void CntSimContactFetchRequest::readComplete(QList<QContact> contacts, QContactManager::Error error)    
    QContactFetchRequest *r = req<QContactFetchRequest>();
    if (!r->isActive())
    // Sometimes the sim store will return server busy error. All we can do is
    // wait and try again. The error seems to occur if we try to read from the
    // store right after writing some contacts to it.  
    // This was observed with S60 5.0 HW (Tube).
    if (simStore()->lastAsyncError() == KErrServerBusy) {
        if (waitAndRetry())
    // Filter & sort results
    QList<QContact> filteredAndSorted;
    for (int i=0; i<contacts.count(); i++) {
        if (engine()->filter(r->filter(), contacts.at(i)))
            QContactManagerEngine::addSorted(&filteredAndSorted, contacts.at(i), r->sorting());

    // Complete the request
    QContactManagerEngine::updateContactFetchRequest(r, filteredAndSorted, error, QContactAbstractRequest::FinishedState);
void waitChildren(){
	if (rflag)