       std::string shm_object_name="KernelData"+robot_id_string;
       std::string mutex_name="named_kernel_mtx"+robot_id_string;
       boost::interprocess::named_mutex named_kernel_mtx(boost::interprocess::open_or_create, mutex_name.data()); 
       boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory segment(boost::interprocess::open_or_create ,shm_object_name.data(), 102400);
       std::string id_string=boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id);
       std::string virtual_stigmergy_name="shm_virtual_stigmergy_tuple_"+id_string;
       const char *p=virtual_stigmergy_name.data();
       VoidAllocator alloc_inst (segment.get_segment_manager());  
       std::pair<shm_virtual_stigmergy_type*, std::size_t> virtual_stigmergy = segment.find<shm_virtual_stigmergy_type>("shm_virtual_stigmergy_"); 
       shm_virtual_stigmergy_type *vst_pointer=virtual_stigmergy.first;
       shm_virtual_stigmergy_type::iterator vst_it;
           shm_virtual_stigmergy_tuple_type *tmp=segment.construct<shm_virtual_stigmergy_tuple_type>(p)(std::less<shm_string>(), alloc_inst);
           VirtualStigmergyType vst(id, *tmp);
double hwstat(double *x) 
/** Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test 
    returns standard normal in null case. 
    +sign is excess heterozygosity 
    x[0] [1] [2] are counts for homozm hetero h**o (alt allele)

     double p, q, ysum, s1, y1, y2, ychi, sig ;
     double a1[3], a2[3] ;

     ysum = asum(x,3) ;
     if (ysum < 0.001) return 0.0 ;
     s1 = 2*x[2]+x[1] ;
     p  = 0.5*s1/ysum;
     q = 1.0-p ;

     a1 [0] = q*q ;
     a1 [1] = 2*p*q ;
     a1 [2] = p*p ;

     vsp(a1, a1, 1.0e-8, 3) ;
     vst(a2, x, 1.0/ysum, 3) ;
     vsp(a2, a2, 1.0e-8, 3) ;

     y2 = vldot(x, a2, 3) ;
     y1 = vldot(x, a1, 3) ;

     ychi = 2.0*(y2-y1) ;
     sig = sqrt(ychi+1.0e-8) ;

     if (a2[1]<a1[1]) sig = -sig ;
/* negative => hets lo */

     return sig ;

Exemple #20
double doeig2(double *vals, int m, double *pzn, double *ptw) 
  static int ncall = 0 ;
  double y, tw, tail ;
  double zn, top, bot ;
  double *evals ;
  ++ncall ;
  ZALLOC(evals, m, double) ;
  copyarr(vals, evals, m) ;
  y = (double) m / asum(evals, m) ;
  vst(evals, evals, y, m) ;      
  top = (double) (m*(m+2)) ;
  bot = asum2(evals, m) - (double) m ;
  zn = top/bot ;
  y = evals[0]*zn ;
  tw = twnorm(y, (double) m, zn) ;
  tail = twtail(tw) ;
  free(evals) ;
  *pzn = zn ;
  *ptw = tw ;  
  return tail ;
Exemple #21
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  char **eglist ;
  int numeg ;
  int i, j, k, pos; 
  int *vv ;
  SNP *cupt, *cupt2 ;
  Indiv *indx ;
  double y1, y2, y ;

  int n0, n1, nkill ;

  int nindiv = 0 ;
  int nignore, numrisks = 1 ;
  SNP **xsnplist  ;
  Indiv **xindlist ;
  int *xindex ;
  int nrows, ncols, m ;
  double *XTX, *cc, *evecs, *ww ;
  double *lambda ;
  double *tvecs ;
  int weightmode = NO ;
  int t ;
  double *xmean, *xfancy ;
  double *ldmat = NULL, *ldmat2 = NULL;
  double *ldvv = NULL, *ldvv2 = NULL, *vv2 = NULL ;
  int chrom,  numclear ;
  double gdis ;
  int outliter, numoutiter, *badlist, nbad ;
  int a, b, n ;
  FILE *outlfile ;

  int xblock, blocksize=10000 ;   
  double *tblock ;  

  OUTLINFO *outpt ;
  int *idperm, *vecind ;   // for sort

  readcommands(argc, argv) ;
  printf("## smartrel version: %s\n", WVERSION) ;
  packmode = YES ;
  setomode(&outputmode, omode) ;

  if (parname == NULL) return 0 ;
  if (xchrom == (numchrom+1)) noxdata = NO ;

  if (fstonly) { 
   printf("fstonly\n") ;
   numeigs = 0 ; 
   numoutliter = 0 ;
   numoutiter = 0 ;
   outputname = NULL ;
   snpeigname = NULL ;

  if (fancynorm) printf("norm used\n\n") ;
  else printf("no norm used\n\n") ;

  nostatslim = MAX(nostatslim, 3) ;

  outlfile = ofile = stdout; 

