Exemple #1
void _glfwPlatformCopyContext(_GLFWwindow* src, _GLFWwindow* dst, unsigned long mask)
    if (!wglCopyContext(src->WGL.context, dst->WGL.context, mask))
                      "Win32/WGL: Failed to copy OpenGL context attributes");
Exemple #2
	(JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jintLong arg0, jintLong arg1, jint arg2)
	jboolean rc = 0;
	WGL_NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, wglCopyContext_FUNC);
	rc = (jboolean)wglCopyContext((HGLRC)arg0, (HGLRC)arg1, arg2);
	WGL_NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, wglCopyContext_FUNC);
	return rc;
/* Same as PsychOSSetGLContext() but for selecting userspace rendering context,
 * optionally copying state from PTBs context.
void PsychOSSetUserGLContext(PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, Boolean copyfromPTBContext)
	// Child protection:
	if (windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject == NULL) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "GL Userspace context unavailable! Call InitializeMatlabOpenGL *before* Screen('OpenWindow')!");
	if (copyfromPTBContext) {
  		wglMakeCurrent(windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext, NULL);		
		wglCopyContext(windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject, windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject, GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS);
    // Setup new context if it isn't already setup. -> Avoid redundant context switch.
  	 if (wglGetCurrentContext() != windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject) {
		 wglMakeCurrent(windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext, windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject);
static GLboolean glWinCopyContext(__GLcontext *dst, const __GLcontext *src,
                                   GLuint mask)
    BOOL ret;


    ret = wglCopyContext(src->ctx, dst->ctx, mask);
    if (!ret) 
        ErrorF("wglCopyContext error: %s\n", glWinErrorMessage());
        return GL_FALSE;

    return GL_TRUE;
static gboolean
_gdk_win32_gl_context_impl_copy (GdkGLContext  *glcontext,
                                 GdkGLContext  *src,
                                 unsigned long  mask)
  HGLRC dst_hglrc, src_hglrc;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_WIN32_GL_CONTEXT (glcontext->impl), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_WIN32_GL_CONTEXT (src), FALSE);

  dst_hglrc = GDK_GL_CONTEXT_HGLRC (glcontext);
  if (dst_hglrc == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  src_hglrc = GDK_GL_CONTEXT_HGLRC (src);
  if (src_hglrc == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  GDK_GL_NOTE_FUNC_IMPL ("wglCopyContext");

  return wglCopyContext (src_hglrc, dst_hglrc, mask);
    Creates the pixel format and the context objects and then instantiates the context onto the screen.
    -The pixel format and the context are stored in the target specific field of the window recored.  Close
    should clean up by destroying both the pixel format and the context.
    -We mantain the context because it must be be made the current context by drawing functions to draw into 
    the specified window.
    -We maintain the pixel format object because there seems to be now way to retrieve that from the context.
    -To tell the caller to clean up PsychOSOpenOnscreenWindow returns FALSE if we fail to open the window. It 
    would be better to just issue an PsychErrorExit() and have that clean up everything allocated outside of
boolean PsychOSOpenOnscreenWindow(PsychScreenSettingsType *screenSettings, PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, int numBuffers, int stereomode, int conserveVRAM)
  RECT winRec;
  PsychRectType             screenrect;
  CGDirectDisplayID         cgDisplayID;
  int         pf;
  unsigned int nNumFormats;
  HDC         hDC;
  HWND        hWnd;
  WNDCLASS    wc;
  int         attribs[48];
  int         attribcount;
  float       fattribs[2]={0,0};
  int x, y, width, height, i, bpc;
  GLenum      glerr;
  DWORD flags;
  boolean fullscreen = FALSE;
  // The WS_EX_NOACTIVATE flag prevents the window from grabbing keyboard focus. That way,
  // the new Java-GetChar can do its job.
  DWORD windowExtendedStyle = WS_EX_APPWINDOW | 0x08000000; // const int WS_EX_NOACTIVATE = 0x08000000;

