static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerHeadRotate( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_HEAD_ROTATE); // notify the players around GameEventHeadRotate event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_HEAD_ROTATE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerRotate( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_ROTATE); // notify the players around GameEventRotate event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_ROTATE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerLogout( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_LOGOUT); zoneBuilderLogout(replyMsg); // notify leave to clients GameEventLeave event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_LEAVE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerMovementInfo( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { warning("CZ_MOVEMENT_INFO not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerKeyboardMove( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; PositionXYZ position; PositionXZ direction; uint8_t unk7; float movementSpeed; uint8_t unk8; float timestamp; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) /* u1 posX posY posZ dirX dirZ u7 mspeed u8 time 00 18190DC4 B663A143 17520644 00000000 FFFF7FBF 01 0000F841 01 7B2C5C44 00 D4CE1AC4 74768243 4CEF7EC4 F30435BF F204353F 01 00000000 00 5E16FA42 00 103F1BC4 74768243 107F7EC4 F204353F F304353F 01 00000000 00 3141FA42 00 5CEE19C4 74768243 5C2E7DC4 1D566733 FFFF7F3F 01 00000000 00 8174FA42 00 8C5112C4 74768243 78A374C4 FFFF7F3F 00000000 01 00000000 00 727CC244 */ CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_KEYBOARD_MOVE); // TODO : Check coordinates // update session session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pos = clientPacket->position; // notify the players around GameEventCommanderMove event = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .commanderInfo = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander }, .position = clientPacket->position, .direction = clientPacket->direction, .timestamp = clientPacket->timestamp, }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_COMMANDER_MOVE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_UPDATE_SESSION; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerMoveStop( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; PositionXYZ position; PositionXZ direction; float timestamp; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_MOVE_STOP); /* u1 posX posY posZ dirX dirZ time 00 36E203C4 74768243 826F39C4 FFFFFF3F 00000000 D0651543 00 22F402C4 74768243 826F39C4 FFFFFF3F 00000000 60941543 00 22F402C4 74768243 4EFC3AC4 00000000 FFFF7FBF 7EF21543 00 22F402C4 74768243 BE393CC4 00000000 FFFF7FBF B4321643 00 22F402C4 74768243 8AC63DC4 00000000 FFFF7FBF 526A1643 00 22F402C4 74768243 62EA3BC4 00000000 FFFF7F3F 51B71643 00 22F402C4 74768243 F2AC3AC4 00000000 FFFF7F3F 5DE61643 00 22F402C4 74768243 826F39C4 00000000 FFFF7F3F 74151743 00 22F402C4 74768243 123238C4 00000000 FFFF7F3F 42401743 00 22F402C4 74768243 FE4337C4 00000000 FFFF7F3F 0A6B1743 00 22F402C4 74768243 8E0636C4 00000000 FFFF7F3F D3951743 */ // Notify the players around GameEventMoveStop event = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .commanderInfo = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander, }, .position = clientPacket->position, .direction = clientPacket->direction, .timestamp = clientPacket->timestamp, }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_MOVE_STOP, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerChat( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { // the first 2 bytes of ZC_CHAT are the packet size size_t chatTextSize = *((uint16_t *) packet) - sizeof(ClientPacketHeader) - sizeof(uint16_t); #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint16_t msgSize; uint8_t msgText[chatTextSize]; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_CHAT); // The chat message sent by the client should always finish by a null byte clientPacket->msgText[chatTextSize-1] = '\0'; // Check for custom admin commands if (session->game.accountSession.privilege <= ACCOUNT_SESSION_PRIVILEGES_ADMIN && (strncmp(clientPacket->msgText, "/", strlen("/")) == 0)) { adminCmdProcess(self, clientPacket->msgText + strlen("/"), session, replyMsg); } else { // normal message : Dispatch a GameEventChat size_t gameEventSize = sizeof(GameEventChat) + chatTextSize; GameEventChat *event = alloca(gameEventSize); memcpy(&event->commander, &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander, sizeof(event->commander)); memcpy(event->chatText, clientPacket->msgText, chatTextSize); workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_CHAT, event, gameEventSize); } return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