  if (outputname != NULL)  openit(outputname, &ofile, "w") ;
  if (outliername != NULL) openit(outliername, &outlfile, "w") ;
  if (fstdetailsname != NULL) openit(fstdetailsname, &fstdetails, "w") ;

  numsnps = 
    getsnps(snpname, &snpmarkers, 0.0, badsnpname, &nignore, numrisks) ;

  numindivs = getindivs(indivname, &indivmarkers) ;
  k = getgenos(genotypename, snpmarkers, indivmarkers, 
    numsnps, numindivs, nignore) ;

  if (poplistname != NULL) 
    ZALLOC(eglist, numindivs, char *) ; 
    numeg = loadlist(eglist, poplistname) ;
    seteglist(indivmarkers, numindivs, poplistname);
    setstatus(indivmarkers, numindivs, NULL) ;
    ZALLOC(eglist, MAXPOPS, char *) ;
    numeg = makeeglist(eglist, MAXPOPS, indivmarkers, numindivs) ;
  for (i=0; i<numeg; i++) 
    /* printf("%3d %s\n",i, eglist[i]) ; */

  nindiv=0 ;
  for (i=0; i<numindivs; i++) 
    indx = indivmarkers[i] ;
    if(indx -> affstatus == YES) ++nindiv  ;

  for (i=0; i<numsnps; i++)  
    cupt = snpmarkers[i] ; 
    chrom = cupt -> chrom ;
    if ((noxdata) && (chrom == (numchrom+1))) cupt-> ignore = YES ;
    if (chrom == 0) cupt -> ignore = YES ;
    if (chrom > (numchrom+1)) cupt -> ignore = YES ;
  for (i=0; i<numsnps; i++)  
    cupt = snpmarkers[i] ; 
    pos = nnint(cupt -> physpos) ;
    if ((xchrom>0) && (cupt -> chrom != xchrom)) cupt -> ignore = YES ;
    if ((xchrom > 0) && (pos < lopos)) cupt -> ignore = YES ;
    if ((xchrom > 0) && (pos > hipos)) cupt -> ignore = YES ;
    if (cupt -> ignore) continue ;
    if (numvalidgtx(indivmarkers, cupt, YES) <= 1) 
      printf("nodata: %20s\n", cupt -> ID) ;
      cupt -> ignore = YES ;

  if (killr2) {
   nkill = killhir2(snpmarkers, numsnps, numindivs, r2physlim, r2genlim, r2thresh) ;
   if (nkill>0) printf("killhir2.  number of snps killed: %d\n", nkill) ;

  ZALLOC(vv, numindivs, int) ;
  numvalidgtallind(vv, snpmarkers, numsnps,  numindivs) ; 
  for (i=0; i<numindivs; ++i)  { 
  if (vv[i] == 0) {
    indx = indivmarkers[i] ;
    indx -> ignore = YES ; 
  free(vv) ;

  numsnps = rmsnps(snpmarkers, numsnps, NULL) ;  //  rid ignorable snps

  if (missingmode) 
    setmiss(snpmarkers, numsnps) ;
    fancynorm = NO ;

  if  (weightname != NULL)   
    weightmode = YES ;
    getweights(weightname, snpmarkers, numsnps) ;
  if (ldregress>0) 
    ZALLOC(ldvv,  ldregress*numindivs, double) ;
    ZALLOC(ldvv2,  ldregress*numindivs, double) ;
    ZALLOC(vv2,  numindivs, double) ;
    ZALLOC(ldmat,  ldregress*ldregress, double) ;
    ZALLOC(ldmat2,  ldregress*ldregress, double) ;
    setidmat(ldmat, ldregress) ;         
    vst(ldmat, ldmat, 1.0e-6, ldregress*ldregress) ;

  ZALLOC(xindex, numindivs, int) ;
  ZALLOC(xindlist, numindivs, Indiv *) ;
  ZALLOC(xsnplist, numsnps, SNP *) ;

  if (popsizelimit > 0) 
    setplimit(indivmarkers, numindivs, eglist, numeg, popsizelimit) ; 

  nrows = loadindx(xindlist, xindex, indivmarkers, numindivs) ;
  ncols = loadsnpx(xsnplist, snpmarkers, numsnps, indivmarkers) ;
  printf("number of samples used: %d number of snps used: %d\n", nrows, ncols) ;

  cupt = xsnplist[0] ;
  for (j=0; j<nrows; ++j) {  
   k = xindex[j] ;
   g = getgtypes(cupt, k) ;
   indx = indivmarkers[k] ;
   t = indxindex(eglist, numeg, indx -> egroup) ;
   printf("yy1 %20s %20s %20s %d %d %d\n", cupt ->ID, indx -> ID, indx -> egroup, j, k, g) ;
  printf("yya: ") ; printimat(xindex, 1, nrows) ;
  printf("zzindxa:  %s\n", indivmarkers[230] -> egroup) ;

