Exemple #1

void QLocalSocketPrivate::init()
    pipeReader = new QWindowsPipeReader(q);
    q->connect(pipeReader, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SIGNAL(readyRead()));
    q->connect(pipeReader, SIGNAL(pipeClosed()), SLOT(_q_pipeClosed()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    q->connect(pipeReader, SIGNAL(winError(ulong,QString)), SLOT(_q_winError(ulong,QString)));
Exemple #2
 * Convert X cursor to Windows cursor
 * FIXME: Perhaps there are more smart code
    HCURSOR hCursor = NULL;
    unsigned char *pAnd;
    unsigned char *pXor;
    int nCX, nCY;
    int nBytes;
    double dForeY, dBackY;
    BOOL fReverse;
    HBITMAP hAnd, hXor;
    ICONINFO ii;
    unsigned char *pCur;
    unsigned char bit;
    HDC hDC;
    BITMAPINFO *pbmi;
    uint32_t *lpBits;

    int sm_cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXCURSOR);
    int sm_cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCURSOR);

    WIN_DEBUG_MSG("winXCursorToHCURSOR: Win32 size: %dx%d X11 size: %dx%d hotspot: %d,%d\n",
                  sm_cx, sm_cy,
                  pCursor->width, pCursor->height,
                  pCursor->xhot, pCursor->yhot);

    /* We can use only White and Black, so calc brightness of color
     * Also check if the cursor is inverted */
    dForeY = BRIGHTNESS(pCursor->fore);
    dBackY = BRIGHTNESS(pCursor->back);
    fReverse = dForeY < dBackY;

    /* Check whether the X11 cursor is bigger than the win32 cursor */
    if (sm_cx < pCursor->width ||
        sm_cy < pCursor->height) {
        winError("winXCursorToHCURSOR - Windows requires %dx%d cursor but X requires %dx%d\n",
                 sm_cx, sm_cy,
                 pCursor->width, pCursor->height);

    /* Get the number of bytes required to store the whole cursor image
     * This is roughly (sm_cx * sm_cy) / 8
     * round up to 8 pixel boundary so we can convert whole bytes */
    nBytes =
        bits_to_bytes(sm_cx) * sm_cy;

    /* Get the effective width and height */
    nCX = min(sm_cx, pCursor->width);
    nCY = min(sm_cy, pCursor->height);

    /* Allocate memory for the bitmaps */
    pAnd = malloc(nBytes);
    memset(pAnd, 0xFF, nBytes);
    pXor = calloc(1, nBytes);
    memset(pXor, 0x00, nBytes);

    /* prepare the pointers */
    hCursor = NULL;
    lpBits = NULL;

    /* We have a truecolor alpha-blended cursor and can use it! */
    if (pCursor->argb) {
        WIN_DEBUG_MSG("winXCursorToHCURSOR: Trying truecolor alphablended cursor\n");
        memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER));
        bi.bV4Size = sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER);
        bi.bV4Width = sm_cx;
        bi.bV4Height = -(sm_cy);    /* right-side up */
        bi.bV4Planes = 1;
        bi.bV4BitCount = 32;
        bi.bV4V4Compression = BI_BITFIELDS;
        bi.bV4RedMask = 0x00FF0000;
        bi.bV4GreenMask = 0x0000FF00;
        bi.bV4BlueMask = 0x000000FF;
        bi.bV4AlphaMask = 0xFF000000;

        lpBits =
            (uint32_t *) calloc(sm_cx *

        if (lpBits) {
            int y;
            for (y = 0; y < nCY; y++) {
                void *src, *dst;
                src = &(pCursor->argb[y * pCursor->width]);
                dst = &(lpBits[y * sm_cx]);
                memcpy(dst, src, 4 * nCX);
    }                           /* End if-truecolor-icon */
        /* Convert the X11 bitmap to a win32 bitmap
         * The first is for an empty mask */
        if (pCursor->emptyMask) {
          int x, y, xmax = bits_to_bytes(nCX);

          for (y = 0; y < nCY; ++y)
            for (x = 0; x < xmax; ++x) {
              int nWinPix = bits_to_bytes(sm_cx) * y + x;
              int nXPix = BitmapBytePad(pCursor->width) * y + x;

              pAnd[nWinPix] = 0;
              if (fReverse)
                pXor[nWinPix] = reverse(~pCursor->source[nXPix]);
                pXor[nWinPix] = reverse(pCursor->source[nXPix]);
        else {
          int x, y, xmax = bits_to_bytes(nCX);