void adminCmdSpawnPc(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { // add a fake commander with a fake account CommanderInfo fakePc; commanderInfoInit(&fakePc); fakePc.pos = session->; fakePc.appearance.accountId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed); fakePc.socialInfoId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed); fakePc.pcId = r1emuGenerateRandom(&self->seed); fakePc.commanderId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed); snprintf(fakePc.appearance.familyName, sizeof(fakePc.appearance.familyName), "PcID_%x", fakePc.pcId); snprintf(fakePc.appearance.commanderName, sizeof(fakePc.appearance.commanderName), "AccountID_%llx", fakePc.appearance.accountId); // register the fake socket session SocketSession fakeSocketSession; uint32_t sessionKey = r1emuGenerateRandom(&self->seed); uint8_t sessionKeyStr[SOCKET_SESSION_ID_SIZE]; socketSessionGenSessionKey((uint8_t *)&sessionKey, sessionKeyStr); sprintf(sessionKeyStr, "%.08x", sessionKey); socketSessionInit(&fakeSocketSession, fakePc.appearance.accountId, self->info.routerId, session->socket.mapId, sessionKeyStr, true); RedisSocketSessionKey socketKey = { .routerId = self->info.routerId, .sessionKey = sessionKeyStr }; redisUpdateSocketSession(self->redis, &socketKey, &fakeSocketSession); // register the fake game session GameSession fakeGameSession; gameSessionInit(&fakeGameSession, &fakePc); accountSessionInit(&fakeGameSession.accountSession, "DummyPC", sessionKeyStr, ACCOUNT_SESSION_PRIVILEGES_ADMIN); RedisGameSessionKey gameKey = { .routerId = fakeSocketSession.routerId, .mapId = fakeSocketSession.mapId, .accountId = fakeSocketSession.accountId }; redisUpdateGameSession(self->redis, &gameKey, sessionKeyStr, &fakeGameSession); info("Fake PC spawned.(SocketID=%s, SocialID=%I64x, AccID=%I64x, PcID=%x, CommID=%I64x)", sessionKeyStr, fakePc.socialInfoId, fakePc.appearance.accountId, fakePc.pcId, fakePc.commanderId); GameEventEnterPc event = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = fakeSocketSession.mapId, .info = fakePc } }; workerDispatchEvent(self, sessionKeyStr, EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_PC, &event, sizeof(event)); } void adminCmdAddItem(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { uint32_t itemId = strtol(args, &args, 10); args++; uint32_t amount = strtol(args, &args, 10); uint32_t itemPosition = 1; ItemPkt item = { .uniqueId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed), .amount = (!amount) ? 1 : amount, .inventoryIndex = INVENTORY_CAT_SIZE * INVENTORY_CAT_CONSUMABLE + itemPosition, .id = itemId }; zoneBuilderItemAdd(&item, INVENTORY_ADD_PICKUP, replyMsg); } void adminCmdJump(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { if (strlen (args) == 0) { info("Jump without argument!"); // we must add a random with the map max x/y } else { char **arg; int argc; info("Jump with argument: %s", args); arg = strSplit(args, ' '); argc = 0; while (arg[++argc] != NULL); if (argc != 3) { info("Wrong number of argument, must be 3."); } else { PositionXYZ position; position.x = atof(arg[0]); info("x = %.6f", position.x); position.y = atof(arg[1]); info("y = %.6f", position.y); position.z = atof(arg[2]); info("z = %.6f", position.z); session-> = position; zoneBuilderSetPos(session->, &position, replyMsg); } free(arg); } } void adminCmdTest(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { info("Test command launched."); size_t memSize; void *memory = dumpToMem( "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile] E9 0C 73 2A 86 02 35 00 A2 4E 00 00 02 01 05 00 | ..s*..5..N......\n" "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile] 4E 61 6D 65 00 0C 00 44 61 72 6B 48 6F 72 69 7A | Name...DarkHoriz\n" "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile] 6F 6E 00 04 00 57 68 6F 00 0A 00 4C 6F 74 68 62 | on...Who...Lothb\n" "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile] 72 6F 6F 6B 00 | rook." , NULL, &memSize ); zmsg_add(replyMsg, zframe_new(memory, memSize)); } void adminCmdWhere(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { const uint16_t MAX_LEN = 128; char message[MAX_LEN]; PositionXYZ position; position = session->; snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "[%hu] x = %.0f, y = %.0f, z = %.0f", session->game.commanderSession.mapId, position.x, position.y, position.z); zoneBuilderChat(&session->, message, replyMsg); } void adminCmdChangeCamera(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { const uint16_t MAX_LEN = 128; char message[MAX_LEN]; PositionXYZ pos; float fspd; float ispd; info("Change Camera command used, args = %s", args); if (strlen (args) == 0) { pos.x = 0; pos.y = 0; pos.z = 0; zoneBuilderChangeCamera((uint8_t)0, &pos, (float)0, (float)0, replyMsg); } else { char **arg; int argc; arg = strSplit(args, ' '); argc = 0; while (arg[++argc] != NULL); if (argc >= 3) { pos.x = (strlen(arg[0]) == 1 && arg[0][0] == 'c') ? session-> : atof(arg[0]); pos.y = (strlen(arg[1]) == 1 && arg[1][0] == 'c') ? session-> : atof(arg[1]); pos.z = (strlen(arg[2]) == 1 && arg[2][0] == 'c') ? session-> : atof(arg[2]); } if (argc == 3) zoneBuilderChangeCamera((uint8_t)1, &pos, (float)10, (float)0.7, replyMsg); else if (argc == 5) { fspd = atof(arg[3]); ispd = atof(arg[4]); zoneBuilderChangeCamera((uint8_t)1, &pos, fspd, ispd, replyMsg); } else { snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Bad usage /changeCamera <x> <y> <z> {<fspd> <ispd>}"); zoneBuilderChat(&session->, message, replyMsg); } free(arg); } } void adminCmdSetStamina(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { if (strlen (args) == 0) { info("Set stamina needs a argument!"); } else { char **arg; int argc; info("Set stamina with argument: %s", args); arg = strSplit(args, ' '); argc = 0; while (arg[++argc] != NULL); if (argc != 1) { info("Wrong