  /* printf("## nrows: %d  ncols  %d\n", nrows, ncols) ; */
  ZALLOC(xmean, ncols, double) ;
  ZALLOC(xfancy, ncols, double) ;
  ZALLOC(XTX, nrows*nrows, double) ;
  ZALLOC(evecs, nrows*nrows, double) ;
  ZALLOC(tvecs, nrows*nrows, double) ;
  ZALLOC(lambda, nrows, double) ;
  ZALLOC(cc, nrows, double) ;
  ZALLOC(ww, nrows, double) ;
  ZALLOC(badlist, nrows, int) ;

  blocksize = MIN(blocksize, ncols) ; 
  ZALLOC(tblock, nrows*blocksize, double) ;

  // xfancy is multiplier for column xmean is mean to take off
  // badlist is list of rows to delete (outlier removal) 

  numoutiter = 1 ;  

  if (numoutliter>=1) 
    numoutiter = numoutliter+1 ;
    ZALLOC(outinfo, nrows,  OUTLINFO *) ;  
    for (k=0; k<nrows; k++) 
      ZALLOC(outinfo[k], 1, OUTLINFO) ;
    /* fprintf(outlfile, "##%18s %4s %6s %9s\n", "ID", "iter","eigvec", "score") ; */

  for (outliter = 1; outliter <= numoutiter ; ++outliter)  {
    if (fstonly) { 
     setidmat(XTX, nrows) ;
     vclear(lambda, 1.0, nrows) ;
     break ;
    if (outliter>1) {
     ncols = loadsnpx(xsnplist, snpmarkers, numsnps, indivmarkers) ;
    vzero(XTX, nrows*nrows) ;
    vzero(tblock, nrows*blocksize) ;
    xblock = 0 ; 

    vzero(xmean, ncols) ;
    vclear(xfancy, 1.0, ncols) ;

    for (i=0; i<ncols; i++) 
      cupt = xsnplist[i] ;
      chrom = cupt -> chrom ;
      getcolxz(cc, cupt, xindex, nrows, i, xmean, xfancy, &n0, &n1) ;
      t = MIN(n0, n1) ; 

      if (t <= minallelecnt)  {  
       cupt -> ignore = YES ;
       vzero(cc, nrows) ; 

      if (weightmode) 
        vst(cc, cc, xsnplist[i] -> weight, nrows) ;
      if (ldregress>0) 
        numclear = 0 ;
        for (k=1; k<= ldregress; ++k)  
          j = i-k ;  
          if (j<0) 
            numclear = ldregress-k+1 ; 
            break ;
          cupt2 = xsnplist[j] ;  
          if (cupt2 -> chrom != chrom) gdis = ldlimit + 1.0 ; 
          else gdis = cupt -> genpos - cupt2 -> genpos ;
          if (gdis>=ldlimit) 
            numclear = ldregress-k+1 ; 
            break ;
        if (numclear>0) clearld(ldmat, ldvv, ldregress, nrows, numclear) ; 
        ldreg(ldmat, ldmat2, cc, vv2, ldvv, ldvv2, ldregress, nrows) ;
        copyarr(ldmat2, ldmat, ldregress*ldregress) ;
        copyarr(vv2, cc, nrows) ;
        copyarr(ldvv2, ldvv, ldregress*nrows) ;
      copyarr(cc, tblock+xblock*nrows, nrows) ;
      ++xblock ; 

/** this is the key code to parallelize */
      if (xblock==blocksize) 
        domult(tvecs, tblock, xblock, nrows) ;
        vvp(XTX, XTX, tvecs, nrows*nrows) ;
        xblock = 0 ;
        vzero(tblock, nrows*blocksize) ;

    if (xblock>0) 
     domult(tvecs, tblock, xblock, nrows) ;
     vvp(XTX, XTX, tvecs, nrows*nrows) ;
    symit(XTX, nrows) ;

    a = 0; b=0 ;
    printf("zz1 %12.6f ", XTX[a*nrows+b]) ;
    a = nrows-1; b=nrows-1 ;
    printf(" %12.6f %15.9g\n", XTX[a*nrows+b], asum(XTX, nrows*nrows)) ;

    if (verbose) 
      printdiag(XTX, nrows) ;

    y = trace(XTX, nrows) / (double) (nrows-1) ;
    if (isnan(y)) fatalx("bad XTX matrix\n") ;
    /* printf("trace:  %9.3f\n", y) ; */
    if (y<=0.0) fatalx("XTX has zero trace (perhaps no data)\n") ;
    vst(XTX, XTX, 1.0/y, nrows * nrows) ;
/// mean eigenvalue is 1
    eigvecs(XTX, lambda, evecs, nrows) ;
// eigenvalues are in decreasing order 

    if (outliter > numoutliter) break ;  
    // last pass skips outliers 
    numoutleigs = MIN(numoutleigs, nrows-1) ;
    nbad = ridoutlier(evecs, nrows, numoutleigs, outlthresh, badlist, outinfo) ;
    if (nbad == 0) break ; 
    for (i=0; i<nbad; i++) 
      j = badlist[i] ;
      indx = xindlist[j] ;
      outpt = outinfo[j] ;
      fprintf(outlfile, "REMOVED outlier %s iter %d evec %d sigmage %.3f\n", indx -> ID, outliter, outpt -> vecno, outpt -> score) ;
      indx -> ignore = YES ;
    nrows = loadindx(xindlist, xindex, indivmarkers, numindivs) ;
    printf("number of samples after outlier removal: %d\n", nrows) ;

  if (outliername != NULL) fclose(outlfile) ;

  m = numgtz(lambda, nrows)  ;
  /* printf("matrix rank: %d\n", m) ; */
  if (m==0) fatalx("no data\n") ;