	 // Init to safe default:
    windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject = NULL;
    // Map the logical screen number to a device handle for the corresponding
    // physical display device: CGDirectDisplayID is currently typedef'd to a
    // HDC windows hardware device context handle.
    PsychGetCGDisplayIDFromScreenNumber(&cgDisplayID, screenSettings->screenNumber);

    // Check if this should be a fullscreen window:
    PsychGetScreenRect(screenSettings->screenNumber, screenrect);
    if (PsychMatchRect(screenrect, windowRecord->rect)) {
      // This is supposed to be a fullscreen window with the dimensions of
      // the current display/desktop:
      // Switch system to fullscreen-mode without changing any settings:
      fullscreen = ChangeScreenResolution(screenSettings->screenNumber, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    else {
      // Window size different from current screen size:
      // A regular desktop window with borders and control icons is requested, e.g., for debugging:
      fullscreen = FALSE;

	 // Special case for explicit multi-display setup under Windows when opening a window on
	 // screen zero. We enforce the fullscreen - flag, aka a borderless top level window. This way,
    // if anything of our automatic full-desktop window emulation code goes wrong on exotic setups,
    // the user can still enforce a suitably positioned and sized borderless toplevel window.
    if (PsychGetNumDisplays()>2 && screenSettings->screenNumber == 0) fullscreen = TRUE;

    if (fullscreen) {
      windowStyle = WS_POPUP;		      // Set The WindowStyle To WS_POPUP (Popup Window without borders)
      windowExtendedStyle |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;   // Set The Extended Window Style To WS_EX_TOPMOST
    else {
      windowStyle |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
      windowExtendedStyle |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;   // Set The Extended Window Style To WS_EX_TOPMOST

    // Define final position and size of window:

    // Register our own window class for Psychtoolbox onscreen windows:
    // Only register the window class once - use hInstance as a flag.
    if (!hInstance) {
      hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
      wc.style         = CS_OWNDC;
      wc.lpfnWndProc   = WndProc;
      wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;
      wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;
      wc.hInstance     = hInstance;
      wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_WINLOGO);
      wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
      wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
      wc.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
      wc.lpszClassName = "PTB-OpenGL";

      if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) {
		  hInstance = 0;
        printf("\nPTB-ERROR[Register Windowclass failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific.\n\n");

    //if (PSYCH_DEBUG == PSYCH_ON) printf("Creating Window...\n");

    // Adjust window bounds to account for the window borders if we are in non-fullscreen mode:
    if (!fullscreen) {
      winRec.left=x; winRec.top=y; winRec.right=x+width; winRec.bottom=y+height;
      AdjustWindowRectEx(&winRec, windowStyle, 0, windowExtendedStyle);
      x=winRec.left; y=winRec.top; width=winRec.right - winRec.left; height=winRec.bottom - winRec.top;

    // Window class registered: Create a window of this class with some specific properties:
    hWnd = CreateWindowEx(windowExtendedStyle,
			  "PTB Onscreen window",
			  x, y, width, height, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);

    if (hWnd == NULL) {
        printf("\nPTB-ERROR[CreateWindow() failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific.\n\n");

    // Retrieve device context for the window:
    hDC = GetDC(hWnd);

    // Setup optional flags for pixelformat:
    flags = 0;
    // Init pfd to zero:
    memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
    attribcount = 0;