number of arguments, must be 1."); } else { uint32_t stamina = atoi(arg[0]) * 1000; info("Setting stamina to %d.", stamina); session-> = stamina; zoneBuilderStamina(stamina, replyMsg); } free(arg); } } void adminCmdSetSP(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { if (strlen (args) == 0) { info("Set SP needs a argument!"); } else { char **arg; int argc; info("Set SP with argument: %s", args); arg = strSplit(args, ' '); argc = 0; while (arg[++argc] != NULL); if (argc != 1) { info("Wrong number of arguments, must be 1."); } else { uint32_t sp = atoi(arg[0]); info("Setting SP to %d.", sp); session-> = sp; zoneBuilderUpdateSP(session->, sp, replyMsg); } free(arg); } } void adminCmdSetLevel(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { if (strlen (args) == 0) { info("Set level needs a argument!"); } else { char **arg; int argc; info("Set level with argument: %s", args); arg = strSplit(args, ' '); argc = 0; while (arg[++argc] != NULL); if (argc != 1) { info("Wrong number of arguments, must be 1."); } else { uint32_t level = atoi(arg[0]); info("Setting level to %d.", level); session-> = level; zoneBuilderPCLevelUp(session->, level, replyMsg); } free(arg); } }
void adminCmdSpawnPc(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { // add a fake commander with a fake account Commander fakePc; commanderInit(&fakePc); fakePc.pos = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pos; fakePc.dir = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->dir; fakePc.accountId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed); fakePc.socialInfoId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed); fakePc.pcId = r1emuGenerateRandom(&self->seed); fakePc.commanderId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed); snprintf(fakePc.familyName, sizeof(fakePc.familyName), "PcID_%x", fakePc.pcId); snprintf(fakePc.commanderName, sizeof(fakePc.commanderName), "AccountID_%llx", fakePc.accountId); // register the fake socket session SocketSession fakeSocketSession; uint32_t sessionKey = r1emuGenerateRandom(&self->seed); uint8_t sessionKeyStr[SOCKET_SESSION_ID_SIZE]; socketSessionGenSessionKey((uint8_t *)&sessionKey, sessionKeyStr); sprintf(sessionKeyStr, "%.08x", sessionKey); socketSessionInit(&fakeSocketSession, fakePc.accountId, self->info.routerId, session->socket.mapId, sessionKeyStr, true); RedisSocketSessionKey socketKey = { .routerId = self->info.routerId, .sessionKey = sessionKeyStr }; redisUpdateSocketSession(self->redis, &socketKey, &fakeSocketSession); // register the fake game session GameSession fakeGameSession; gameSessionInit(&fakeGameSession, &fakePc); accountSessionInit(&fakeGameSession.accountSession, "DummyPC", sessionKeyStr, ACCOUNT_SESSION_PRIVILEGES_ADMIN); RedisGameSessionKey gameKey = { .routerId = fakeSocketSession.routerId, .mapId = fakeSocketSession.mapId, .accountId = fakeSocketSession.accountId }; redisUpdateGameSession(self->redis, &gameKey, sessionKeyStr, &fakeGameSession); info("Fake PC spawned.(SocketID=%s, SocialID=%I64x, AccID=%I64x, PcID=%x, CommID=%I64x)", sessionKeyStr, fakePc.socialInfoId, fakePc.accountId, fakePc.pcId, fakePc.commanderId); GameEventEnterPc event = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = fakeSocketSession.mapId, .commander = fakePc } }; workerDispatchEvent(self, sessionKeyStr, EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_PC, &event, sizeof(event)); } void adminCmdAddItem(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { Item *newItem = NULL; ItemId_t itemId = strtol(args, &args, 10); args++; ItemAmount_t amount = strtol(args, &args, 10); amount = amount ? amount : 1; // Create new item if (!(newItem = itemFactoryCreate(itemId, amount))) { error("Item ID = %d is invalid.", itemId); return; } Inventory *inventory = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory; inventoryAddItem(inventory, newItem); ItemCategory_t itemCategory = itemGetCategory(newItem); ActorId_t actorId = actorGetUId(newItem); dbg("itemCategory %d", itemCategory); ItemInventoryIndex_t inventoryIndex = inventoryGetBagIndexByActorId(inventory, itemCategory, actorId); dbg("inventoryIndex %d", inventoryIndex); zoneBuilderItemAdd(newItem, inventoryIndex, INVENTORY_ADD_PICKUP, replyMsg); } void adminCmdAddSkill(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { SkillId_t skillId = strtol(args, &args, 10); args++; SkillLevel_t level = strtol(args, &args, 10); skillId = skillId ? skillId : 40001; // Heal level = level ? level : 1; SkillsManager *skillsManager = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->skillsManager; /* Item *newItem = itemFactoryCreate(itemId, amount); skillsManagerAddskill(skillsManager, newItem); ItemCategory_t itemCategory = itemGetCategory(newItem); ActorId_t actorId = actorGetUId(newItem); dbg("itemCategory %d", itemCategory); ItemInventoryIndex_t inventoryIndex = inventoryGetBagIndexByActorId(inventory, itemCategory, actorId); dbg("inventoryIndex %d", inventoryIndex); */ zoneBuilderSkillAdd(skillId, replyMsg); }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerConnect( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint32_t unk1; uint64_t accountId; uint64_t zoneServerId; uint8_t login[ACCOUNT_SESSION_LOGIN_MAXSIZE]; uint8_t unk4; uint32_t zoneServerIndex; uint16_t unk3; uint8_t channelListId; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) // TODO : Reverse CZ_CONNECT correctly // CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_CONNECT); // Get the Game Session that the Barrack Server moved RedisGameSessionKey gameKey = { .routerId = self->info.routerId, .mapId = -1, .accountId = clientPacket->accountId }; if (!