/** smartrel code */
  for (i=0; i<numeigs; i++) {  
   y = sqrt(lambda[i]) ;
   vst(ww, evecs+i*nrows, y, nrows) ;               
   subouter(XTX, ww, nrows) ;
  free(tvecs) ; 

  n = 0 ;
  ZALLOC(vecind, nrows*nrows/2, int) ; 
  for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) { 
   for (j=i+1; j<nrows; j++) { 
    k = i*nrows + j ; 
    y1 = XTX[i*nrows+i] ;
    y2 = XTX[j*nrows+j] ;
    y = XTX[k]/sqrt(y1*y2) ;
    y += 1/(double)(nrows-1);
    if (y<relthresh) continue ;
    vecind[n] = k ; 
    evecs[n] = -y ;
    ++n ;
  free(XTX) ; 
  if (n==0) { 
   printf("## nothing above relthresh!\n") ;
   printf("##end of smartrel run\n") ;
   return 0 ;
  ZALLOC(idperm, n, int) ; 
  sortit(evecs, idperm, n) ;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {  
   j = idperm[i] ;
   k = vecind[j] ;
   a = k/nrows ; 
   b = k%nrows ;
   printf("rel: %20s ",  xindlist[a] ->ID) ;
   printf("%20s ",  xindlist[b] ->ID) ;
   printf(" %9.3f", -evecs[i]) ;
   printnl() ;
  printf("##end of smartrel run\n") ;
  return 0 ;
Exemple #22
static void vst(FILE *in, FILE *out)
    unsigned char *key = NULL;
    unsigned char *v = NULL;
    unsigned char *dt = NULL;
    unsigned char ret[16];
    char buf[1024];
    char lbuf[1024];
    uint8_t seed[1024];
    char *keyword, *value;
    long i, keylen;

    struct session_op session = {
    	.rng = CRYPTO_ANSI_CPRNG,
    	.key = seed
    struct crypt_op op = {
    	.dst = ret,
    	.len = 16

    keylen = 0;

    while(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,in) != NULL)
	if(!strncmp(buf,"[AES 128-Key]", 13))
		keylen = 16;
	else if(!strncmp(buf,"[AES 192-Key]", 13))
		keylen = 24;
	else if(!strncmp(buf,"[AES 256-Key]", 13))
		keylen = 32;
	if (!parse_line(&keyword, &value, lbuf, buf))
	    if (i != keylen)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid key length, expecting %ld\n", keylen);
	else if(!strcmp(keyword,"DT"))
	    if (i != 16)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid DT length\n");
	else if(!strcmp(keyword,"V"))
	    if (i != 16)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid V length\n");

	    if (!key || !dt)
		fprintf(stderr, "Missing key or DT\n");

	    session.keylen = build_seed(seed, v, key, dt, keylen);
	    if (session.keylen > sizeof(seed)/sizeof(*seed)) {
	    	fprintf(stderr, "Seed buffer overrun\n");
	    if (!cryptodev_op(session,op))
		fprintf(stderr, "Error getting PRNG value\n");

	    OutputValue("R", ret, 16, out, 0);
	    key = NULL;
	    dt = NULL;
	    v = NULL;

static void mct(FILE *in, FILE *out)
    unsigned char *key = NULL;
    unsigned char *v = NULL;
    unsigned char *dt = NULL;
    unsigned char ret[16];
    char buf[1024];
    char lbuf[1024];
    uint8_t seed[1024];
    char *keyword, *value;
    long i, keylen;

    int cryptofd;
    struct session_op session = {
    	.rng = CRYPTO_ANSI_CPRNG,
    	.key = seed
    struct crypt_op op = {
    	.dst = ret,
    	.len = 16

    keylen = 0;

    while(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,in) != NULL)
	if(!strncmp(buf,"[AES 128-Key]", 13))
		keylen = 16;
	else if(!strncmp(buf,"[AES 192-Key]", 13))
		keylen = 24;
	else if(!strncmp(buf,"[AES 256-Key]", 13))
		keylen = 32;
	if (!parse_line(&keyword, &value, lbuf, buf))
	    if (i != keylen)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid key length, expecting %ld\n", keylen);
	else if(!strcmp(keyword,"DT"))
	    if (i != 16)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid DT length\n");
	else if(!strcmp(keyword,"V"))
	    if (i != 16)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid V length\n");

	    if (!key || !dt)
		fprintf(stderr, "Missing key or DT\n");

	    session.keylen = build_seed(seed, v, key, dt, keylen);
	    if (session.keylen > sizeof(seed)/sizeof(*seed)) {
	    	fprintf(stderr, "Seed buffer overrun\n");

	    cryptodev_start_session(&session, &cryptofd);
	    for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		    if (cryptodev_session_op(session, cryptofd, op) <= 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "Error getting PRNG value\n");
	    cryptodev_end_session(session, cryptofd);

