void ScriptTestSetup(ScriptInterface& ifc) { ifc.RegisterFunction<void, std::wstring, script_TS_FAIL>("TS_FAIL"); // Load the TS_* function definitions // (We don't use VFS because tests might not have the normal VFS paths loaded) OsPath path = DataDir()/"tests"/"test_setup.js"; std::ifstream ifs(OsString(path).c_str()); ENSURE(ifs.good()); std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); std::wstring wcontent(content.begin(), content.end()); bool ok = ifc.LoadScript(L"test_setup.js", wcontent); ENSURE(ok); }
bool XMLParser::getProperties(_xmlAttr * properties, map<wstring, wstring> & attrMap) { for(_xmlAttr * childprop = properties; childprop; childprop = childprop->next) { for(xmlNode * child = childprop->children; child; child = child->next) { string name = (char*)childprop->name; string content = (char*)childprop->children->content; wstring wname(name.begin(), name.end()); wstring wcontent(content.begin(), content.end()); attrMap[wname] = wcontent; } } return true; }