    attribs[attribcount++]=0x2001; // WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB
    attribs[attribcount++]=0x2010; // WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB
    attribs[attribcount++]=0x2007; // WGL_SWAP_METHOD_ARB
    attribs[attribcount++]=0x2028; // WGL_SWAP_EXCHANGE_ARB
    attribs[attribcount++]=0x2013; // WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB
    // Select either floating point or fixed point framebuffer:
    if (windowRecord->depth == 64 || windowRecord->depth == 128) {
      // Request a floating point drawable instead of a fixed-point one:
    else {
      // Request standard fixed point drawable:
      attribs[attribcount++]=0x202B; // WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB
    // Select requested depth per color component 'bpc' for each channel:
    bpc = 8; // We default to 8 bpc == RGBA8
    if (windowRecord->depth == 30)  { bpc = 10; printf("PTB-INFO: Trying to enable at least 10 bpc fixed point framebuffer.\n"); }
    if (windowRecord->depth == 64)  { bpc = 16; printf("PTB-INFO: Trying to enable 16 bpc floating point framebuffer.\n"); }
    if (windowRecord->depth == 128) { bpc = 32; printf("PTB-INFO: Trying to enable 32 bpc floating point framebuffer.\n"); }
    // Set up color depth for each channel:
    // Alpha channel has only 2 bpc in the fixed point bpc=10 case, i.e. RGBA=8882.
    attribs[attribcount++]=(bpc == 10) ? 2 : bpc;
    // Stereo display support: If stereo display output is requested with OpenGL native stereo,
    // we request a stereo-enabled rendering context.
    if(stereomode==kPsychOpenGLStereo) {
      flags = flags | PFD_STEREO;
      attribs[attribcount++]=0x2012; // WGL_STEREO_ARB
    // Double buffering requested?
    if(numBuffers>=2) {
      // Enable double-buffering:
      flags = flags | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;
      attribs[attribcount++]=0x2011; // WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB
      // AUX buffers for Flip-Operations needed?
      if ((conserveVRAM & kPsychDisableAUXBuffers) == 0) {
	// Allocate one or two (mono vs. stereo) AUX buffers for new "don't clear" mode of Screen('Flip'):
	// Not clearing the framebuffer after "Flip" is implemented by storing a backup-copy of
	// the backbuffer to AUXs before flip and restoring the content from AUXs after flip.
	pfd.cAuxBuffers=(stereomode==kPsychOpenGLStereo || stereomode==kPsychCompressedTLBRStereo || stereomode==kPsychCompressedTRBLStereo) ? 2 : 1;
	attribs[attribcount++]=0x2024; // WGL_AUX_BUFFERS_ARB
    //if (PSYCH_DEBUG == PSYCH_ON) printf("Device context is %p\n", hDC);
    // Build pixelformat descriptor:
    pfd.nSize        = sizeof(pfd);
    pfd.nVersion     = 1;
    pfd.dwFlags      = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_SWAP_EXCHANGE |flags;  // Want OpenGL capable window with bufferswap via page-flipping...
    pfd.iPixelType   = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; // Want a RGBA pixel format.
    pfd.cColorBits   = 32;            // 32 bpp at least...
    pfd.cAlphaBits   = 8;             // Want a 8 bit alpha-buffer.
    // Support for OpenGL 3D rendering requested?
    if (PsychPrefStateGet_3DGfx()) {
      // Yes. Allocate and attach a 24bit depth buffer and 8 bit stencil buffer:
      pfd.cDepthBits = 24;
      pfd.cStencilBits = 8;
      attribs[attribcount++]=0x2022; // WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB
      attribs[attribcount++]=0x2023; // WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB
    // Multisampled Anti-Aliasing requested?
    if (windowRecord->multiSample > 0) {
      // Request a multisample buffer:
      attribs[attribcount++]= 0x2041; // WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB
      attribs[attribcount++]= 1;
      // Request at least multiSample samples per pixel:
      attribs[attribcount++]= 0x2042; // WGL_SAMPLES_ARB
      attribs[attribcount++]= windowRecord->multiSample;
    // Finalize attribs-array:
    attribs[attribcount++]= 0;
    //if (PSYCH_DEBUG == PSYCH_ON) printf("Choosing pixelformat\n");
    // Create pixelformat:
    // This is typical Microsoft brain-damage: We first need to create a window the
    // conventional old way just to be able to get a handle to the new wglChoosePixelFormat
    // method, which will us - after destroying and recreating the new window - allow to
    // select the pixelformat we actually want!
    // Step 1: Choose pixelformat old-style:
    pf = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd);
    // Do we have a valid pixelformat?
    if (pf == 0) {
      // Nope. We give up!
      ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
      printf("\nPTB-ERROR[ChoosePixelFormat() failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific.\n\n");
    // Yes. Set it:
    if (SetPixelFormat(hDC, pf, &pfd) == FALSE) {
      ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
      printf("\nPTB-ERROR[SetPixelFormat() failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific.\n\n");
    // Ok, create and attach the rendering context.
    windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject = wglCreateContext(hDC);
    if (windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject == NULL) {
      ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
      printf("\nPTB-ERROR:[Context creation failed] Unknown, Win32 specific.\n\n");
    // Store the handles...
    windowRecord->targetSpecific.windowHandle = hWnd;
    windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext = hDC;
    // Activate the rendering context:
    // Ok, the OpenGL rendering context is up and running. Auto-detect and bind all
    // available OpenGL extensions via GLEW:
    glerr = glewInit();
    if (GLEW_OK != glerr)
	/* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */
	printf("\nPTB-ERROR[GLEW init failed: %s]: Please report this to the forum. Will try to continue, but may crash soon!\n\n", glewGetErrorString(glerr));
    else {
      if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>4) printf("PTB-INFO: Using GLEW version %s for automatic detection of OpenGL extensions...\n", glewGetString(GLEW_VERSION));
    DescribePixelFormat(hDC, pf, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd);
    if ((stereomode==kPsychOpenGLStereo) && ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO)==0)) {
      // Ooops. Couldn't get the requested stereo-context from hardware :(
      ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
      printf("PTB-ERROR: OpenGL native stereo mode unavailable. Your hardware may not support it,\n"
	     "PTB-ERROR: or at least not on a flat-panel? Expect abortion of your script soon...");
	// Special debug override for faulty drivers with non-working extension:
	if (conserveVRAM & kPsychOverrideWglChoosePixelformat) wglChoosePixelFormatARB = NULL;