	    OutputValue("R", ret, 16, out, 0);
	    key = NULL;
	    dt = NULL;
	    v = NULL;

int fips_rngvs_main(int argc, char **argv)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *in, *out;
    if (argc == 4)
	in = fopen(argv[2], "r");
	if (!in)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error opening input file\n");
	out = fopen(argv[3], "w");
	if (!out)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file\n");
    else if (argc == 2)
	in = stdin;
	out = stdout;
	fprintf(stderr,"%s [mct|vst]\n",argv[0]);
	mct(in, out);
    else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"vst"))
	vst(in, out);
	fprintf(stderr,"Don't know how to %s.\n",argv[1]);

    if (argc == 4)

    return 0;
Exemple #23
ridoutlier (double *evecs, int n, int neigs, double thresh, int *badlist,
            OUTLINFO **outinfo)
  /* badlist contains list of outliers */
  double *ww, *w2, y1, y2, yy, zz;
  int *vbad;
  int i, j;
  int nbad = 0;
  OUTLINFO *outpt;

  if (outliermode > 1)
    return 0;
  if (n < 3)
    return 0;
  ZALLOC(ww, n, double);
  ZALLOC(vbad, n, int);
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      outpt = outinfo[j];
      outpt->vecno = -1;
  for (i = 0; i < neigs; ++i)
      copyarr (evecs + i * n, ww, n);
      if (outliermode == 0)
          y1 = asum (ww, n) / (double) n;
          vsp (ww, ww, -y1, n);
          y2 = asum2 (ww, n) / (double) n;
          y2 = sqrt (y2);
          vst (ww, ww, 1.0 / y2, n);

          for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
              if (fabs (ww[j]) > thresh)
                  vbad[j] = 1;
                  outpt = outinfo[j];
                  if (outpt->vecno < 0)
                      outpt->vecno = i;
                      outpt->score = ww[j];
      if (outliermode == 1)
          ZALLOC(w2, n, double);
          for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
              yy = ww[j];
              ww[j] = 0;
              y1 = asum (ww, n) / (double) (n - 1);
              vsp (w2, ww, -y1, n);
              w2[j] = 0;
              y2 = asum2 (w2, n) / (double) n;
              y2 = sqrt (y2);
              zz = yy - y1;
              zz /= y2;
              if (fabs (zz) > thresh)
                  vbad[j] = 1;
                  outpt = outinfo[j];
                  if (outpt->vecno < 0)
                      outpt->vecno = i;
                      outpt->score = zz;
              ww[j] = yy;
          free (w2);
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      if (vbad[j] == 1)
          badlist[nbad] = j;
  free (ww);
  free (vbad);
  return nbad;

Exemple #24
dotpops(double *X, char **eglist, int numeg, int *xtypes, int nrows) 
      double *pp, *npp, val, yy ;
      int *popsize ;
      int i, j, k1, k2 ;

     if (fstonly) return ;
     ZALLOC(pp, numeg * numeg, double) ;
     ZALLOC(npp, numeg * numeg, double) ;
     popsize = xpopsize; 

     ivzero(popsize, numeg) ;

     for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) { 
      k1 = xtypes[i] ;
      ++popsize[k1] ;
      for (j=i+1; j<nrows; j++) { 
       k2 = xtypes[j] ;
       if (k1 < 0) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       if (k2 < 0) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       if (k1>=numeg) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       if (k2>=numeg) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       val = X[i*nrows+i] + X[j*nrows+j] - 2.0*X[i*nrows+j] ;
       pp[k1*numeg+k2] += val ;
       pp[k2*numeg+k1] += val ;
       ++npp[k1*numeg+k2]  ;
       ++npp[k2*numeg+k1]  ;
     vsp(npp, npp, 1.0e-8, numeg*numeg) ;
     vvd(pp, pp, npp, numeg*numeg) ;
// and normalize so that mean on diagonal is 1 
     yy = trace(pp, numeg) / (double) numeg ;
     vst(pp, pp, 1.0/yy, numeg*numeg) ;
     printf("\n## Average divergence between populations:");
     if (numeg<=10) {
      printf("\n") ;
      printf("%10s", "") ;
      for (k1=0; k1<numeg; ++k1) {  
       printf(" %10s", eglist[k1]) ;
      printf("  %10s", "popsize") ;
      printf("\n") ;
      for (k2=0; k2<numeg; ++k2) {  
       printf("%10s", eglist[k2]) ;
       for (k1=0; k1<numeg; ++k1) {  
        val = pp[k1*numeg+k2] ;
        printf(" %10.3f", val) ;
       printf("  %10d", popsize[k2]) ;
       printf("\n") ;
     else {   // numeg >= 10 
      printf("\n") ;
      for (k2=0; k2<numeg; ++k2) {  
       for (k1=k2; k1<numeg; ++k1) {  
        printf("dotp: %10s", eglist[k2]) ;
        printf(" %10s", eglist[k1]) ;
        val = pp[k1*numeg+k2] ;
        printf(" %10.3f", val) ;
        printf("    %10d", popsize[k2]) ;
        printf(" %10d", popsize[k1]) ;
        printf("\n") ;
    printf("\n") ;
    printf("\n") ;
    fflush(stdout) ;

    free(pp) ;
    free(npp) ;

