IplImage* save_camera_image(const unsigned char *image){

  int imgPixel = 0;

  int row;
  int col;

  int width = wb_camera_get_width(camera);
  int height = wb_camera_get_height(camera);

  // read rgb pixel values from the camera

  //create image in OpenCV format with width and height of the webots camera image
  IplImage* imgOpencv = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

  //information about the imgOpencv
  int widthStep = imgOpencv->widthStep;
  int nChannels = imgOpencv->nChannels;
  uchar* data           = (uchar *)imgOpencv->imageData;

  //counts the number of the channel that is being accessed
  int numberChannel;

  // redChannel = 2;
  // greenChannel = 1;
  // blueChannel = 0;

  for(numberChannel = 0; numberChannel < 3; numberChannel++){
    for(col = 0; col<height; col++){
      for(row = 0; row<width; row++){
        if(numberChannel == 0){
        imgPixel = wb_camera_image_get_blue(image,width,row,col);
        if(numberChannel == 1){
        imgPixel = wb_camera_image_get_green(image,width,row,col);
        if(numberChannel == 2){
        imgPixel = wb_camera_image_get_red(image,width,row,col);
        data[col * widthStep + row * nChannels + numberChannel] = imgPixel;

 return imgOpencv;  
static void reset(void)
  int i;
  char text[5]="led0";
  for(i=0;i<NB_LEDS;i++) {

  // enable the camera
  cam = wb_robot_get_device("camera");
  width = wb_camera_get_width(cam);
  height = wb_camera_get_height(cam);
Exemple #3
void report_step_state_to_supervisor(){
    // send message to supervisor
      int width = wb_camera_get_width(CameraTop);
  int height = wb_camera_get_height(CameraTop);

  // read rgb pixel values from the camera
  const unsigned char *image = wb_camera_get_image(CameraTop);
 // printf("player\n");
//printf_ByteArray(image, width*height);
    wb_emitter_send(emitter, image, height * width * 8);
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("Comenzo todo\n");
  printf("Iniciando el sistema\n");  
  ros::init(argc, argv, "NEURONAL");  
  ros::NodeHandle n,nh,nh2;  
  ros::Subscriber chatter_sub = n.subscribe("/auto_controller/command", 100, chatterCallback);
  // find front wheels
  left_front_wheel = wb_robot_get_device("left_front_wheel");
  right_front_wheel = wb_robot_get_device("right_front_wheel");
  wb_servo_set_position(left_front_wheel, INFINITY);
  wb_servo_set_position(right_front_wheel, INFINITY);
  // get steering motors
  left_steer = wb_robot_get_device("left_steer");
  right_steer = wb_robot_get_device("right_steer");

  // camera device
  camera = wb_robot_get_device("camera");
  wb_camera_enable(camera, TIME_STEP);
  camera_width = wb_camera_get_width(camera);
  camera_height = wb_camera_get_height(camera);
  camera_fov = wb_camera_get_fov(camera);

  // initialize gps
  gps = wb_robot_get_device("gps");
  wb_gps_enable(gps, TIME_STEP);
  // initialize display (speedometer)
  display = wb_robot_get_device("display");
  speedometer_image = wb_display_image_load(display, "/root/research/PROYECTOTP/controllers/destiny_controller/speedometer.png");
  wb_display_set_color(display, 0xffffff);
    // SICK sensor
  sick = wb_robot_get_device("lms291");
  wb_camera_enable(sick, TIME_STEP);
  sick_width = wb_camera_get_width(sick);
  sick_range = wb_camera_get_max_range(sick);
  sick_fov = wb_camera_get_fov(sick);
  // start engine
  speed=64.0; // km/h
  // main loop
  printf("Iniciando el ciclo de peticiones\n");
 // set_autodrive(false);z
  while (1) {
    const unsigned char *camera_image = wb_camera_get_image(camera);



  return 0;  // ignored

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("Comenzo todo\n");
  printf("Iniciando el sistema\n");
  // Ros initialization
  ros::init(argc, argv, "Simulador");
  ros::init(argc, argv, "Imagenes_de_Simulador");
  ros::NodeHandle n,nh,nh2;
 // ros::Subscriber chatter_sub = n.subscribe("/auto_controller/command", 100, chatterCallback);
  ros::Subscriber chatter_sub = n.subscribe("/auto_controller/command", 100, chatterCallback);
  image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
	//OpenCV HighGUI call to destroy a display window on shut-down.
  image_transport::ImageTransport it2(nh2);
  image_transport::Publisher pub2 = it.advertise("/webot/camera", 1);
  // find front wheels
  left_front_wheel = wb_robot_get_device("left_front_wheel");
  right_front_wheel = wb_robot_get_device("right_front_wheel");
  wb_servo_set_position(left_front_wheel, INFINITY);
  wb_servo_set_position(right_front_wheel, INFINITY);
  // get steering motors
  left_steer = wb_robot_get_device("left_steer");
  right_steer = wb_robot_get_device("right_steer");

  // camera device
  camera = wb_robot_get_device("camera");
  wb_camera_enable(camera, TIME_STEP);
  camera_width = wb_camera_get_width(camera);
  camera_height = wb_camera_get_height(camera);
  camera_fov = wb_camera_get_fov(camera);

  // initialize gps
  gps = wb_robot_get_device("gps");
  wb_gps_enable(gps, TIME_STEP);
  // initialize display (speedometer)
  display = wb_robot_get_device("display");
  speedometer_image = wb_display_image_load(display, "/root/research/PROYECTOTP/controllers/destiny_controller/speedometer.png");
  wb_display_set_color(display, 0xffffff);
  // start engine
  speed=64.0; // km/h

  // allow to switch to manual control

  // main loop
  printf("Iniciando el ciclo de peticiones\n");
 // set_autodrive(false);z
  while (1) {
    const unsigned char *camera_image = wb_camera_get_image(camera);
    //wb_camera_save_image (camera, "/tmp/imagen.png", 100);
    //cv::WImageBuffer3_b image(cvLoadImage("/tmp/imagen.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR));
    IplImage* imagen=save_camera_image(camera_image);
    sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg = sensor_msgs::CvBridge::cvToImgMsg(imagen, "bgr8");
    cvReleaseImage(&imagen );

    // wb_servo_set_position(left_steer, 0);
    // wb_servo_set_position(right_steer, 0);


  return 0;  // ignored