(redisGetGameSession(self->redis, &gameKey, &session->game))) { error("Cannot retrieve the game session."); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } // Check the client packet here(authentication) if (strncmp(session->game.accountSession.login, clientPacket->login, sizeof(session->game.accountSession.login)) != 0) { error("Wrong account authentication.(clientPacket account = <%s>, Session account = <%s>", clientPacket->login, session->game.accountSession.login); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } // Authentication OK ! // Update the Socket Session socketSessionInit(&session->socket, clientPacket->accountId, self->info.routerId, session->game.commanderSession.mapId, session->socket.sessionKey, true ); // Move the game Session to the current mapId RedisGameSessionKey fromKey = { .routerId = session->socket.routerId, .mapId = -1, .accountId = session->socket.accountId }; RedisGameSessionKey toKey = { .routerId = session->socket.routerId, .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .accountId = session->socket.accountId }; if (!(redisMoveGameSession(self->redis, &fromKey, &toKey))) { error("Cannot move the game session to the current mapId."); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pos = PositionXYZ_decl(76.0f, 1.0f, 57.0f); zoneBuilderConnectOk( session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, 0, // GameMode 0, // accountPrivileges &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander, // Current commander replyMsg ); return PACKET_HANDLER_UPDATE_SESSION; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerJump( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_JUMP); // Notify the players around GameEventJump event = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .commanderInfo = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander }, .height = COMMANDER_HEIGHT_JUMP }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_JUMP, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerOnAir( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { warning("CZ_ON_AIR not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerOnGround( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { warning("CZ_ON_GROUND not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerGameReady( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { // CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_GAME_READY); CommanderInfo *commanderInfo = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander; zoneBuilderItemInventoryList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderSessionObjects(replyMsg); zoneBuilderOptionList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderSkillmapList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderAchievePointList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderChatMacroList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderUiInfoList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNpcStateList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderHelpList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderMyPageMap(replyMsg); zoneBuilderGuestPageMap(replyMsg); zoneBuilderStartInfo(replyMsg); zoneBuilderItemEquipList(replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_skillList(commanderInfo->pcId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderAbilityList(commanderInfo->pcId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderCooldownList(commanderInfo->socialInfoId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderQuickSlotList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk1(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk2(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk3(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk4(commanderInfo->socialInfoId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk5(replyMsg); zoneBuilderStartGame(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, replyMsg); /* ZoneBuilder_objectProperty(replyMsg); ZoneBuilder_stamina(replyMsg); */ zoneBuilderLoginTime(replyMsg); zoneBuilderMyPCEnter(&commanderInfo->pos, replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_skillAdd(replyMsg); // Notify players around that a new PC has entered GameEventEnterPc pcEnterEvent = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .commanderInfo = *commanderInfo } }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_PC, &pcEnterEvent, sizeof(pcEnterEvent)); // zoneBuilderEnterPc(&pcEnterEvent.updatePosEvent.commanderInfo, replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_buffList(commanderInfo->base.pcId, replyMsg); // add NPC at the start screen // ZoneBuilder_enterMonster(replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_faction(replyMsg); /* ZoneBuilder_normalUnk6( commanderInfo->base.commanderName, replyMsg ); ZoneBuilder_normalUnk7( session->socket.accountId, session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.base.pcId, session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.base.familyName, session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.base.commanderName, replyMsg ); ZoneBuilder_jobPts(replyMsg); ZoneBuilder_normalUnk9(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.base.pcId, replyMsg); ZoneBuilder_addonMsg(replyMsg); */ zoneBuilderMoveSpeed(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, 31.0f, replyMsg); return PACKET_HANDLER_UPDATE_SESSION; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerRestSit( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { // This packet is actually empty } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_REST_SIT); // notify the players around GameEventRestSit event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_REST_SIT, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerSkillGround( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; uint32_t skillId; uint32_t unk2; PositionXYZ pos1; PositionXYZ pos2; float unk3; uint32_t unk4; uint32_t unk5; uint8_t unk6; uint8_t unk7; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_SKILL_GROUND); /* CzSkillGroundPacket : u1 skillId unk2 x y z x2 y2 z2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 00 419C0000 00000000 DAFD24C4 74768243 1B77F1C3 DAFD24C4 74768243 1B77F1C3 FFFF7FBF 0020B539 00000000 00 01 00 419C0000 00000000 720344C4 74768243 2178F6C3 720344C4 74768243 2178F6C3 F30435BF F40435BF 00000000 00 01 00 419C0000 00000000 C9EC91C4 74768243 17060AC4 C9EC91C4 74768243 17060AC4 FFFF7F3F 0020B5B9 00000000 00 00 00 429C0000 00000000 5A00FAC3 1F7CA143 B1D3E843 5A00FAC3 1F7CA143 B1D3E843 EE04353F F60435BF 00000000 00 00 00 439C0000 00000000 1E43FFC3 1F7CA143 E130D443 1E43FFC3 1F7CA143 E130D443 EF04353F F80435BF 00000000 00 00 */ zoneBuilderPlayAni(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk8( session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.pcId, replyMsg ); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerCampInfo( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint64_t accountId; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_CAMPINFO); zoneBuilderCampInfo(session->socket.accountId, replyMsg); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerItemUse( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { warning("CZ_ITEM_USE not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerHeadRotate( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_HEAD_ROTATE); // notify the players around GameEventHeadRotate event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pcId, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_HEAD_ROTATE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerRotate( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_ROTATE); // notify the players around GameEventRotate event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pcId, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_ROTATE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerPose( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint32_t poseId; PositionXYZ position; PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_POSE); // notify the players around GameEventPose event = { .pcId = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pcId, .poseId = clientPacket->poseId, .position = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pos, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_POSE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerDashRun( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { /*#pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_DASHRUN); zoneBuilderMoveSpeed(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pcId, 38.0f, replyMsg);*/ warning("CZ_DASHRUN not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerItemDelete( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint16_t unk1; uint32_t unk2; uint64_t itemId; uint64_t unk3; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_ITEM_DELETE); // Delete item from inventory Inventory *inventory = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory; Item *item; if (inventoryGetItemByItemId(inventory, clientPacket->itemId, &item)) { inventoryRemoveItem(&session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory, item); } else { error("Item not found in inventory"); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } ///TODO uint8_t removalType = 3; // Destroyed uint8_t inventoryType = 0; // 0 (Inventory) , 1 (warehouse) zoneBuilderItemRemove(item, removalType, inventoryType,replyMsg); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerSwapEtcInvChangeIndex( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t inventoryType; uint64_t itemId1; uint32_t inventoryIndex1; uint64_t itemId2; uint32_t inventoryIndex2; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_SWAP_ETC_INV_CHANGE_INDEX); // Delete item from inventory Inventory *inventory = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory; Item *item1; Item *item2; if (!inventoryGetItemByItemId(inventory, clientPacket->itemId1, &item1)) { error("Item1 not found in inventory"); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } if (!inventoryGetItemByItemId(inventory, clientPacket->itemId2, &item2)) { error("Item2 not found in inventory"); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } if (!inventorySwapItems(inventory, &item1, &item2)) { error("Error