          for (y = 0; y < nCY; ++y)
            for (x = 0; x < xmax; ++x) {
              int nWinPix = bits_to_bytes(sm_cx) * y + x;
              int nXPix = BitmapBytePad(pCursor->width) * y + x;

              unsigned char mask = pCursor->mask[nXPix];

              pAnd[nWinPix] = reverse(~mask);
              if (fReverse)
                pXor[nWinPix] =
                  reverse(~pCursor->source[nXPix] & mask);
                pXor[nWinPix] =
                  reverse(pCursor->source[nXPix] & mask);

    if (!lpBits) {
        RGBQUAD *pbmiColors;
        /* Bicolor, use a palettized DIB */
        WIN_DEBUG_MSG("winXCursorToHCURSOR: Trying two color cursor\n");
        pbmi = (BITMAPINFO *) &bi;
        pbmiColors = &(pbmi->bmiColors[0]);

        memset(pbmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = sm_cx;
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight = -abs(sm_cy);     /* right-side up */
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8;
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 3;
        pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 3;

        pbmiColors[0].rgbRed = 0;  /* Empty */
        pbmiColors[0].rgbGreen = 0;
        pbmiColors[0].rgbBlue = 0;
        pbmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0;
        pbmiColors[1].rgbRed = pCursor->backRed >> 8;      /* Background */
        pbmiColors[1].rgbGreen = pCursor->backGreen >> 8;
        pbmiColors[1].rgbBlue = pCursor->backBlue >> 8;
        pbmiColors[1].rgbReserved = 0;
        pbmiColors[2].rgbRed = pCursor->foreRed >> 8;      /* Foreground */
        pbmiColors[2].rgbGreen = pCursor->foreGreen >> 8;
        pbmiColors[2].rgbBlue = pCursor->foreBlue >> 8;
        pbmiColors[2].rgbReserved = 0;

        lpBits =
            (uint32_t *) calloc(sm_cx * sm_cy, sizeof(char));

        pCur = (unsigned char *) lpBits;
        if (lpBits) {
	    int x, y;
            for (y = 0; y < sm_cy; y++) {
                for (x = 0; x < sm_cx; x++) {
                    if (x >= nCX || y >= nCY)   /* Outside of X11 icon bounds */
                        (*pCur++) = 0;
                    else {      /* Within X11 icon bounds */

                        int nWinPix =
                            bits_to_bytes(sm_cx) * y +
                            (x / 8);

                        bit = pAnd[nWinPix];
                        bit = bit & (1 << (7 - (x & 7)));
                        if (!bit) {     /* Within the cursor mask? */
                            int nXPix =
                                BitmapBytePad(pCursor->width) * y +
                                (x / 8);
                            bit =
                                         source[nXPix] & pCursor->
                            bit = bit & (1 << (7 - (x & 7)));
                            if (bit)    /* Draw foreground */
                                (*pCur++) = 2;
                            else        /* Draw background */
                                (*pCur++) = 1;
                        else    /* Outside the cursor mask */
                            (*pCur++) = 0;
                }               /* end for (x) */
            }                   /* end for (y) */
        }                       /* end if (lpbits) */
Exemple #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
{ int i;
  HANDLE bgThread;
  DWORD exitCode;