	// Step 2: Ok, we have an OpenGL rendering context with all known extensions bound:
	// Do we have (or want) support for wglChoosePixelFormatARB?
   // We skip use of it if we can do without it, i.e., when we don't need unusual framebuffer
   // configs (like non 8bpc fixed) and we don't need multisampling. This is a work-around
   // for hardware that has trouble (=driver bugs) with wglChoosePixelformat() in some modes, e.g., the NVidia
	// Quadro gfx card, which fails to enable quad-buffered stereo when using wglChoosePixelformat(),
	// but does so perfectly well when using the old-style ChoosePixelFormat(). 
	if ((wglChoosePixelFormatARB == NULL) || ((bpc==8) && (windowRecord->multiSample <= 0))) {
	  // Failed (==NULL) or disabled via override.
	  if ((wglChoosePixelFormatARB == NULL) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) printf("PTB-WARNING: Could not bind wglChoosePixelFormat - Extension. Some features will be unavailable, e.g., Anti-Aliasing and high precision framebuffers.\n");
	else {
	  // Supported. We destroy the rendering context and window, then recreate it with
	  // the wglChoosePixelFormat - method...
	  wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);

	  // Delete rendering context:

      // Release device context:
      ReleaseDC(windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext, windowRecord->targetSpecific.windowHandle);

   	// Close & Destroy the window:

		// Ok, old window and stuff is dead. Create new window:
    	hWnd = CreateWindowEx(windowExtendedStyle, "PTB-OpenGL", "PTB Onscreen window", windowStyle,
			  						 x, y, width, height, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
    	if (hWnd == NULL) {
        printf("\nPTB-ERROR[CreateWindow() - II failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific.\n\n");