when swapping items in inventory"); return PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; } // No packet in return? return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerConnect( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { PacketHandlerState status = PACKET_HANDLER_ERROR; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint32_t unk1; uint64_t accountId; uint64_t zoneServerId; uint8_t accountName[ACCOUNT_SESSION_ACCOUNT_NAME_MAXSIZE]; uint8_t unk4; uint32_t zoneServerIndex; uint16_t unk3; uint8_t channelListId; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) dbg("zoneHandlerConnect"); dbg("unk1 %x", clientPacket->unk1); dbg("accountId %d", clientPacket->accountId); dbg("zoneServerId %d", clientPacket->zoneServerId); dbg("zoneServerIndex %d", clientPacket->zoneServerIndex); dbg("unk3 %x", clientPacket->unk3); dbg("unk4 %x", clientPacket->unk4); dbg("channelListId %d", clientPacket->channelListId); dbg("accountName %s", clientPacket->accountName); // TODO : Reverse CZ_CONNECT correctly // CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_CONNECT); GameSession tmpGameSession; AccountSession *tmpAccountSession = &tmpGameSession.accountSession; CommanderSession *tmpCommanderSession = &tmpGameSession.commanderSession; // TODO : Get the account session from Db. RedisAccountSessionKey accountKey = { .routerId = self->info.routerId, .mapId = SOCKET_SESSION_UNDEFINED_MAP, .accountId = clientPacket->accountId }; if (!(redisGetAccountSession(self->redis, &accountKey, tmpAccountSession))) { error("Cannot retrieve the account session."); goto cleanup; } // Check the client packet here (authentication) // TODO improve it if (strncmp(tmpAccountSession->accountName, clientPacket->accountName, sizeof(tmpAccountSession->accountName)) != 0) { error("Wrong account authentication. (clientPacket account = <%s>, Session account = <%s>", clientPacket->accountName, tmpAccountSession->accountName); goto cleanup; } // === Authentication OK ! === // Get list of Commanders for this AccountId size_t commandersCount; if (!(mySqlLoadAccountCommanders(self->sqlConn, tmpAccountSession, clientPacket->accountId, &commandersCount))) { error("Cannot load commanders."); goto cleanup; } // FIXME : Determine how to get the correct commander in the commander array tmpCommanderSession->currentCommander = commanderDup(tmpAccountSession->commanders[0]); // Get the Game Session that the Barrack Server moved // TODO : Should be replaced by Db RedisGameSessionKey gameKey = accountKey; if (!(redisGetGameSession(self->redis, &gameKey, &tmpGameSession))) { error("Cannot retrieve the game session."); goto cleanup; } // Update the Socket Session socketSessionInit(&session->socket, clientPacket->accountId, self->info.routerId, tmpCommanderSession->currentCommander->mapId, session->socket.sessionKey, true ); // Move the game Session to the current mapId RedisGameSessionKey fromKey = { .routerId = session->socket.routerId, .mapId = -1, .accountId = session->socket.accountId }; RedisGameSessionKey toKey = { .routerId = session->socket.routerId, .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .accountId = session->socket.accountId }; // TODO : Should be replaced by Db if (!(redisMoveGameSession(self->redis, &fromKey, &toKey))) { error("Cannot move the game session to the current mapId."); goto cleanup; } // FIXME // Set a default position tmpCommanderSession->currentCommander->pos = PositionXYZ_decl(76.0f, 1.0f, 57.0f); // Update the session session->game = tmpGameSession; // Build a reply packet zoneBuilderConnectOk( 0, // GameMode 0, // accountPrivileges session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander, replyMsg ); status = PACKET_HANDLER_UPDATE_SESSION; cleanup: return status; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerJump( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_JUMP); // Notify the players around GameEventJump event = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .commander = *session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander }, .height = COMMANDER_HEIGHT_JUMP }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_JUMP, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerOnAir( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { warning("CZ_ON_AIR not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerOnGround( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { warning("CZ_ON_GROUND not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerGameReady( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { // CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_GAME_READY); Commander *commander = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander; /// TESTING PURPOSES /* Inventory *inventory = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory; Item items[20]; items[0].itemId = 1111; items[0].itemType = 645001; items[0].amount = 5003; items[0].itemCategory = INVENTORY_CAT_CONSUMABLE; items[0].inventoryIndex = 1; //items[0].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[0]); items[1].itemId = 2222; items[1].itemType = 640026; items[1].amount = 5; items[1].itemCategory = INVENTORY_CAT_CONSUMABLE; items[1].inventoryIndex = 2; //items[1].