Exemple #25
void dopop3out(char **fglist,  SNP **xsnplist, int ncols, char *line, char *outpop) 
  Indiv **xindlist ;
  Indiv *indx ;
  int *xindex, *xtypes ;
  int nrows ;
  int t, k, i, trun ;
  double f3score, f3scoresig ;
  double f2score, f2scoresig, y, y1, y2, p, q ;
  char *eglist[4] ;
  int numeg = 4 ;
  double ytop, ybot, yxbot ;
  double ztop, zbot ;
  int col ; 
  SNP *cupt ;
  double zztop[6], yytop[6] ; 
  double u, s1, s2, atop, btop, alphabot, betabot, alphatop ;
  double ya, yb, za, zb, yt ;
  char obuff[1024], *sx ;
  int nsnp = 0 ;

  copystrings(fglist, eglist, 3) ; 
  eglist[3] = strdup(outpop) ;

  ZALLOC(xindex, numindivs, int) ;
  ZALLOC(xindlist, numindivs, Indiv *) ;

  setstatusv(indivmarkers, numindivs, NULL, NO) ;
  setstatuslist(indivmarkers, numindivs, eglist, numeg) ;
  nrows = loadindx(xindlist, xindex, indivmarkers, numindivs) ;
  if (nrows == 0) {
   for (i=0; i<numeg; ++i) { 
    printf("zz %s\n", eglist[i]) ;
   fatalx("fatal error (probably missing pop)\n") ;

  ZALLOC(xtypes, nrows, int) ;

  for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
    indx = xindlist[i] ;
    k = indxindex(eglist, numeg, indx -> egroup) ;
    xtypes[i] = k ;

   ztop = zbot = 0.0 ;
   vzero(zztop, 6) ;
   for (col=0; col<ncols;  ++col)  {
    cupt = xsnplist[col] ;
    if (cupt -> ignore) continue ;
    loadaa(cupt, xindex, xtypes, nrows, numeg) ;

    f3scz(&ytop,  &ybot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 2, 0, 1) ;
    if (isnan(ytop)) fatalx("zznan\n") ;
    if (ybot < -0.5) continue ;
    f3scz(&yytop[0],  &yxbot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 3, 0, 1) ; if (yxbot < -0.5) continue ;
    f3scz(&yytop[1],  &yxbot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 3, 0, 2) ; if (yxbot < -0.5) continue ;
    f3scz(&yytop[2],  &yxbot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 3, 1, 2) ; if (yxbot < -0.5) continue ;
    f2scz(&yytop[3],  &yxbot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 3, 0, 3) ; if (yxbot < -0.5) continue ;
    f2scz(&yytop[4],  &yxbot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 3, 1, 3) ; if (yxbot < -0.5) continue ;
    f2scz(&yytop[5],  &yxbot, cupt, indivmarkers, xindex, xtypes, nrows, 3, 2, 3) ; if (yxbot < -0.5) continue ;
    ztop += ytop ;
    zbot += ybot ;
    if ((ytop>0) || (ybot > 0)) ++nsnp  ; // monomorphic snps not counted
    vvp(zztop, zztop, yytop, 6) ;
//verbose = YES ; 
   ztop /= zbot ;
   vst(zztop, zztop, 1.0/zbot, 6) ;
    u = zztop[0] ; 
    vsp(yytop, zztop, -u, 6) ;
    s1 = yytop[1] ; /* alpha a */
    s2 = yytop[2] ; 
    atop = yytop[3] ;
    btop = yytop[4] ; 
    alphabot = s1/atop ; 
    betabot =  s2/btop ; 
    alphatop = 1.0-betabot ;
    y1 = -ztop -s1 ;  
    if (s2>s1) { 
     alphabot = MAX(alphabot, y1/(s2-s1)) ;  
    if (s2<s1) { 
     alphatop = MIN(alphatop, y1/(s2-s1)) ;  
  sx = obuff ;
  sx += sprintf(sx, "%s", line) ;  
//printf(" %12.6f", ztop) ;
  sx += sprintf(sx, " %9.3f", alphabot) ;
  sx += sprintf(sx, " %9.3f", alphatop) ;
// next code is computing bounds on h (drift -> C) 
  za = alphatop; zb = 1.0-za ;
  ya = s1/za; yb = s2/zb; yt = -za*zb*(ya+yb) ; y1 = ztop - yt ; 
  za = alphabot; zb = 1.0-za ;
  ya = s1/za; yb = s2/zb; yt = -za*zb*(ya+yb) ; y2 = ztop - yt ; 
  sx += sprintf(sx, "     %9.3f %9.3f", y1, y2) ;
  sx += sprintf(sx, " %7d", nsnp) ;
  printf("%s", obuff) ;
  printnl() ; 
  if (verbose) printmatwl(yytop, 1, 6, 6) ;
  if (outputname != NULL) {  
   fprintf(ofile, "%s\n", obuff) ;
   fflush(ofile) ;

  free(xtypes) ;
  free(xindex) ;
  free(xindlist) ;
  freeup(eglist, 4) ;
  destroyaa() ;

  return  ;

