static void
xmpp_handler (GObject *source,
    GAsyncResult *result,
    gpointer user_data)
  TestConnectorServer *self;
  TestConnectorServerPrivate *priv;
  WockyStanza *xml = NULL;
  WockyXmppConnection *conn = NULL;
  const gchar *ns = NULL;
  const gchar *name = NULL;
  gboolean handled = FALSE;
  GError *error = NULL;
  WockyStanzaType type = WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_NONE;
  WockyStanzaSubType subtype = WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_NONE;
  int i;

  DEBUG ("");
  self = TEST_CONNECTOR_SERVER (user_data);
  priv = self->priv;
  conn = priv->conn;
  xml  = wocky_xmpp_connection_recv_stanza_finish (conn, result, &error);

  /* A real XMPP server would need to do some error handling here, but if
   * we got this far, we can just exit: The client (ie the test) will
   * report any error that actually needs reporting - we don't need to */
  if (error != NULL)
      if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
          g_error_free (error);
          server_dec_outstanding (self);
      g_assert_not_reached ();

  if (server_dec_outstanding (self))

  ns   = wocky_node_get_ns (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (xml));
  name = wocky_stanza_get_top_node (xml)->name;
  wocky_stanza_get_type_info (xml, &type, &subtype);

  /* if we find a handler, the handler is responsible for listening for the
     next stanza and setting up the next callback in the chain: */
  if (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ)
    for (i = 0; iq_handlers[i].payload != NULL; i++)
        iq_handler *iq = &iq_handlers[i];
        WockyNode *payload =
          wocky_node_get_child_ns (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (xml),
              iq->payload, iq->ns);
        /* namespace, stanza subtype and payload tag name must match: */
        if ((payload == NULL) || (subtype != iq->subtype))
        DEBUG ("test_connector_server:invoking iq handler %s", iq->payload);
        (iq->func) (self, xml);
        handled = TRUE;
    for (i = 0; handlers[i].ns != NULL; i++)
        if (!strcmp (ns, handlers[i].ns) && !strcmp (name, handlers[i].name))
            DEBUG ("test_connector_server:invoking handler %s.%s", ns, name);
            (handlers[i].func) (self, xml);
            handled = TRUE;

  /* no handler found: just complain and sit waiting for the next stanza */
  if (!handled)
      DEBUG ("<%s xmlns=\"%s\"… not handled", name, ns);
      server_enc_outstanding (self);
      wocky_xmpp_connection_recv_stanza_async (conn, priv->cancellable,
          xmpp_handler, self);
      g_object_unref (xml);
gabble_jingle_content_parse_add (GabbleJingleContent *c,
    WockyNode *content_node, gboolean google_mode, GError **error)
  GabbleJingleContentPrivate *priv = c->priv;
  const gchar *name, *creator, *senders, *disposition;
  WockyNode *trans_node, *desc_node;
  GType transport_type = 0;
  GabbleJingleTransportIface *trans = NULL;
  JingleDialect dialect = gabble_jingle_session_get_dialect (c->session);

  priv->created_by_us = FALSE;

  desc_node = wocky_node_get_child (content_node, "description");
  trans_node = wocky_node_get_child (content_node, "transport");
  creator = wocky_node_get_attribute (content_node, "creator");
  name = wocky_node_get_attribute (content_node, "name");
  senders = wocky_node_get_attribute (content_node, "senders");

  g_assert (priv->transport_ns == NULL);

  if (google_mode)
      if (creator == NULL)
          creator = "initiator";

      /* the google protocols don't give the contents names, so put in a dummy
       * value if none was set by the session*/
      if (priv->name == NULL)
        name = priv->name = g_strdup ("gtalk");
        name = priv->name;

      if (trans_node == NULL)
          /* gtalk lj0.3 assumes google-p2p transport */
          DEBUG ("detected GTalk3 dialect");

          dialect = JINGLE_DIALECT_GTALK3;
          g_object_set (c->session, "dialect", JINGLE_DIALECT_GTALK3, NULL);
          transport_type = gabble_jingle_factory_lookup_transport (
              gabble_jingle_session_get_factory (c->session),

          /* in practice we do support gtalk-p2p, so this can't happen */
          if (G_UNLIKELY (transport_type == 0))
              SET_BAD_REQ ("gtalk-p2p transport unsupported");

          priv->transport_ns = g_strdup ("");
      if (creator == NULL &&
          gabble_jingle_session_peer_has_cap (c->session,
          if (gabble_jingle_content_creator_is_initiator (c))
            creator = "initiator";
            creator = "responder";

          DEBUG ("Working around GMail omitting creator=''; assuming '%s'",

      if ((trans_node == NULL) || (creator == NULL) || (name == NULL))
          SET_BAD_REQ ("missing required content attributes or elements");

      /* In proper protocols the name comes from the stanza */
      g_assert (priv->name == NULL);
      priv->name = g_strdup (name);

  /* if we didn't set it to google-p2p implicitly already, detect it */
  if (transport_type == 0)
      const gchar *ns = wocky_node_get_ns (trans_node);

      transport_type = gabble_jingle_factory_lookup_transport (
          gabble_jingle_session_get_factory (c->session), ns);

      if (transport_type == 0)
          SET_BAD_REQ ("unsupported content transport");

      priv->transport_ns = g_strdup (ns);

  if (senders == NULL)
    priv->senders = get_default_senders (c);
    priv->senders = parse_senders (senders);

  if (priv->senders == JINGLE_CONTENT_SENDERS_NONE)
      SET_BAD_REQ ("invalid content senders");

  parse_description (c, desc_node, error);
  if (*error != NULL)

  disposition = wocky_node_get_attribute (content_node, "disposition");
  if (disposition == NULL)
      disposition = "session";

  if (wocky_strdiff (disposition, priv->disposition))
      g_free (priv->disposition);
      priv->disposition = g_strdup (disposition);

  DEBUG ("content creating new transport type %s", g_type_name (transport_type));

  trans = gabble_jingle_transport_iface_new (transport_type,
      c, priv->transport_ns);

  g_signal_connect (trans, "new-candidates",
      (GCallback) new_transport_candidates_cb, c);

  /* Depending on transport, there may be initial candidates specified here */
  if (trans_node != NULL)
      gabble_jingle_transport_iface_parse_candidates (trans, trans_node, error);
      if (*error)
          g_object_unref (trans);

  g_assert (priv->transport == NULL);
  priv->transport = trans;
  transport_created (c);

  g_assert (priv->creator == NULL);
  priv->creator = g_strdup (creator);


  /* GTalk4 seems to require "transport-accept" for acknowledging
   * the transport type. wjt confirms that this is apparently necessary for
   * incoming calls to work.
  if (dialect == JINGLE_DIALECT_GTALK4)
    priv->gtalk4_event_id = g_idle_add (send_gtalk4_transport_accept, c);