	   // Retrieve device context for the window:
    	hDC = GetDC(hWnd);

		pf = 0;
		wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hDC, &attribs[0], NULL, 1, &pf, &nNumFormats);
      if (nNumFormats==0 && windowRecord->multiSample > 0) {
		 	// Failed. Probably due to too demanding multisample requirements: Lets lower them...
			for (i=0; i<attribcount && attribs[i]!=0x2042; i++);
			// Reduce requested number of samples/pixel and retry until we get one:
			while (nNumFormats==0 && windowRecord->multiSample > 0) {
				// printf("Failed for multisampling level %i nNum=%i\n", windowRecord->multiSample, nNumFormats);
				wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hDC, &attribs[0], NULL, 1, &pf, &nNumFormats);
			// If we still do not get one with 0 samples per pixel, we can try to disable
			// multisampling completely:
			if (windowRecord->multiSample == 0 && nNumFormats==0) {
				// printf("Failed for multisampling level %i nNum=%i --> Disabling multisampling...\n", windowRecord->multiSample, nNumFormats);
				// We 0-Out all entries related to multi-sampling, including the
				// GL_SAMPLES_ARB and GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB enums themselves:
				for (i=0; i<attribcount && attribs[i]!=0x2042; i++);
	  			for (i=0; i<attribcount && attribs[i]!=0x2041; i++);
				wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hDC, &attribs[0], NULL, 1, &pf, &nNumFormats);

		if (nNumFormats==0 && numBuffers>=2) {
			// We still don't have a valid pixelformat, but double-buffering is enabled.
			// Let's try if we get one if we do not request any AUX-Buffers:
			for (i=0; i<attribcount && attribs[i]!=0x2024; i++);
			attribs[i+1] = 0; // Zero AUX-Buffers requested.
			wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hDC, &attribs[0], NULL, 1, &pf, &nNumFormats);

		if (nNumFormats==0 && numBuffers>=2) {
			// We still don't have a valid pixelformat, but double-buffering is enabled.
			// Let's try if we get one if we do not request SWAP_EXCHANGED double buffering anymore:
			for (i=0; i<attribcount && attribs[i]!=0x2028; i++);
			attribs[i] = 0x202A; // WGL_SWAP_UNDEFINED_ARB
			wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hDC, &attribs[0], NULL, 1, &pf, &nNumFormats);

		// Either we have a multisampled or non-multisampled format, or none. If we failed,
		// then we can not do anything anymore about it.

	   // Do we have a valid pixelformat?
      if (nNumFormats == 0) {
		   // Nope. We give up!
         ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
         printf("\nPTB-ERROR[wglChoosePixelFormat() failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific. Code: %i.\n\n", GetLastError());

      // Yes. Set it:
      if (SetPixelFormat(hDC, pf, &pfd) == FALSE) {
         ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);

         printf("\nPTB-ERROR[SetPixelFormat() - II failed]: Unknown error, Win32 specific.\n\n");

      // Ok, create and attach the rendering context.
      windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject = wglCreateContext(hDC);
      if (windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject == NULL) {
         ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);

         printf("\nPTB-ERROR:[Context creation II failed] Unknown, Win32 specific.\n\n");
      // Store the handles...
      windowRecord->targetSpecific.windowHandle = hWnd;
      windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext = hDC;

      // Activate the rendering context:

      DescribePixelFormat(hDC, pf, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd);

      if ((stereomode==kPsychOpenGLStereo) && ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO)==0)) {
         // Ooops. Couldn't get the requested stereo-context from hardware :(
         ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);

         printf("PTB-ERROR: OpenGL native stereo mode unavailable. Your hardware may not support it,\n"
	             "PTB-ERROR: or at least not on a flat-panel? Expect abortion of your script soon...");

		// Done with final window and OpenGL context setup. We've got our final context enabled.

	 // Enable multisampling if this was requested:
    if (windowRecord->multiSample > 0) glEnable(0x809D); // 0x809D == GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB
	 // Throw away any error-state this could have created on old hardware...

