Exemple #1
string_t *convert_string(const string_t *str, enum str_e type, int codepage)
    const union cptable *cptable = codepage ? wine_cp_get_table( codepage ) : NULL;
    string_t *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(*ret));
    int res;

    ret->loc = str->loc;

    if (!codepage && str->type != type)
        parser_error( "Current language is Unicode only, cannot convert string" );

    if((str->type == str_char) && (type == str_unicode))
        ret->type = str_unicode;
        ret->size = cptable ? wine_cp_mbstowcs( cptable, 0, str->str.cstr, str->size, NULL, 0 )
                            : wine_utf8_mbstowcs( 0, str->str.cstr, str->size, NULL, 0 );
        ret->str.wstr = xmalloc( (ret->size+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
        if (cptable)
            res = wine_cp_mbstowcs( cptable, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, str->str.cstr, str->size,
                                    ret->str.wstr, ret->size );
            res = wine_utf8_mbstowcs( MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, str->str.cstr, str->size,
                                      ret->str.wstr, ret->size );
        if (res == -2)
            parser_error( "Invalid character in string '%.*s' for codepage %u",
                   str->size, str->str.cstr, codepage );
        ret->str.wstr[ret->size] = 0;
    else if((str->type == str_unicode) && (type == str_char))
        ret->type = str_char;
        ret->size = cptable ? wine_cp_wcstombs( cptable, 0, str->str.wstr, str->size, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )
                            : wine_utf8_wcstombs( 0, str->str.wstr, str->size, NULL, 0 );
        ret->str.cstr = xmalloc( ret->size + 1 );
        if (cptable)
            wine_cp_wcstombs( cptable, 0, str->str.wstr, str->size, ret->str.cstr, ret->size, NULL, NULL );
            wine_utf8_wcstombs( 0, str->str.wstr, str->size, ret->str.cstr, ret->size );
        ret->str.cstr[ret->size] = 0;
    else if(str->type == str_unicode)
        ret->type     = str_unicode;
        ret->size     = str->size;
        ret->str.wstr = xmalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(ret->size+1));
        memcpy( ret->str.wstr, str->str.wstr, ret->size * sizeof(WCHAR) );
        ret->str.wstr[ret->size] = 0;
    else /* str->type == str_char */
        ret->type     = str_char;
        ret->size     = str->size;
        ret->str.cstr = xmalloc( ret->size + 1 );
        memcpy( ret->str.cstr, str->str.cstr, ret->size );
        ret->str.cstr[ret->size] = 0;
    return ret;
Exemple #2
int get_language_codepage( unsigned short lang, unsigned short sublang )
    unsigned int i;
    int cp = -1, defcp = -1;

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(lang2cps)/sizeof(lang2cps[0]); i++)
        if (lang2cps[i].lang != lang) continue;
        if (lang2cps[i].sublang == sublang)
            cp = lang2cps[i].cp;
        if (lang2cps[i].sublang == SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) defcp = lang2cps[i].cp;

    if (cp == -1) cp = defcp;
    assert( cp <= 0 || wine_cp_get_table(cp) );
    return cp;
Exemple #3
/* check if the string is valid utf8 despite a different codepage being in use */
int check_valid_utf8( const string_t *str, int codepage )
    unsigned int i;

    if (!check_utf8) return 0;
    if (!codepage) return 0;
    if (!wine_cp_get_table( codepage )) return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < str->size; i++)
        if ((unsigned char)str->str.cstr[i] >= 0xf5) goto done;
        if ((unsigned char)str->str.cstr[i] >= 0xc2) break;
        if ((unsigned char)str->str.cstr[i] >= 0x80) goto done;
    if (i == str->size) return 0;  /* no 8-bit chars at all */

    if (wine_utf8_mbstowcs( MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, str->str.cstr, str->size, NULL, 0 ) >= 0) return 1;

    check_utf8 = 0;  /* at least one 8-bit non-utf8 string found, stop checking */
    return 0;
static void LOCALE_Init(void)
    extern void __wine_init_codepages( const union cptable *ansi_cp, const union cptable *oem_cp,
                                       const union cptable *unix_cp );

    // UINT ansi_cp = 1252, oem_cp = 437, mac_cp = 10000, unix_cp;
    UINT unix_cp = 0;

#ifdef __APPLE__
    /* MacOS doesn't set the locale environment variables so we have to do it ourselves */
    CFArrayRef preferred_locales, all_locales;
    CFStringRef user_language_string_ref = NULL;
    char user_locale[50];

    CFLocaleRef user_locale_ref = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
    CFStringRef user_locale_string_ref = CFLocaleGetIdentifier( user_locale_ref );

    CFStringGetCString( user_locale_string_ref, user_locale, sizeof(user_locale), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
    CFRelease( user_locale_ref );
    if (!strchr( user_locale, '.' )) strcat( user_locale, ".UTF-8" );
    unix_cp = CP_UTF8;  /* default to utf-8 even if we don't get a valid locale */
    setenv( "LANG", user_locale, 0 );
    // TRACE( "setting locale to '%s'\n", user_locale );

    /* We still want to set the retrieve the preferred language as chosen in
       System Preferences.app, because it can differ from CFLocaleCopyCurrent().
    all_locales = CFLocaleCopyAvailableLocaleIdentifiers();
    preferred_locales = CFBundleCopyLocalizationsForPreferences( all_locales, NULL );
    if (preferred_locales && CFArrayGetCount( preferred_locales ))
        user_language_string_ref = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( preferred_locales, 0 );
    CFRelease( all_locales );
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

    // FIXME setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );

    unix_cp = setup_unix_locales();
    if (!lcid_LC_MESSAGES) lcid_LC_MESSAGES = lcid_LC_CTYPE;
#if 0
#ifdef __APPLE__
    /* Override lcid_LC_MESSAGES with user_language if LC_MESSAGES is set to default */
    if (lcid_LC_MESSAGES == lcid_LC_CTYPE && user_language_string_ref)
        struct locale_name locale_name;
        WCHAR buffer[128];
        CFStringGetCString( user_language_string_ref, user_locale, sizeof(user_locale), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
        strcpynAtoW( buffer, user_locale, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
        parse_locale_name( buffer, &locale_name );
        lcid_LC_MESSAGES = locale_name.lcid;
        TRACE( "setting lcid_LC_MESSAGES to '%s'\n", user_locale );
    if (preferred_locales)
        CFRelease( preferred_locales );

    NtSetDefaultUILanguage( LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid_LC_MESSAGES) );
    NtSetDefaultLocale( TRUE, lcid_LC_MESSAGES );
    NtSetDefaultLocale( FALSE, lcid_LC_CTYPE );

    ansi_cp = get_lcid_codepage( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT );
                    (LPWSTR)&mac_cp, sizeof(mac_cp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
                    (LPWSTR)&oem_cp, sizeof(oem_cp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
    if (!unix_cp)
                        (LPWSTR)&unix_cp, sizeof(unix_cp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );

    if (!(ansi_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( ansi_cp )))
        ansi_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( 1252 );
    if (!(oem_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( oem_cp )))
        oem_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 437 );
    if (!(mac_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( mac_cp )))
        mac_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 10000 );
    if (unix_cp != CP_UTF8)
        if (!(unix_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( unix_cp )))
            unix_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 28591 );

    __wine_init_codepages( ansi_cptable, oem_cptable, unix_cptable );

    TRACE( "ansi=%03d oem=%03d mac=%03d unix=%03d\n",
           ansi_cptable->info.codepage, oem_cptable->info.codepage,
           mac_cptable->info.codepage, unix_cp );

    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");  /* FIXME: oleaut32 depends on this */