Exemple #26
static void
cpArbiterApplyImpulse_NEON(cpArbiter *arb)
    cpBody *a = arb->body_a;
    cpBody *b = arb->body_b;
    cpFloatx2_t surface_vr = vld((cpFloat_t *)&arb->surface_vr);
    cpFloatx2_t n = vld((cpFloat_t *)&arb->n);
    cpFloat_t friction = arb->u;

    int numContacts = arb->count;
    struct cpContact *contacts = arb->contacts;
    for(int i=0; i<numContacts; i++) {
        struct cpContact *con = contacts + i;
        cpFloatx2_t r1 = vld((cpFloat_t *)&con->r1);
        cpFloatx2_t r2 = vld((cpFloat_t *)&con->r2);

        cpFloatx2_t perp = vmake(-1.0, 1.0);
        cpFloatx2_t r1p = vmul(vrev(r1), perp);
        cpFloatx2_t r2p = vmul(vrev(r2), perp);

        cpFloatx2_t vBias_a = vld((cpFloat_t *)&a->v_bias);
        cpFloatx2_t vBias_b = vld((cpFloat_t *)&b->v_bias);
        cpFloatx2_t wBias = vmake(a->w_bias, b->w_bias);

        cpFloatx2_t vb1 = vadd(vBias_a, vmul_n(r1p, vget_lane(wBias, 0)));
        cpFloatx2_t vb2 = vadd(vBias_b, vmul_n(r2p, vget_lane(wBias, 1)));
        cpFloatx2_t vbr = vsub(vb2, vb1);

        cpFloatx2_t v_a = vld((cpFloat_t *)&a->v);
        cpFloatx2_t v_b = vld((cpFloat_t *)&b->v);
        cpFloatx2_t w = vmake(a->w, b->w);
        cpFloatx2_t v1 = vadd(v_a, vmul_n(r1p, vget_lane(w, 0)));
        cpFloatx2_t v2 = vadd(v_b, vmul_n(r2p, vget_lane(w, 1)));
        cpFloatx2_t vr = vsub(v2, v1);

        cpFloatx2_t vbn_vrn = vpadd(vmul(vbr, n), vmul(vr, n));

        cpFloatx2_t v_offset = vmake(con->bias, -con->bounce);
        cpFloatx2_t jOld = vmake(con->jBias, con->jnAcc);
        cpFloatx2_t jbn_jn = vmul_n(vsub(v_offset, vbn_vrn), con->nMass);
        jbn_jn = vmax(vadd(jOld, jbn_jn), vdup_n(0.0));
        cpFloatx2_t jApply = vsub(jbn_jn, jOld);

        cpFloatx2_t t = vmul(vrev(n), perp);
        cpFloatx2_t vrt_tmp = vmul(vadd(vr, surface_vr), t);
        cpFloatx2_t vrt = vpadd(vrt_tmp, vrt_tmp);

        cpFloatx2_t jtOld = {};
        jtOld = vset_lane(con->jtAcc, jtOld, 0);
        cpFloatx2_t jtMax = vrev(vmul_n(jbn_jn, friction));
        cpFloatx2_t jt = vmul_n(vrt, -con->tMass);
        jt = vmax(vneg(jtMax), vmin(vadd(jtOld, jt), jtMax));
        cpFloatx2_t jtApply = vsub(jt, jtOld);

        cpFloatx2_t i_inv = vmake(-a->i_inv, b->i_inv);
        cpFloatx2_t nperp = vmake(1.0, -1.0);

        cpFloatx2_t jBias = vmul_n(n, vget_lane(jApply, 0));
        cpFloatx2_t jBiasCross = vmul(vrev(jBias), nperp);
        cpFloatx2_t biasCrosses = vpadd(vmul(r1, jBiasCross), vmul(r2, jBiasCross));
        wBias = vadd(wBias, vmul(i_inv, biasCrosses));

        vBias_a = vsub(vBias_a, vmul_n(jBias, a->m_inv));
        vBias_b = vadd(vBias_b, vmul_n(jBias, b->m_inv));

        cpFloatx2_t j = vadd(vmul_n(n, vget_lane(jApply, 1)), vmul_n(t, vget_lane(jtApply, 0)));
        cpFloatx2_t jCross = vmul(vrev(j), nperp);
        cpFloatx2_t crosses = vpadd(vmul(r1, jCross), vmul(r2, jCross));
        w = vadd(w, vmul(i_inv, crosses));

        v_a = vsub(v_a, vmul_n(j, a->m_inv));
        v_b = vadd(v_b, vmul_n(j, b->m_inv));

