void test_basic_weight_balanced_tree() { test_basic(wb_dict_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL), keys1, NKEYS1, closest_lookup_infos, NUM_CLOSEST_LOOKUP_INFOS); test_basic(wb_dict_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL), keys2, NKEYS2, closest_lookup_infos, NUM_CLOSEST_LOOKUP_INFOS); }
void test_basic_weight_balanced_tree() { test_basic(wb_dict_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL), keys1, NKEYS1, cl_infos, N_CL_INFOS); test_basic(wb_dict_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL), keys2, NKEYS2, cl_infos, N_CL_INFOS); }
dict * create_dictionary(char type, const char **container_name) { dict_compare_func cmp_func = my_strcmp; dict_hash_func hash_func = str_hash; switch (type) { case 'h': *container_name = "hb"; return hb_dict_new(cmp_func, key_str_free); case 'p': *container_name = "pr"; return pr_dict_new(cmp_func, key_str_free); case 'r': *container_name = "rb"; return rb_dict_new(cmp_func, key_str_free); case 't': *container_name = "tr"; return tr_dict_new(cmp_func, NULL, key_str_free); case 's': *container_name = "sp"; return sp_dict_new(cmp_func, key_str_free); case 'S': *container_name = "sk"; return skiplist_dict_new(cmp_func, key_str_free, 12); case 'w': *container_name = "wb"; return wb_dict_new(cmp_func, key_str_free); case 'H': *container_name = "ht"; return hashtable_dict_new(cmp_func, hash_func, key_str_free, HASHTABLE_SIZE); case '2': *container_name = "h2"; return hashtable2_dict_new(cmp_func, hash_func, key_str_free, HASHTABLE_SIZE); default: quit("type must be one of h, p, r, t, s, w or H"); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[512], *p, *ptr, *ptr2; int rv; dict *dct; if (argc != 2) quit("usage: %s [type]", appname); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); dict_malloc_func = xmalloc; ++argv; switch (argv[0][0]) { case 'h': dct = hb_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, key_val_free); break; case 'p': dct = pr_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, key_val_free); break; case 'r': dct = rb_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, key_val_free); break; case 't': dct = tr_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, NULL, key_val_free); break; case 's': dct = sp_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, key_val_free); break; case 'w': dct = wb_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, key_val_free); break; case 'H': dct = hashtable_dict_new((dict_compare_func)strcmp, dict_str_hash, key_val_free, HSIZE); break; default: quit("type must be one of h, p, r, t, s, w, or H"); } if (!dct) quit("can't create container"); for (;;) { printf("> "); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) break; if ((p = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL) *p = 0; for (p = buf; isspace(*p); p++) /* void */; strcpy(buf, p); ptr2 = (ptr = strtok(buf, " ") ? strtok(NULL, " ") : NULL) ? strtok(NULL, " ") : NULL; if (*buf == 0) continue; if (strcmp(buf, "insert") == 0) { if (!ptr2) { printf("usage: insert <key> <data>\n"); continue; } void **datum_location; if (dict_insert(dct, xstrdup(ptr), &datum_location)) { *datum_location = xstrdup(ptr2); printf("inserted '%s': '%s'\n", ptr, *datum_location); } else { printf("key '%s' already in dict: '%s'\n", ptr, *datum_location); } } else if (strcmp(buf, "search") == 0) { if (ptr2) { printf("usage: search <key>\n"); continue; } ptr2 = dict_search(dct, ptr); if (ptr2) printf("found '%s': '%s'\n", ptr, ptr2); else printf("key '%s' not in dict!\n", ptr); } else if (strcmp(buf, "remove") == 0) { if (!ptr || ptr2) { printf("usage: remove <key>\n"); continue; } rv = dict_remove(dct, ptr); if (rv == 0) printf("removed '%s' from dict\n", ptr); else printf("key '%s' not in dict!\n", ptr); } else if (strcmp(buf, "show") == 0) { if (ptr) { printf("usage: show\n"); continue; } dict_itor *itor = dict_itor_new(dct); dict_itor_first(itor); for (; dict_itor_valid(itor); dict_itor_next(itor)) printf("'%s': '%s'\n", (char *)dict_itor_key(itor), (char *)dict_itor_data(itor)); dict_itor_free(itor); } else if (strcmp(buf, "reverse") == 0) { if (ptr) { printf("usage: reverse\n"); continue; } dict_itor *itor = dict_itor_new(dct); dict_itor_last(itor); for (; dict_itor_valid(itor); dict_itor_prev(itor)) printf("'%s': '%s'\n", (char *)dict_itor_key(itor), (char *)dict_itor_data(itor)); dict_itor_free(itor); } else if (strcmp(buf, "clear") == 0) { if (ptr) { printf("usage: clear\n"); continue; } dict_clear(dct); } else if (strcmp(buf, "count") == 0) { if (ptr) { printf("usage: count\n"); continue; } printf("count = %zu\n", dict_count(dct)); } else if (strcmp(buf, "quit") == 0) { break; } else { printf("Usage summary:\n"); printf(" insert <key> <data>\n"); printf(" search <key>\n"); printf(" remove <key>\n"); printf(" clear\n"); printf(" count\n"); printf(" show\n"); printf(" reverse\n"); printf(" quit\n"); } } dict_free(dct); exit(0); }
void test_basic_weight_balanced_tree() { test_basic(wb_dict_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL), keys1, NKEYS1); test_basic(wb_dict_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL), keys2, NKEYS2); }