#if 1
{ char test[256], *head;
	test[0] = '\0';
	head = test;
	fprintf( stderr, "appending to test[%lu] with snprintf:\n", sizeof(test) );
	  int len = strlen(test), n;
	  size_t ni = strlen("0123456789");
		fprintf( stderr, "len(test[%lu])=%d, rem. %lu added", sizeof(test), len, (size_t)(sizeof(test) - len) ); fflush(stderr);
		n = snprintf( &test[len], (size_t)(sizeof(test) - len), "0123456789" );
		head += n;
		fprintf( stderr, " %d (head[%lu]=", n, head - test ); fflush(stderr);
		if( len + n < sizeof(test) ){
			fprintf( stderr, "%c) -> %lu\n", head[0], strlen(test) );
			fprintf( stderr, "!$@#) -> %lu\n", strlen(test) );
	} while( strlen(test) < sizeof(test)-1 );
	fprintf( stderr, "test = %s\n", test );
	tStart = HRTime_Time();
	{ double t0;
	  DWORD ret;
	  HANDLE hh;
		if( (hh = CreateSemaphore( NULL, 1, 0x7FFFFFFF, NULL )) ){
			t0 = HRTime_Time();
			ret = WaitForSingleObject(hh, (DWORD)(SLEEPTIMEFG*1000));
			t0 = HRTime_Time() - t0;
			fprintf( stderr, "WaitForSingleObject(hh,%lu)==%lu took %g seconds\n",
				   (DWORD)(SLEEPTIMEFG*1000), ret, t0
			t0 = HRTime_Time();
			ret = WaitForSingleObject(hh, (DWORD)(SLEEPTIMEFG*1000));
			t0 = HRTime_Time() - t0;
			fprintf( stderr, "WaitForSingleObject(hh,%lu)==%lu took %g seconds\n",
				   (DWORD)(SLEEPTIMEFG*1000), ret, t0
			t0 = HRTime_Time();
			ret = WaitForSingleObject(hh, 500);
			t0 = HRTime_Time() - t0;
			fprintf( stderr, "WaitForSingleObject(hh,500)==%lu took %g seconds\n",
				   ret, t0
			ReleaseSemaphore(hh, 1, NULL);
			t0 = HRTime_Time();
			ret = WaitForSingleObject(hh, 500);
			t0 = HRTime_Time() - t0;
			fprintf( stderr, "WaitForSingleObject(hh,500)==%lu took %g seconds after ReleaseSemaphore()\n",
				   ret, t0
			fprintf( stderr, "Error creating semaphore: %s\n", winError(GetLastError()) );

		ret = 0;
		fprintf( stderr, "sizeof(long)=%lu\n", sizeof(long) );
		{ long oval, lbool;
		  void *ptr = NULL, *optr;
			oval = _InterlockedCompareExchange( (long*) &ret, 10L, 0L );
			fprintf( stderr, "_InterlockedCompareExchange(&ret==0, 10, 0) == %lu, ret==%lu\n", oval, ret );
			optr = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &ptr, (void*) fprintf, NULL );
			fprintf( stderr, "InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&ptr==NULL, fprintf==%p, NULL) == %p, ret==%p\n",
				   fprintf, optr, ptr );
			_InterlockedIncrement( (long*) &ret );
			fprintf( stderr, "_InterlockedIncrement(&ret) ret=%lu\n", ret );
			_InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ret );
			fprintf( stderr, "_InterlockedDecrement(&ret) ret=%lu\n", ret );
			lbool = false;
			fprintf( stderr, "lbool = %ld\n", lbool );
			fprintf( stderr, "lbool = %ld\n", lbool );
			fprintf( stderr, "lbool = %ld\n", lbool );
#ifdef DEBUG
	{ CSEScopedLock *scope = ObtainCSEScopedLock(NULL);
		fprintf( stderr, "NULL testscope %p:locked==%u\n", scope, IsCSEScopeLocked(scope) );
		scope = ReleaseCSEScopedLock(scope);

	csex = CreateCSEHandle(4000);
	if( !csex ){
		fprintf( stderr, "Failure creating CSEHandle\n" );
		fprintf( stderr, "Created a '%s' CSEHandle with spinMax==%lu\n", CSEHandleInfo(csex), csex->spinMax );

	fprintf( stderr, "GetCurrentThread() = 0x%p\n", GetCurrentThread() ); Sleep(5);
	fprintf( stderr, "GetCurrentThread() = 0x%p\n", GetCurrentThread() ); Sleep(5);
	fprintf( stderr, "GetCurrentThread() = 0x%p\n", GetCurrentThread() ); Sleep(5);