        // TODO would moving these earlier help pipeline them better?
        vst((cpFloat_t *)&a->v_bias, vBias_a);
        vst((cpFloat_t *)&b->v_bias, vBias_b);
        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&a->w_bias, wBias, 0);
        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&b->w_bias, wBias, 1);

        vst((cpFloat_t *)&a->v, v_a);
        vst((cpFloat_t *)&b->v, v_b);
        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&a->w, w, 0);
        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&b->w, w, 1);

        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&con->jBias, jbn_jn, 0);
        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&con->jnAcc, jbn_jn, 1);
        vst_lane((cpFloat_t *)&con->jtAcc, jt, 0);
Exemple #27
int main() {
	int n,looplim = 10000;
	while(cin >> n) {
		vMat all_Mat;
		Mat sec_Mat;
		cout << "=======" << endl;
		cout << n << endl;
		Mat L;
		double start_t = clock();

		double ans = INF;
		double t3 = 0,t4 = 0;
		clock_t c1,c2;

		//step 0
		vd ans_v;
		for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
			vd tmpl,x;
			for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {
				if(i == j) {x.push_back(1);}
				else {x.push_back(0);}
			if(get_f(x) <= ans) {
				ans = get_f(x);
				ans_v = x;
			for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {
				if(x[j] == 1) {
				} else {


		int cnt = 0;
		vMat used_Mat;//,all_Mat;
		multimap<double,Mat> dMatmp;
		set<pvdi> st;
		set<pdi> stf;
		vector<set<pdi> > vst(n);
		set<int> used_idx;
		priority_queue<pair<double,int> , vector<pair<double,int> > , greater<pair<double,int> > > pq;
		//priority_queue<pair<double,int> > pq;
		//O(min(loop,local min))
		int max_set_size = 1000000;
		int cut_cnt = 0;
		while(cnt++ < looplim && !pq.empty()) {
			if(pq.size() > 1000000) break;

			if(cnt % 1000 == 0) {
				cout << "cnt:" << cnt << endl;
				cout << "lb:" << pq.top().first << endl;
				cout << "f:" << ans << endl;
				cout << "size:" << pq.size() << endl;
				cout << "cut:" << cut_cnt << endl;
				cout << "time:" << (clock() - start_t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
				cout << "---" << endl;
			//step 1
			//select l in Lk with the smallest d
			double d = pq.top().first;
			int idx = pq.top().second; 
			L = all_Mat[idx];
			//cout << endl;
			if(used_idx.find(idx) != used_idx.end()){
			if(ans - d < eps) {
			vd xs;
			for(int i = 0 ; i < L.size() ; i++) {
				//caution : division by zero 

			//step 2
			double tmpf = get_f(xs);
			//cout << get_f(xs) << endl;
			if(tmpf <= ans) {
				ans = tmpf;
				ans_v = xs;
			vd lk;
			for(int i = 0 ; i < xs.size() ; i++) {
				if(xs[i] > zero_boundary) lk.push_back(tmpf/xs[i]);
				else lk.push_back(INF);
			vMat Lm;
			vi idxs = get_lower_idx_s(st,lk);
			//vi idxs = get_lower_idx(st,lk,vst);
			//vi idxs = get_lower_idx_s(st,lk);
			Mat Sec;
			for(int i = 0 ; i < idxs.size() ; i++) {
				if(used_idx.find(idxs[i]) == used_idx.end()){ 
			//step 4
			//O(L- size * n * n^2)
			vd dlk = lk;
			for(int j = 0 ; j < Lm.size() ; j++) {
				Mat tmpL = Lm[j];
				vd tmplk = lk;
				//cout << endl;

				vi idx = get_swap_idx(tmplk,Sec[j]); 
				   cout << "s:" << endl;
				   for(int i = 0 ; i < idx.size() ; i++) {
				   cout << idx[i] << " ";
				   cout << endl;
				for(int i = 0 ; i < idx.size() ; i++) {
					L = tmpL;
					lk = tmplk;
					//cout << "--" << endl;
					//cout << "v:" << is_valid_combination(L,Sec[j]) << " " << is_valid_combination(L) << endl;
					//if(get_d(L) > d) {

			priority_queue<pair<double,int> , vector<pair<double,int> > , greater<pair<double,int> > > tmp_pq = pq;
			priority_queue<pair<double,int> , vector<pair<double,int> > , greater<pair<double,int> > > nxt_pq;
			int set_size = 0;
			while(!tmp_pq.empty()) {
				int idx = tmp_pq.top().second;
				if(set_size < max_set_size) nxt_pq.push(tmp_pq.top());
				else {
			pq = nxt_pq;

		cout << "cnt:" << cnt << endl;
		cout << "ans:" << ans << endl;
		cout << "ans_v:";
	return 0;