    // External 3D graphics support enabled? Or OpenGL quad-buffered stereo enabled?
	 // For the former, we need this code for OpenGL state isolation. For the latter we
    // need this code as workaround for Windows brain-damage. For some reason it helps
    // to properly shutdown stereo contexts on Windows...
	 if (PsychPrefStateGet_3DGfx() || stereomode == kPsychOpenGLStereo) {
		// Yes. We need to create an extra OpenGL rendering context for the external
		// OpenGL code to provide optimal state-isolation. The context shares all
		// heavyweight ressources likes textures, FBOs, VBOs, PBOs, display lists and
		// starts off as an identical copy of PTB's context as of here.
      windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject = wglCreateContext(hDC);
		if (windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject == NULL) {
         ReleaseDC(hDC, hWnd);
			printf("\nPTB-ERROR[UserContextCreation failed]: Creating a private OpenGL context for Matlab OpenGL failed for unknown reasons.\n\n");

		wglMakeCurrent(windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext, windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject);
		wglMakeCurrent(windowRecord->targetSpecific.deviceContext, windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject);

		// Copy full state from our main context:
		if(!wglCopyContext(windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject, windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject, GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS)) {
			// This is ugly, but not fatal...
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>1) {
				printf("\nPTB-WARNING[wglCopyContext for user context failed]: Copying state to private OpenGL context for Matlab OpenGL failed for unknown reasons.\n\n");

	   // Enable ressource sharing with master context for this window:
		if (!wglShareLists(windowRecord->targetSpecific.contextObject, windowRecord->targetSpecific.glusercontextObject)) {
			// This is ugly, but not fatal...
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>1) {
				printf("\nPTB-WARNING[wglShareLists for user context failed]: Ressource sharing with private OpenGL context for Matlab OpenGL failed for unknown reasons.\n\n");


    // Finally, show our new window:
    ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW);

    // Give it higher priority than other applications windows:
    // Disabled: Interferes with JAVA-GetChar: SetForegroundWindow(hWnd);

    // Set the focus on it:
    // Disabled: Interferes with JAVA-GetChar: SetFocus(hWnd);

    // Capture the window if it is a fullscreen one: This window will receive all
    // mouse move and mouse button press events. Important for GetMouse() to work
    // properly...
    if (fullscreen) SetCapture(hWnd);

    // Increase our own open window counter:

    // Some info for the user regarding non-fullscreen and ATI hw:
    if (!fullscreen && (strstr(glGetString(GL_VENDOR), "ATI"))) {
      printf("PTB-INFO: Some ATI graphics cards may not support proper syncing to vertical retrace when\n");
      printf("PTB-INFO: running in windowed mode (non-fullscreen). If PTB aborts with 'Synchronization failure'\n");
      printf("PTB-INFO: you can disable the sync test via call to Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1); .\n");
      printf("PTB-INFO: You won't get proper stimulus onset timestamps though, so windowed mode may be of limited use.\n");

    // Dynamically bind the VSYNC extension:
    //if (strstr(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), "WGL_EXT_swap_control")) {
      // Bind it:
      // wglSwapIntervalEXT=(PFNWGLEXTSWAPCONTROLPROC) wglGetProcAddress("wglSwapIntervalEXT");
    //else {
	 if (wglSwapIntervalEXT == NULL) {
      wglSwapIntervalEXT = NULL;
      printf("PTB-WARNING: Your graphics driver doesn't allow me to control syncing wrt. vertical retrace!\n");
      printf("PTB-WARNING: Please update your display graphics driver as soon as possible to fix this.\n");
      printf("PTB-WARNING: Until then, you can manually enable syncing to VBL somewhere in the display settings\n");
      printf("PTB-WARNING: tab of your machine.\n");

    // Ok, we should be ready for OS independent setup...

    //printf("\nPTB-INFO: Low-level (Windoze) setup of onscreen window finished!\n");

    // Well Done!