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[1]); items[2].itemId = 3333; items[2].itemType = 531102; items[2].amount = 1; items[2].itemCategory = INVENTORY_CAT_ARMOR; //items[2].equipSlot = EQSLOT_BODY_ARMOR; //items[2].attributes = itemAttributesNew(4200, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[2]); items[3].itemId = 4444; items[3].itemType = 531101; items[3].amount = 1; items[3].itemCategory = INVENTORY_CAT_ARMOR; //items[3].equipSlot = EQSLOT_BODY_ARMOR; //items[3].attributes = itemAttributesNew(4200, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[3]); inventoryPrintBag(inventory, INVENTORY_CAT_CONSUMABLE); inventoryPrintBag(inventory, INVENTORY_CAT_ARMOR); inventoryRemoveItem(inventory, &items[1]); inventoryPrintBag(inventory, INVENTORY_CAT_CONSUMABLE); */ zoneBuilderItemInventoryList(&session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory, replyMsg); zoneBuilderSessionObjects(replyMsg); zoneBuilderOptionList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderSkillmapList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderAchievePointList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderChatMacroList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderUiInfoList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNpcStateList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderHelpList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderMyPageMap(replyMsg); zoneBuilderGuestPageMap(replyMsg); zoneBuilderStartInfo(replyMsg); /// FOR TESTIG PURPOSES /* Inventory *inventory = &session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory; Item items[20]; items[0].itemId = 1111; items[0].itemType = 2; items[0].amount = 1; items[0].equipSlot = EQSLOT_HEAD_TOP; items[0].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[0]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[0].itemId, EQSLOT_HEAD_TOP); items[1].itemId = 2222; items[1].itemType = 2; items[1].amount = 1; items[1].equipSlot = EQSLOT_HEAD_MIDDLE; items[1].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[1]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[1].itemId, EQSLOT_HEAD_MIDDLE); items[2].itemId = 3333; items[2].itemType = 4; items[2].amount = 1; items[2].equipSlot = EQSLOT_UNKOWN1; items[2].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[2]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[2].itemId, EQSLOT_UNKOWN1); items[3].itemId = 4444; items[3].itemType = 531101; items[3].amount = 1; items[3].equipSlot = EQSLOT_BODY_ARMOR; items[3].attributes = itemAttributesNew(4200, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[3]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[3].itemId, EQSLOT_BODY_ARMOR); items[4].itemId = 5555; items[4].itemType = 6; items[4].amount = 1; items[4].equipSlot = EQSLOT_GLOVES; items[4].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[4]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[4].itemId, EQSLOT_GLOVES); items[5].itemId = 6666; items[5].itemType = 7; items[5].amount = 1; items[5].equipSlot = EQSLOT_BOOTS; items[5].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[5]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[5].itemId, EQSLOT_BOOTS); items[6].itemId = 7777; items[6].itemType = 10000; items[6].amount = 1; items[6].equipSlot = EQSLOT_HELMET; items[6].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[6]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[6].itemId, EQSLOT_HELMET); items[7].itemId = 8888; items[7].itemType = 11000; items[7].amount = 1; items[7].equipSlot = EQSLOT_BRACELET; items[7].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[7]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[7].itemId, EQSLOT_BRACELET); items[8].itemId = 9999; items[8].itemType = 9999996; items[8].amount = 1; items[8].equipSlot = EQSLOT_WEAPON; items[8].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[8]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[8].itemId, EQSLOT_WEAPON); items[9].itemId = 101010; items[9].itemType = 9999996; items[9].amount = 1; items[9].equipSlot = EQSLOT_SHIELD; items[9].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[9]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[9].itemId, EQSLOT_SHIELD); items[10].itemId = 101011; items[10].itemType = 4; items[10].amount = 1; items[10].equipSlot = EQSLOT_COSTUME; items[10].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[10]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[10].itemId, EQSLOT_COSTUME); items[11].itemId = 111111; items[11].itemType = 9; items[11].amount = 1; items[11].equipSlot = EQSLOT_UNKOWN3; items[11].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[11]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[11].itemId, EQSLOT_UNKOWN3); items[12].itemId = 121212; items[12].itemType = 9; items[12].amount = 1; items[12].equipSlot = EQSLOT_UNKOWN4; items[12].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[12]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[12].itemId, EQSLOT_UNKOWN4); items[13].itemId = 131313; items[13].itemType = 4; items[13].amount = 1; items[13].equipSlot = EQSLOT_UNKOWN5; items[13].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[13]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[13].itemId, EQSLOT_UNKOWN5); items[14].itemId = 141414; items[14].itemType = 8; items[14].amount = 1; items[14].equipSlot = EQSLOT_LEG_ARMOR; items[14].