	fputs( "\n", stderr );
	if( (bgThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, bgThreadSleeper, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL )) ){
	  unsigned long ret;
	  double tEnd;
		fprintf( stderr, ">%lx t=%g will start %lx and WaitForSingleObject on it (should take 5s)\n",
			   GetCurrentThreadId(), HRTime_Time() - tStart, GetThreadId(bgThread) );
//		Sleep(1);
		ret = WaitForSingleObject( bgThread, 1500 ); tEnd = HRTime_Time();
		GetExitCodeThread( bgThread, &exitCode );
		fprintf( stderr, ">%lx WaitForSingleObject(bgThread,1500)=%lu exitCode=%ld at t=%g\n",
			   GetCurrentThreadId(), ret, exitCode, tEnd - tStart );
		ret = WaitForSingleObject( bgThread, 10000 ); tEnd = HRTime_Time();
		GetExitCodeThread( bgThread, &exitCode );
		fprintf( stderr, ">%lx WaitForSingleObject(bgThread,10000)=%lu exitCode=%ld at t=%g\n",
			   GetCurrentThreadId(), ret, exitCode, tEnd - tStart );
	fputs( "\n", stderr );
	if( (nudgeEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, false, false, NULL )) ){
		if( (bgThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, bgThread2Nudge, NULL, 0, NULL )) ){
		  unsigned long ret;
		  double tEnd;
			fprintf( stderr, ">%lx t=%g SetEvent(nudgeEvent) = %d; sleep(1ms) and then wait for return nudge\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), HRTime_Time() - tStart, SetEvent(nudgeEvent) );
			ret = WaitForSingleObject( nudgeEvent, INFINITE ); tEnd = HRTime_Time();
			fprintf( stderr, ">%lx WaitForSingleObject( nudgeEvent, INFINITE ) = %lu at t=%g\n",
				   GetCurrentThreadId(), ret, tEnd - tStart );
			ret = WaitForSingleObject( bgThread, 5000 ); tEnd = HRTime_Time();
			GetExitCodeThread( bgThread, &exitCode );
			fprintf( stderr, ">%lx WaitForSingleObject(bgThread,5000)=%lu exitCode=%ld at t=%g\n",
				   GetCurrentThreadId(), ret, exitCode, tEnd - tStart );
	fputs( "\n", stderr );
	semSec.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
	semSec.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
	semSec.bInheritHandle = true;
	// semSec does not actually need to be used:
	if( (nudgeEvent = CreateSemaphore( &semSec, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, (char*) "cseSem" )) ){
		if( (bgThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, bgThread4SemTest, NULL, 0, NULL )) ){
		  unsigned long ret;
		  double tEnd;
			fprintf( stderr, ">%lx t=%g ReleaseSemaphore(nudgeEvent,1,NULL) = %d; sleep(1ms) and then wait for return nudge\n",
				   GetCurrentThreadId(), HRTime_Time() - tStart, ReleaseSemaphore(nudgeEvent, 1, NULL) );
			ret = WaitForSingleObject( nudgeEvent, INFINITE ); tEnd = HRTime_Time();
			fprintf( stderr, ">%lx WaitForSingleObject( nudgeEvent, INFINITE ) = %lu at t=%g\n",
				   GetCurrentThreadId(), ret, tEnd - tStart );
			ret = WaitForSingleObject( bgThread, 5000 ); tEnd = HRTime_Time();
			GetExitCodeThread( bgThread, &exitCode );
			fprintf( stderr, ">%lx WaitForSingleObject(bgThread,5000)=%lu exitCode=%ld at t=%g\n",
				   GetCurrentThreadId(), ret, exitCode, tEnd - tStart );
	fputs( "\n", stderr );
	if( (bgThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, bgCSEXaccess, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL )) ){
		fprintf( stderr, "csex is %slocked\n", (IsCSEHandleLocked(csex))? "" : "not " );
		SetThreadPriority( bgThread, GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()) );
		fprintf( stderr, "GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()) = %d\n", GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()) );
		i = 0;
		fprintf( stderr, "entering main csex locking loop at t=%gs\n", HRTime_toc() );
		while( i < 5 ){
		  double t0, t1;

			if( IsCSEHandleLocked(csex) ){
				fprintf( stderr, "\tmain loop waiting for csex lock\n" );
			t0 = HRTime_toc();
			  CSEScopedLock *scope = ObtainCSEScopedLock(csex);
			  unsigned char unlock = LockCSEHandle(csex);
				t1 = HRTime_toc();
				i += 1;
				fprintf( stderr, "> got csex lock #%d=%d at t=%g after %gs; starting %g s wait\n",
						i, IsCSEHandleLocked(csex), t1, t1-t0, SLEEPTIMEFG ); fflush(stderr);
					t1 = HRTime_toc();
				} while (t1-t0 < SLEEPTIMEFG);
				fprintf( stderr, "\tmain loop wait #%d ended at t=%gs; csex lock=%d\n",
					i, HRTime_toc(), IsCSEHandleLocked(csex) ); fflush(stderr);
				UnlockCSEHandle( csex, unlock );
				scope = ReleaseCSEScopedLock(scope);
			// just to give the other thread a chance to get a lock:
		fprintf( stderr, "exiting main csex locking loop at t=%gs\n", HRTime_toc() );
		WaitForSingleObject( bgThread, 5000 );
		fprintf( stderr, "Background loop finished at t=%gs\n", HRTime_toc() );
		fprintf( stderr, "Failure creating bgCSEXaccess thread\n" );