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[14]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[14].itemId, EQSLOT_LEG_ARMOR); items[15].itemId = 161616; items[15].itemType = 9; items[15].amount = 1; items[15].equipSlot = EQSLOT_UNKOWN6; items[15].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[15]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[15].itemId, EQSLOT_UNKOWN6); items[16].itemId = 171717; items[16].itemType = 9; items[16].amount = 1; items[16].equipSlot = EQSLOT_UNKOWN7; items[16].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[16]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[16].itemId, EQSLOT_UNKOWN7); items[17].itemId = 181818; items[17].itemType = 9; items[17].amount = 1; items[17].equipSlot = EQSLOT_RIGHT_LEFT; items[17].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[17]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[17].itemId, EQSLOT_RIGHT_LEFT); items[18].itemId = 191919; items[18].itemType = 9; items[18].amount = 1; items[18].equipSlot = EQSLOT_RIGHT_RIGHT; items[18].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[18]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[18].itemId, EQSLOT_RIGHT_RIGHT); items[19].itemId = 202020; items[19].itemType = 10; items[19].amount = 1; items[19].equipSlot = EQSLOT_NECKLACE; items[19].attributes = itemAttributesNew(0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); inventoryAddItem(inventory, &items[19]); inventoryEquipItem(inventory, items[19].itemId, EQSLOT_NECKLACE); inventoryPrintEquipment(inventory); */ zoneBuilderItemEquipList(&session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->inventory, replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_skillList(commander->pcId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderAbilityList(commander->pcId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderCooldownList(commander->socialInfoId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderQuickSlotList(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk1(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk2(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk3(replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk4(commander->socialInfoId, replyMsg); zoneBuilderNormalUnk5(replyMsg); zoneBuilderStartGame(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, replyMsg); /* ZoneBuilder_objectProperty(replyMsg); ZoneBuilder_stamina(replyMsg); */ zoneBuilderLoginTime(replyMsg); zoneBuilderMyPCEnter(&commander->pos, replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_skillAdd(replyMsg); // Notify players around that a new PC has entered GameEventEnterPc pcEnterEvent = { .updatePosEvent = { .mapId = session->socket.mapId, .commander = *commander } }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_PC, &pcEnterEvent, sizeof(pcEnterEvent)); // zoneBuilderEnterPc(&, replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_buffList(commander->appearance.pcId, replyMsg); // add NPC at the start screen // ZoneBuilder_enterMonster(replyMsg); // ZoneBuilder_faction(replyMsg); /* ZoneBuilder_normalUnk6( commander->appearance.commanderName, replyMsg ); ZoneBuilder_normalUnk7( session->socket.accountId, session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->appearance.pcId, session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->appearance.familyName, session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->appearance.commanderName, replyMsg ); ZoneBuilder_jobPts(replyMsg); ZoneBuilder_normalUnk9(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->appearance.pcId, replyMsg); ZoneBuilder_addonMsg(replyMsg); */ zoneBuilderMoveSpeed(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander->pcId, 31.0f, replyMsg); return PACKET_HANDLER_UPDATE_SESSION; }
static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerHeadRotate( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_HEAD_ROTATE); // notify the players around GameEventHeadRotate event = { .pcId = session->, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_HEAD_ROTATE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerRotate( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_ROTATE); // notify the players around GameEventRotate event = { .pcId = session->, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_ROTATE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerPose( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint32_t poseId; PositionXYZ position; PositionXZ direction; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_POSE); // notify the players around GameEventPose event = { .pcId = session->, .poseId = clientPacket->poseId, .position = session->, .direction = clientPacket->direction }; workerDispatchEvent(self, session->socket.sessionKey, EVENT_TYPE_POSE, &event, sizeof(event)); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; } static PacketHandlerState zoneHandlerDashRun( Worker *self, Session *session, uint8_t *packet, size_t packetSize, zmsg_t *replyMsg) { /*#pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t unk1; } *clientPacket = (void *) packet; #pragma pack(pop) CHECK_CLIENT_PACKET_SIZE(*clientPacket, packetSize, CZ_DASHRUN); zoneBuilderMoveSpeed(session->, 38.0f, replyMsg);*/ warning("CZ_DASHRUN not implemented yet."); return PACKET_HANDLER_OK; }